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Direct observations of schizonts and agamonts releasing megalospheres clarified the asexual phase of the life cycle of Peneroplis planatus and made it most probable that this species has a paratrimorphic life cycle. Specimens with maximum lengths between 837 and 3,503 μm released about 500 to 1,500 megalospheric juveniles, which possessed two chambers (proloculi and flexostyles) prior to emergence from the parental shell. The presence of gamonts was not shown and was only implied by the occurrence of the agamonts. Since agamonts and schizonts have been found from December to May and since asexual reproduction occurs in spring in Elat, sexual reproduction probably occurs at another time of year (June to December). More detailed studies of this species need to be conducted throughout the year to improve our knowledge of the life cycle of this species.  相似文献   
The Avian Shoulder: An Experimental Approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. This essay is in two parts. The first describes functionalstudies of the shoulder in modern vertebrates that led to theformulation of the hypotheses that motor patterns of homologousmuscles have been maintained during the evolution of the tetrapodshoulder, and that a primitive organization of the neural controlcomponents has persisted in derived groups. The second part of this essay focuses upon a longstanding questionin vertebrate evolution: what neuromuscular and musculoskeletalchanges in the tetrapod shoulder accompanied the evolution offlight in birds? The lack of empirical data on shoulder functionin extant birds limited our insight into this question, andprompted our initiation of experimental studies. Preliminarykinematics of the furcula and humerus of European starlings(Sturnus vulgaris) flying in a wind tunnel, as revealed by highspeed cineradiography, are presented. The two halves of thefurcula, which contact the coracoids dorsally, are bent laterallyduring downstroke and medially during upstroke by as much as60% of the intrafurcular resting distance. High speed film andelectromyographic studies of freeflying pigeons (Columba livia)reveal that the supracoracoideus muscle is strongly activatedduring wing elevation and, as predicted from studies of Varanusand Didelphis, an additional activation burst occurs at mid-downstrokein 48% of the recordings.  相似文献   
Biomechanical and morphometric comparisons among coleoptilesfrom wheat seedlings differing in Rht gene-dosage (Rht = 0,2, 4 doses) are presented in an effort to evaluate the influenceof Rht on the mechanics of soil penetration by this organ. Rhtis known to reduce seedling establishment compared to the wildtype. Data from 3–7-day-old seedlings indicate that Rhtreduces tissue elastic modulus E, increases the second momentof area I, and decreases the slenderness ratio (l/r) of coleoptiles.Rht-relatedchanges in E and I are such that the flexural stiffness of coleoptilesfrom Rht plants does not differ significantly from the wildtype-hence the growing coleoptiles of all three genotypes haveequivalent biomechanical capacity to penetrate the soil. Rhtreduction of coleoptile slenderness ratios confers a capacityto safely sustain higher axial compressive loads compared tocoleoptiles with equivalent flexural stiffness but higher ratios.However, wild type seedlings produce longer coleoptiles andlonger subcrown internodes than Rht seedlings. Longer coleoptilesdeliver the crown node closer to the top of the soil beforethe crown node extends beyond the lateral confinement of thecoleoptile. This reduces the potential for buckling of the subcrowninternode and leaves due to the compressive loading of soil.Rht affects a variety of mechanical features whose influenceis dependent upon the stage of seedling growth and the degreeof soil compaction. However, at equivalent depths of burialwhich exceed the maximum length of coleoptiles and moderatesoil compaction, Rht is biomechanically disadvantageous to seedlingestablishment. Wheat, germination, biomechanics, Rht-gene  相似文献   
Specialized predators on polychaetes, fishes, hemichordates or other molluscs, members of the predominantly tropical gastropod genus Conus diversified rapidly during the Miocene to constitute the most species-rich modern marine genus. We used DNA sequence data from mitochondrial and nuclear loci of 76 Conus species to generate species-level phylogenetic hypotheses for this genus and then mapped known diets onto the phylogenies to elucidate the origins and evolutionary histories of different feeding specializations. The results indicate that dramatically new feeding modes arose only a few times, that the most derived feeding modes likely arose in the Miocene, and that much of the known diversity of Conus that was generated during Miocene radiations has survived to the present.  相似文献   
Abstract. An earlier study on the blowfly Phormia regina (Meigen) demonstrated that the injection of amphetamine (12 μg) depletes biogenic amine levels in the CNS. In the present study, P. regina females were injected with amphetamine (12 μg), each female was placed with three males and insemination success was determined. Amphetamine inhibited female insemination by 43.3% at 2–90 min post-injection and by 70% at 10–60 min post-injection. At 180–270 min post-injection, there was no significant inhibition of female insemination. This study indicates a possible role in insects for the biogenic amines in female insemination.  相似文献   
Abstract. Foraging activity of ants in xeric areas may be limited by desiccation stresses. To assess the extent of such stresses on a polymorphic ant species [Messor pergandei (Mayr), body mass range 1-12mg], we measured body water reserves, absolute rates of water loss, and cuticular permeability over the species' foraging temperature range (15–45C). Cuticular permeability of M. pergandei was typical of xeric arthropods (17μgcm-2h-1mmHg-1). However, the effect of polymorphism on both absolute and relative rates of water loss was unexpected. Large workers lost water more slowly than small workers, even after adjusting for cuticular surface area. In addition, the body water reserves of large workers were larger, even after adjusting for body mass. Small workers of this ant species are therefore disproportionately prone to dehydration, yet, in spite of this, constitute a large and important component of the foraging force. To assess the practical relevance of desiccation to polymorphic ants, we developed a 'worst-case' model of desiccation-limited foraging parameters (time to complete loss of locomotor coordination in 5% of the foraging force). In this model, average actual foraging duration was substantially less than would be required to incapacitate the ants by dehydration. We discuss direct and indirect evidence suggesting that desiccation may, nevertheless, impose limitations on the foraging activity of ants.  相似文献   
1. The Riparian, Channel and Environmental (RCE) Inventory has been developed to assess the physical and biological condition of small streams in the lowland, agricultural landscape. It consists of sixteen characteristics which define the structure of the riparian zone, stream channel morphology, and the biological condition in both habitats. 2. The inventory is based on the view that in landscapes where non-point source pollution and agriculture dominate, the environmental condition of small streams can be assessed by an appraisal of the physical condition of the riparian zone and stream channel. It is assumed that disturbance of this physical structure is a major cause for reduction of stream biological structure and function. This assumption is supported by a case study using fifteen Italian stream locations in which the RCE was found to be positively correlated to the benthic macroinvertebrate community as measured by the Extended Biotic Index (r = 0.80, P < 0.001) and the Shannon Diversity Index (r = 0.73; P < 0.001). 3. The inventory is designed for quick use to cover a large number of streams in a short period of time. When used it generates a numerical score which can be used to compare the physical and biological condition between different streams within a region. The numerical score is divided into five, colour-coded classes to facilitate use in streammonitoring programmes and to allow comparison with biological indices.  相似文献   
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