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To identify Fusarium species associated with diseases of root and basal plate of onion, surveys were conducted in seven provinces of Turkey in 2007. Samplings were performed in 223 fields, and 332 isolates belonging to 7 Fusarium spp. were obtained. The isolates were identified as Foxysporum, Fsolani, Facuminatum, Fequiseti, Fproliferatum, Fredolens, and Fculmorum based on morphological and cultural characteristics. Also, species‐specific primers were used to confirm the identity of Fusarium species. Foxysporum was the most commonly isolated species, comprising 66.57% of the total Fusarium species. Fredolens was identified for the first time in onion‐growing areas of Turkey. Selected isolates of each species were evaluated for their aggressiveness on onion plant. Foxysporum, Fsolani, Facuminatum, Fproliferatum, and Fredolens were highly pathogenic, causing severe damping‐off on onion plants cv. Texas Early Grano. Inter‐simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers revealed a high degree of intra‐ and interspecific polymorphisms among Fusarium spp.  相似文献   
Although doxycycline is active against Burkholderia pseudomallei and has been used in the eradication stage of melioidosis therapy, it is not regularly used during the initial intensive phase. In order to assess its potential use in intensive phase therapy, we investigated in vitro pharmacodynamic activity of doxycycline and β-lactams alone and in combination against four Malaysian strains of B. pseudomallei. Using a checkerboard assay, the combinations of doxycycline and imipenem, doxycycline and ceftazidime, and doxycycline and amoxicillin–clavulanate tested against four strains showed indifferent effects with summation fractional inhibitory concentration values ranging from 0.62 to 2.12. Time-kill experiments also indicated that the combinations of doxycycline/β-lactam antibiotics against four tested strains did not fulfil synergy criteria, in which all combinations showed indifferent effects with ? 1.36 to 1.26-log CFU/mL compared to the most active monotherapy regimen in each combination. No re-growth of bacteria was detected after the early killing in doxycycline/β-lactam combination regimens compared to β-lactam monotherapy regimens, in which 9 out of 10 were associated with re-growth of bacteria. As no synergistic activity was observed, this in vitro study showed that doxycycline offers no additional benefit to be used in combination with β-lactams in the intensive phase of therapy.  相似文献   
A new species of entomopathogenic nematode (EPN), Steinernema biddulphi n. sp., was isolated from a maize field in Senekal, Free State Province of South Africa. Morphological and molecular studies indicated the distinctness of S. biddulphi n. sp. from other Steinernema species. Steinernema biddulphi n. sp. is characterized IJs with average body length of 663 μm (606–778 μm), lateral fields with six ridges in mid-body region forming the formula 2,6,2. Excretory pore located anterior to mid-pharynx (D% = 46). Hyaline layer occupies approximately half of tail length. Male spicules slightly to moderately curved, with a sharp tip and golden brown in color. The first generation of males lacking a mucron on the tail tip while the second generation males with a short filamentous mucron. Genital papillae with 11 pairs and one unpaired preanal papilla. The new species is further characterized by sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial 28S regions (D2-D3) of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA). Phylogenetic data show that S. biddulphi n. sp. belongs to the “bicornutum” clade within the Steinernematidae family.  相似文献   
Danaus chrysippus (L.) in Africa comprises four substantially isolated semispecies that are migratory and hybridize on a seasonal basis throughout the eastern and central part of the continent. In the hybrid zone (but not elsewhere), the butterfly is commonly host to a male killing endosymbiotic bacterium, Spiroplasma sp., which principally infects one semispecies, Danaus chrysippus chrysippus in Kenya. A W‐autosome mutation, inherited strictly matrilinearly, links B and C colour gene loci, which have thus gained sex‐linkage in chrysippus. We have monitored variation in sex ratio and genotype at the A and C colour gene loci for two extended periods of 18 months (2004–5) and 12 months (2009–10) in adults reared from wild eggs laid on trap plants in Kasarani, near Nairobi, Kenya. Additionally, in 2009–10, all surviving adult butterflies were screened for Spiroplasma infection. The hybridizing Kasarani population is highly atypical in three respects, and has apparently been so for some 30 years: first, the sex ratio is permanently female‐biased (as expected), although subject to seasonal fluctuation, being lowest (male/female) when D. c. chrysippus (cc) peaks and highest when Danaus chrysippus dorippus (CC) predominates; second, the population is invariably dominated by Cc heterozygotes of both sexes but especially females; and third, cc males are always scarce because they are systematically eliminated by male killing, whereas the CC genotype is male‐biased. It is this imbalance of sex versus genotype that determines the massive departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the population, in part because cc females have little choice but to pair with C‐ males. We suggest that: first, Cc hybrids of both sexes fail to disperse in the company of either parental semispecies; second, Spiroplasma positive females carrying the W‐autosome mutation have a selective advantage over females that lack the translocation; third, the endoparasite and the translocation create a ‘magic trait’ linkage group that underlies hologenomic reproductive isolation between two emerging species, D. c. chrysippus and D. c. dorippus; and, fourth, that the predominance of males in dorippus suggests that individuals must be protected by a male‐killing suppressor gene. By contrast to the C locus, Aa heterozygotes are in substantial and permanent deficit, suggesting either assortative mating between AA (chrysippus and dorippus) and aa (Danaus chrysippus alcippus), or heterozygote unfitness, or both. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 92–109.  相似文献   
Salinity stress is a major threat to global food production and its intensity is continuously increasing because of anthropogenic activities. Wheat is a staple food and a source of carbohydrates and calories for the majority of people across the globe. However, wheat productivity is adversely affected by salt stress, which is associated with a reduction in germination, growth, altered reproductive behavior and enzymatic activity, disrupted photosynthesis, hormonal imbalance, oxidative stress, and yield reductions. Thus, a better understanding of wheat (plant) behavior to salinity stress has essential implications to devise counter and alleviation measures to cope with salt stress. Different approaches including the selection of suitable cultivars, conventional breeding, and molecular techniques can be used for facing salt stress tolerance. However, these techniques are tedious, costly, and labor-intensive. Management practices are still helpful to improve the wheat performance under salinity stress. Use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, and exogenous application of phytohormones, seed priming, and nutrient management are important tools to improve wheat performance under salinity stress. In this paper, we discussed the effect of salinity stress on the wheat crop, possible mechanisms to deal with salinity stress, and management options to improve wheat performance under salinity conditions.  相似文献   
Iron is an indispensable element for vital activities in almost all living organisms. It is also a cofactor for many proteins, enzymes, and other essential complex biochemical processes. Therefore, iron trafficking is firmly regulated by Hepcidin (Hamp), which is regarded as the marker for iron accumulation. The disruption of iron homeostasis leads to oxidative stress that causes various human diseases, but this mechanism is still unclear. The aim of this study is to provide a better in vivo and in vitro understanding of how long‐term iron overload affects the gene expression and activities of some antioxidant enzymes, such as glucose 6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), and glutathione reductase (GR) in the spleen. The findings of this study show that iron overload reduces the gene expression of G6pd, 6pgd, and Gr, but its actual effect was on the protein level.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the levels of trace elements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Cd), major elements (Ca and K), phytohormones (trans-Zeatin [t-Z] and gibberellic acid [GA]), and sugars (sucrose and glucose) following inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain. The results of the trace elements analysis showed that Fe (in the first, fourth, eighth, and tenth study days), Cd (in the fourth, eighth, and tenth study days), Cu (in the fourth and eighth study days), and Zn (in the eighth and tenth study days) increased in bacterium-infected tomato plants, compared to healthy plants. The levels of Pb, Ca, and K did not meaningfully determine a change after inoculation with pathogen. In this vein, the increase accumulation rates of Cu, Zn, and Fe in the injured plants can be an important indicator for the plant defense processes towards pathogen attack. Furthermore, in the first, fourth, eighth, and tenth study days, the glucose and sucrose contents crucially decreased in bacterium-infected plants compared to the control groups. The lowest level of sucrose in bacterium-infected plants was observed on the first day. The findings displayed that, when endogenous t-Z levels did not change after inoculation with virulent bacterium strain, there was a reduction in the first, fourth, eighth, and tenth days in the level of GA when compared with the control group levels. Therefore, there may be a link between lower GA level and enhancement in the expression of defense-related genes. The results of this study showed that there are complex relationships among levels of sugar, trace element, and endogenous phytohormone in the regulation of defense mechanisms against bacterial pathogen attacks.  相似文献   
The kinetics of the uptake and efflux of 3-O-methyl-glucose in sporidia of Ustilago maydis were measured, both in active cells and in cells whose metabolic activity had been inhibited by azide and iodoacetate.The de-energized transport system proved to be carrier mediated with apparent affinity constants 13 ± 2 mM outside (K0) and 18 ± 2 mM inside (K1). The apparent maximum rate constants for the same system were 0.66 ± 0.05 mmol/l cell water per min for uptake (V+ and 0.53 ± 0.04 mmol/l cell water per min for efflux (V-. For the active system K0 = 0.08 ± 0.01, K1 > 40, V+ = 9.7 ± 0.5 and V 1.1 ± 0.9 (in equivalent units). These results are discussed in the context of the carrier mechanism as proposed by Regen and Morgan (Regen, D.M. and Morgan, H.E. (1964) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 79, 151–166).The antifungal compound carboxin had no effect on de-energized transport but was shown to decrease both K0 and V+ in the active system. Phloretin and phlorizin were also found to be without effect on de-energized cells but the former enhanced while the latter inhibited active uptake.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To investigate whether caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) and cortisone prevent proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). METHODS: Twenty pigmented rabbits were used in this study. All rabbits except controls received an intravitreal injection of 0.15 ml (75,000 U) of platelet-rich plasma into their left eye. The animals were divided into four groups: group I was treated with intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 ml (15 micromol/kg) of CAPE for 3 days, group II received 0.15 ml (4 mg/kg) of intravitreal cortisone, group III received nothing (blank group), and group IV (control group) received only 1 ml of 1% ethanol intraperitoneally daily for 3 days. Proliferative changes were graded in a masked fashion by indirect ophthalmoscopy for a 15-day follow-up period. The malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and total nitrite (NO) levels were measured in the vitreous humor. RESULTS: The grades of PVR were B-C in group I, and C-D in group II. The PVR grade in the control group was C-D. The mean MDA level in group I (4.0+/-0.8 micromol/l) was significantly lower than in the blank group (6.0 micromol/l) (p < 0.05). The mean GSH level in group I (71.0+/-11.2 micromol/l) was significantly different than in the blank group (p < 0.05). The MDA and GSH levels in group II were 4.7+/-0.6 micromol/l and 53.8+/-7.8 micromol/l, respectively. Both these levels were not significantly different from the blank group (p > 0.05). The NO levels in both treatment groups were significantly lower than in the blank group (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest an inhibitory effect of CAPE on PVR. The inhibitory effect was supported by lower MDA and NO with higher GSH levels in treatment groups than in the blank group. There was no detected significant effect of cortisone for preventing PVR experimentally.  相似文献   
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