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An adult male chimpanzee in the natural habitat has been observed to walk predominantly bipedally after a total forelimb paralysis in 1966. The major differences from previously described bipedal chimpanzee gait are (1) one third of the femoral extension is posterior to the hip joint in propulsion, (2) excursion of the swinging foot is close to midline, due to adduction of the lower hindlimb in swing and propulsive phases, (3) depressed pelvic tilt is on the side of the swinging limb, (4) thoracic vertebrae rotate and are vertical and erect, and (5) there is only a moderate lateral sway of the midline. This locomotory complex is interpreted as individual variability and suggests an evolutionary model for the origin of hominid bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   
The transient absorbance increase induced by ADP in phosphate-loaded respiring mitochondria becomes stable and greatly amplified by inhibitors of phosphate transport. The absorbance changes are sensitive to oligomycin and to aurovertin and their extent is proportional to the amount of ADP added. Simultaneously with the ADP-dependent increase in absorbance the inorganic phosphate and K+-ion content of the matrix decreases. It is concluded that the optical change reflects contraction of the matrix compartment secondary to intramitochondrial solute changes.  相似文献   
A unicellular chlorococcalean alga, Pseudotetraëdron polymorphum MacEntee, Bold & Archibald is renamed Chlorotetratëdron polymorphum (MacEntee, Bold & Archibald) MacEntee, Bold & Archibald became the former generic designation has been preempted by a xanthophycean alga.  相似文献   
The investigation of two Isocarpha species has yielded eight new germacranolides most of them belonging to the heliangolides. In addition to known p-hydroxyacetophenone-derivatives, a new dihydroeuparine derivative was isolated. The chemotaxonomical aspects are discussed.  相似文献   
Ventricular aneurysm is usually a complication of acute transmural myocardial infarction. The development of cardiac aneurysm represents a process of continued thinning and fibrosis of the necrotic tissue of the ventricular wall. Survival allows the development of a solid fibrous scar which of itself does not affect global ventricular function substantially. Hence, ventricular aneurysms can be present for up to 18 years without production of serious symptoms. The cases were reviewed of 45 patients in whom aneurysmectomy and myocardial revascularization were carried out. Surgical mortality was low (6.6 percent, 30 days); survival one year after operation was 76 percent, but at three years had fallen to 47 percent. Cause of late death was dominantly cardiac. In 19 patients post-operative study was done; although graft patency was observed in 98 percent, substantive improvement in ventricular performance was seen in a minority of patients. The outcome in patients with ventricular aneurysm is primarily related to the status of the residual myocardium and to the status of the vessels which supply it. The mechanism of clinical improvement after aneurysmectomy has not been clarified. However, the long-term results appear to be similar to those in patients with extensive myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
Tidally induced fluctuations and transports of microfungi were investigated. Samples were collected at three depths from three stations positioned at a transect in a large salt marsh creek. Samples were taken every 1.5 h for 50 consecutive h during neap tides and 50 consecutive h during the corresponding spring tides. In each season, microfungi concentrations fluctuated out of phase with the tides during both neap and spring tides. Mean concentrations of suspended microfungi did not vary appreciably throughout the year. Fungi were exported from the marsh during the majority of the tidal cycles studied. The results suggest that microfungi may serve as indicators of water mass movements.  相似文献   
A distance constraint approach is applied to two-dimensional models of proteins in order to visualize the nature of protein folding and to examine the relative roles of different ranges of interaction. Three different native structures (I, II, and III) are considered; they have two different kinds of residues, viz., hydrophobic and hydrophilic, and different sequences of these residues. We examine how the distance constraint approach functions in the prediction of protein folding when we know the sequence of the residues, the (fixed) bond lengths, the mean distances between residues i and i + 2, and i and i + 3, and the mean distances for hydrophobic–hydrophobic, hydrophobic–hydrophilic, and hydrophilic–hydrophilic contacts between residues i and i + j, where j ≥ 4. This approach involves optimization of an object function with respect to 98 variables and is not free of the multiple-minimum problem. The optimization is always terminated if the chain is entangled and/or the segments (residues) are packed too compactly to move. In order to escape from such situations and to take the excluded-volume effect into account, a Monte Carlo method is used after the optimization is trapped in local minima. Success in the prediction of folding is found to depend on the starting conformations and on the native conformations. Fair success is obtained in predicting the helix-like structure in protein I and the overall structure of protein III, but not the β-like structures of proteins I and II. Insofar as the prediction of the structure of protein III is reasonable, it appears that some sequences of residues produce greater constraints on their conformations than others, if one considers only the hydrophobic and hydrophilic nature of the residues. These results imply that, in the folding of real proteins in three dimensions, the competition for hydrophobic (and hydrophilic) residues for inside (outside) positions in the molecule probably constitutes a necessary but not a sufficient condition to form and stabilize the native structure. The failure to predict the structure of protein II, and part of that of protein I, suggests that there are two types of long-range interactions. One (which we considered here) is nonspecific (i.e., is defined only in terms of contacts between residues of the same or different polarity) and acts at any stage of protein folding; the other (which we did not consider here) is a specific interaction between residues in pairs and contributes only when the residues in the specific pair take on the native conformation. Presumably, incorporation of such specific long-range interactions, together with the nonspecific ones, is necessary for successful protein folding, using the distance constraint approach.  相似文献   
Three successive generations of mice were fed a Torula yeast based Se-deficient diet with or without 0.1 ppm Se in the drinking water. The Se-deficient mice, in the course of three generations, showed a decrease in body weight, testis weight, epididymal weight, and sperm production. The percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm increased in successive generations. The majority of sperm defects were found in the midpiece region of the tail. Many of these aberrant sperm were motile. A progressive decrease in fertility was noted during the first two generations of Se deficiency. This system confirms the essential role of Se in spermatogenesis and provides a model for the evaluation of the primary effect of Se deprivation on the structural development of sperm.  相似文献   
The degree of relatedness between individuals can influence subsequent social behaviour. Peromyscus leucopus populations may consist, in part, of related individuals. Kin recognition could benefit individuals in establishing sub-populations and inbreeding avoidance. White-footed deermice were tested in pairs according to one of the following categories: littermate sibling, cagemate (1s-c), littermate sibling, non-cagemate (1s-nc), non-littermate sibling, non-cagemate (nls-nc), non-sibling, cagemate (ns-c), and non-sibling, non-cagemate (ns-nc). Differences between n1s-nc and ns-nc encounters indicate kin recognition that cannot be due to prior contact. Both sexes Investigated related strangers (nls-nc) of the opposite sex more than unrelated strangers (ns-nc). Males Avoided related stranger males and Chased unrelated stranger males. Females Warded unrelated strangers longest. This is the first study to demonstrate kin recognition that is not based on prior contact in a small rodent.  相似文献   
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