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目的:基于伴刀豆球蛋白A(ConA)特异性识别并结合甘露糖的特性,建立一种检测O-甘露糖基化的方法,为酵母等宿主表达蛋白的O-糖基化提供一种高效筛选和分析的方法。方法:利用糖苷酶F(PNGF)切除检测蛋白的N-糖链,排除N-糖基化的干扰;通过Q阴离子交换柱和ConA Sepharose 4B柱纯化Western印迹膜封闭蛋白牛血清白蛋白(BSA),除去BSA中甘露糖修饰的蛋白的干扰,优化膜封闭条件;利用辣根过氧化物酶标记的ConA检测具有低甘露糖型N-糖基化修饰能力的毕赤酵母GJK01-HL(Δoch1)表达的抗Her-2抗体是否存在O-甘露糖基化现象。结果:通过PNGF酶切处理,可以完全去除糖蛋白的N-糖链的干扰;BSA经过Q阴离子交换柱和ConASepharose 4B柱纯化后,除去了大部分甘露糖蛋白,可作为封闭蛋白;用建立的方法检测,发现毕赤酵母工程菌GJK01-HL(Δoch1)表达的抗Her-2抗体存在O-甘露糖基化现象。结论:本方法是研究糖蛋白是否发生O-甘露糖基化的有效检测手段,可用于酵母等表达蛋白的O-糖基化的高效筛选和分析。  相似文献   
免疫毒素的抗肿瘤研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫毒素是由具有导向能力的载体(抗体或细胞因子)和具有细胞毒性的分子(毒素)偶联而成的具有特异性细胞杀伤能力的杂合分子,是一种靶向药物。免疫毒素首先利用肿瘤细胞上导向分子的受体与细胞结合,然后进入细胞,再由毒素发挥蛋白质合成抑制作用,最终导致靶细胞死亡。与其他抗肿瘤药物相比,免疫毒素具有毒性强和特异性高的优点,在肿瘤治疗中显示出巨大的应用前景。简要概述了免疫毒素的作用机理、制备及其抗肿瘤研究进展。  相似文献   
An overview of models of stomatal conductance at the leaf level   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Stomata play a key role in plant adaptation to changing environmental conditions as they control both water losses and CO2 uptake. Particularly, in the context of global change, simulations of the consequences of drought on crop plants are needed to design more efficient and water‐saving cropping systems. However, most of the models of stomatal conductance (gs) developed at the leaf level link gs to environmental factors or net photosynthesis (Anet), but do not include satisfactorily the effects of drought, impairing our capacity to simulate plant functioning in conditions of limited water supply. The objective of this review was to draw an up‐to‐date picture of the gs models, from the empirical to the process‐based ones, along with their mechanistic or deterministic bases. It focuses on models capable to account for multiple environmental influences with emphasis on drought conditions. We examine how models that have been proposed for well‐watered conditions can be combined with those specifically designed to deal with drought conditions. Ideas for future improvements of gs models are discussed: the issue of co‐regulation of gs and Anet; the roles of CO2, absissic acid and H2O2; and finally, how to better address the new challenges arising from the issue of global change.  相似文献   

Bathypecten vulcani is considered a relict species from the Paleozoic, based on shell characteristics such as the presence of calcite prisms. To date, it is the only pectinid species reported from hydrothermal ecosystems. Histological and ultrastructural studies show that spermatogenesis is identical to that of littoral pectinids. The spermatozoon has a 2.7 μm long pyriform head and a 40 μm flagellum. The four mitochondria of the mid-piece are about 1.2 μm in diameter. The nucleus contains dense chromatin fibres and possesses a wide, shallow (0.1 μm) anterior fossa and a narrow, deeper (0.2 μm) posterior nuclear fossa. Comparison of the ultrastructural characteristics of the spermatozoon of B. vulcani with those of littoral pectinids shows that they can be used as a diagnostic feature of this species. In particular, its acrosome characters will be a useful complement to the shell characters in the study of the phylogenetic position of this species in relation to other pectinids.  相似文献   
Biomarkers for cancer risk, early detection, prognosis, and therapeutic response promise to revolutionize cancer management. Protein biomarkers offer tremendous potential in this regard due to their great diversity and intimate involvement in physiology. An effective program to discover protein biomarkers using existing technology will require team science, an integrated informatics platform, identification and quantitation of candidate biomarkers in disease tissue, mouse models of disease, standardized reagents for analyzing candidate biomarkers in bodily fluids, and implementation of automation. Technology improvements for better fractionation of the proteome, selection of specific biomarkers from complex mixtures, and multiplexed assay of biomarkers would greatly enhance progress.  相似文献   
摘要目的:探讨氨氯地平联合依那普利治疗原发性高血压的临床效果,观察联合用药对左心室肥厚的影响。方法:选择本院收治的原发性高血压患者92例,随机分为观察组和对照组,各46例,对照组给予苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平5mg,1次/d,口服;观察组在对照组基础上加用马来酸依那普利10mg,2次/d,口服,疗程均为24周。观察两组治疗前后血压变化,应用超声心动图测量两组左心室厚度变化。结果:治疗后,观察组总有效率为91_3%;对照组总有效率为73.9%,观察组总有效率高于对照组(P〈0.05)。治疗前两组心率、血压比较无统计学差异(P〉0.05),治疗后两组血压均明显降低,观察组收缩压、舒张压明显低于对照组(P〈O.05);观察组心率明显低于对照组(P〈0.01)。治疗前两组左心室舒张末期室间隔厚度(Leaventricularend—diastolicventricularseptalthickness,IVST)、左心室后壁厚度(1eftventricularposteriorwallthickness,U,PwT)和左室射血分数(Leftventricularejectionfxaction,LVEF)比较无统计学差异(P〉0.05);治疗后观察组IVST、L、,PwT明显低于对照组,LVEF明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论:氨氯地平联合依那普利治疗原发性高血压能有效扭转左心室肥厚,降压效果较单独应用氨氯地平更佳。  相似文献   
Groups of 10 menhaden were placed in a round behavioral monitoring pool and exposed to repeated 200 kv/m electromagnetic pulses (EMP). Their swimming activity was recorded on video tape for a 30-min period before, during and after pulsing. The recordings were analyzed for fish swimming speed and rate of change of direction. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were détécted in either paramétér as a result of EMP exposure.  相似文献   
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,200-base pair (bp) genomic fragment that includes the kappa-chain constant-region gene (C kappa) from two species of native Australian rodents, Rattus leucopus cooktownensis and Rattus colletti. Comparison of these sequences with each other and with other rodent C kappa genes shows three surprising features. First, the coding regions are diverging at a rate severalfold higher than that of the nearby noncoding regions. Second, replacement changes within the coding region are accumulating at a rate at least as great as that of silent changes. Third, most of the amino acid replacements are localized in one region of the C kappa domain--namely, the carboxy-terminal "bends" in the alpha-carbon backbone. These three features have previously been described from comparisons of the two allelic forms of C kappa genes in R. norvegicus. These data imply the existence of considerable evolutionary constraints on the noncoding regions (based on as yet undetermined functions) or powerful positive selection to diversify a portion of the constant-region domain (whose physiological significance is not known). These surprising features of C kappa evolution appear to be characteristic only of closely related C kappa genes, since comparison of rodent with human sequences shows the expected greater conservation of coding regions, as well as a predominance of silent nucleotide substitutions within the coding regions.   相似文献   
The Role of S. CEREVISIAE Cell Division Cycle Genes in Nuclear Fusion   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Forty temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined for their ability to complete nuclear fusion during conjugation in crosses to a CDC parent strain at the restrictive temperature. Most of the cdc mutant alleles behaved as the CDC parent strain from which they were derived, in that zygotes produced predominantly diploid progeny with only a small fraction of zygotes giving rise to haploid progeny (cytoductants) that signalled a failure in nuclear fusion. However, cdc4 mutants exhibited a strong nuclear fusion (karyogamy) defect in crosses to a CDC parent and cdc28, cdc34 and cdc37 mutants exhibited a weak karyogamy defect. For all four mutants, the karyogamy defect and the cell cycle defect cosegregated, suggesting that both defects resulted from a single lesion for each of these cdc mutants. Therefore, the cdc 4, 28, 34 and 37 gene products are required in both cell division and karyogamy.  相似文献   
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