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Silencing of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) by DNA promoter hypermethylation is an early event in carcinogenesis and a potential target for personalized cancer treatment. In head and neck cancer, little is known about the role of promoter hypermethylation in survival. Using methylation specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MS-MLPA) we investigated the role of promoter hypermethylation of 24 well-described genes (some of which are classic TSGs), which are frequently methylated in different cancer types, in 166 HPV-negative early oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), and 51 HPV-negative early oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas (OPSCC) in relation to clinicopathological features and survival. Early OSCC showed frequent promoter hypermethylation in RARB (31% of cases), CHFR (20%), CDH13 (13%), DAPK1 (12%), and APC (10%). More hypermethylation (≥ 2 genes) independently correlated with improved disease specific survival (hazard ratio 0.17, P = 0.014) in early OSCC and could therefore be used as prognostic biomarker. Early OPSCCs showed more hypermethylation of CDH13 (58%), TP73 (14%), and total hypermethylated genes. Hypermethylation of two or more genes has a significantly different effect on survival in OPSCC compared with OSCC, with a trend toward worse instead of better survival. This could have a biological explanation, which deserves further investigation and could possibly lead to more stratified treatment in the future.  相似文献   
Two subspecies of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus, meet in a narrow contact zone across Europe. Mice in the hybrid zone are highly admixed, representing the full range of mixed ancestry from the two subspecies. Given the distinct morphologies of these subspecies, these natural hybrids can be used for genomewide association mapping at sufficiently high resolution to directly infer candidate genes. We focus here on limb bone length differences, which is of special interest for understanding the evolution of developmentally correlated traits. We used 172 first‐generation descendants of wild‐caught mice from the hybrid zone to measure the length of stylopod (humerus/femur), zeugopod (ulna/tibia) and autopod (metacarpal/metatarsal) elements in skeletal CT scans. We find phenotypic covariation between limb elements in the hybrids similar to patterns previously described in Mus musculus domesticus inbred strains, suggesting that the hybrid genotypes do not influence the covariation pattern in a major way. Mapping was performed using 143,592 SNPs and identified several genomic regions associated with length differences in each bone. Bone length was found to be highly polygenic. None of the candidate regions include the canonical genes known to control embryonic limb development. Instead, we are able to identify candidate genes with known roles in osteoblast differentiation and bone structure determination, as well as recently evolved genes of, as yet, unknown function.  相似文献   
The molecular identity and pharmacological properties of mechanically gated ion channels in sensory neurons are poorly understood. We show that FM1-43, a styryl dye used to fluorescently label cell membranes, permeates mechanosensitive ion channels in cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons, resulting in blockade of three previously defined subtypes of mechanically activated currents. Blockade and dye uptake is voltage dependent and regulated by external Ca2+. The structurally related larger dye FM3-25 inhibited mechanically activated currents to a lesser degree and did not permeate the channels. In vivo, FMI-43 decreases pain sensitivity in the Randall-Selitto test and increases the withdrawal threshold from von Frey hairs, together suggesting that the channels expressed at the cell body in culture mediate mechanosensation in the intact animal. These data give further insight into the mechanosensitive ion channels expressed by somatosensory neurons and suggest FM dyes are an interesting tool for studying them.  相似文献   
Recent surveys of the human genome have highlighted the significance of balancing selection in relation to understanding the evolutionary origins of disease-associated variation. Cis-regulatory variation at the blood group-related glycosyltransferase B4galnt2 is associated with a phenotype in mice that closely resembles a common human bleeding disorder, von Willebrand disease. In this study, we have performed a survey of the 5' flanking region of the B4galnt2 gene in several Mus musculus subspecies and Mus spretus. Our results reveal a clear pattern of trans-species polymorphism and indicate that allele classes conferring alternative tissue-specific expression patterns have been maintained for >2.8 My in the genus Mus. Furthermore, analysis of B4galnt2 expression patterns revealed the presence of an additional functional class of alleles, supporting a role for gastrointestinal phenotypes in the long-term maintenance of expression variation at this gene.  相似文献   
Primary nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPCs) may be of various types, including squamous cell carcinomas, undifferentiated carcinomas, and lymphoepitheliomas. Tumor initiation has been linked to the Epstein-Barr virus and, in some geographical regions, to alimentary factors. Possible hereditary components for the appearance of NPCs have not yet been clearly identified. In this study, genetic sensitivity to the genotoxic effects of carcinogenic xenobiotics as an endogenous risk factor of tumor initiation was investigated.The single cell microgel electrophoresis assay was used to quantify chemically-induced DNA damage in lymphocytes of 30 NPC patients and 30 non-tumor donors. The xenobiotics investigated were N'-nitrosodiethylamine, sodium dichromate, and nickel sulphate, with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as positive and negative controls, respectively.The extent of DNA migration in the solvent control cultures was not significantly different between the two groups (1.2+/-0.5 mean Olive tail moment and standard deviation of 30 individuals for NPC patients; 1.1+/-0.4 for non-tumor donors). With constant exposure and electrophoretic conditions, genotoxic effects of varying degrees were induced by the different xenobiotics in tumor and non-tumor patients (nickel sulphate: 7.1+/-2.5 for NPC patients and 5.9+/-1.6 for non-tumor donors; sodium dichromate: 18.1+/-5.3 for NPC patients and 16.2+/-5.4 for non-tumor donors; MNNG: 47.8+/-13.3 for NPC patients and 52.7+/-13.6 for non-tumor donors). Only N'-nitrosodiethylamine proved to induce significantly more DNA migration in lymphocytes of tumor patients (9.8+/-3.1) as compared to non-tumor patients (8.2+/-2.3). Although for sodium dichromate the degree of DNA migration did not significantly differ, variability in migration patterns proved to be lower in the tumor group.Mutagen sensitivity of NPC patients was shown to be elevated for a selected xenobiotic, whereas a general elevation of DNA fragility was not present. Further studies on mutagen sensitivity as an endogenous risk factor influencing the susceptibility of patients at the time of first diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinomas are warranted.  相似文献   
Poultry are considered the major reservoir for Campylobacter jejuni, a leading bacterial cause of human food-borne diarrhea. To understand the ecology of C. jejuni and develop strategies to control C. jejuni infection in the animal reservoir, we initiated studies to examine the potential role of anti-Campylobacter maternal antibodies in protecting young broiler chickens from infection by C. jejuni. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the prevalence of anti-C. jejuni antibodies in breeder chickens, egg yolks, and broilers from multiple flocks of different farms were examined. High levels of antibodies to the organism were detected in serum samples of breeder chickens and in egg yolk contents. To determine the dynamics of anti-Campylobacter maternal antibody transferred from yolks to hatchlings, serum samples collected from five broiler flocks at weekly intervals from 1 to 28 or 42 days of age were also examined by ELISA. Sera from the 1-day and 7-day-old chicks showed high titers of antibodies to C. jejuni. Thereafter, antibody titers decreased substantially and were not detected during the third and fourth weeks of age. The disappearance of anti-Campylobacter maternal antibodies during 3 to 4 weeks of age coincides with the appearance of C. jejuni infections observed in many broiler chicken flocks. As shown by immunoblotting, the maternally derived antibodies recognized multiple membrane proteins of C. jejuni ranging from 19 to 107 kDa. Moreover, in vitro serum bactericidal assays showed that anti-Campylobacter maternal antibodies were active in antibody-dependent complement-mediated killing of C. jejuni. Together, these results highlight the widespread presence of functional anti-Campylobacter antibodies in the poultry production system and provide a strong rationale for further investigation of the potential role of anti-C. jejuni maternal antibodies in protecting young chickens from infection by C. jejuni.  相似文献   
Comparative genomics is a powerful approach to inference of the dynamics of genome evolution. Most information about the evolution of microsatellites in the genus Drosophila has been obtained from Drosophila melanogaster. For comparison, we collected microsatellite data for the distantly related species Drosophila virilis. Screening about 0.5 Mb of nonredundant genomic sequence from GenBank, we identified 239 dinucleotide microsatellites. On average, D. virilis dinucleotides were significantly longer than D. melanogaster microsatellites (7.69 repeats vs. 6.75 repeats). Similarly, direct cloning of microsatellites resulted in a higher mean repeat number in D. virilis than in D. melanogaster (12.7 repeats vs. 12.2 repeats). Characterization of 11 microsatellite loci mapping to division 40-49 on the fourth chromosome of D. virilis indicated that D. virilis microsatellites are more variable than those of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
Microsatellites are tandem repetitions of short (1-6 bp) motifs. It is widely assumed that microsatellites degenerate through the accumulation of base substitutions in the repeat array. Using a phylogenetic framework, we studied the evolutionary dynamics of interruptions in three Drosophila microsatellite loci. For all three loci, we show that the interruptions in a microsatellite can be lost, resulting in a longer uninterrupted microsatellite stretch. These results indicate that mutations in the microsatellite array do not necessarily lead to decay but may represent only a transition state during the evolution of a microsatellite. Most likely, this purification of interrupted microsatellites is caused by DNA replication slippage.  相似文献   
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