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The mutual diffusion coefficient of the bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan subunit is found to increase rapidly with increasing concentration and decreasing ionic strength. These results have been obtained by analysis of the boundary relaxation of concentration gradients in the analytical ultracentrifuge by schlieren optics. The diffusion behavior can be understood in terms of the nonideality of the proteoglycan. The magnitude of the nonideality is dominated by charge interactions, whereas the influence of molecular size and associated excluded-volume interactions is small. The concentration dependence of the apparent diffusion coefficient of the proteoglycan subunit from dynamic light scattering was found, in contrast, to decrease with increasing concentration. Computer simulation of the dynamic light scattering suggests that the presence of a small population of aggregates may account for the difference in the two types of diffusion measurement due to their marked influence on the scattering.  相似文献   
NADH:nitrate reductase (EC and NAD(P)H:nitrate reductase (EC were purified from wild-type soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr., cv Williams) and nr1-mutant soybean plants. Purification included Blue Sepharose- and hydroxylapatite-column chromatography using acetone powders from fully expanded unifoliolate leaves as the enzyme source.

Two forms of constitutive nitrate reductase were sequentially eluted with NADPH and NADH from Blue Sepharose loaded with extract from wild-type plants grown on urea as sole nitrogen source. The form eluted with NADPH was designated c1NR, and the form eluted with NADH was designated c2NR. Nitrate-grown nr1 mutant soybean plants yielded a NADH:nitrate reductase (designated iNR) when Blue Sepharose columns were eluted with NADH; NADPH failed to elute any NR form from Blue Sepharose loaded with this extract. Both c1NR and c2NR had similar pH optima of 6.5, sedimentation behavior (s20,w of 5.5-6.0), and electrophoretic mobility. However, c1NR was more active with NADPH than with NADH, while c2NR preferred NADH as electron donor. Apparent Michaelis constants for nitrate were 5 millimolar (c1NR) and 0.19 millimolar (c2NR). The iNR from the mutant had a pH optimum of 7.5, s20,w of 7.6, and was less mobile on polyacrylamide gels than c1NR and c2NR. The iNR preferred NADH over NADPH and had an apparent Michaelis constant of 0.13 millimolar for nitrate.

Thus, wild-type soybean contains two forms of constitutive nitrate reductase, both differing in their physical properties from nitrate reductases common in higher plants. The inducible nitrate reductase form present in soybeans, however, appears to be similar to most substrateinduced nitrate reductases found in higher plants.

Cytochrome b-245 from human neutrophils is a glycoprotein.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cytochrome b-245 is a glycoprotein. It runs as a broad band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and its apparent Mr varies with the concentration of acrylamide. It stained positively with Schiff reagent and with silver stains after oxidation with periodic acid. It preferentially bound the lectin of Phaseolus vulgaris (type III), and cleavage of carbohydrate with endoglycosidase F resulted in a sharp band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis with an apparent Mr of 55000 G.l.c. analysis of carbohydrate showed this to account for about 15% of the Mr and N-acetylglucosamine and galactose to be the major sugars.  相似文献   
Although the use of a gene specific deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) probe is the method of choice for detecting carriers of genes for rare genetic disorders, there will always be families in which such probes cannot be used because key subjects are not informative for restriction fragment length polymorphisms in or around the gene. In these cases closely linked DNA markers have to be used. An X chromosome specific DNA probe, DX13, which is closely linked to the haemophilia A locus on the X chromosome, was used for early prenatal diagnosis in two cases and to detect carriers in a series of nine possible heterozygote women. The first reported crossover between DX13 and the factor VIII:C locus was observed in this study. There are complexities inherent in using any linked DNA probe for assignment of genes, but such techniques are clinically important.  相似文献   
A postal survey in two health board areas in Scotland, encompassing a population of about one million, identified 1477 patients with chronic ulcers of the leg. Women outnumbered men by a ratio of 2.8:1. The median age of the women was 74 and of the men 67. Seventy two (5%) were hospital inpatients, 174 (12%) were managed jointly by the primary care team and outpatient departments, and 1201 (83%) were managed entirely in the community. Efforts to improve the management of chronic ulcers of the leg should focus on primary health care.  相似文献   
Summary We looked at the relationship between available area, as defined by Thiessen polygons around individual plants, and plant size and mortality in even-aged green-house populations of Lapsana communis L. Polygon area was a good predictor of plant weight in these populations. After nine weeks growth, just prior to the onset of self-thinning, the dry weight of plants was directly proportional to the square root of polygon area. After the onset of selfthinning, plant weight appeared to be directly related to polygon area to the 3/2 power. Plants in small polygons were much more likely to die than those in larger areas. Thinning changed the frequency distribution of polygon sizes from highly skewed and unequal to normal and more equal, while inequality in surviving plant sizes did not appear to be affected by thinning.  相似文献   
Cultured fibroblasts from patients with I-cell disease (mucolipidosis II) accumulate excessive amounts of free cystine, similarly to cells from patients with nephropathic cystinosis, a disorder of lysosomal cystine transport. To clarify whether the intralysosomal accumulation of cystine in I-cell-disease fibroblasts was due to a defective disposal mechanism, we measured the rates of clearance of free [35S]cystine from intact normal, cystinotic and I-cell-disease fibroblasts. Loss of radioactivity from the two mutant cell types occurred slowly (t 1/2 = 500 min) compared with the rapid loss from normal cells (t 1/2 = 40 min). Lysosome-rich granular fractions isolated from three different cystine-loaded normal, cystinotic and I-cell-disease fibroblast strains were similarly examined for non-radioactive cystine egress. Normal granular fractions lost cystine rapidly (mean t 1/2 = 43 min), whereas cystinotic granular fractions did not lose any cystine (mean t 1/2 = infinity). I-cell-disease granular fractions displayed prolonged half-times for cystine disposal (mean = 108 min), suggesting that I-cell-disease fibroblasts, like cystinotic cells, possess a defective carrier mechanism for cystine transport.  相似文献   
Summary We have studied the genetic linkage relationships of seven DNA polymorphisms on chromosome 19, with each other and with the myotonic dystrophy locus. The DNA sequences were localised to various regions of the chromosome using translocations in somatic cell hybrids. These results provide the basis for a linkage map of most of chromosome 19, and suggest that the myotonic dystrophy locus is close to the centromere.  相似文献   
The anaerobic bacteriumClostridium butyricum is the major contributor to nitrogen gains by a cellulolytic/nitrogen-fixing population isolated from straw. Growth of the anaerobe is supported by the products of fungal cellulases. The facultative anaerobeEnterobacter cloacae does not make a significant direct contribution to nitrogen fixation but in association withC. butyricum allows the anaerobe to grow under aerobic conditions. The major function ofE. cloacae is though to be provision of oxygen-depleted microsites.  相似文献   
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaves have been shown to contain three forms of nitrate reductase (NR). Two of the forms, which are present in leaves of wild-type (cv. Williams) plants grown in the absence of NO3, are termed constitutive and designated c1NR and c2NR. The third form, which is present in NO3-grown mutant (nr1) plants lacking the constitutive forms, is termed inducible and designated iNR. Samples of c1NR, c2NR, and iNR obtained from appropriately treated plants were analyzed for the presence of partial activities, response to inhibitors, and ability to complement a barley NR which lacks the molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) but is otherwise active.

The three forms were similar to most assimilatory NR enzymes in that they (a) exhibited NADH-cytochrome c reductase, reduced flavin mononucleotide-NR, and reduced methyl viologen-NR partial activities; (b) were inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate at the site of initial electron transport through each enzyme; (c) were more inhibited by CN in their reduced enzyme state as compared with their oxidized state; and (d) complemented a MoCo-defective NR (e.g. contained cofactors with characteristics similar to the MoCo found in barley NR and commercial xanthine oxidase). However, among themselves, they showed dissimilarities in their response to treatment with HCO3 and CN, and in their absolute ability to complement the barley NR. The site of effect for these treatments was the terminal cofactor-containing portion of each enzyme. This indicated that, although a terminal cofactor (presumably a MoCo) was present in each form, structural or conformational differences existed in the terminal cofactor-protein complex of each form.

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