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Klaesner, Joseph W., N. Adrienne Pou, Richard E. Parker,Charlene Finney, and Robert J. Roselli. Optical measurement ofisolated canine lung filtration coefficients at normal hematocrits. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1976-1985, 1997.In this study, lung filtration coefficient(Kfc) valueswere measured in eight isolated canine lung preparations at normalhematocrit values using three methods: gravimetric, blood-correctedgravimetric, and optical. The lungs were kept in zone 3 conditions andsubjected to an average venous pressure increase of 10.24 ± 0.27 (SE) cmH2O. The resulting Kfc(ml · min1 · cmH2O1 · 100 g dry lung wt1) measuredwith the gravimetric technique was 0.420 ± 0.017, which wasstatistically different from theKfc measured bythe blood-corrected gravimetric method (0.273 ± 0.018) or theproduct of the reflection coefficient(f) andKfc measuredoptically (0.272 ± 0.018). The optical method involved the use of aCellco filter cartridge to separate red blood cells from plasma, whichallowed measurement of the concentration of the tracer in plasma atnormal hematocrits (34 ± 1.5). The permeability-surface areaproduct was measured using radioactive multiple indicator-dilutionmethods before, during, and after venous pressure elevations. Resultsshowed that the surface area of the lung did not change significantlyduring the measurement ofKfc. Thesestudies suggest thatfKfccan be measured optically at normal hematocrits, that this measurement is not influenced by blood volume changes that occur during the measurement, and that the opticalfKfcagrees with theKfc obtained viathe blood-corrected gravimetric method.

Extracellular, stylar RNases (S-RNases) are produced by self-incompatible, solanaceous plants, such asNicotiana alata, and are thought to be involved in selfpollen rejection by acting selectively as toxins to selfpollen. In this study, the toxicity of RNases to other plant cells was tested by culturing cells ofN. alata andN. plumbaginifolia in the presence ofS-RNases fromN. alata. The growth of cultured cells ofN. plumbaginifolia was inhibited by theS-RNases, but viability was not affected. Growth of cultured cells of oneN. alata selfincompatibility genotype was inhibited by twoS-RNases, indicating that inhibition was not allele specific. Comparisons with the effects of inactivated RNase and other proteins, suggest that the inhibition of growth byS 2-RNase was partly, but not wholly, due to RNase activity. Heat-denaturedS 2-RNase was a very effective inhibitor of cell growth, but this inhibitory activity may be a cell surface phenomenon.  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural changes during zoospore formation and aggregation into motile, aggregating zoospores were examined in the colonial green algaPediastrum tetras. Developing zoospores are characterized by irregularly shaped nuclei, presence of peripheral networks of rough endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts with tightly apposed thylakoids and dictyosome cisternae which are compressed and reduced in size. A single membrane bound organelle with a fine granular matrix of moderate electron density of diameter ranging from 0.2 m to 0.6 m and associated with chloroplasts, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum was found only in adult cells. Although this organelle has the morphology of a microbody, it did not stain with 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) at pH 9.6 or pH 7.6, whereas mitochondrial membranes stained. No DAB staining was observed along the cell wall or the plasma membrane of zoospores, or associated with endoplasmic reticulum, plastid membranes or dictyosomes.  相似文献   
Structure of cortical microtubule arrays in plant cells   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Serial sectioning was used to track the position and measure the lengths of cortical microtubules in glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide-fixed root tip cells. Microtubules lying against the longitudinal walls during interphase, those overlying developing xylem thickenings, and those in pre-prophase bands are oriented circumferentially but on average are only about one-eighth of the cell circumference in length, i.e., 2-4 micrometer. The arrays consist of overlapping component microtubules, interconnected by cross bridges where they are grouped and also connected to the plasma membrane. Microtubule lengths vary greatly in any given array, but the probability that any pass right around the cell is extremely low. The majority of the microtubule terminations lie in statistically random positions in the arrays, but nonrandomness in the form of groups of terminations and terminations in short lines parallel to the axis of cell elongation has been observed. Low temperature induces microtubule shortening and increases the frequency of C-shaped terminations over the 1.7% found under normal conditions; colchicine and high pressures produce abnormally large proportions of very short microtubules amongst those that survive the treatments. Deuterium oxide (D2O) treatment probably induces the formation of additional microtubules as distinct from increasing the length of those already present. The distribution of C-shaped terminations provides evidence for at least local polarity in the arrays. The validity of the findings is discussed, along with implications for the development, maintenance, and orientation of the arrays and their possible relationship to the orientation of cellulose deposition.  相似文献   
Gunning  B. E. S.  Hughes  J. E.  Hardham  A. R. 《Planta》1978,143(2):121-144
The root of the water fern Azolla is a compact higher-plant organ, advantageous for studies of cell division, cell differentiation, and morphogenesis. The cell complement of A. filiculoides Lam. and A. pinnata R.Br. roots is described, and the lineages of the cell types, all derived ultimately from a tetrahedral apical cell, are characterised in terms of sites and planes of cell division within the formative zone, where the initial cells of the cell files are generated. Subsequent proliferation of the initial cells is highly specific, each cell type having its own programme of divisions prior to terminal differentiation. Both formative and proliferative divisions (but especially the former) occur in regular sequences. Two enantiomorphic forms of root develop, with the dispositions of certain types of cell correlating with the direction, dextrorse or sinistrorse, of the cell-division sequence in the apical cells. Root growth is determinate, the apical cell dividing about 55 times, and its cell-cycle duration decreasing from an initial 10 h to about 4 h during the major phase of root development. Sites of proliferation progress acropetally during aging, but do not penetrate into the zone of formative divisions. The detailed portrait of root development that was obtained is discussed with respect to genetic and epigenetic influences; quantal and non-quantal cell cycles; variation in cell-cycle durations; relationships between cell expansion and cell division: the role of the apical cell; and the limitation of the total number of mitotic cycles during root formation.  相似文献   
The pressure response of two eukaryotic protein synthesizing systems has been characterized. The rabbit reticulocyte system has been tested, both in vivo and in vitro, using endogenous polysomes and polyuridylic acid (poly U). In addition, the poly U-directed polyphenylalanine synthesizing system obtained from wheat germ was utilized. The effect of pressure on eukaryotic protein synthesis has been found to be basically similar to that observed in prokaryotic systems, although the response of the eukaryotic protein synthesizing system is somewhat more complex signifying a greater influence of overlapping reactions. Magnesium was found to affect eukaryotic systems in much the same way as has been reported for prokaryotic systems, i.e., increasing the Mg2+ concentration in a protein synthesizing system increases the barotolerance exhibited by that system. Under conditions of high Mg2+ concentration, however, extreme (up to 160%) stimulation of protein synthesis at lower pressure levels was observed in the eukaryotic systems. Such high stimulation is not apparent in prokaryotic systems. The poly U-directed wheat germ system exhibited the most barotolerant polypeptide synthesis ever seen in our laboratory. This extreme barotolerance was only slightly decreased when the system was tested at reduced concentrations of magnesium.  相似文献   
Mutants of E. coli K12 that overproduce ornithine transcarbamylase can be identified in Car- strains because they permit utilization of citrulline as a carbamyl phosphate source, due to reversal of the normal OTCase reaction; they are called Cut mutants (citrulline utilizers). Hfr strains that carry the F factor adjacent to argF (one of two duplicate genes that code for ornithine transcarbamylase in E. coli K12) yield more Cut mutants than do F+ or F- strains, or Hfr strains in which the F factor is not adjacent to argF. When Hfr strains in which the F factor is integrated adjacent to argF are made recA, they yield few Cut mutants. Many of the Cut mutants recovered from one of the Hfr strains used in the investigation (Hfr P4X) are unstable; the properties of these unstable mutations suggest that they carry aberrations in the region of the argF gene. Thus, the increased yields of Cut mutants probably result from aberrations that occur when the F factor is integrated adjacent to argF. The nature of these aberrations is not yet known. The unstable Cut mutants are to a large extent stabilized by recA; such stabilization is one of the properties of duplications. Other data indicate that the aberrations may be more complex than simple gene duplications; in particular properties of segregants and some recombinants derived from unstable Cut mutants are most easily interpreted by assuming that segregation from, and possibly formation of, the unstable mutants occurs in several stages.  相似文献   
Many pathogenic bacteria secrete AB5 toxins that can be virulence factors. Cytotoxic A subunits are delivered to the cytosol following B subunit binding to specific host cell surface glycans. Some B subunits are not associated with A subunits, for example, YpeB of Yersinia pestis, the etiologic agent of plague. Plague cannot be eradicated because of Y. pestis'' adaptability to numerous hosts. We previously showed selective binding of other B5 pentamers to a sialoglycan microarray, with sialic acid (Sia) preferences corresponding to those prominently expressed by various hosts, for example, N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac; prominent in humans) or N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc; prominent in ruminant mammals and rodents). Here, we report that A subunit phylogeny evolved independently of B subunits and suggest a future B subunit nomenclature based on bacterial species names. We also found via phylogenetic analysis of B subunits, which bind Sias, that homologous molecules show poor correlation with species phylogeny. These data indicate ongoing lateral gene transfers between species, including mixing of A and B subunits. Consistent with much broader host range of Y. pestis, we show that YpeB recognizes all mammalian Sia types, except for 4-O-acetylated ones. Notably, YpeB alone causes dose-dependent cytotoxicity, which is abolished by a mutation (Y77F) eliminating Sia recognition, suggesting that cell proliferation and death are promoted via lectin-like crosslinking of cell surface sialoglycoconjugates. These findings help explain the host range of Y. pestis and could be important for pathogenesis. Overall, our data indicate ongoing rapid evolution of both host Sias and pathogen toxin-binding properties.  相似文献   
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