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Harald Fuge 《Chromosoma》1985,91(3-4):322-328
Microtubules of amphitelically oriented sex univalent chromosome fibres were traced in longitudinal serial sections. The investigated chromosomes were from four different cells representing consecutive stages of anaphase segregation. A correlation was found between chromosome movement and a characteristic distribution of free microtubules (fMTs) oriented obliquely with respect to the kinetochore microtubules. During chromosome segregation the proportion of these skew fMTs (the proportion of skew fMTs is a measure of the degree of disorder in the fibre) is higher in the fibre pointing in the direction of movement than in the trailing fibre. The results are discussed in relation to spindle forces. Although the anaphase of amphitelic sex chromosomes is different in several respects (orientation of chromosome fibres, mutual connexion of chromosomes via kinetochore microtubules, spindle elongation occurring simultaneously), the observations on the distribution of fMTs in the chromosome fibres is, in principle, compatible with those previously made on syntelic autosomes.  相似文献   
The drug resistance plasmid pKM101 makes Escherichia coli resistant to the lethal effects of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and more susceptible to mutagenesis by a variety of agents. The plasmid operon responsible for increasing mutagenesis has been termed mucAB (Mutagenesis, UV and chemical). We have isolated a derivative of pKM101 called pGW1975 which makes cells more sensitive to killing by UV but which retains the ability of pKM101 to increase susceptibility to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) mutagenesis. pGW1975 increases UV mutagenesis less than pKM101 in a uvrA+ strain but more than pKM101 in a uvrA strain. muc point and insertion mutants of pKM101 and pGW1975 complement to restore the plasmid-mediated: (i) ability to reactivate UV-irradiated phage, (ii) resistance to killing by UV, and (iii) level of susceptibility to UV mutagenesis. We have identified a 2.0 kb region of pKM101 which is responsible for the complementation and which maps counterclockwise of mucAB.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Regionale und artliche Unterschiede der Rückstände von Quecksilber in Eiern von sieben Brutvogelarten der deutschen Nordseeküste wurden untersucht. Bei vier Arten stellten wir deutliche geographische Unterschiede in der Kontamination fest (Abb. 1). Höchstgehalte fanden wir in Eiern von der Elbmündung (Region V). Austernfischer- und Flußseeschwalbeneier von der inneren Deutschen Bucht (Region VI) enthielten größere Mengen als solche von Nordfriesland (Region VII). Der gesetzliche Richtwert für Eier (0,03 mg/kg) wurde von 353 der 355 untersuchten Eier überschritten. Fluß- und Brandseeschwalbe waren am stärksten, Brandgans, Austernfischer und Lachmöwe am wenigsten mit Quecksilber kontaminiert (Abb. 2, 4.2.). Mit Ausnahme von Brandgans und Silbermöwe erreichten die Rückstände in vielen Eiern der anderen Arten, an der Elbe sogar in allen Eiern, eine den Bruterfolg gefährdende Größenordnung, insbesondere bei der Flußseeschwalbe.
Pollutants in eggs of birds breeding at the German North Sea Coast. II. Mercury
Summary Regional and interspecific differences of mercury residues were investigated in the eggs of seven species breeding at the German North Sea Coast (Tadorna tadorna, Haematopus ostralegus, Charadrius hiaticula, Larus argentatus, L. ridibundus, Sterna hirundo, S. sandvicensis). We found distinct geographical differences in contamination (Fig. 1): In eggs from the Elbe Eastuary (region V) maximum residues of mercury were ascertained. Eggs of Oystercatcher and Common Tern from the Bay of Helgoland (region VI) contained larger quantities than eggs from Northern Frisia (region VII). 353 from 355 eggs examined showed a value exceeding the legal standard value for eggs which is 0,03 mg/kg in Germany. Common Tern and Sandwich Tern eggs had the highest, Shelduck, Oystercatcher and Blackheaded Gull eggs the lowest mercury contamination (Fig. 2, 4.2.). With the exception of Shelduck and Herring Gull, residues in many eggs of the other species — at the river Elbe in all eggs — came up to a range endangering breeding success, especially in Common Terns.
In contrast to what has been postulated, penicillin G at its optimal lytic concentration of 0.1 g per ml did not lead to a detectable activation of autolytic wall processes in staphylococci in terms of the release of uniformly labelled wall fragments from cells pretreated with the drug for 1 h. Rather a considerable inhibition of this release was observed. A similarly profound inhibition of the release of peptidoglycan fragments occurred when staphylococci pretreated for 1 h with 0.1 g penicillin per ml acted as a source of crude autolysins on peptidoglycan isolated from labelled normal cells of the same strain. This clearly demonstrated that the overall inhibition of autolytic wall processes caused by penicillin was mainly due to a decreased total autolysin action rather than to an altered wall structure. Furthermore, no substantial penicillin-induced inhibition of the incorporation of 14C-N-acetylglucosamine into the staphylococcal wall could be observed before bacteriolysis started, i. e., approximately during the first 80 min of penicillin action. These results are not consistent with any of the models hitherto proposed for the action of penicillin.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Gerhart Drews on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
J A Langer  F Jurnak  J A Lake 《Biochemistry》1984,23(25):6171-6178
A complex between elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), GTP, phenylalanyl-tRNA (Phe-tRNA), oligo(uridylic acid) [oligo(U)], and the 30S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli has been formed and isolated. Binding of the EF-Tu complex appears to be at the functionally active 30S site, by all biochemical criteria that were examined. The complex can be isolated with 0.25-0.5 copy of EF-Tu bound per ribosome. The binding is dependent upon the presence of both the aminoacyl-tRNA and the cognate messenger RNA. Addition of 50S subunits to the preformed 30S-EF-Tu-GTP-Phe-tRNA-oligo(U) complex ("30S-EF-Tu complex") causes a rapid hydrolysis of GTP. This hydrolysis is coordinated with the formation of 70S ribosomes and the release of EF-Tu. Both the release of EF-Tu and the hydrolysis of GTP are stoichiometric with the amount of added 50S subunits. 70S ribosomes, in contrast to 50S subunits, neither release EF-Tu nor rapidly hydrolyze GTP when added to the 30S-EF-Tu complexes. The inability of 70S ribosomes to react with the 30S-EF-Tu complex argues that the 30S-EF-Tu complex does not dissociate prior to reaction with the 50S subunit. The requirements of the 30S reaction for Phe-tRNA and oligo(U) and the consequences of the addition of 50S subunits resemble the reaction of EF-Tu with 70S ribosomes, although EF-Tu binding to isolated 30S subunits does not occur during the elongation microcycle. This suggests that the EF-Tu ternary complex binds to isolated 30S subunits at the same 30S site that is occupied during ternary complex interaction with the 70S ribosome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The regular surface layer of Pseudomonas acidovorans was investigated by computer processing of a series of tilted view electron micrographs, and a reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure was obtained. The pattern is tetragonal and consists of massive identical subunits, block-like in face-view, which interlock loosely in a simple cobblestone pattern. The square unit cell has a lattice constant of 11 nm. The surface layer pattern of P. acidovorans appears to be more dependent on the underlying membrane for maintaining its integrity than those so far studied in other bacteria.  相似文献   
Amphiphilic, cationic Polymyxin B is shown to displace Ca2+ from 'gas dissected' cardiac sarcolemma in a dose-dependent, saturable fashion. The Ca2+ displacement is only partially reversible, 57% and 63%, in the presence of 1 mM or 10 mM Ca2+, respectively. Total Ca2+ displaced by a non-specific cationic probe, lanthanum (La3+), at maximal displacing concentration (1 mM) was 0.172 +/- 0.02 nmol/microgram membrane protein. At 0.1 mM, Polymyxin B displaced 42% of the total La3+-displaceable Ca2+ or 0.072 +/- 0.01 nmol/microgram protein. 5 mM Polymyxin displaced Ca2+ in amounts equal to those displaced by 1 mM La3+. Pretreatment of the membranes with neuraminidase (removal of sialic acid) and protease leads to a decrease in La3+-displaceable Ca2+ but to an increase in the fraction displaced by 0.1 mM Polymyxin from 42% to 54%. Phospholipase D (cabbage) treatment significantly increased the La3+-displaceable Ca2+ to 0.227 +/- 0.02 nmol/microgram protein (P less than 0.05), a gain of 0.055 nmol. All of this phospholipid specific increment in bound Ca2+ was displaced by 0.1 mM Polymyxin B. The results suggest that Polymyxin B will be useful as a probe for phospholipid Ca2+-binding sites in natural membranes.  相似文献   
In addition to known derivatives, four new sesquiterpene-coumarin ethers were isolated from the roots of Achillea ochroleuca and Artemisia tripartita and identified by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, including lanthanide induced shifts. The new compounds are isofraxidin derived ethers which differ from the previously described derivatives by ring cleavage and methyl migration within the terpenoid unit. The chemosystematic importance of sesquiterpene-coumarin ether accumulation within the two genera is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Harald Fuge 《Chromosoma》1974,45(3):245-260
Analysis of serial sections oriented parallel to the interpolar spindle axis revealed the following results. Autosomes in anaphase of the 1. meiotic division of Pales ferruginea spermatocytes are attached to the spindle in two ways: 1. The short kinetochoric microtubules (kMTs) diverge and interdigitate with the axial mass of non-kinetochoric microtubules (nkMTs). 2. The chromosome surface shows projections which protrude between the mass of nkMTs. — At the level of anaphase plates the concentration of nkMTs is higher than in the interzone. — The lagging sex chromosomes at the equator become stretched by anaphase forces during autosomal movement. — The mean length of nkMTs in metaphase is 3.0±0.1 μm, in anaphase 2.6±0.1 μm, possibly indicating an overall MT shortening in anaphase. Spindle architecture and aspects of anaphase forces are discussed.  相似文献   
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