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A review of the salt sensitivity of the Australian freshwater biota   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
In Victoria, Australia, both dryland salinity and salinity in irrigation regions are serious agricultural problems. One option to control the latter is to pump groundwater to maintain it below the surface. However, this leaves a saline wastewater for disposal, probably into local streams or wetlands. This review of the salt sensitivity of the biota of Australian streams and wetlands gives information of interest to those responsible for developing controls on these discharges. The review addresses the lethal and sub-lethal effects of salinity on microbes (mainly bacteria), macrophytes and micro-algae, riparian vegetation, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Data suggest that direct adverse biological effects are likely to occur in Australian river, stream and wetland ecosystems if salinity is increased to around 1 000 mg L−1. The review highlights a general lack of data on the sensitivity of freshwater plants and animals to salinity increases.  相似文献   
Using a combination of conventional and affinity chromatographic techniques, we have purified a uridine diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine:polypeptide beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (O-GlcNAc transferase) over 30,000-fold from rat liver cytosol. The transferase is soluble and very large, migrating with an apparent molecular weight of 340,000 on molecular sieve chromatography. Analysis of the purified enzyme on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals two protein species migrating at 110 (alpha subunit) and 78 (beta subunit) kDa in approximately a two-to-one ratio. Thus, the enzyme likely exists as a heterotrimer complex with two subunits of 110 kDa and one of 78 kDa (alpha 2 beta). The alpha subunit appears to contain the enzyme's active site since it is selectively radiolabeled by a specific photoaffinity probe (4-[beta-32P]thiouridine diphosphate). Photoinactivation and photolabeling of the enzyme are dependent on time and long wavelength ultraviolet light. Photolabeling of the alpha subunit is specifically blocked by UDP. The enzyme has an extremely high affinity for UDP-GlcNAc (Km = 545 nM). This unusually high affinity for the sugar nucleotide donor probably provides the enzyme an advantage over the nucleotide transporters in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus which compete for available cytoplasmic UDP-GlcNAc. The multimeric state and large size of the O-GlcNAc transferase imply that its activity may be highly regulated within the cell.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional finite element models of a partially edentulated human mandible were generated to calculate the mechanical response to simulated isometric biting and mastication loads. The level of mesh refinement was established via a convergence test and showed that a model with over 30,000 degrees of freedom was required to obtain analysis accuracy. The functional loading cases included muscle loading based on an algorithm that assigns muscle forces in accordance with muscle cross-sectional area, while maintaining static equilibrium. Results were found for isometric application of unilateral and bilateral bite and mastication loading, and two different sets of displacement boundary conditions were imposed at the condyles. The mechanical response is shown in terms of displacements, principal strains, and a new measure called the 'mechanical intensity scalar'. For each load case studied, there was substantial bending in the molar region of the corpus and high tensile strains in the anterior portion of the ramus.  相似文献   
Higher plants contain several constitutively expressed proteins for protection against infections by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Here we report the crystallization of a polypeptide with antifungal activity, a 26,000 dalton endochitinase from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seeds, in a form suitable for high-resolution X-ray analysis. Crystals were grown by vapor diffusion under several different conditions. The best crystals, obtained with ammonium sulfate as the precipitant, belong to the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2 (P4(3)2(1)2), with cell dimensions a = b = 62.9 A and c = 96.0 A. The cell dimensions are consistent with one endochitinase molecule per asymmetric unit, and the crystals diffract to at least 2.0 A resolution.  相似文献   
The specificity and regulation of putrescine transport was investigated in roots of intact maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. In concentration-dependent transport studies, the kinetics for putrescine uptake could be resolved into a single saturable component that was noncompetitively inhibited by increasing concentrations of Ca2+ (50 micromolar to 5 millimolar). Similarly, other polyvalent cations, including Mg2+ (1.8 millimolar) and La3+ (200 micromolar), almost completely abolished the saturable component for putrescine uptake. This suggests that putrescine does not share a common transport system with other divalent or polyvalent inorganic cations. Further characterization of the putrescine transport system indicated that 0.3 millimolar N-ethyl-maleimide had no effect on putrescine uptake, and 2 millimolar p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid only partially inhibited transport of the diamine (39% inhibition). Metabolic inhibitors, including carbonylcyanide-m-chlorphenylhydrazone (20 micromolar) and KCN (0.5 millimolar), also partially inhibited the saturable component for putrescine uptake (Vmax reduced 48-60%). Increasing the time of exposure to carbonylcyanide-m-chlorphenylhydrazone from 30 minutes to 2 hours did not significantly increase the inhibition of putrescine uptake. Electrophysiological evidence indicates that the inhibitory effect on putrescine uptake by these inhibitors is correlated to a depolarization of the membrane potential, suggesting that the driving force for putrescine uptake is the transmembrane electrical potential across the plasmalemma.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To evaluate audit and case finding (whole population care) in a community over 25 years. DESIGN--Contemporary screening for and audits of care of chronic disease and risk factors; retrospective review of computerised practice records; and comparisons of mortality and social indices with neighbouring communities. SETTING--One general practice in Glyncorrwg, West Glamorgan. SUBJECTS--1800 people registered with the practice in 1987 and 558 people who died from 1964 to 1987, whose records had been retained. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Detection of high blood pressure, smoking, airways obstruction, obesity, diabetes, and alcohol problems in adults aged 20-79; prevalence of smoking in this population and in hypertensive and diabetic groups; age standardised mortality ratios in relation to indices of social deprivation. RESULTS--In the population aged 20-79 (1207 patients) 249 (21%) had peak expiratory flow rate less than 50% of expected value or which improved by 15% or more with an inhaled beta agonist, 207 (17%) had body mass index at or over 30 kg/m2, 118 (10%) had untreated mean arterial pressures greater than 159/104 mm Hg (three readings), 80 (7%) (65 (16%) men, 15 (4%) women) had recognised alcohol problems, and 35 (3%) had diabetes. The proportion of men aged 20-64 who said they smoked fell from 61% (290/476) in 1968-70 to 36% (162/456) in 1985 whereas that of women who smoked was unchanged (43%, 187/436 v 42%, 190/448 respectively). In 116 screened hypertensive patients group mean blood pressure fell from 186/110 mm Hg before treatment to 146/84 mm Hg at 1987 audit, as did the proportion of smokers (56% v 20%), but body mass index and total cholesterol concentration showed no significant change. In 34 diabetic patients mean blood pressure and the proportion of smokers fell (171/93 mm Hg v 155/81 mm Hg; 44% v 12%). The age standardised mortality ratio in 1981-6 was lower than in a neighbouring village without a developed case finding programme (actual to expected deaths less than 65 = 21 to 22 in Glyncorrwg, 48 to 30 in control village). CONCLUSIONS--Whole population care through organised case finding and audit is feasible but only with a labour intensive approach combining accessibility, flexibility, and continuity, as well as a planned and structured approach, which requires substantial expansion of staff numbers and assiduous recording. It may reduce risks for at least some high risk groups. Despite their shortcomings the available data are consistent with the hypothesis that whole population care helps reduce mortality. Incentives in the new contract, which encourage the uncritical development of structured process, may diminish health outputs.  相似文献   
An assay for the enzyme responsible for the addition of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) to proteins, a UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:peptide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, is reported using the synthetic peptide YSDSPSTST as the acceptor substrate. The activity is linearly dependent on time, enzyme, and substrate concentration. Replacement of the proline with a glycine in the peptide renders it ineffective as a substrate, whereas changing of the aspartic acid to a glycine has no effect. Product characterization of the glycosylated peptide demonstrates that the monosaccharide covalently attached to the peptide is N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) and has not been epimerized to N-acetylgalactosamine. Mild base-catalyzed beta-elimination of the in vitro glycosylated peptide quantitatively yields GlcNAcitol, indicating that the GlcNAc is attached via an O-linkage. The transferase activity is strongly inhibited by UDP but is unaffected by GlcNAc or tunicamycin. Interestingly, EDTA only slightly inhibits activity, suggesting that the enzyme may not require divalent cations. The majority of the activity is soluble, and the remainder is lost from membranes after extracting with high salt and EDTA. Consistent with the subcellular localization of most proteins bearing O-GlcNAc, the activity appears to reside in the cytosolic portion of the cell when compared to two lumenal marker enzymes, galactosyltransferase and mannose-6-phosphatase.  相似文献   
The abilities of different GTP-binding proteins to serve as phosphosubstrates for the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor/tyrosine kinase have been examined in reconstituted phospholipid vesicle systems. During the course of these studies we discovered that a low molecular mass, high affinity GTP-binding protein from bovine brain (designated as the 22-kDa protein) served as an excellent phosphosubstrate for the tyrosine-agarose-purified human placental EGF receptor. The EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of the purified 22-kDa protein occurs on tyrosine residues, with stoichiometries approaching 2 mol of 32Pi incorporated/mol of [35S]guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S)-binding sites. The EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of the brain 22-kDa protein requires its reconstitution into phospholipid vesicles. No phosphorylation of this GTP-binding protein is detected if it is simply mixed with the purified EGF receptor in detergent solution or if detergent is added back to lipid vesicles containing the EGF receptor and the 22-kDa protein. The EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of this GTP-binding protein is also markedly attenuated by guanine nucleotides, i.e. GTP, GTP gamma S, or GDP, suggesting that maximal phosphorylation occurs when the GTP-binding protein is in a guanine nucleotide-depleted state. Purified preparations of the 22-kDa phosphosubstrate do not cross-react with antibodies against the ras proteins. However, they do cross-react against two different peptide antibodies generated against specific sequences of the human platelet (and placental) GTP-binding protein originally designated Gp (Evans, T., Brown, M. L., Fraser, E. D., and Northrup, J. K. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7052-7059) and more recently named G25K (Polakis, P. G., Synderman, R., and Evans, T. (1989) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 160, 25-32). When highly purified preparations of the human platelet Gp (G25K) protein are reconstituted with the purified EGF receptor into phospholipid vesicles, an EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of the platelet GTP-binding protein occurs with a stoichiometry approaching 2 mol of 32Pi incorporated/mol of [35S]GTP gamma S-binding sites. As is the case for the brain 22-kDa protein, the EGF-stimulated phosphorylation of the platelet GTP-binding protein is attenuated by guanine nucleotides. Overall, these results suggest that the brain 22-kDa phosphosubstrate for the EGF receptor is very similar, if not identical, to the Gp (G25K) protein. Although guanine nucleotide binding to the brain 22-kDa protein or to the platelet. GTP-binding protein inhibits phosphorylation, the phosphorylated GTP-binding proteins appear to bind [35S]GTP gamma S slightly better than their nonphosphorylated counterparts.  相似文献   
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