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Non-esterified fatty acids are used to a limited extent as an energy source in the newborn-mammalian heart. Therefore additional roles for palmitic and oleic acids during this early period of growth and development were investigated in the cultured neonatal-rat heart cell model system. Our results indicate significant differences in nonesterified-fatty-acid metabolism exist in this system in comparison with the adult rat or embryonic chick heart. Initial rates of depletion of palmitate and oleate from serum-free growth medium by heart cells obtained from 2-day-old rats and maintained in culture for 10 or 11 days were 111 +/- 2 and 115 +/- 3 pmol/min per mg of protein respectively. In serum-containing medium, the initial depletion rates were 103 +/- 3 and 122 +/- 4 pmol/min per mg of protein respectively, when endogenous serum nonesterified-fatty-acid concentrations were included in rate calculations. Less than 1% of the intracellularly incorporated fatty acids were found in aqueous products at any time. After 25 h, 15.5% of the initial palmitate was deposited intracellularly in the phosphatidylcholine lipid fraction, 4.2% in the triacylglycerol + fatty-acid-ester fraction and 3.1% in the sphingomyelin fraction. These results contradict the classical view, based on findings with the lipid-dependent adult heart, that exogenous nonesterified fatty acids are directed intracellularly primarily to pathways of oxidation or to storage as triacylglycerol. More importantly, it underscores the significance of exogenous non-esterified fatty acids in membrane biosynthesis of the developing mammalian heart. Included here is a new method for one-dimensional t.l.c. separation of metabolically important polar lipids.  相似文献   
A well-behaved water soluble iron-porphyrin system, meso-tetra-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphinato iron (III) was synthesized. Its solution behavior is described using visable and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The complex exists in solution as three distinct forms of bridged dimers, oxo, hydroxo and aquo, with the following pK's: oxo + H+ in equilibrium hydroxo, pK = 9.58; hydroxo + H+ in equilibrium aquo, pK = 6.72. In the presence of excess imidazole the second pK is found to be 7.05. Detailed analysis of the interaction of the hydroxo-bridged form with imidazole is presented. It is found that one dimer unit simultaneously binds two imidazole molecules, with an over-all equilibrium constant log Keq = -1.22. EPR spectra are presented for the various forms of iron-porphyrin discussed.  相似文献   
The structure and function of the homeodomain   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
A systematic study of the mass spectral fragmentation of the methyl ester-methyloxime-trimethylsilyl ether derivatives of D and E prostaglandins and selected omega-chain analogs is presented. Fragments from the omega-chain analogs are shifted the appropriate mass when compared with the parent PGD2 or PGE2. NMR data of the methyloxime methyl ester of PGE2 have permitted assignment of the syn and anti isomers (relative to the alpha chain) to the fast and slow eluting gas chromatographic peaks, respectively.  相似文献   
The patch-clamp technique with two pipettes was used to record single delayed K+ channels (cell-attached electrode) and to control the potential and the composition of the intracellular compartment (whole-cell electrode). With 30 microM cAMP in the cell and physiological potassium concentrations inside and outside the patch, a channel carrying an outward current was characterized. Its open probability was very low and the channel was recorded in only 5% of patches under control conditions. Increasing intracellular cAMP increased the probability of finding a channel in a patch 10-fold. The channel had the characteristics expected of a delayed rectifier channel. The time-course of its ensemble average resembled the whole-cell current in the same cell. The current-voltage relationship exhibited inward rectification, with a slope conductance of 20 pS in the linear portion and a reversal potential close to EK. Both the open- and the closed-time distributions were described by the sum of two exponentials, suggesting a complicated gating scheme involving two closed states and two open states. The beta-adrenergic stimulation did not change the conductance of the channel, but increased its probability of opening.  相似文献   
A gene encoding a homologue of the Escherichia coli GidA protein (glucose-inhibited division protein A) lies immediately upstream of aglU, a gene encoding a WD-repeat protein required for motility and development in Myxococcus xanthus. The GidA protein of M. xanthus shares about 48% identity overall with the small (approximately equal to 450 amino acid) form of GidA from eubacteria and about 24% identity overall with the large (approximately equal to 620 amino acid) form of GidA from eubacteria and eukaryotes. Each of these proteins has a conserved dinucleotide-binding motif at the N-terminus. To determine if GidA binds dinucleotide, the M. xanthus gene was expressed with a His6 tag in E. coli cells. Purified rGidA is a yellow protein that absorbs maximally at 374 and 450 nm, consistent with FAD or FMN. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) showed that rGidA contains an FAD cofactor. Fractionation and immunocytochemical localization show that full length GidA protein is present in the cytoplasm and transported to the periplasm of vegetative-grown M. xanthus cells. In cells that have been starved for nutrients, GidA is found in the cytoplasm. Although GidA lacks an obvious signal sequence, it contains a twin arginine transport (Tat) motif, which is conserved among proteins that bind cofactors in the cytoplasm and are transported to the periplasm as folded proteins. To determine if GidA, like AglU, is involved in motility and development, the gidA gene was disrupted. The gidA- mutant has wild-type gliding motility and initially is able to form fruiting bodies like the wild type when starved for nutrients. However, after several generations, a stable derivative arises, gidA*, which is indistinguishable from the gidA- parent on vegetative medium, but is no longer able to form fruiting bodies. The gidA* mutant releases a heat-stable, protease-resistant, small molecular weight molecule that acts in trans to inhibit aggregation and gene expression of wild-type cells during development.  相似文献   
Myxococous xanthus cells can glide both as individual cells, dependent on A dventurous motility (A motility), and as groups of cells, dependent upon S ocial motility (S motility), Tn5-lac mutagenesis was used to generate 16 new A- and nine new S- mutations. In contrast with previous results, we find that subsets of A- mutants are defective in fruiting body morphogenesis and/or myxospore differentiation. All S- mutants are defective in fruiting body morphogenesis, consistent with previous results. Whereas some S- mutants produce a wild-type complement of spores, others are defective in the differentiation of myxospores. Therefore, a subset of the A genes and all of the S genes are critical for fruiting body morphogenesis. Subsets of both A and S genes are essential for sporulation. Three S::Tn5–lac insertions result in surprising phenotypes. Colonies of two S- mutants glide on ‘swim’ (0.35% agar) plates to form fractal patterns. These S- mutants are the first examples of a bacterium in which mutations result in fractal patterns of colonial spreading. An otherwise wild-type strain with one S- insertion resembles the frz- sglA1- mutants upon development, suggesting that this S- gene defines a new chemotaxis component in M. xanthus.  相似文献   
Successful development in multicellular eukaryotes requires cell-cell communication and the coordinated spatial and temporal movements of cells. The complex array of networks required to bring eukaryotic development to fruition can be modeled by the development of the simpler prokaryoteMyxococcus xanthus. As part of its life cycle,M. xanthus forms multicellular fruiting bodies containing differentiated cells. Analysis of the genes essential forM. xanthus development is possible because strains with mutations that block development can be maintained in the vegetative state. Development inM. xanthus is induced by starvation, and early events in development suggest that signaling, stages have evolved to monitor the metabolic state of the developing cell. In the absence of these signals, which include amino acids, α-keto acids, and other intermediary metabolites, the ability of cells to differentiate into myxospores is impaired. Mutations that block genes controlling gliding, motility disrupt the morphogenesis of fruiting bodies and sporogenesis in surprising ways. In this review, we present data that encourage future genetic and biochemical studies of the relationships between motility, cell-cell signaling, and development inM. xanthus.  相似文献   
Satellite cells, isolated from marcaine-damaged rat skeletal muscle, differentiate in culture to form contracting, cross-striated myotubes. Addition of 20 microM hemin (ferriprotoporphyrin IX chloride) to the culture medium resulted in increases in the number, size, and alignment of myotubes; in the number of myotubes that exhibited cross-striations; and in the strength and frequency of myotube contractions. Hemin increased satellite cell fusion by 27%, but decreased cell proliferative rate by 30%. Hemin increased the specific activity of creatine kinase (CK), a sensitive indicator of muscle differentiation, by 157%. Separation of CK isoenzymes by agarose gel electrophoresis showed that hemin increased only the muscle-specific CK isoenzymes (MM-CK and MB-CK). Thus, hemin seems to duplicate some of the effects of innervation on cultured myotubes by increasing contraction frequency and strength, appearance of cross-striations, and muscle-specific isoenzymes. In contrast, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, an inhibitor of heme biosynthesis, decreased the number of cross-striated myotubes, the strength and frequency of myotube contractions, and CK activity. These inhibitory effects were reversed by hemin. Collectively, these results demonstrate a physiologically significant role for heme in myotube maturation.  相似文献   
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