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Protein aggregation is a commonly occurring problem in biology. Cells have evolved stress-response mechanisms to cope with problems posed by protein aggregation. Yet, these quality control mechanisms are overwhelmed by chronic aggregation-related stress and the resultant consequences of aggregation become toxic to cells. As a result, a variety of systemic and neurodegenerative diseases are associated with various aspects of protein aggregation and rational approaches to either inhibit aggregation or manipulate the pathways to aggregation might lead to an alleviation of disease phenotypes. To develop such approaches, one needs a rigorous and quantitative understanding of protein aggregation. Much work has been done in this area. However, several unanswered questions linger, and these pertain primarily to the actual mechanism of aggregation as well as to the types of inter-molecular associations and intramolecular fluctuations realized at low protein concentrations. It has been suggested that the concepts underlying protein aggregation are similar to those used to describe the aggregation of synthetic polymers. Following this suggestion, the relevant concepts of polymer aggregation are introduced. The focus is on explaining the driving forces for polymer aggregation and how these driving forces vary with chain length and solution conditions. It is widely accepted that protein aggregation is a nucleation-dependent process. This view is based mainly on the presence of long times for the accumulation of aggregates and the elimination of these lag times with “seeds”. In this sense, protein aggregation is viewed as being analogous to the aggregation of colloidal particles. The theories for polymer aggregation reviewed in this work suggest an alternative mechanism for the origin of long lag times in protein aggregation. The proposed mechanism derives from the recognition that polymers have unique dynamics that distinguish them from other aggregation-prone systems such as colloidal particles.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional computational modeling and simulation are presented on the adhesive rolling of deformable leukocytes over a P-selectin coated surface in parabolic shear flow in microchannels. The computational model is based on the immersed boundary method for cell deformation and Monte Carlo simulation for receptor/ligand interaction. The simulations are continued for at least 1 s of leukocyte rolling during which the instantaneous quantities such as cell deformation index, cell/substrate contact area, and fluid drag remain statistically stationary. The characteristic ‘stop-and-go’ motion of rolling leukocytes, and the ‘tear-drop’ shape of adherent leukocytes as observed in experiments are reproduced by the simulations. We first consider the role of cell deformation and cell concentration on rolling characteristics. We observe that compliant cells roll slower and more stably than rigid cells. Our simulations agree with previous in vivo observation that the hydrodynamic interactions between nearby leukocytes affect cell rolling, and that the rolling velocity decreases inversely with the separation distance, irrespective of cell deformability. We also find that cell deformation decreases, and the cells roll more stably with reduced velocity fluctuation, as the cell concentration is increased. However, the effect of nearby cells on the rolling characteristics is found to be more significant for rigid cells than compliant cells. We then address the effect of cell deformability and rolling velocity on the flow resistance due to, and the fluid drag on, adherent leukocytes. While several earlier computational works have addressed this problem, two key features of leukocyte adhesion, such as cell deformation and rolling, were often neglected. Our results suggest that neglecting cell deformability and rolling velocity may significantly overpredict the flow resistance and drag force. Increasing the cell concentration is shown to increase the flow resistance and reduce the fluid drag. The reduced drag then results in slower and more stable rolling of the leukocytes with longer pause time and shorter step distance. But the increase/decrease in the flow resistance/fluid drag due to the increase in the cell concentration is observed to be more significant in case of rigid cells than compliant cells.  相似文献   


Viral small RNAs (vsiRNAs) in the infected host can be generated from viral double-stranded RNA replicative intermediates, self-complementary regions of the viral genome or from the action of host RNA-dependent RNA polymerases on viral templates. The vsiRNA abundance and profile as well as the endogenous small RNA population can vary between different hosts infected by the same virus influencing viral pathogenicity and host response. There are no reports on the analysis of vsiRNAs of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), a segmented negative stranded RNA virus in the family Bunyaviridae, with two of its gene segments showing ambisense gene arrangement. The virus causes significant economic losses to numerous field and horticultural crops worldwide.

Principal Findings

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)-specific vsiRNAs were characterized by deep sequencing in virus-infected experimental host Nicotiana benthamiana and a commercial, susceptible host tomato. The total small (s) RNA reads in TSWV-infected tomato sample showed relatively equal distribution of 21, 22 and 24 nt, whereas N. benthamiana sample was dominated by 24 nt total sRNAs. The number of vsiRNA reads detected in tomato was many a magnitude (~350:1) higher than those found in N. benthamiana, however the profile of vsiRNAs in terms of relative abundance 21, 22 and 24 nt class size was similar in both the hosts. Maximum vsiRNA reads were obtained for the M RNA segment of TSWV while the largest L RNA segment had the least number of vsiRNAs in both tomato and N. benthamiana. Only the silencing suppressor, NSs, of TSWV recorded higher antisense vsiRNA with respect to the coding frame among all the genes of TSWV.


Details of the origin, distribution and abundance of TSWV vsiRNAs could be useful in designing efficient targets for exploiting RNA interference for virus resistance. It also has major implications toward our understanding of the differential processing of vsiRNAs in antiviral defense and viral pathogenicity.  相似文献   
The aggregation of proteins with expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts is directly relevant to the formation of neuronal intranuclear inclusions in Huntington’s disease. In vitro studies have uncovered the effects of flanking sequences as modulators of the driving forces and mechanisms of polyQ aggregation in sequence segments associated with HD. Specifically, a seventeen-residue amphipathic stretch (N17) that is directly N-terminal to the polyQ tract in huntingtin decreases the overall solubility, destabilizes nonfibrillar aggregates, and accelerates fibril formation. Published results from atomistic simulations showed that the N17 module reduces the frequency of intermolecular association. Our reanalysis of these simulation results demonstrates that the N17 module also reduces interchain entanglements between polyQ domains. These two effects, which are observed on the smallest lengthscales, are incorporated into phenomenological pair potentials and used in coarse-grained Brownian dynamics simulations to investigate their impact on large-scale aggregation. We analyze the results from Brownian dynamics simulations using the framework of diffusion-limited cluster aggregation. When entanglements prevail, which is true in the absence of N17, small spherical clusters and large linear aggregates form on distinct timescales, in accord with in vitro experiments. Conversely, when entanglements are quenched and a barrier to intermolecular associations is introduced, both of which are attributable to N17, the timescales for forming small species and large linear aggregates become similar. Therefore, the combination of a reduction of interchain entanglements through homopolymeric polyQ and barriers to intermolecular associations appears to be sufficient for providing a minimalist phenomenological rationalization of in vitro observations regarding the effects of N17 on polyQ aggregation.  相似文献   
Thrips-transmitted Iris yellow spot virus is an economically important viral pathogen of Allium crops worldwide. A global analysis of known IYSV nucleocapsid gene (N gene) sequences was carried out to determine the comparative population structure, spatial and temporal dynamics with reference to its genetic diversity and evolution. A total of 98 complete N gene sequences (including 8 sequences reported in this study) available in GenBank and reported from 23 countries were characterized by in-silico RFLP analysis. Based on RFLP, 94% of the isolates could be grouped into NL or BR types while the rest belonged to neither group. The relative proportion of NL and BR types was 46% and 48%, respectively. A temporal shift in the IYSV genotypes with a greater incremental incidence of IYSVBR was found over IYSVNL before 2005 compared to after 2005. The virus population had at least one evolutionarily significant recombination event, involving IYSVBR and IYSVNL. Codon substitution studies did not identify any significant differences among the genotypes of IYSV. However, N gene codons were minimally positively selected, moderately negatively selected denoting the action of purifying selection, thus rejecting the theory of neutral mutation in IYSV population. However, one codon position (139) was found to be positively selected in all the genotypes. Population selection statistics in the IYSVBR, IYSVNL genotypes and in the population as a whole also revealed the action of purifying selection or population expansion, whereas IYSVother displayed a decrease in population size. Genetic differentiation studies showed inherent differentiation and infrequent gene flow between IYSVBR and IYSVNL genotypes corroborating the geographical confinement of these genotypes. Taken together the study suggests that the observed diversity in IYSV population and temporal shift in IYSVBR genotype is attributable to genetic recombination, abundance of purifying selection, insignificant positive selection and population expansion. Restricted gene flow between the two major IYSV genotypes further emphasizes the role of genetic drift in modeling the population architecture, evolutionary lineage and epidemiology of IYSV.  相似文献   
The actin-binding protein profilin-1 (Pfn1) inhibits tumor growth and yet is also required for cell proliferation and survival, an apparent paradox. We previously identified Ser-137 of Pfn1 as a phosphorylation site within the poly-l-proline (PLP) binding pocket. Here we confirm that Ser-137 phosphorylation disrupts Pfn1 binding to its PLP-containing ligands with little effect on actin binding. We find in mouse xenografts of breast cancer cells that mimicking Ser-137 phosphorylation abolishes cell cycle arrest and apoptotic sensitization by Pfn1 and confers a growth advantage to tumors. This indicates a previously unrecognized role of PLP binding in Pfn1 antitumor effects. Spatial restriction of Pfn1 to the nucleus or cytoplasm indicates that inhibition of tumor cell growth by Pfn1 requires its nuclear localization, and this activity is abolished by a phosphomimetic mutation on Ser-137. In contrast, cytoplasmic Pfn1 lacks inhibitory effects on tumor cell growth but rescues morphological and proliferative defects of PFN1 null mouse chondrocytes. These results help reconcile seemingly opposed cellular effects of Pfn1, provide new insights into the antitumor mechanism of Pfn1, and implicate Ser-137 phosphorylation as a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer.  相似文献   


Localization and interaction studies of viral proteins provide important information about their replication in their host plants. Tospoviruses (Family Bunyaviridae) are economically important viruses affecting numerous field and horticultural crops. Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV), one of the tospoviruses, has recently emerged as an important viral pathogen of Allium spp. in many parts of the world. We studied the in vivo localization and interaction patterns of the IYSV proteins in uninfected and infected Nicotiana benthamiana and identified the interacting partners.

Principal Findings

Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analysis demonstrated homotypic and heterotypic interactions between IYSV nucleocapsid (N) and movement (NSm) proteins. These interactions were further confirmed by pull-down assays. Additionally, interacting regions of IYSV N and NSm were identified by the yeast-2-hybrid system and β-galactosidase assay. The N protein self-association was found to be mediated through the N- and C-terminal regions making head to tail interaction. Self-interaction of IYSV NSm was shown to occur through multiple interacting regions. In yeast-2-hybrid assay, the N- and C-terminal regions of IYSV N protein interacted with an N-terminal region of IYSV NSm protein.


Our studies provide new insights into localization and interactions of IYSV N and NSm proteins. Molecular basis of these interactions was studied and is discussed in the context of tospovirus assembly, replication, and infection processes.  相似文献   
The role of β-sheets in the early stages of protein aggregation, specifically amyloid formation, remains unclear. Interpretations of kinetic data have led to a specific model for the role of β-sheets in polyglutamine aggregation. According to this model, monomeric polyglutamine, which is intrinsically disordered, goes through a rare conversion into an ordered, metastable, β-sheeted state that nucleates aggregation. It has also been proposed that the probability of forming the critical nucleus, a specific β-sheet conformation for the monomer, increases with increasing chain length. Here, we test this model using molecular simulations. We quantified free energy profiles in terms of β-content for monomeric polyglutamine as a function of chain length. In accord with estimates from experimental data, the free energy penalties for forming β-rich states are in the 10-20 kcal/mol range. However, the length dependence of these free energy penalties does not mirror interpretations of kinetic data. In addition, although homodimerization of disordered molecules is spontaneous, the imposition of conformational restraints on polyglutamine molecules does not enhance the spontaneity of intermolecular associations. Our data lead to the proposal that β-sheet formation is an attribute of peptide-rich phases such as high molecular weight aggregates rather than monomers or oligomers.  相似文献   
We used sequence-specific antibodies tocharacterize two monocarboxylic acid transporters, MCT1 and MCT2, inastrocytes. Both proteins are expressed in primary cultures of corticalastrocytes, as indicated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence. BothMCT1 and MCT2 are present in small, punctate structures in thecytoplasm and at the cell membrane. Cells showing very low levels oflabeling for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) also label moredimly for MCT2, but not for MCT1. In vivo, double-labelimmunofluorescence studies coupled with confocal microscopy indicatethat MCT1 and MCT2 are rare in astrocytes in the cortex. However, theyare specifically labeled in astrocytes of the glial limiting membraneand in white matter tracts. Both transporters are also present in themicrovasculature. Comparison of labeling for MCT1 and MCT2 with markersof the blood-brain barrier shows that the transporters are not alwayslimited to the astrocytic endfeet in vivo. Our results suggestthat the level of expression of monocarboxylic acid transporters MCT1and MCT2 by cortical astrocytes in vivo is significantly lowerthan in vitro but that astrocytes in some other regions of thebrain can express one or both proteins in significant amounts.

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