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Hatching asynchrony is the consequence of birds initiating incubation before clutch completion. It has been suggested that variation in hatching asynchrony in owls is extensive, and therefore they should be excellent objects to study the effects of spatio-temporal variation in food abundance on this phenomenon. We examined how abundance and predictability of food affected hatching asynchrony in Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus (Linnaeus), which mainly feeds on voles which fluctuate in 3- to 4-year cycles in northern Europe. Hatching span averaged 6-7 days (range 0-13 days) and increased with clutch size. Food supply did not directly influence levels of hatching asynchrony but it influenced indirectly via marked among-year changes in clutch size. During the decrease phase of the vole cycle the proportion of hatchlings producing fledglings decreased with asynchrony, suggesting that chick mortality was most common among asynchronous broods when food became scarce. This finding is consistent with Lack's brood reduction hypothesis, i.e. that if food becomes scarce during the nestling period the youngest nestlings would die first without endangering the survival of the whole brood.  相似文献   
The synthesis of oligopeptide building blocks for the introduction of nonluminescent and luminescent lanthanide(III) chelates to the oligopeptide structure on the solid phase is described. The oligopeptide conjugates synthesized were used in DELFIA-based receptor binding assay (motilin) as well as in LANCE time-resolved fluorescence quenching assay (caspase-3).  相似文献   
Jauhiainen  Jyrki  Vasander  Harri  Silvola  Jouko 《Plant Ecology》1998,138(2):149-160
Sphagnum fuscum, S. magellanicum, S. angustifolium and S. warnstorfii were treated with N deposition rates (0, 10, 30 and 100 kg ha-1 a-1) and with four atmospheric CO2 concentrations (350, 700, 1000 and 2000 ppm) in greenhouse for 71–120 days. Thereafter, concentrations of total N, P, K, Ca and Mg in the capitulae of the Sphagna were determined. The response of each species to N deposition was related to ecological differences. With increasing N deposition treatments, moss N concentrations increased and higher N:P-ratios were found, the increase being especially clear at the highest N load. Sphagnum fuscum, which occupies ombrotrophic habitats, was the most affected by the increased nitrogen load and as a consequence the other elements were decreased. Oligotrophic S. magellanicum, wide nutrient status tolerant S. angustifolium and meso-eutrophic S. warnstorfii tolerated better increased N deposition, though there were increased concentrations of Ca and Mg in S. warnstorfii and Mg in S. magellanicum. Nitrogen and P concentrations decreased with raised CO2 concentrations, except for S. magellanicum. This seems to be the first time this kind of response in nutrient concentrations to enhanced CO2 concentration has been shown to exist in bryophytes. The concentration of K clearly decreased in S. fuscum as did the concentration of Mg in the other Sphagna with increasing CO2. Sphagnum angustifolium and S. magellanicum, which are the less specialized species, were the least affected by the CO2 treatments.  相似文献   
Long-term immobilization is known to result in substantial bone loss. The present review examined the existing evidence for deterioration of bone structure during long-term disuse in humans. Paralysis due to spinal cord injury, long-term exposure to microgravity in space or tightly restricted mobility during bed rest provide reasonable models to assess the influence of immobilization on bone structure. Expectedly, the duration of immobilisation was the major determinant of bone loss, but irrespective of whether the skeletal unloading was due to irrecoverable paralysis, long-term spaceflight or bed rest, the mean pattern of structural deterioration of bone, mainly manifest as substantial cortical thinning and trabecular bone loss, was quite similar. However, skeletal responses to disuse can be highly variable between individuals. Apparently the relative decline in individual’s bone loading in relation to loading prior to immobilization accounts for inter-individual variation.  相似文献   
The Archipelago Sea in the northern Baltic has been subjected to large-scale cultural, economic and ecological changes, especially during the last three decades. Environmental threats originate from both basin-wide sources, affecting the whole Baltic Sea, and from local sources, such as nutrient loading from nearby river outflows, intense agriculture, fish farming, ships' traffic, boating, and man's physical impacts on the landscape and seascape. Both the Åland archipelago and the Archipelago Sea have been listed as hot-spots by HELCOM, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, eutrophication being the main threat to the aquatic environment. In this study we review how biological communities have reacted to an increase in man-induced multisource stresses. Changes in plankton, benthic animals, macroalgal assemblages and fish communities have been documented in most parts of the Baltic Sea since the 1970s. What remains to be understood is the importance of these structural changes for the functioning of the Archipelago Sea ecosystem under various levels of human impact.  相似文献   

Preparation of 3′-deoxypsicothymidines bearing a tether group at O1′ is described. Selective protection of the primary hydroxy functions of the starting nucleoside is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The impact of nutrient enrichment on the phytoplankton community structure, and particularly cyanobacteria, was studied in a 3-week mesocosm experiment conducted in August 2001 in the Archipelago Sea, a part of the northern Baltic Sea. The factorial design experiment included daily additions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) at two mass ratios, 1N:1P and 7N:1P, respectively, additions of iron (Fe) and a synthetic chelator, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The floating enclosures (400 l) were sampled for analyses of phytoplankton biomass and community structure, phytoplankton primary production, chlorophyll a, nutrients, and hepatotoxins. Chlorophyll a concentration, phytoplankton biomass and primary production increased most in the 7N:1P treatment. The increase was mainly due to an abundant growth of chlorophytes (Dictyosphaerium subsolitarium, Kirchneriella spp., Monoraphidium contortum, and Oocystis spp.), pennate diatoms (especially Nitzschia spp.), dinophytes and the chroococcalean cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. The nutrient enrichments had no effect on the total biomass of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Nevertheless, the biomass of Anabaena spp. was highest in the enrichments with a low N/P ratio. Chlorophyll a concentration and total phytoplankton biomass were not affected by Fe or EDTA, but Fe alone had a positive effect on the chlorophyte Kirchneriella sp. The N2-fixing cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon sp. responded positively to Fe alone and to both Fe and EDTA added together. The hepatotoxin concentration increased during the experiment, but no clear responses to nutrient enrichments were found. Our study showed species-specific responses to nutrient enrichments among the N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Although the total phytoplankton production was not Fe-limited; the availability of Fe clearly affected the phytoplankton community structure.  相似文献   
There is a growing amount of empirical evidence that premating reproductive isolation of two closely related species can be reinforced by natural selection arising from avoidance of maladaptive hybridization. However, as an alternative for this popular reinforcement theory, it has been suggested that learning to prefer conspecifics or to discriminate heterospecifics could cause a similar pattern of reinforced premating isolation, but this possibility is much less studied. Here, we report results of a field experiment in which we examined (i) whether allopatric Calopteryx virgo damselfly males that have not encountered heterospecific females of the congener C. splendens initially show discrimination, and (ii) whether C. virgo males learn to discriminate heterospecifics or learn to associate with conspecifics during repeated experimental presentation of females. Our experiment revealed that there was a statistically nonsignificant tendency for C. virgo males to show initial discrimination against heterospecific females but because we did not use sexually naïve individuals in our experiment, we were not able to separate the effect of innate or associative learning. More importantly, however, our study revealed that species discrimination might be further strengthened by learning, especially so that C. virgo males increase their association with conspecific females during repeated presentation trials. The role of learning to discriminate C. splendens females was less clear. We conclude that learning might play a role in species recognition also when individuals are not naïve but have already encountered potential conspecific mates.  相似文献   
Endosialidase (endo-N-acetylneuraminidase) is a tailspike enzyme of bacteriophages specific for human pathogenic Escherichia coli K1, which specifically recognizes and degrades polySia (polysialic acid). polySia is also a polysaccharide of the capsules of other meningitis- and sepsis-causing bacteria, and a post-translational modification of the NCAM (neural cell-adhesion molecule). We have cloned and sequenced three spontaneously mutated endosialidases of the PK1A bacteriophage and one of the PK1E bacteriophage which display lost or residual enzyme activity but retain the binding activity to polySia. Single to triple amino acid substitutions were identified, and back-mutation constructs indicated that single substitutions accounted for only partial reduction of enzymic activity. A homology-based structural model of endosialidase revealed that all substituted amino acid residues localize to the active site of the enzyme. The results reveal the importance of non-catalytic amino acid residues for the enzymatic activity. The results reveal the molecular background for the dissociation of the polySia binding and cleaving activities of endosialidase and for the evolvement of 'host range' mutants of E. coli K1 bacteriophages.  相似文献   
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent a valuable resource for the mapping of human disease genes and induced mutations in model organisms. SNPs may become the markers of choice also for population ecology and evolutionary studies, but their isolation for non-model organisms with unsequenced genomes is often difficult. Here, we describe a rapid and cost-effective strategy to isolate SNPs that exploits the property of the bacteriophage Mu transposition machinery to target mismatched DNA sites and thereby to effectively detect polymorphic loci. To demonstrate the methodology, we isolated 164 SNPs from the unsequenced genome of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia), a much-studied species in population biology, and we validated 24 of them. The strategy involves standard molecular biology techniques as well as undemanding MuA transposase-catalyzed in vitro transposition reactions, and it is applicable to any organism.  相似文献   
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