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The population of pyramidal cells significantly outnumbers the inhibitory interneurons in the neocortex, while at the same time the diversity of interneuron types is much more pronounced. One acknowledged key role of inhibition is to control the rate and patterning of pyramidal cell firing via negative feedback, but most likely the diversity of inhibitory pathways is matched by a corresponding diversity of functional roles. An important distinguishing feature of cortical interneurons is the variability of the short-term plasticity properties of synapses received from pyramidal cells. The Martinotti cell type has recently come under scrutiny due to the distinctly facilitating nature of the synapses they receive from pyramidal cells. This distinguishes these neurons from basket cells and other inhibitory interneurons typically targeted by depressing synapses. A key aspect of the work reported here has been to pinpoint the role of this variability. We first set out to reproduce quantitatively based on in vitro data the di-synaptic inhibitory microcircuit connecting two pyramidal cells via one or a few Martinotti cells. In a second step, we embedded this microcircuit in a previously developed attractor memory network model of neocortical layers 2/3. This model network demonstrated that basket cells with their characteristic depressing synapses are the first to discharge when the network enters an attractor state and that Martinotti cells respond with a delay, thereby shifting the excitation-inhibition balance and acting to terminate the attractor state. A parameter sensitivity analysis suggested that Martinotti cells might, in fact, play a dominant role in setting the attractor dwell time and thus cortical speed of processing, with cellular adaptation and synaptic depression having a less prominent role than previously thought.  相似文献   
Suitable conditions for protein crystallization are commonly identified by screening combinations of independent factors that affect crystal formation. Because precipitating agents are prime determinants of crystallization, we investigated whether a systematic exploration of combinations of mechanistically distinct precipitants would enhance crystallization. A crystallization screen containing 64 precipitant mixtures was devised. Tests with ten HIV envelope-related proteins demonstrated that use of precipitant mixtures significantly enhanced both the probability of crystallization as well as the quality of optimized crystals. Tests with hen egg white lysozyme generated a novel C2 crystal from a salt/organic solvent mixture; structure solution at 2 A resolution revealed a lattice held together by both hydrophobic and electrostatic dyad interactions. The results indicate that mechanistically distinct precipitants can synergize, with precipitant combinations adding unique dimensions to protein crystallization.  相似文献   
The chaperonin GroEL assists protein folding by undergoing ATP-induced conformational changes that are concerted within each of its two back-to-back stacked rings. Here we examined whether concerted allosteric switching gives rise to all-or-none release and folding of domains in a chimeric fluorescent protein substrate, CyPet-YPet. Using this substrate, it was possible to determine the folding yield of each domain from its intrinsic fluorescence and that of the entire chimera by measuring Förster resonance energy transfer between the two domains. Hence, it was possible to determine whether release of one domain is accompanied by release of the other domain (concerted mechanism), or whether their release is not coupled. Our results show that the chimera's release tends to be concerted when folding is assisted by a wild-type GroEL variant, but not when assisted by the F44W/D155A mutant that undergoes a sequential allosteric switch. A connection between the allosteric mechanism of this molecular machine and its biological function in assisting folding is thus established.  相似文献   
Changes in genetic regulation contribute to adaptations in natural populations and influence susceptibility to human diseases. Despite their potential phenotypic importance, the selective pressures acting on regulatory processes in general and gene expression levels in particular are largely unknown. Studies in model organisms suggest that the expression levels of most genes evolve under stabilizing selection, although a few are consistent with adaptive evolution. However, it has been proposed that gene expression levels in primates evolve largely in the absence of selective constraints. In this article, we discuss the microarray-based observations that led to these disparate interpretations. We conclude that in both primates and model organisms, stabilizing selection is likely to be the dominant mode of gene expression evolution. An important implication is that mutations affecting gene expression will often be deleterious and might underlie many human diseases.  相似文献   
Heatstroke is associated with systemic inflammatory response syndrome, leading to multiple organ dysfunction and death. Currently, there is no specific treatment decreasing hyperthermia-induced inflammatory/hemostatic derangements. Emerging studies indicate that histones leaking from damaged cells into the extracellular space are toxic, pro-inflammatory, and pro-thrombotic. We therefore hypothesize that serum histones (sHs) are elevated during heatstroke and are associated with the severity of the disease. Sixteen dogs with heatstroke and seven healthy controls were included in the study. Median serum histones (sHs) upon admission in dogs with heatstroke were significantly higher (P = 0.043) compared to that in seven controls (13.2 vs. 7.3 ng/mL, respectively). sHs level was significantly higher among non-survivors and among dogs with severe hemostatic derangement (P = 0.049, median 21.4 ng/mL vs. median 8.16 ng/mL and P = 0.038, 19.0 vs. 7.0 ng/mL, respectively). There were significant positive correlation between sHs and urea (r = 0.8, P = 0.02); total CO2 (r = 0.661, P = 0.05); CK (r = 0.678, P = 0.04); and prothrombin time (PT) 12 h post presentation (r = 0.888, P = 0.04). The significant positive correlation between sHs and other heatstroke severity biomarkers, and significant increase among severely affected dogs, implies its role in inflammation/oxidation/coagulation during heatstroke. sHs, unlike other prognostic and severity biomarkers in heatstroke, can be pharmacologically manipulated, offering a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   
The HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) gp120 and gp41 mediate entry and are the targets for neutralizing antibodies. Within gp41, a continuous epitope defined by the broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5, is one of the few conserved sites accessible to antibodies on the functional HIV Env spike. Recently, as an initial attempt at structure-guided design, we transplanted the 2F5 epitope onto several non-HIV acceptor scaffold proteins that we termed epitope scaffolds (ES). As immunogens, these ES proteins elicited antibodies with exquisite binding specificity matching that of the 2F5 antibody. These novel 2F5 epitope scaffolds presented us with the opportunity to test heterologous prime:boost immunization strategies to selectively boost antibody responses against the engrafted gp41 2F5 epitope. Such strategies might be employed to target conserved but poorly immunogenic sites on the HIV-1 Env, and, more generally, other structurally defined pathogen targets. Here, we assessed ES prime:boosting by measuring epitope specific serum antibody titers by ELISA and B cell responses by ELISpot analysis using both free 2F5 peptide and an unrelated ES protein as probes. We found that the heterologous ES prime:boosting immunization regimen elicits cross-reactive humoral responses to the structurally constrained 2F5 epitope target, and that incorporating a promiscuous T cell helper epitope in the immunogens resulted in higher antibody titers against the 2F5 graft, but did not result in virus neutralization. Interestingly, two epitope scaffolds (ES1 and ES2), which did not elicit a detectable 2F5 epitope-specific response on their own, boosted such responses when primed with the ES5. Together, these results indicate that heterologous ES prime:boost immunization regimens effectively focus the humoral immune response on the structurally defined and immunogen-conserved HIV-1 2F5 epitope.  相似文献   
Sea bass can regulate the concentration of Na+, K+, and Cl-, among other ions, in their blood, skin, gills, and kidney. Therefore, the salinity of the water does not have a great influence on their metabolism, and sea bass can live in both sea and freshwater in accordance with the salt concentration. Most salinity control occurs in the gills, primarily through the control of chloride cells present there. The concentration of ions in the blood is controlled by the cotransporter Na+ / K+ / 2Cl- (NKCC) in the chloride cell, and the subunits of Na+ / K+ ATPase (NKA) function to maintain homeostasis. The expression of NKA is regulated by subunits of the protein FXYD, allowing the sea bass to survive in compliance with the salinity. In this way, it is possible for sea bass to live in sea and freshwater by controlling the salinity of its body using functions of various channels, proteins, and genes present in the chloride cells of sea bass. In this study, we investigated recent studies of salt control mechanisms in sea bass and their application.  相似文献   
Belief in God’s control of the world is common to many of the world’s religions, but there are conflicting predictions regarding its role in shaping attitudes toward the welfare state. While the devout are expected to support pro-social values like helping others, and thus might be supportive of the welfare state, the possibility of taking action is undermined by the belief in God’s absolute control over world affairs and in a morally perfect providence, who is responsible for the fates of individuals. As the literature provides mixed results on this question, this study examines the role of belief in God’s control on welfare attitudes using three priming experiments and two priming tasks, carried out with a design that is both cross-cultural (US vs. Israel) and cross-religious tradition (Judaism vs. Catholicism). We find evidence that, largely, belief in God’s control increases support for income redistribution among Israeli Jews (study 1), American Jews (study 2), and American Catholics (study 3). The findings suggest that the traditional and common political gap between the economic left and the religious, based on the evaluation that religious beliefs lead to conservative economic preferences, may be overstated.  相似文献   
The P70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (P70S6K1) is activated by the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTORC1) and regulates proliferation, growth, and metabolism. PF-4708671 is a novel, cell-permeable, has been proposed to be a highly specific inhibitor of p70S6K1. It is used in micromolar concentration range to dissect signaling pathways downstream of mTORC1 and to study the function of p70S6K1. Here we show that PF-4708671 induces AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and activation in immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) independently of p70S6K1, due to specific inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain Complex I.  相似文献   
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