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Binding of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) to the amino-terminal region of IP(3) receptor promotes Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum. Within the amino terminus, the first 220 residues directly preceding the IP(3) binding core domain play a key role in IP(3) binding suppression and regulatory protein interaction. Here we present a crystal structure of the suppressor domain of the mouse type 1 IP(3) receptor at 1.8 A. Displaying a shape akin to a hammer, the suppressor region contains a Head subdomain forming the beta-trefoil fold and an Arm subdomain possessing a helix-turn-helix structure. The conserved region on the Head subdomain appeared to interact with the IP(3) binding core domain and is in close proximity to the previously proposed binding sites of Homer, RACK1, calmodulin, and CaBP1. The present study sheds light onto the mechanism underlying the receptor's sensitivity to the ligand and its communication with cellular signaling proteins.  相似文献   
Methyl mercaptan is derived from l-methionine by the action of l-methionine-alpha-deamino-gamma-mercaptomethane lyase (METase) and is a major component of oral malodor. This compound is highly toxic and is thought to play an important role in periodontal disease. We found that Treponema denticola, a member of the subgingival biofilm at periodontal disease sites, produced a large amount of methyl mercaptan even at low concentration of l-methionine. METase activity in a cell-free extract from T. denticola was detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions, and the protein spot that exhibited high METase activity was identified using a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The identified gene produced a METase with a K(m) value for l-methionine (0.55mM) that is much lower than those of METases previously identified in the other organisms. This result suggests that T. denticola is an important producer of methyl mercaptan in the subgingival biofilm.  相似文献   
The present study has aimed to verify the influence of calcineurin and mTOR pathways in skeletal muscle longitudinal growth induced by stretching. Male Wistar rats were treated with cyclosporin-A or rapamycin for 10 days. To promote muscle stretching, casts were positioned so as completely to dorsiflex the plantar-flexor muscles at the ankle in one hind limb during the last 4 days of treatment with either cyclosporin-A or rapamycin. Thereafter, we determined soleus length, weight, protein content, and phenotype. In addition, NFATc1, Raptor, S6K1, 4E-BP1, iNOS, and nNOS gene expression in the soleus were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Soleus length, weight, and protein content were significantly reduced by rapamycin treatment in animals submitted to stretching (P<0.05). In contrast, cyclosporin-A treatment did not alter these parameters. In all cyclosporin-A treated groups, there was a significant reduction in NFATc1 expression (P<0.001). Similarly, a significant reduction was noted in Raptor (P<0.001) and S6K1 (P<0.01) expression in all rapamycin-treated groups. No alteration was observed in 4E-BP1 gene expression among rapamycin-treated groups. Stretching increased gene expression of both NOS isoforms in skeletal muscle. Rapamycin treatment did not interfere with NOS gene expression (P<0.05). Cyclosporin-A treatment did not impair muscle growth induced by stretching but instead caused a marked slow-to-fast fiber shift in the soleus; this was attenuated by stretching. The data presented herein indicate that mTOR pathway is involved in skeletal muscle longitudinal growth. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support given by FAPESP.  相似文献   
Homologs of nanos are required for the formation and maintenance of germline stem cell (GSC) systems and for gametogenesis in many metazoans. Planarians can change their reproductive mode seasonally, alternating between asexual and sexual reproduction; they develop and maintain their somatic stem cells (SSCs) and GCSs from pluripotent stem cells known as neoblasts. We isolated a nanos homolog, Dr-nanos, from the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of the sexualized form of Dugesia ryukyuensis. We examined the expression of Dr-nanos in asexual and sexualized planarians by in situ hybridization and analyzed its function using RNA interference (RNAi) together with a planarian sexualization assay. A nanos homolog, Dr-nanos, was identified in the planarian D. ryukyuensis. Dr-nanos expression was observed in the ovarian primordial cells of the asexual worms. This expression increased in proportion to sexualization and was localized in the early germline cells of the ovaries and testes. In X-ray-irradiated worms, the expression of Dr-nanos decreased to a large extent, indicating that Dr-nanos is expressed in some subpopulations of stem cells, especially in GSCs. During the sexualization process, worms in which Dr-nanos was knocked down by RNAi exhibited decreased numbers of oogonia in the ovaries and failed to develop testes, whereas the somatic sexual organs were not affected. We conclude that Dr-nanos is essential for the development of germ cells in the ovaries and testes and may have a function in the early stages of germ cell specification, but not in the development of somatic sexual organs.  相似文献   
The potential for sexual reproduction in Aspergillus oryzae was assessed by investigating the presence and functionality of MAT genes. Previous genome studies had identified a MAT1-1 gene in the reference strain RIB40. We now report the existence of a complementary MAT1-2 gene and the sequencing of an idiomorphic region from A. oryzae strain AO6. This allowed the development of a PCR diagnostic assay, which detected isolates of the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 genotypes among 180 strains assayed, including industrial tane-koji isolates. Strains used for sake and miso production showed a near-1:1 ratio of the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 mating types, whereas strains used for soy sauce production showed a significant bias toward the MAT1-2 mating type. MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 isogenic strains were then created by genetic manipulation of the resident idiomorph, and gene expression was compared by DNA microarray and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) methodologies under conditions in which MAT genes were expressed. Thirty-three genes were found to be upregulated more than 10-fold in either the MAT1-1 host strain or the MAT1-2 gene replacement strain relative to each other, showing that both the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 genes functionally regulate gene expression in A. oryzae in a mating type-dependent manner, the first such report for a supposedly asexual fungus. MAT1-1 expression specifically upregulated an α-pheromone precursor gene, but the functions of most of the genes affected were unknown. The results are consistent with a heterothallic breeding system in A. oryzae, and prospects for the discovery of a sexual cycle are discussed.  相似文献   
Perlecan (Hspg2) is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan expressed in basement membranes and cartilage. Perlecan deficiency (Hspg2(-/-)) in mice and humans causes lethal chondrodysplasia, which indicates that perlecan is essential for cartilage development. However, the function of perlecan in endochondral ossification is not clear. Here, we report the critical role of perlecan in VEGF signaling and angiogenesis in growth plate formation. The Hspg2(-/-) growth plate was significantly wider but shorter due to severely impaired endochondral bone formation. Hypertrophic chondrocytes were differentiated in Hspg2(-/-) growth plates; however, removal of the hypertrophic matrix and calcified cartilage was inhibited. Although the expression of MMP-13, CTGF, and VEGFA was significantly upregulated in Hspg2(-/-) growth plates, vascular invasion into the hypertrophic zone was impaired, which resulted in an almost complete lack of bone marrow and trabecular bone. We demonstrated that cartilage perlecan promoted activation of VEGF/VEGFR by binding to the VEGFR of endothelial cells. Expression of the perlecan transgene specific to the cartilage of Hspg2(-/-) mice rescued their perinatal lethality and growth plate abnormalities, and vascularization into the growth plate was restored, indicating that perlecan in the growth plate, not in endothelial cells, is critical in this process. These results suggest that perlecan in cartilage is required for activating VEGFR signaling of endothelial cells for vascular invasion and for osteoblast migration into the growth plate. Thus, perlecan in cartilage plays a critical role in endochondral bone formation by promoting angiogenesis essential for cartilage matrix remodeling and subsequent endochondral bone formation.  相似文献   


Cortisol is an essential hormone in the regulation of the stress response along the HPA axis, and salivary cortisol has been used as a measure of free circulating cortisol levels. Recently, salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) has also emerged as a novel biomarker for psychosocial stress responsiveness within the sympathetic adrenomedullary (SAM) system.

Principal Findings

We measured sAA and salivary cortisol in healthy volunteers after exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and electric stimulation stress. One hundred forty-nine healthy volunteers participated in this study. All subjects were exposed to both the TSST and electric stimulation stress on separate days. We measured sAA and salivary cortisol levels three times immediately before, immediately after, and 20 min after the stress challenge. The State (STAI-S) and Trait (STAI-T) versions of the Spielberger Anxiety Inventory test and the Profile of Mood State (POMS) tests were administered to participants before the electrical stimulation and TSST protocols. We also measured HF, LF and LF/HF Heart Rate Variability ratio immediately after electrical stimulation and TSST exposure. Following TSST exposure or electrical stimulation, sAA levels displayed a rapid increase and recovery, returning to baseline levels 20 min after the stress challenge. Salivary cortisol responses showed a delayed increase, which remained significantly elevated from baseline levels 20 min after the stress challenge. Analyses revealed no differences between men and women with regard to their sAA response to the challenges (TSST or electric stimulations), while we found significantly higher salivary cortisol responses to the TSST in females. We also found that younger subjects tended to display higher sAA activity. Salivary cortisol levels were significantly correlated with the strength of the applied electrical stimulation.


These preliminary results suggest that the HPA axis (but not the SAM system) may show differential response patterns to distinct kinds of stressors.  相似文献   
In the central nervous system, beta-alanine is thought to act as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, but the role or precise mechanism of beta-alanine in the brain has not been clearly defined. beta-Alanine is found in high levels in the chicken brain as a component of the dipeptides carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) and anserine, or as a free amino acid. We focused on the position of beta-alanine, i.e., at the carboxyl terminus. In Experiment 1, the central effects of glycyl-beta-alanine, L-histidyl-beta-alanine and L-valyl-beta-alanine were compared with a saline control in chicks. L-Histidyl-beta-alanine significantly induced sedative and hypnotic effects. In Experiment 2, the effects of carnosine, its reverse (L-histidyl-beta-alanine), and their combination were investigated. Central carnosine-induced hyperactivity while reverse carnosine-induced hypoactivity, and the behaviors were intermediate following the combination of the two peptides. Finally, the central effect of reverse carnosine was compared with beta-alanine alone and L-seryl-beta-alanine in Experiment 3. Reverse carnosine showed similar effects to beta-alanine. In conclusion, L-histidyl-beta-alanine not only has the reverse structure of carnosine, but also reverse function. Thus, we propose to name reverse carnosine (L-histidyl-beta-alanine) rev-carnosine.  相似文献   
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