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A family of peptide antimycotics, termed pseudomycins, has been isolated from liquid cultures of Pseudomonas syringae, a plant-associated bacterium. These compounds were purified using Amberlite XAD-2 and reverse-phase liquid chromatography. Pseudomycin A, the predominant peptide in a family of four, showed selective phytotoxicity, and had impressive activity against the human pathogen Candida albicans. Amino acid, mass spectroscopic, and comparative electrophoretic and chromatographic analyses revealed that the pseudomycins are different from previously described antimycotics from P. syringae, including syringomycin, syringotoxin and syringostatins. Pseudomycins A-C contain hydroxyaspartic acid, aspartic acid, serine, arginine, lysine and diaminobutyric acid. The molecular masses of pseudomycins A-C, as determined by plasma desorption mass spectrometry, are 1224, 1208 and 1252 Da, respectively. Pseudomycin D, on the other hand, has a molecular mass of 2401 Da and is more complex than pseudomycins A-C.  相似文献   
The structure and crystal chemical properties of iron cores of reconstituted recombinant human ferritins and their site-directed variants have been studied by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The kinetics of Fe uptake have been compared spectrophotometrically. Recombinant L and H-chain ferritins, and recombinant H-chain variants incorporating modifications in the threefold (Asp131----His or Glu134----Ala) and fourfold (Leu169----Arg) channels, at the partially buried ferroxidase sites (Glu62,His65----Lys,Gly), a putative nucleation site on the inner surface (Glu61,Glu64,Glu67----Ala), and both the ferroxidase and nucleation sites (Glu62,His65----Lys,Gly and Glu61,Glu64,Glu67----Ala), were investigated. An additional H-chain variant, incorporating substitution of the last ten C-terminal residues for those of the L-chain protein, was also studied. Most of the proteins assimilated iron to give discrete electron-dense cores of the Fe(III) hydrated oxide, ferrihydrite (Fe2O3.nH2O). No differences were observed for variants modified in the three- or fourfold channels compared with the unmodified H-chain ferritin. The recombinant L-chain ferritin and H-chain variant depleted of the ferroxidase site, however, showed markedly reduced uptake kinetics and comprised cores of increased diameter and regularity. Depletion of the inner surface Glu residues, whilst maintaining the ferroxidase site, resulted in a partially reduced rate of Fe uptake and iron cores of wider particle size distribution. Modification of both ferroxidase and inner surface Glu residues resulted in complete inhibition of iron uptake and deposition. No cores were observed by electron microscopy although negative staining showed that the protein shell was intact. The general requirement of an appropriate spatial charge density across the cavity surface rather than specific amino acid residues could explain how, in spite of an almost complete lack of identity between the amino acid sequences of bacterioferritin and mammalian ferritins, ferrihydrite is deposited within the cavity of both proteins under similar reconstitution conditions.  相似文献   
A soluble tryptic fragment of the human transferrin receptor (residues 121 to 760) has been crystallized from 2.8 M-KCl (pH 6.2) and polyethylene glycol 8000. This fragment retains the transferrin-binding activity of intact transferrin receptor. Although the trypsin treatment removes the intermolecular disulfide bonds, the receptor fragment is dimeric both under physiological conditions and at the high salt concentrations used for crystallization. The receptor fragment crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 105.5 A, b = 224.5 A, c = 363.5 A. The crystals are extremely radiation sensitive. Their diffraction extends to 3.8 A, and there is some diffuse scatter with helical characteristics. Analysis of these diffraction patterns indicates that the transferrin receptor fragments are arranged in continuous 8-fold symmetric helical columns parallel to the c axis, with a total of 32 receptor fragment monomers in the unit cell. A structure determination is in progress.  相似文献   
Both the protein kinase C (PK-C) activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), and the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PK-A) activator, 8-bromo-cyclic AMP (8-BR), have been shown to increase 32P incorporation into glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin in cultured astrocytes. Also, treatment of astrocytes with PMA or 8-BR results in the morphological transformation of flat, polygonal-shaped cells into stellate, process-bearing cells, suggesting the possibility that signals mediated by these two kinase systems converge at the level of protein phosphorylation to elicit similar changes in cell morphology. Therefore, studies were conducted to determine whether treatment with PMA and 8-BR results in the phosphorylation of the same tryptic peptide fragments on GFAP and vimentin in astrocytes. Treatment with PMA increased 32P incorporation into all the peptide fragments that were phosphorylated by 8-BR on both vimentin and GFAP; however, PMA also stimulated phosphorylation of additional fragments of both proteins. The phosphorylation of vimentin and GFAP resulting from PMA or 8-BR treatment was restricted to serine residues in the N-terminal domain of these proteins. Studies were also conducted to compare the two-dimensional tryptic phosphopeptide maps of GFAP and vimentin from intact cells treated with PMA and 8-BR with those produced when the proteins were phosphorylated with purified PK-C or PK-A. PK-C phosphorylated the same fragments of GFAP and vimentin that were phosphorylated by PMA treatment. Additionally, PK-C phosphorylated some tryptic peptide fragments of these proteins that were not observed with PMA treatment in intact cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A Balb/cJ mouse model was used to determine which stage of the E. granulosus life cycle possessed the most potent protective antigens. Mice were immunized with crude extracts of protoscoleces, brood capsules, cyst fluid, adult worm tissue, eggs or oncospheres and then challenged intraperitoneally with 600 activated oncospheres. Sonically disrupted oncospheres induced the highest levels of protection (greater than 90%) at doses greater than or equal to 10(3) oncosphere equivalents per mouse. High levels of protection were maintained when these preparations were solubilized in SDS. Immunization with Taenia ovis or T. hydatigena oncosphere preparations induced a maximum of 62 and 40% cross-protection, respectively. In passive transfer experiments, serum from triple-infected immune donors that were completely resistant to subsequent challenge induced 69% protection in naive recipients (P less than 0.01). Serum from mice that had been immunized with oncosphere sonicates that were shown to be highly immune, failed to induce statistically significant protection in recipients. A sheep trial confirmed the protective ability of prior infections. Immunization of sheep with a SDS solubilized oncosphere preparation produced 91% protection (P less than 0.01).  相似文献   
Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF), identified as nitric oxide (NO), is derived from a guanidino nitrogen of L-arginine via its metabolism by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Herein, we report the molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding the constitutive calcium-calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM)-regulated nitric oxide synthase (ECNOS). A full-length ECNOS clone was isolated by screening a bovine aortic endothelial cell cDNA library using a fragment of rat brain NOS (bNOS) cDNA. This cDNA has an open reading frame of 3615 nucleotides encoding a 1205-amino acid protein. Membranes prepared from COS cells transfected with the ECNOS cDNA demonstrated NADPH- and Ca2+/CaM- dependent conversion of L-, but not D-, arginine to NO and citrulline that was inhibited by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of ECNOS to the bNOS and macrophage NOS (Mac-NOS) sequences revealed 57 and 50% identity, respectively. In addition, ECNOS contains a unique N-myristylation consensus sequence (not shared by bNOS or Mac-NOS) that may explain its membrane localization.  相似文献   
Summary Genomic in situ hybridization was used to identify alien chromatin in chromosome spreads of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., lines incorporating chromosomes from Leymus multicaulis (Kar. and Kir.) Tzvelev and Thinopyrum bessarabicum (Savul. and Rayss) Löve, and chromosome arms from Hordeum chilense Roem. and Schult, H. vulgare L. and Secale cereale L. Total genomic DNA from the introgressed alien species was used as a probe, together with excess amounts of unlabelled blocking DNA from wheat, for DNA:DNA in-situ hybridization. The method labelled the alien chromatin yellow-green, while the wheat chromosomes showed only the orange-red fluorescence of the DNA counterstain. Nuclei were screened from seedling root-tips (including those from half-grains) and anther wall tissue. The genomic probing method identified alien chromosomes and chromosome arms and allowed counting in nuclei at all stages of the cell cycle, so complete metaphases were not needed. At prophase or interphase, two labelled domains were visible in most nuclei from disomic lines, while only one labelled domain was visible in monosomic lines. At metaphase, direct visualization of the morphology of the alien chromosome or chromosome segment was possible and allowed identification of the relationship of the alien chromatin to the wheat chromosomes. The genomic in-situ hybridization method is fast, sensitive, accurate and informative. Hence it is likely to be of great value for both cytogenetic analysis and in plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   
Summary The use of Cytophaga lysing enzymes was investigated for the liberation of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) granules from the Gram-negative bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus. Complete cell lysis was approached within a 60 minute period. Contrary to previous findings for the lysis of Gram-negative bacteria, prior removal of the outer membrane was not essential for enzymic lysis. The destabilisation of the outer membrane by the removal of divalent cations resulted in no significant improvement in the disruption process.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To see whether intravenous acetylcysteine would improve outcome in patients with fulminant hepatic failure after paracetamol overdose. DESIGN--A prospective randomised controlled study. SETTING--The Institute of Liver Studies, King''s College Hospital, London. PATIENTS--50 consecutive patients (21 male) aged 16-60 with fulminant hepatic failure after paracetamol overdose who had not previously received acetylcysteine. INTERVENTIONS--Conventional intensive liver care plus either acetylcysteine (25 patients) in the same dose regimen as used early after a paracetamol overdose, except that the infusion was continued until recovery from encephalopathy or death, or an equivalent volume of 5% dextrose (25 patients). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Survival; incidence of cerebral oedema, renal failure, and hypotension requiring inotropic support; liver function as assessed by prolongation of the prothrombin time; and degree of encephalopathy. RESULTS--The rate of survival was significantly higher in the acetylcysteine treated group than in the controls (48% (12/25 patients) v 20% (5/25); p = 0.037, 95% confidence interval for difference in proportions surviving 3% to 53%). Acetylcysteine treated patients had a lower incidence of cerebral oedema (40% (10/25) v 68% (17/25); p = 0.047, 95% confidence interval for difference in incidence 2% to 54%), and fewer developed hypotension requiring inotropic support (48% (12/25) v 80% (20/25); p = 0.018, 95% confidence interval 7% to 57%). Rates of deterioration and recovery of liver function, however, were similar in the two groups. No adverse reactions to acetylcysteine were seen. CONCLUSIONS--Acetylcysteine is safe and effective in fulminant hepatic failure after paracetamol overdose.  相似文献   
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