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In order to replace the P2-P1 amide group, different 1-cycloalkenyls and 2-aryls were studied in the place of the P1 pyrrolidine group of a 4-phenylbutanoyl-L-Pro-pyrrolidine structure, which is a well-known prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitor SUAM-1221. The 1-cyclopentenyl and the 2-thienyl groups gave novel compounds, which were equipotent with the corresponding pyrrolidine-analog SUAM-1221. It was shown that the P2-P1 amide group of POP inhibitors can be replaced by an alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl group or the aryl conjugated carbonyl group.  相似文献   
Feitsma H  Leal MC  Moens PB  Cuppen E  Schulz RW 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1561-1569
In most eukaryotes, recombination of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is necessary for proper chromosome pairing and subsequent segregation. The molecular mechanisms of meiosis are still relatively unknown, but numerous genes are known to be involved, among which are many mismatch repair genes. One of them, mlh1, colocalizes with presumptive sites of crossing over, but its exact action remains unclear. We studied meiotic processes in a knockout line for mlh1 in zebrafish. Male mlh1 mutants are sterile and display an arrest in spermatogenesis at metaphase I, resulting in increased testis weight due to accumulation of prophase I spermatocytes. In contrast, females are fully fertile, but their progeny shows high rates of dysmorphology and mortality within the first days of development. SNP-based chromosome analysis shows that this is caused by aneuploidy, resulting from meiosis I chromosomal missegregation. Surprisingly, the small percentage of progeny that develops normally has a complete triploid genome, consisting of both sets of maternal and one set of paternal chromosomes. As adults, these triploid fish are infertile males with wild-type appearance. The frequency of triploid progeny of mlh1 mutant females is much higher than could be expected for random chromosome segregation. Together, these results show that multiple solutions exist for meiotic crossover/segregation problems.  相似文献   
Plant monocultures are commonly believed to be more susceptible to herbivore attacks than stands composed of several plant species. However, few studies have experimentally tested the effects of tree species diversity on herbivory. In this paper, we present a meta-analysis of uniformly collected data on insect herbivore abundance and damage on three tree species (silver birch, black alder and sessile oak) from seven long-term forest diversity experiments in boreal and temperate forest zones. Our aim was to compare the effects of forest diversity on herbivores belonging to different feeding guilds and inhabiting different tree species. At the same time we also examined the variation in herbivore responses due to tree age and sampling period within the season, the effects of experimental design (plot size and planting density) and the stability of herbivore responses over time. Herbivore responses varied significantly both among insect feeding guilds and among host tree species. Among insect feeding guilds, only leaf miner densities were consistently lower and less variable in mixed stands as compared to tree monocultures regardless of the host tree species. The responses of other herbivores to forest diversity depended largely on host tree species. Insect herbivory on birch was significantly lower in mixtures than in birch monocultures, whereas insect herbivory on oak and alder was higher in mixtures than in oak and alder monocultures. The effects of tree species diversity were also more pronounced in older trees, in the earlier part of the season, at larger plots and at lower planting density. Overall our results demonstrate that forest diversity does not generally and uniformly reduce insect herbivory and suggest instead that insect herbivore responses to forest diversity are highly variable and strongly dependent on the host tree species and other stand characteristics as well as on the type of the herbivore.  相似文献   


In order to investigate the applicability of routine 10s electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings for time-domain heart rate variability (HRV) calculation we explored to what extent these (ultra-)short recordings capture the “actual” HRV.


The standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals (SDNN) and the root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD) were measured in 3,387 adults. SDNN and RMSSD were assessed from (ultra)short recordings of 10s(3x), 30s, and 120s and compared to 240s–300s (gold standard) measurements. Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r), Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement and Cohen’s d statistics were used as agreement analysis techniques.


Agreement between the separate 10s recordings and the 240s-300s recording was already substantial (r = 0.758–0.764/Bias = 0.398–0.416/d = 0.855–0.894 for SDNN; r = 0.853–0.862/Bias = 0.079–0.096/d = 0.150–0.171 for RMSSD), and improved further when three 10s periods were averaged (r = 0.863/Bias = 0.406/d = 0.874 for SDNN; r = 0.941/Bias = 0.088/d = 0.167 for RMSSD). Agreement increased with recording length and reached near perfect agreement at 120s (r = 0.956/Bias = 0.064/d = 0.137 for SDNN; r = 0.986/Bias = 0.014/d = 0.027 for RMSSD). For all recording lengths and agreement measures, RMSSD outperformed SDNN.


Our results confirm that it is unnecessary to use recordings longer than 120s to obtain accurate measures of RMSSD and SDNN in the time domain. Even a single 10s (standard ECG) recording yields a valid RMSSD measurement, although an average over multiple 10s ECGs is preferable. For SDNN we would recommend either 30s or multiple 10s ECGs. Future research projects using time-domain HRV parameters, e.g. genetic epidemiological studies, could calculate HRV from (ultra-)short ECGs enabling such projects to be performed at a large scale.  相似文献   


Our recent study of three accelerometer brands in various ambulatory activities showed that the mean amplitude deviation (MAD) of the resultant acceleration signal performed best in separating different intensity levels and provided excellent agreement between the three devices. The objective of this study was to derive a regression model that estimates oxygen consumption (VO2) from MAD values and validate the MAD-based cut-points for light, moderate and vigorous locomotion against VO2 within a wide range of speeds.


29 participants performed a pace-conducted non-stop test on a 200 m long indoor track. The initial speed was 0.6 m/s and it was increased by 0.4 m/s every 2.5 minutes until volitional exhaustion. The participants could freely decide whether they preferred to walk or run. During the test they carried a hip-mounted tri-axial accelerometer and mobile metabolic analyzer. The MAD was calculated from the raw acceleration data and compared to directly measured incident VO2. Cut-point between light and moderate activity was set to 3.0 metabolic equivalent (MET, 1 MET = 3.5 ml · kg-1 · min-1) and between moderate and vigorous activity to 6.0 MET as per standard use.


The MAD and VO2 showed a very strong association. Within individuals, the range of r values was from 0.927 to 0.991 providing the mean r = 0.969. The optimal MAD cut-point for 3.0 MET was 91 mg (milligravity) and 414 mg for 6.0 MET.


The present study showed that the MAD is a valid method in terms of the VO2 within a wide range of ambulatory activities from slow walking to fast running. Being a device-independent trait, the MAD facilitates directly comparable, accurate results on the intensity of physical activity with all accelerometers providing tri-axial raw data.  相似文献   
Abstract. We tested whether rewetting improved environmental conditions during peatland restoration and promoted colonization and development of mire vegetation. Vegetation change was monitored in a cut‐away peatland one year before, and four years after, rewetting. Colonizers before rewetting were perennials, mostly typical of hummocks or bare peat surfaces. The main variation in vegetation was related to variation in the amounts of major nutrients and water table level. The wettest site with the highest nutrient level had the highest total vegetation cover and diversity, as well as some species typical of wet minerotrophic mires. Raising the water table level above, or close to, the soil surface promoted development of wet minerotrophic vegetation. Diversity initially decreased because of the disappearance of hummock vegetation but started to recover in the third year. Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex rostrata were both favoured, and bryophytes typical of wet habitats colonized the site. Moderate rewetting promoted the development of Eriophorum vaginatum seedlings and an increase in the cover of tussocks. Bryophytes typical of disturbed peat surfaces spread. In the control site development continued slowly towards closed hummock vegetation. The study showed that raising the water level to, or above, soil surface promotes conditions wet enough for a rapid succession towards closed mire vegetation.  相似文献   
Identification and functional analysis of key members of bacterial communities in marine and estuarine environments are major challenges for obtaining a mechanistic understanding of biogeochemical processes. In the Baltic Sea basins, as in many other marine environments with anoxic bodies of water, the oxic-anoxic interface is considered a layer of high bacterial turnover of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon compounds that has a great impact on matter balances in the whole ecosystem. We focused on autotrophic denitrification by oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds as a biogeochemically important process mediating concomitant turnover of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon. We used a newly developed approach consisting of molecular analyses in stimulation experiments and in situ abundance. The molecular approach was based on single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of the bacterial community RNA, which allowed identification of potential denitrifiers based on the sequences of enhanced SSCP bands and monitoring of the overall bacterial community during the experiments. Sequences of the SSCP bands of interest were used to design highly specific primers that enabled (i) generation of almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequences using experimental and environmental DNA as templates and (ii) quantification of the bacteria of interest by real-time PCR. By using this approach we identified the bacteria responsible for autotrophic denitrification as a single taxon, an epsilonproteobacterium related to the autotrophic denitrifier Thiomicrospira denitrificans. This finding was confirmed by material balances in the experiments that were consistent with those obtained with continuous cultures of T. denitrificans. The presence and activity of a bacterium that is phylogenetically and physiologically closely related to T. denitrificans could be relevant for the carbon budget of the central Baltic Sea because T. denitrificans exhibits only one-half the efficiency for carbon dioxide fixation per mol of sulfide oxidized and mol of nitrate reduced of Thiobacillus denitrificans hypothesized previously for this function.  相似文献   
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