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A mechanical balance between intraocular pressure and tissue stiffness defines the refractive shape of the human cornea. More and more daily surgical procedures modify that shape to achieve vision correction, which increases the demand for a profound understanding of the tissue mechanics. The wide variety of published mechanical properties foreshadows the difficulty of this task. The aim of this study is to show that such problems may arise from using the inverse method for fitting material models with multiple coefficients to a limited number (usually one) of experimental data. Using multiple sets of experimental data for the fitting process is proposed as a possible solution.  相似文献   
The alternate access model provides the theoretical framework for understanding how transporters translocate hydrophilic substrates across the lipid bilayer. The model postulates at least two conformations of a transporter, an outward and an inward facing conformation, which seal the translocation pathway to the interior and exterior of the cell, respectively. It is not clear how the conformational switch is triggered in neurotransmitter/sodium symporters, but Na+ is likely to play an essential role. Here, we focused on Glu136 of the serotonin transporter (SERT); this residue is conserved in transmembrane domain 2 of neurotransmitter/sodium symporters and related proteins. Three substitutions were introduced, resulting in SERT-E136D, SERT-E136Q, and SERT-E136A, which were all correctly inserted into the plasma membrane. SERT-E136Q and SERT-E136A failed to support substrate influx into cells, whereas SERT-E136D did so at a reduced rate. Binding experiments with the inhibitor 2beta-[3H]carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-iodophenyl)tropane (beta-[3H]CIT) supported the conjecture that the mutant transporters preferentially adopted the inward facing conformation: beta-[3H]CIT interacted with SERT in a manner consistent with binding to the outward facing state. Accordingly, the Na+-induced acceleration of beta-[3H]CIT association was most pronounced in wild-type SERT, followed by SERT-E136D > SERT-E136Q > SERT-E136A. Similarly, SERT-E136Q supported substrate efflux in a manner indistinguishable from wild-type SERT, whereas SERT-E136A was inactive. Thus, in the absence of Glu136, the conformational equilibrium of SERT is shifted progressively (SERT-E136D > SERT-E136Q > SERT-E136A) to the inward facing conformation.  相似文献   
Hemicentins are conserved extracellular matrix proteins characterized by a single von Willebrand A (VWA) domain at the amino terminus, a long stretch (>40) of tandem immunoglobulin domains, multiple tandem epidermal growth factors (EGFs), and a single fibulin-like carboxyl-terminal module. In Caenorhabditis elegans, hemicentin is secreted from muscle and gonadal leader cells and assembles at multiple locations into discrete tracks that constrict broad regions of cell contact into adhesive and flexible line-shaped junctions. To determine hemicentin domains critical for function and assembly, we have expressed fragments of hemicentin as GFP tagged fusion proteins in C. elegans. We find that a hemicentin fragment containing the VWA domain can target to multiple assembly sites when expressed under the control of either endogenous hemicentin regulatory sequences or the muscle-specific unc-54 promoter. A hemicentin fragment containing the EGF and fibulin-like carboxyl-terminal modules can co-assemble with existing hemicentin polymers in wild-type animals but has no detectable function in the absence of endogenous hemicentin. The data suggest that the VWA domain is a cell binding domain whose function is to target hemicentin to sites of assembly and the EGF/fibulin-like carboxyl-terminal modules constitute an assembly domain that mediates direct interactions between hemicentin monomers during the hemicentin assembly process.  相似文献   
Activity of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is limiting for Na+ absorption across many epithelia. Consequently, ENaC is a central effector impacting systemic blood volume and pressure. Two members of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases, K-Ras and RhoA, activate ENaC. K-Ras activates ENaC via a signaling pathway involving phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and production of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate with the phospholipid directly interacting with the channel to increase open probability. How RhoA increases ENaC activity is less clear. Here we report that RhoA and K-Ras activate ENaC through independent signaling pathways and final mechanisms of action. Activation of RhoA signaling rapidly increases the membrane levels of ENaC likely by promoting channel insertion. This process dramatically increases functional ENaC current, resulting in tight spatial-temporal control of these channels. RhoA signals to ENaC via a transduction pathway, including the downstream effectors Rho kinase and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase. Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate produced by activated phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase may play a role in targeting vesicles containing ENaC to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The outer segment of vertebrate photoreceptors is a specialized compartment that hosts all the signaling components required for visual transduction. Specific to rod photoreceptors is an unusual set of three glutamic acid-rich proteins (GARPs) as follows: two soluble forms, GARP1 and GARP2, and the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain (GARP' part) of the B1 subunit of the cyclic GMP-gated channel. GARPs have been shown to interact with proteins at the rim of the disc membrane. Here we characterized native GARP1 and GARP2 purified from bovine rod photoreceptors. Amino acid sequence analysis of GARPs revealed structural features typical of "natively unfolded" proteins. By using biophysical techniques, including size-exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, NMR spectroscopy, and circular dichroism, we showed that GARPs indeed exhibit a large degree of intrinsic disorder. Analytical ultracentrifugation and chemical cross-linking showed that GARPs exist in a monomer/multimer equilibrium. The results suggested that the function of GARP proteins is linked to their structural disorder. They may provide flexible spacers or linkers tethering the cyclic GMP-gated channel in the plasma membrane to peripherin at the disc rim to produce a stack of rings of these protein complexes along the long axis of the outer segment. GARP proteins could then provide the environment needed for protein interactions in the rim region of discs.  相似文献   
Membrane association of the cycling peroxisome import receptor Pex5p   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxisomal proteins carrying a peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1) are recognized in the cytosol by the cycling import receptor Pex5p. The receptor-cargo complex docks at the peroxisomal membrane where it associates with multimeric protein complexes, referred to as the docking and RING finger complexes. Here we have identified regions within the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex5p sequence that interconnect the receptor-cargo complex with the docking complex. Site-directed mutagenesis of the conserved tryptophan residue within a reverse WXXXF motif abolished two-hybrid binding with the N-terminal half of Pex14p. In combination with an additional mutation introduced into the Pex13p-binding site, we generated a Pex5p mutant defective in a stable association not only with the docking complex but also with the RING finger peroxins at the membrane. Surprisingly, PTS1 proteins are still imported into peroxisomes in these mutant cells. Because these mutations had no significant effect on the membrane binding properties of Pex5p, we examined yeast and human Pex5p for intrinsic lipid binding activity. In vitro analyses demonstrated that both proteins have the potential to insert spontaneously into phospholipid membranes. Altogether, these data strongly suggest that a translocation-competent state of the PTS1 receptor enters the membrane via protein-lipid interactions before it tightly associates with other peroxins.  相似文献   
Traditional analysis of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) data, typically performed by reviewing chromatograms and the corresponding mass spectra, is both time-consuming and difficult. Detailed data analysis is therefore often omitted in proteomics applications. When analysing multiple proteomics samples, it is usually only the final list of identified proteins that is reviewed. This may lead to unnecessarily complex or even contradictory results because the content of the list of identified proteins depends heavily on the conditions for triggering the collection of tandem mass spectra. Small changes in the signal intensity of a peptide in different LC-MS experiments can lead to the collection of a tandem mass spectrum in one experiment but not in another. Also, the quality of the tandem mass spectrometry experiments can vary, leading to successful identification in some cases but not in others. Using a novel image analysis approach, it is possible to achieve repeat analysis with a very high reproducibility by matching peptides across different LC-MS experiments using the retention time and parent mass over charge (m/z). It is also easy to confirm the final result visually. This approach has been investigated by using tryptic digests of integral membrane proteins from organelle-enriched fractions from Arabidopsis thaliana and it has been demonstrated that very highly reproducible, consistent, and reliable LC-MS data interpretation can be made.  相似文献   
Claudins are major components of tight junctions and contribute to the epithelial-barrier function by restricting free diffusion of solutes through the paracellular pathway. We have mapped a new locus for recessive renal magnesium loss on chromosome 1p34.2 and have identified mutations in CLDN19, a member of the claudin multigene family, in patients affected by hypomagnesemia, renal failure, and severe ocular abnormalities. CLDN19 encodes the tight-junction protein claudin-19, and we demonstrate high expression of CLDN19 in renal tubules and the retina. The identified mutations interfere severely with either cell-membrane trafficking or the assembly of the claudin-19 protein. The identification of CLDN19 mutations in patients with chronic renal failure and severe visual impairment supports the fundamental role of claudin-19 for normal renal tubular function and undisturbed organization and development of the retina.  相似文献   
High-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry has been used to identify the outer membrane (OM) subproteome of the Gram-negative bacterium Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath). Twenty-eight unique polypeptide sequences were identified from protein samples enriched in OMs. Only six of these polypeptides had previously been identified. The predictions from novel bioinformatic methods predicting β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and OM lipoproteins were compared to proteins identified experimentally. BOMP () predicted 43 β-barrel OMPs (1.45%) from the 2,959 annotated open reading frames. This was a lower percentage than predicted from other Gram-negative proteomes (1.8–3%). More than half of the predicted BOMPs in M. capsulatus were annotated as (conserved) hypothetical proteins with significant similarity to very few sequences in Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL. The experimental data and the computer predictions indicated that the protein composition of the M. capsulatus OM subproteome was different from that of other Gram-negative bacteria studied in a similar manner. A new program, Lipo, was developed that can analyse entire predicted proteomes and give a list of recognised lipoproteins categorised according to their lipo-box similarity to known Gram-negative lipoproteins (). This report is the first using a proteomics and bioinformatics approach to identify the OM subproteome of an obligate methanotroph.  相似文献   
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