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Recent characterization of chlamydial genes encoding functional peptidoglycan (PG)-synthesis proteins suggests that the Chlamydiaceae possess the ability to synthesize PG yet biochemical evidence for the synthesis of PG has yet to be demonstrated. The presence of D-amino acids in PG is a hallmark of bacteria. Chlamydiaceae do not appear to encode amino acid racemases however, a D-alanyl-D-alanine (D-Ala-D-Ala) ligase homologue (Ddl) is encoded in the genome. Thus, we undertook a genetics-based approach to demonstrate and characterize the D-Ala-D-Ala ligase activity of chlamydial Ddl, a protein encoded as a fusion with MurC. The full-length murC-ddl fusion gene from Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L2 was cloned and placed under the control of the arabinose-inducible ara promoter and transformed into a D-Ala-D-Ala ligase auxotroph of Escherichia coli possessing deletions of both the ddlA and ddlB genes. Viability of the E. coliDeltaddlADeltaddlB mutant in the absence of exogenous D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptide became dependent on the expression of the chlamydial murC-ddl thus demonstrating functional ligase activity. Domain mapping of the full-length fusion protein and site-directed mutagenesis of the MurC domain revealed that the structure of the full fusion protein but not MurC enzymatic activity was required for ligase activity in vivo. Recombinant MurC-Ddl exhibited substrate specificity for D-Ala. Chlamydia growth is inhibited by D-cycloserine (DCS) and in vitro analysis provided evidence for the chlamydial MurC-Ddl as the target for DCS sensitivity. In vivo sensitivity to DCS could be reversed by addition of exogenous D-Ala and D-Ala-D-Ala. Together, these findings further support our hypothesis that PG is synthesized by members of the Chlamydiaceae family and suggest that D-amino acids, specifically D-Ala, are present in chlamydial PG.  相似文献   
Ca(2+)-binding protein-1 (CaBP1) and calmodulin (CaM) are highly related Ca(2+)-binding proteins that directly interact with, and yet differentially regulate, voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. Whereas CaM enhances inactivation of Ca(2+) currents through Ca(v)1.2 (L-type) Ca(2+) channels, CaBP1 completely prevents this process. How CaBP1 and CaM mediate such opposing effects on Ca(v)1.2 inactivation is unknown. Here, we identified molecular determinants in the alpha(1)-subunit of Ca(v)1.2 (alpha(1)1.2) that distinguish the effects of CaBP1 and CaM on inactivation. Although both proteins bind to a well characterized IQ-domain in the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of alpha(1)1.2, mutations of the IQ-domain that significantly weakened CaM and CaBP1 binding abolished the functional effects of CaM, but not CaBP1. Pulldown binding assays revealed Ca(2+)-independent binding of CaBP1 to the N-terminal domain (NT) of alpha(1)1.2, which was in contrast to Ca(2+)-dependent binding of CaM to this region. Deletion of the NT abolished the effects of CaBP1 in prolonging Ca(v)1.2 Ca(2+) currents, but spared Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation due to CaM. We conclude that the NT and IQ-domains of alpha(1)1.2 mediate functionally distinct interactions with CaBP1 and CaM that promote conformational alterations that either stabilize or inhibit inactivation of Ca(v)1.2.  相似文献   
Contact-dependent killing and phagocytosis of target cells by Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites is mediated by the galactose (Gal) and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine (GalNAc)-inhibitable lectin. Previous work has suggested that this lectin functions as part of a signal transduction complex. To identify proteins that might be part of this complex, amebic trophozoites were bound to GalNAc-BSA-labeled magnetic beads and lysed. Bound proteins were eluted from the beads and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. Along with the Gal/GalNAc lectin subunits, several cytoskeletal proteins, potential signaling proteins, and a novel transmembrane protein, consistently purified with the GalNAc-BSA beads.  相似文献   
Bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG motifs is a pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) that interacts with host immune cells via a toll-like receptor (TLR) to induce immune responses. DNA binding and internalization into cells is independent of TLR expression, receptor-mediated, and required for cell activation. The objective of this study was to determine whether exposure of immune cells to bacterial DNA affects DNA binding and internalization. Treatment of RAW264.7 cells with CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) for both 18 and 42 h resulted in a significant increase in DNA binding, whereas non-CpG ODN had no effect on DNA binding. Enhanced DNA binding was non-sequence-specific, inhibited by unlabeled DNA, showed saturation, was consistent with increased cell surface DNA receptors, and resulted in enhanced internalization of DNA. Treatment with Escherichia coli DNA or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) also resulted in a significant increase in DNA binding, but treatment with interleukin-1alpha, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate had no effect on DNA binding. Soluble factors produced in response to treatment with CpG ODN or LPS did not affect DNA binding. These studies demonstrate that one consequence of activating the host innate immune response by bacterial infection is enhanced binding and internalization of DNA. During this period of increased DNA internalization, RAW264.7 cells were hypo-responsive to continued stimulation by CpG ODN, as assessed by tumor necrosis factor-alpha activity. We speculate the biological significance of increasing DNA binding and internalization following interaction with bacterial PAMPs may provide a mechanism to limit an ongoing immune inflammatory response by enhancing clearance of bacterial DNA from the extracellular environment.  相似文献   
Human alveolar macrophages are unique in that they have an extended life span in contrast to precursor monocytes. In evaluating the role of sphingolipids in alveolar macrophage survival, we found high levels of sphingosine, but not sphingosine-1-phosphate. Sphingosine is generated by the action of ceramidase(s) on ceramide, and alveolar macrophages have high constitutive levels of acid ceramidase mRNA, protein, and activity. The high levels of acid ceramidase were specific to alveolar macrophages, because there was little ceramidase protein or activity (or sphingosine) in monocytes from matching donors. In evaluating prolonged survival of alveolar macrophages, we observed a requirement for constitutive activity of ERK MAPK and the PI3K downstream effector Akt. Blocking acid ceramidase but not sphingosine kinase activity in alveolar macrophages led to decreased ERK and Akt activity and induction of cell death. These studies suggest an important role for sphingolipids in prolonging survival of human alveolar macrophages via distinct survival pathways.  相似文献   
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), a semiconductor used in the electronics industry, causes systemic immunosuppression in animals. The chemical's impact on macrophages to process the particulate antigen, sheep red blood cells (SRBC), for a T cell response in culture was examined after in vivo exposure of mice. GaAs-exposed splenic macrophages were defective in activating SRBC-primed lymph node T cells that could not be attributed to impaired phagocytosis. Modified forms of SRBC were generated to examine the compromised function of GaAs-exposed macrophages. SRBC were fixed to maintain their particulate nature and subsequently delipidated with detergent. Delipidation of intact SRBC was insufficient to restore normal antigen processing in GaAs-exposed macrophages. However, chemically exposed cells efficiently processed soluble sheep proteins. These findings suggest that the problem may lie in the release of sequestered sheep protein antigens, which then could be effectively cleaved to peptides. Furthermore, opsonization of SRBC with IgG compensated for the macrophage processing defect. The influence of signal transduction and phagocytosis via Fcgamma receptors on improved antigen processing could be dissociated. Immobilized anti-Fcgamma receptor antibody activated macrophages to secrete a chemokine, but did not enhance processing of unmodified SRBC by GaAs-exposed macrophages. Restoration of normal processing of particulate SRBC by chemically exposed macrophages involved phagocytosis through Fcgamma receptors. Hence, initial immune responses may be very sensitive to GaAs exposure, and the chemical's immunosuppression may be averted by opsonized particulate antigens.  相似文献   
The X-ray crystal structure of the At5g18200.1 protein has been determined to a nominal resolution of 2.30 A. The structure has a histidine triad (HIT)-like fold containing two distinct HIT-like motifs. The sequence of At5g18200.1 indicates a distant family relationship to the Escherichia coli galactose-1-P uridylyltransferase (GalT): the determined structure of the At5g18200.1 protein confirms this relationship. The At5g18200.1 protein does not demonstrate GalT activity but instead catalyzes adenylyl transfer in the reaction of ADP-glucose with various phosphates. The best acceptor among those evaluated is phosphate itself; thus, the At5g18200.1 enzyme appears to be an ADP-glucose phosphorylase. The enzyme catalyzes the exchange of (14)C between ADP-[(14)C]glucose and glucose-1-P in the absence of phosphate. The steady state kinetics of exchange follows the ping-pong bi-bi kinetic mechanism, with a k(cat) of 4.1 s(-)(1) and K(m) values of 1.4 and 83 microM for ADP-[(14)C]glucose and glucose-1-P, respectively, at pH 8.5 and 25 degrees C. The overall reaction of ADP-glucose with phosphate to produce ADP and glucose-1-P follows ping-pong bi-bi steady state kinetics, with a k(cat) of 2.7 s(-)(1) and K(m) values of 6.9 and 90 microM for ADP-glucose and phosphate, respectively, at pH 8.5 and 25 degrees C. The kinetics are consistent with a double-displacement mechanism that involves a covalent adenylyl-enzyme intermediate. The X-ray crystal structure of this intermediate was determined to 1.83 A resolution and shows the AMP group bonded to His(186). The value of K(eq) in the direction of ADP and glucose-1-P formation is 5.0 at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C in the absence of a divalent metal ion, and it is 40 in the presence of 1 mM MgCl(2).  相似文献   
Crystal structures of toluene 4-monooxygenase hydroxylase in complex with reaction products and effector protein reveal active site interactions leading to regiospecificity. Complexes with phenolic products yield an asymmetric μ-phenoxo-bridged diiron center and a shift of diiron ligand E231 into a hydrogen bonding position with conserved T201. In contrast, complexes with inhibitors p-NH(2)-benzoate and p-Br-benzoate showed a μ-1,1 coordination of carboxylate oxygen between the iron atoms and only a partial shift in the position of E231. Among active site residues, F176 trapped the aromatic ring of products against a surface of the active site cavity formed by G103, E104 and A107, while F196 positioned the aromatic ring against this surface via a π-stacking interaction. The proximity of G103 and F176 to the para substituent of the substrate aromatic ring and the structure of G103L T4moHD suggest how changes in regiospecificity arise from mutations at G103. Although effector protein binding produced significant shifts in the positions of residues along the outer portion of the active site (T201, N202, and Q228) and in some iron ligands (E231 and E197), surprisingly minor shifts (<1 ?) were produced in F176, F196, and other interior residues of the active site. Likewise, products bound to the diiron center in either the presence or absence of effector protein did not significantly shift the position of the interior residues, suggesting that positioning of the cognate substrates will not be strongly influenced by effector protein binding. Thus, changes in product distributions in the absence of the effector protein are proposed to arise from differences in rates of chemical steps of the reaction relative to motion of substrates within the active site channel of the uncomplexed, less efficient enzyme, while structural changes in diiron ligand geometry associated with cycling between diferrous and diferric states are discussed for their potential contribution to product release.  相似文献   
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