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Fruit bats (Pteropodidae) have received increased attention after the recent emergence of notable viral pathogens of bat origin. Their vagility hinders data collection on abundance and distribution, which constrains modeling efforts and our understanding of bat ecology, viral dynamics, and spillover. We addressed this knowledge gap with models and data on the occurrence and abundance of nectarivorous fruit bat populations at 3 day roosts in southeast Queensland. We used environmental drivers of nectar production as predictors and explored relationships between bat abundance and virus spillover. Specifically, we developed several novel modeling tools motivated by complexities of fruit bat foraging ecology, including: (1) a dataset of spatial variables comprising Eucalypt‐focused vegetation indices, cumulative precipitation, and temperature anomaly; (2) an algorithm that associated bat population response with spatial covariates in a spatially and temporally relevant way given our current understanding of bat foraging behavior; and (3) a thorough statistical learning approach to finding optimal covariate combinations. We identified covariates that classify fruit bat occupancy at each of our three study roosts with 86–93% accuracy. Negative binomial models explained 43–53% of the variation in observed abundance across roosts. Our models suggest that spatiotemporal heterogeneity in Eucalypt‐based food resources could drive at least 50% of bat population behavior at the landscape scale. We found that 13 spillover events were observed within the foraging range of our study roosts, and they occurred during times when models predicted low population abundance. Our results suggest that, in southeast Queensland, spillover may not be driven by large aggregations of fruit bats attracted by nectar‐based resources, but rather by behavior of smaller resident subpopulations. Our models and data integrated remote sensing and statistical learning to make inferences on bat ecology and disease dynamics. This work provides a foundation for further studies on landscape‐scale population movement and spatiotemporal disease dynamics.  相似文献   
1. A compendium of reviews and mini-reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology published in the first half of 1992 is presented. In all 499 titles are listed from 95 different publications. 2. This compendium presents the references by Journal Name. Keywords have been included with each reference to increase the value of the collection. Keyword and author cross-reference indexes are not included but are available in the electronic database from which this version was constructed. Should anyone wish to have this information in electronic form it can be distributed on MS-DOS formatted floppy disks in either Reference Manager or Medline format. The author should be contacted for details of the number of preformatted floppy disks required.  相似文献   
Segregation analyses aim to detect genetic factors that have a major effect on an individual's risk of disease and to describe them in terms of mode of inheritance, age-specific cumulative risk (penetrance), and allele frequency. We conducted single- and two-locus segregation analyses of data from 1,476 men with prostate cancer diagnosed at age <70 years and ascertained through population registries in Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth, Australia, and from their brothers, fathers, and both maternal and paternal lineal uncles. Estimation and model selection were based on asymptotic likelihood theory and were performed through use of the software MENDEL. All two-locus models gave better fits than did single-locus models, even if lineal uncles were excluded or if we censored data (age and disease status) for relatives at 1992, when prostate-specific-antigen testing started to have a major impact on the incidence of prostate cancer in Australia. Among the genetic models that we considered, the best-fitting ones included a dominantly inherited increased risk that was greater, in multiplicative terms, at younger ages, as well as a recessively inherited or X-linked increased risk that was greater, in multiplicative terms, at older ages. The recessive and X-linked effects were strongly confounded, and it was not possible to fit them together. Penetrance to age 80 years was approximately 70% (95% confidence interval [CI] 57%-85%) for the dominant effect and virtually 100% for the recessive and X-linked effects. Approximately 1/30 (95% CI 1/80-1/12) men would carry the dominant risk, and 1/140 (95% CI 1/220-1/90) would carry the recessive risk or 1/200 (95% CI 1/380-1/100) would carry the X-linked risk. Within discussed limitations, these analyses confirm the genetic heterogeneity, of prostate cancer susceptibility, that is becoming evident from linkage analyses, and they may aid future efforts in gene discovery.  相似文献   
An imaging system for di-4-ANEPPS (4-[beta-[2-(di-n-butylamino)-6-naphthylvinyl]pyridinium]) voltage-sensitive dye recordings has been adapted for recording from an in vitro mouse heart preparation that consists of both atria in isolation. This approach has been used to study inter- and intra-atrial activation and conduction and to monitor action potential durations (APDs) in the left and right atrium. The findings from this study confirm some of our previous findings in isolated mouse atrial myocytes and demonstrate that many electrophysiological properties of mouse atria closely resemble those of larger mammals. Specifically, we made the following observations: 1) Activation in mouse atria originates in the sinoatrial node and spreads into the right atrium and, after a delay, into the left atrium. 2) APD in the left atrium is shorter than in the right atrium. 3) Sites in the posterior walls have longer APDs than sites in the atrial appendages. 4) Superfusion of this preparation with 4-aminopyridine and tetraethylammonium resulted in increases in APD, consistent with their inhibitory effects on the K+ currents known to be expressed in mouse atria. 5) The muscarinic agonist carbachol shortened APD in all areas of the preparation, except the left atrial appendage, in which carbachol had no statistically significant effect on APD. These results validate a new approach for monitoring activation, conduction, and repolarization in mouse atria and demonstrate that the physiological and pharmacological properties of mouse atria are sufficiently similar to those of larger animals to warrant further studies using this preparation.  相似文献   
The distribution of genetic diversity in Mycelis muralis, or wall lettuce, was investigated at a European scale using 12 microsatellite markers to infer historical and contemporary forces from genetic patterns. Mycelis muralis has the potential for long-distance seed dispersal by wind, is mainly self-pollinated, and has patchily distributed populations, some of which may show metapopulation dynamics. A total of 359 individuals were sampled from 17 populations located in three regions, designated southern Europe (Spain and France), the Netherlands, and Sweden. At this within-region scale, contemporary evolutionary forces (selfing and metapopulation dynamics) are responsible for high differentiation between populations (0.34 < F(ST) < 0.60) but, contrary to expectation, levels of within-population diversity, estimated by Nei's unbiased expected heterozygosity (H(E)) (0.24 < H(E) < 0.68) or analyses of molecular variance (50% of the variation found within-populations), were not low. We suggest that the latter results, which are unusual in selfing species, arise from efficient seed dispersal that counteracts population turnover and thus maintains genetic diversity within populations. At the European scale, northern regions showed lower allelic richness (A = 2.38) than populations from southern Europe (A = 3.34). In light of postglacial colonization hypotheses, these results suggest that rare alleles may have been lost during recolonization northwards. Our results further suggest that mutation has contributed to genetic differentiation between southern and northern Europe, and that Sweden may have been colonized by dispersers originating from at least two different refugia.  相似文献   
The causal agent of rice blast disease, the ascomycete fungus Magnaporthe grisea, infects rice (Oryza sativa) plants by means of specialized infection structures called appressoria, which are formed on the leaf surface and mechanically rupture the cuticle. We have identified a gene, Magnaporthe metallothionein 1 (MMT1), which is highly expressed throughout growth and development by M. grisea and encodes an unusual 22-amino acid metallothionein-like protein containing only six Cys residues. The MMT1-encoded protein shows a very high affinity for zinc and can act as a powerful antioxidant. Targeted gene disruption of MMT1 produced mutants that show accelerated hyphal growth rates and poor sporulation but had no effect on metal tolerance. Mmt1 mutants are incapable of causing plant disease because of an inability to bring about appressorium-mediated cuticle penetration. Mmt1 appears to be distributed in the inner side of the cell wall of the fungus. These findings indicate that Mmt1-like metallothioneins may play a novel role in fungal cell wall biochemistry that is required for fungal virulence.  相似文献   
An imaging system suitable for recordings from Langendorff-perfused rat hearts using the voltage-sensitive dye 4-[beta-[2-(di-n-butylamino)-6-naphthyl]vinyl]pyridinium (di-4-ANEPPS) has been developed. Conduction velocity was measured under hyper- and hypokalemic conditions, as well as at physiological and reduced temperature. Elevation of extracellular [K(+)] to 9 mM from 5.9 mM caused a slowing of conduction velocity from 0.66 +/- 0.08 to 0.43 +/- 0.07 mm/ms (35%), and reduction of the temperature to 32 degrees C from 37 degrees C caused a slowing from 0.64 +/- 0.07 to 0.46 +/- 0.05 mm/ms (28%). Ventricular activation patterns in sinus rhythm showed areas of early activation (breakthrough) in both the right and left ventricle, with breakthrough at a site near the apex of the right ventricle usually occurring first. The effects of mechanically immobilizing the preparation to reduce motion artifact were also characterized. Activation patterns in epicardially paced rhythm were insensitive to this procedure over the range of applied force tested. In sinus rhythm, however, a relatively large immobilizing force caused prolonged PQ intervals as well as altered ventricular activation patterns. The time-dependent effects of the dye on the rat heart were characterized and include 1) a transient vasodilation at the onset of dye perfusion and 2) a long-lasting prolongation of the PQ interval of the electrocardiogram, frequently resulting in brief episodes of atrioventricular block.  相似文献   
The numbers of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and bird cherry-oat aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi L., per wheat tiller (stem) were estimated in 189 production winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields located throughout Oklahoma. Taylor's power law regressions were calculated from these data and used to construct fixed precision sequential sampling schemes for each species. An evaluation data set was constructed from 240 samples taken during three growing seasons from winter wheat fields at four locations in Oklahoma. Wheat cultivar and growth stage were recorded for each field on the day of sampling. Taylor's power law parameters for evaluation fields differed significantly for both species among growing seasons, locations, and plant growth stages. Median precision achieved using the fixed precision sequential sampling schemes for each species departed <20% from expected precision over the range population intensity in the evaluation data. For the 10% of samples with greatest deviation between observed and expected precision, observed precision was 13.8-81.8% greater than that expected precision depending on aphid species and population intensity. For the greenbug, the distribution of the percentage deviation between observed and expected precision was positively skewed, so that the sampling scheme tended to over-predict precision. For the bird cherry-oat aphid, the distribution was more symmetric. Even though precision observed using the sampling schemes frequently varied from expected precision, because of the inevitable consequence of sampling error and environmental variation, the sampling schemes yielded median observed precision levels close to expected precision levels over a broad range of population intensity.  相似文献   
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