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Sorted muscle cells, cultured from a patient with nephropathic cystinosis, stored 100 times normal amounts of cystine. Subcellular fractionation and density-gradient centrifugation confirmed that the cystine was located in a lysosomal compartment. 2. Myoblasts from cystinotic patients in culture underwent fusion to myotubes in a normal fashion. 3. The free thiol cysteamine effectively depleted cystinotic-muscle cells of cystine. 4. Cultured myoblast and myotubes offered a unique system for investigating the effects of lysosomal storage on differentiated cell functions.  相似文献   
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a biologically active phospholipid that is released locally during acute inflammatory reactions and tissue injury. Since there is evidence that the biochemical events of mammalian ovulation resemble an inflammatory reaction, the objective of this study was to determine whether ovarian levels of PAF change during ovulation. At 2-h intervals during the ovulatory process in gonadotropin-primed 25-day-old Wistar rats, the ovaries were extirpated, homogenized, and extracted for lipids. The extracts were subjected to thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and the portion of the silica gel that comigrated with PAF was re-extracted and assayed for PAF activity. The PAF was measured (in fmole equivalents of synthetic PAF) by a bioassay based on the capacity of aliquots of the extracts to release [3H]-serotonin from platelets isolated from whole blood of rabbits and prelabeled with [3H]-serotonin. The ovarian level of PAF decreased (p less than 0.01) by 36% from 6.67 +/- 0.77 to 4.27 +/- 0.45 fmoles/mg ovary by 2 h after treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and it declined another 14% by 4 h after hCG. The ovarian PAF remained at this reduced level for up to 24 h after hCG. The administration of indomethacin (5 mg/rat, s.c.) or epostane (5 mg/rat, s.c.) at 1 h after hCG prevented ovulation, but neither drug affected the decline in ovarian PAF. Preliminary tests showed that the lipid extracts from the ovaries also contained PAF inhibitor(s) that comigrated with PAF on the TLC plates. Similar to PAF, the lipid-soluble inhibitor(s) decreased (p less than 0.05) in the ovaries within 4 h after hCG treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Studies of drug toxicity, toxicologic structure-function relationships, screening of idiosyncratic drug reactions, and a variety of cytotoxic events and cellular functions in immunology and cell biology require the sensitive and rapid processing of often large numbers of cell samples. This report describes the development of a high-sensitivity, high-throughput viability assay based on (a) the carboxyfluorescein derivative 2'-7'-biscarboxyethyl-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) as a vital dye, (b) instrumentation capable of processing multiple small (less than 100 cells) samples, and (c) a 96-well unidirectional vacuum filtration plate. Double staining of cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells with BCECF and propidium iodide (PI) showed no overlap between PI+ (nonviable) and BCECF+ (viable) cells by flow cytometric analysis. Optimal conditions were developed for dye loading and minimizing physical cell damage and fluorescence quench during the assay procedure. The ratio of BCECF fluorescence to internal standard fluorescent particles was linear from 40 to greater than 20,000 cells with a signal:noise ratio of approximately 3 at 40 cells/well. Sulfamethoxazole hydroxylamine (SMX-HA) was used as a model toxic drug metabolite to explore the validity of the BCECF procedure. SMX-HA, but not its parent compound sulfamethoxazole, resulted in a dose dependent loss of cellular fluorescence and the parallel accumulation of PI+ nonviable cells. When compared to the currently used tetrazolium dye reduction viability assay, the BCECF method was 3-fold more sensitive, greater than 10-fold faster, and required 1/10-1/100 the cell numbers.  相似文献   
Day-6 pregnant rabbits were anesthetized and subjected to a mid-ventral laparotomy. [3H] Prostaglandin F2alpha) (PGF2alpha) [3H]PGE2, [14C]Urea or [14C]Sucrose were instilled into the uterine lumen via the uterotubal junction. The amounts instilled/uterine horn were respectively 3.7 +/- 0.3, 3.5 +/- 0.3, 5.7 +/- 1.3 and 2.7 +/- 1.6 muCi in 20mul of buffer. Animals were killed at 1, 2, 9, 19 or 21 h after radioactive instillation, and the amounts of radioactivity in blastocysts, uterine tissue, peritoneal cavity washings and urine evaluated by liquid scintillation spectrometry. A gradient of radioactivity was observed from the uterotubal junction to the cervical end of the uterus. Large amounts of [3H]PG were found in the injected horn and associated blastocysts with a considerable crossover to the non-injected horn, but little in the associated blastocysts. Much of the blastocysts associated- [3H]PG remained unmetabolized. Large amounts of metabolized [3 H] were found in urine. [14C]Urea was taken up by uterine tissue in the injected horn, but there was little cross over to the non-injected horn. Urea was also found in urine. Much of the [14C]Sucrose remained in the injected horn, and little was recovered from the urine. It was found that at 9 h, but not at 19 h, after [3 H]PG instillation, the PG was localized at the site of the blastocysts in the injected but not in the contralateral horn. Significantly more [3H]PGF2alpha than [3H]PGE2 was localized in this situation. [14C]Urea was not localized at the site of the blastocysts in urea injected horns. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The primary structure of angiogenin is 33% identical to that of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase), but the enzymatic activities of the two proteins differ markedly. Similarly, their susceptibilities to limited proteolysis differ as well. In contrast to RNase, angiogenin totally resists proteolysis by subtilisin. Indeed, among 16 proteases examined, only endoprotease Lys-C, trypsin, and pepsin are able to cleave angiogenin. Even with prolonged incubation, endoprotease Lys-C selectively cleaves the Lys-60-Asn-61 bond; the product retains full ribonucleolytic activity. Initially, trypsin also cleaves this same bond, but with time it causes extensive degradation. Pepsin, atpH 2, cleaves the Phe-9-Leu-10 bond, to give angiogenin (10–123), which displays 15% of the native activity toward ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The susceptibility to proteolysis and/or the sites of cleavage of angiogenin and bovine RNase differ markedly despite their structural homology. These differences are considered in terms of the amino acid sequences of the two proteins.  相似文献   
The opd (organophosphate-degrading) gene derived from a 43-kilobase-pair plasmid (pSM55) of a Flavobacterium sp. (ATCC 27551) has a sequence identical to that of the plasmid-borne gene of Pseudomonas diminuta. Hybridization studies with DNA fragments obtained by restriction endonuclease digestion of plasmid DNAs demonstrated that the identical opd sequences were encoded on dissimilar plasmids from the two sources.  相似文献   
Platelet-activating factor in the rabbit uterus during early pregnancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) concentrations were low in the non-pregnant, oestrous uterus (mean +/- s.e.m.: 2.2 +/- 1.2 pmol/g, n = 3). However, uterine PAF increased dramatically during pregnancy to a maximum of 37.8 +/- 4.90 pmol/g (n = 7) on Day 5. By Day 7, PAF concentrations in the uteri of pregnant rabbits had returned to levels similar to those found at oestrus. In contrast, uterine PAF in pseudopregnant rabbits peaked at 30.6 +/- 2.8 pmol/g (n = 8) on Day 4, declined to 20.5 +/- 2.4 pmol/g (n = 8) on Day 5 and then remained at that concentration through Day 7. Uterine PAF co-migrated with synthetic PAF (1-O-hexadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine) in both thin-layer and normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. PAF activity in the uterus during pregnancy and pseudopregnancy was found almost exclusively in the endometrium; little or no PAF was found in myometrium, uterine flushings or blastocysts. While no PAF was detected in blastocysts on Days 5 and 6 of pregnancy, the presence of the embryo appears to modulate biosynthesis and/or degradation of PAF by the uterus, since PAF decreased significantly in uterine tissue apposed to the implanting embryo (but not in similar areas between such attachment sites). Increased concentrations of PAF in the preimplantation rabbit uterus followed by a dramatic decrease on the day of blastocyst attachment suggest that this potent inflammatory autacoid may play a vital role in implantation.  相似文献   
Summary Genomic clones encoding two Volvox -tubulin genes have been isolated and shown to represent the only two -tubulin genes in the genome. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to demonstrate that the two genes are genetically linked. One of these genes was sequenced and the mRNA start site(s) determined by primer extension. A comparison of its sequence to those of the two -tubulin genes of Chlamydomonas revealed: (1) a high degree of conservation of the coding region, with the predicted amino acid sequence differing only in the C-terminal residue; (2) extensive sequence conservation in the 5 untranslated leader region and a 16 bp (putative regulatory) sequence in the promoter region; (3) the same number and location of introns, with a short region of homology in intron 1, but little significant homology in introns 2 and 3.  相似文献   
Summary Plants of white clover Trifolium repens were grown under the canopies of three grass species, Lolium perenne, Agrostis tenuis and Holcus lanatus, and under simulated canopies of black polythene and controls were exposed to unfiltered natural radiation. The canopies were adjusted so that they transmitted equal intensities of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (P.A.R.). The ratio of red to far red radiation () was unchanged under the black polythene canopies but was reduced under canopies of Lolium and Agrostis and even more so under Holcus. The effect of canopy filtered radiation on the growth of clover was greatly to reduced internode length, mean number of nodes, the number of branched nodes and the number of rooted nodes and greatly to increase petiole length. The effect of canopies of Holcus was greater than that of the other grass species both in its effect on and on the responses of the clover plant to its shade.  相似文献   
Proximal tubular epithelial cells from mice which develop autoimmune interstitial nephritis were found to express the nephritogenic target antigen, 3M-1. Anti-3M-1 mAbs (alpha 3M-1-Ab) were used to positively select for 3M-1-secreting tubular epithelium and, after stabilization in culture, this new cell line (MCT) was examined for the production of several moieties important to either immune interactions or to the development of extracellular matrix. Alkaline phosphatase-staining MCT cells also express epithelial growth factor receptors with a Kd of 0.87 nM and an epithelial growth factor receptor constant (Ro) of 2.1 X 10(4) receptors/cell. MCT culture supernatants contain greater amounts of laminin, and types IV and V procollagens compared to types I and III procollagens, and growing MCT cells on type I collagen matrix causes them to preferentially secrete even more type IV and V procollagen. The 30,000-Mr 3M-1 antigen could be immunoprecipitated from biosynthetically labeled MCT cell supernatants with alpha 3M-1-Ab. An identical-sized moiety was isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography from collagenase-solubilized mouse kidney tubular basement membranes. The 3M-1 antigen can be found on the MCT cell surface by radioimmunoassay, or deposited in a linear array in the extracellular matrix surrounding the MCT cells in culture by immunofluorescence. Mature messenger RNA species for both class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules were detected by Northern hybridization, and their corresponding cell surface gene products were detected by cytofluorography of MCT cells stained with haplotype-specific antibodies. Both the cell surface 3M-1 and the small amounts of detected class II MHC molecules appear to be biologically functional, as MCT cells can support the proliferation of 3M-1-specific, class II MHC-restricted helper T cells in culture. These findings suggest that MCT cells provide all the necessary biological parameters for interfacing both as the target of a nephritogenic immune response, and as a potential source for new extracellular matrix which develops as a fibrogenic response to interstitial nephritis.  相似文献   
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