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Immuno capture PCR (IPCR) is a technique capable of detecting the pathogens with high specificity and sensitivity. Rapid and accurate detection of Bacillus anthracis was achieved using anti-EA1 antibodies to capture the cells and two primer sets targeting the virulence factors of the pathogen i.e., protective antigen (pag) and capsule (cap) in an IPCR format. Monoclonal antibodies specific to B. anthracis were generated against extractable antigen 1 protein and used as capture antibody onto 96 well polystyrene plates. Following the binding of the pathogen, the DNA extraction was carried out in the well itself and further processed for PCR assay. We compared IPCR described here with conventional duplex PCR using the same primers and sandwich ELISA using the monoclonal antibodies developed in the present study. IPCR was capable of detecting as few as 10 and 100 cfu ml?1 of bacterial cells and spores, respectively. IPCR was found to be 2–3 logs more sensitive than conventional duplex PCR and the sandwich ELISA. The effect of other bacteria and any organic materials on IPCR was also analyzed and found that this method was robust with little change in the sensitivity in the presence of interfering agents. Moreover, we could demonstrate a simple process of microwave treatment for spore disruption which otherwise are resistant to chemical treatments. Also, the IPCR could clearly distinguish the pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of B. anthracis in the same assay. This can help in saving resources on unnecessary decontamination procedures during false alarms.  相似文献   


Recurrent pregnancy loss is a common occurrence and a matter of concern for couples planning the pregnancy. Chromosomal abnormalities, mainly balanced rearrangements, are common in couples with repeated miscarriages.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of chromosomal anomalies causing repeated spontaneous miscarriages and provide detailed characterization of a few structurally altered chromosomes.


A retrospective cytogenetic study was carried out on 4859 individuals having a history of recurrent miscarriages. The cases were analyzed using G-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization wherever necessary.


Chromosomal rearrangements were found in 170 individuals (3.5%). Translocations were seen in 72 (42.35%) cases. Of these, reciprocal translocations constituted 42 (24.70%) cases while Robertsonian translocations were detected in 30 (17.64%) cases. 7 (4.11%) cases were mosaic, 8 (4.70%) had small supernumerary marker chromosomes and 1 (0.6%) had an interstitial microdeletion. Nearly, 78 (1.61%) cases with heteromorphic variants were seen of which inversion of Y chromosome (57.70%) and chromosome 9 pericentromeric variants (32.05%) were predominantly involved.


Chromosomal analysis is an important etiological investigation in couples with repeated miscarriages. Characterization of variants/marker chromosome enable calculation of a more precise recurrent risk in a subsequent pregnancy thereby facilitating genetic counseling and deciding further reproductive options.  相似文献   
Osmotin and osmotin-like proteins are stress proteins belonging to the plant PR-5 group of proteins induced in several plant species in response to various types of biotic and abiotic stresses. We report here the overexpression of tobacco osmotin in transgenic mulberry plants under the control of a constitutive promoter (CaMV 35S) as well as a stress-inducible rd29A promoter. Southern analysis of the transgenic plants revealed the stable integration of the introduced genes in the transformants. Real-time PCR analysis provided evidence for the expression of osmotin in the transgenic plants under both the constitutive and stress-inducible promoters. Transgenic plants with the stress-inducible promoter were observed to better tolerate salt and drought stress than those with the constitutive promoter. Transgenic plants when subjected to simulated salinity and drought stress conditions showed better cellular membrane stability (CMS) and photosynthetic yield than non-transgenic plants under conditions of both salinity and drought stress. Proline levels were very high in transgenic plants with the constitutive promoter relative to those with the stress-inducible promoter. Fungal challenge undertaken with three fungal species known to cause serious losses to mulberry cultivation, namely, Fusarium pallidoroseum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum dematium, revealed that transgenic plants with osmotin under control of the constitutive promoter had a better resistance than those with osmotin under the control of the stress-inducible promoter. Evaluation in next generation was undertaken by studying bud break in transgenic and non-transgenic plants under simulated drought (2% polyethylene glycol) and salt stress (200 mM NaCl) conditions. The axillary buds of the selected transgenic lines had a better bud break percentage under stressed conditions than buds from non-transgenic mulberry lines. A biotic assay with Bombyx mori indicated that osmotin protein had no undesirable effect on silkworm rearing and feeding. We therefore conclude that 35S transgenic plants are better suited for both abiotic stress also biotic challenges (fungal), while the rd29A transgenic plants are more responsive to drought.  相似文献   
VPg linkage to the 5' ends of picornavirus RNAs requires production of VPg-pUpU. VPg-pUpU is templated by an RNA stem-loop (the cre or oriI) found at different locations in picornavirus genomes. At least one adaptive mutation is required for human rhinovirus type 14 (HRV-14) to use poliovirus type 3 (PV-3) or PV-1 oriI efficiently. One mutation changes Leu-94 of 3C to Pro; the other changes Asp-406 of 3Dpol to Asn. By using an in vitro VPg uridylylation system for HRV-14 that recapitulates biological phenotypes, we show that the 3C adaptive mutation functions at the level of 3C(D) and the 3D adaptive mutation functions at the level of 3Dpol. Pro-94 3C(D) has an expanded specificity and enhanced stability relative to wild-type 3C(D) that leads to production of more processive uridylylation complexes. PV-1/HRV-14 oriI chimeras reveal sequence specificity in 3C(D) recognition of oriI that resides in the upper stem. Asn-406 3Dpol is as active as wild-type 3Dpol in RNA-primed reactions but exhibits greater VPg uridylylation activity due to more efficient recruitment to and retention in the VPg uridylylation complex. Asn-406 3Dpol from PV-1 exhibits identical behavior. These studies suggest a two-step binding mechanism in the assembly of the 3C(D)-oriI complex that leads to unwinding of at least the upper stem of oriI and provide additional support for a direct interaction between the back of the thumb of 3Dpol and 3C that is required for 3Dpol recruitment to and retention in the uridylylation complex.  相似文献   

Heat stress (HS) seriously affects crop growth, causing significant crop yield losses worldwide. The regulatory mechanisms controlling HS tolerance in plants are not well understood. Phytohormones are important molecules for coordinating myriad of phenomena related to plant growth and development. They are also essential endogenous signaling molecules that actively mediate numerous physiological responses under abiotic stress by triggering stress-responsive regulatory genes involved in plant growth. This review updates the central role of various phytohormones—indole acetic acid, gibberellic acid, abscisic acid, cytokinins, ethylene, salicylic acid, brassinosteroids, strigolactone, and jasmonic acid—in regulating the HS response so that plants can adapt to increasing temperature stress. We also reveal how these stress-responsive phytohormones switch on various regulatory gene(s) and genes encoding antioxidants and heat shock proteins (HSPs) to combat HS in various plant species.

An Illumina Infinium array comprising 5306 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers was used to genotype 175 individuals of a doubled haploid population derived from a cross between Skipton and Ag‐Spectrum, two Australian cultivars of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). A genetic linkage map based on 613 SNP and 228 non‐SNP (DArT, SSR, SRAP and candidate gene markers) covering 2514.8 cM was constructed and further utilized to identify loci associated with flowering time and resistance to blackleg, a disease caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. Comparison between genetic map positions of SNP markers and the sequenced Brassica rapa (A) and Brassica oleracea (C) genome scaffolds showed several genomic rearrangements in the B. napus genome. A major locus controlling resistance to L. maculans was identified at both seedling and adult plant stages on chromosome A07. QTL analyses revealed that up to 40.2% of genetic variation for flowering time was accounted for by loci having quantitative effects. Comparative mapping showed Arabidopsis and Brassica flowering genes such as Phytochrome A/D, Flowering Locus C and agamous‐Like MADS box gene AGL1 map within marker intervals associated with flowering time in a DH population from Skipton/Ag‐Spectrum. Genomic regions associated with flowering time and resistance to L. maculans had several SNP markers mapped within 10 cM. Our results suggest that SNP markers will be suitable for various applications such as trait introgression, comparative mapping and high‐resolution mapping of loci in B. napus.  相似文献   
Centaurea maculosa Lam. is a noxious weed in western North America that produces a phytotoxin, (±)-catechin, which is thought to contribute to its invasiveness. Areas invaded by C. maculosa often result in monocultures of the weed, however; in some areas, North American natives stand their ground against C. maculosa and show varying degrees of resistance to its phytotoxin. Two of these resistant native species, Lupinus sericeus Pursh and Gaillardia grandiflora Van Houtte, were found to secrete increased amounts of oxalate in response to catechin exposure. Mechanistically, we found that oxalate works exogenously by blocking generation of reactive oxygen species in susceptible plants and reducing oxidative damage generated in response to catechin. Furthermore, field experiments show that L. sericeus indirectly facilitates native grasses in grasslands invaded by C. maculosa, and this facilitation can be correlated with the presence of oxalate in soil. Addition of exogenous oxalate to native grasses and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh grown in vitro alleviated the phytotoxic effects of catechin, supporting the field experiments and suggesting that root-secreted oxalate may also act as a chemical facilitator for plant species that do not secrete the compound.  相似文献   
In the rhizosphere, plant roots cope with both pathogenic and beneficial bacterial interactions. The exometabolite production in certain bacterial species may regulate root growth and other root-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere. Here, we elucidated the role of cyanide production in pseudomonad virulence affecting plant root growth and other rhizospheric processes. Exposure of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 seedlings to both direct (with KCN) and indirect forms of cyanide from different pseudomonad strains caused significant inhibition of primary root growth. Further, we report that this growth inhibition was caused by the suppression of an auxin responsive gene, specifically at the root tip region by pseudomonad cyanogenesis. Additionally, pseudomonad cyanogenesis also affected other beneficial rhizospheric processes such as Bacillus subtilis colonization by biofilm formation on A. thaliana Col-0 roots. The effect of cyanogenesis on B. subtilis biofilm formation was further established by the down regulation of important B. subtilis biofilm operons epsA and yqxM. Our results show, the functional significance of pseudomonad cyanogenesis in regulating multitrophic rhizospheric interactions.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial NADPH generation is largely dependent on the inner-membrane nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT), which catalyzes the reduction of NADP(+) to NADPH utilizing the proton gradient as the driving force and NADH as the electron donor. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) silencing of NNT in PC12 cells results in decreased cellular NADPH levels, altered redox status of the cell in terms of decreased GSH/GSSG ratios and increased H(2)O(2) levels, thus leading to an increased redox potential (a more oxidized redox state). NNT knockdown results in a decrease of oxidative phosphorylation while anaerobic glycolysis levels remain unchanged. Decreased oxidative phosphorylation was associated with a) inhibition of mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) and succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA transferase (SCOT) activity; b) reduction of NADH availability, c) decline of mitochondrial membrane potential, and d) decrease of ATP levels. Moreover, the alteration of redox status actually precedes the impairment of mitochondrial bioenergetics. A possible mechanism could be that the activation of the redox-sensitive c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and its translocation to the mitochondrion leads to the inhibition of PDH (upon phosphorylation) and induction of intrinsic apoptosis, resulting in decreased cell viability. This study supports the notion that oxidized cellular redox state and decline in cellular bioenergetics - as a consequence of NNT knockdown - cannot be viewed as independent events, but rather as an interdependent relationship coordinated by the mitochondrial energy-redox axis. Disruption of electron flux from fuel substrates to redox components due to NNT suppression induces not only mitochondrial dysfunction but also cellular disorders through redox-sensitive signaling.  相似文献   
Mutation of the multi-KH domain protein DPP1, which has single-stranded nucleic acid binding activity, suppresses heterochromatin-mediated silencing in Drosophila; it also disrupts the modification of histone H3 at lysine 9, and association of heterochromatin protein 1 on the heterochromatic regions, suggesting a role for DDP1 in heterochromatin formation.  相似文献   
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