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In monandrous mating systems with discrete nonoverlapping generations males should maximize the expected number of matings by starting to emerge before females. This is known as protandry. Moreover, Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (ESS) models show that the male emergence curve should be abruptly truncated before female emergence has ceased. In temperate areas where many insects have partial second generations, we accordingly predict that males should enter diapause development at an earlier date than should females, as a result of late-emerging males being penalized in terms of fewer mating opportunities. The decision to diapause or to develop directly is usually mediated by response to environmental stimuli of which day length is the most important. Hence we predict that the mechanism by which males enter diapause at an earlier date than females will be that of the male reaction norm for diapause development being shifted towards longer day lengths when compared to that of females. As a result of the greater tendency of males to enter diapause development, partial second generations that develop directly should be female biased. As a corollary, first generations should be male biased because some males of the first generation are from the previous year. The prediction that males should enter diapause development earlier in the season, i.e., at longer day lengths, as compared to females was corroborated by rearing Pieris napi under a variety of critical day length regimes producing mixed broods of directly developing and diapausing individuals, and by outdoor rearings of cohorts of larvae of P. napi and P. rapae initiated throughout the season. The prediction that partial second generations should be female biased was corroborated by laboratory rearings at constant temperature of P. napi (Pieridae), Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae), and Pararge aegeria (Satyridae) under critical day length conditions, producing female-biased sex ratio under direct, and male-biased sex ratio under diapause development.  相似文献   
In addition to an increase in mean temperature, extreme climatic events, such as heat waves, are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change, which are likely to affect organism interactions, seasonal succession, and resting stage recruitment patterns in terrestrial as well as in aquatic ecosystems. For example, freshwater zooplankton with different life‐history strategies, such as sexual or parthenogenetic reproduction, may respond differently to increased mean temperatures and rapid temperature fluctuations. Therefore, we conducted a long‐term (18 months) mesocosm experiment where we evaluated the effects of increased mean temperature (4°C) and an identical energy input but delivered through temperature fluctuations, i.e., as heat waves. We show that different rotifer prey species have specific temperature requirements and use limited and species‐specific temperature windows for recruiting from the sediment. On the contrary, co‐occurring predatory cyclopoid copepods recruit from adult or subadult resting stages and are therefore able to respond to short‐term temperature fluctuations. Hence, these different life‐history strategies affect the interactions between cyclopoid copepods and rotifers by reducing the risk of a temporal mismatch in predator–prey dynamics in a climate change scenario. Thus, we conclude that predatory cyclopoid copepods with long generation time are likely to benefit from heat waves since they rapidly “wake up” even at short temperature elevations and thereby suppress fast reproducing prey populations, such as rotifers. In a broader perspective, our findings suggest that differences in life‐history traits will affect predator–prey interactions, and thereby alter community dynamics, in a future climate change scenario.  相似文献   
Photosystem II thylakoid particles possessing high rates of oxygen evolution, were shown to have a very simple polypeptide composition. Upon washing of these particles with 250 mM NaCl the oxygen evolution was inhibited up to 80% concomitant with a release of two polypeptides of 23 and 16 kDa. Readdition of the pure 23 kDa protein to the depleted thylakoids under low ionic strength reconstituted more than half of the lost activity. No stimulation was obtained with the 16 kDa protein alone or in combination with glycerol. The results give further strong evidence that the 23 kDa protein is an essential component in the oxygen evolving complex. The possible involvement of other proteins in this complex is discussed in light of the demonstrated simple polypeptide pattern of the photosystem II particles.  相似文献   
Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) present an unparalleled insect model to integrate evolutionary genomics with ecology for the study of insect evolution. Key features of Odonata include their ancient phylogenetic position, extensive phenotypic and ecological diversity, several unique evolutionary innovations, ease of study in the wild and usefulness as bioindicators for freshwater ecosystems worldwide. In this review, we synthesize studies on the evolution, ecology and physiology of odonates, highlighting those areas where the integration of ecology with genomics would yield significant insights into the evolutionary processes that would not be gained easily by working on other animal groups. We argue that the unique features of this group combined with their complex life cycle, flight behaviour, diversity in ecological niches and their sensitivity to anthropogenic change make odonates a promising and fruitful taxon for genomics focused research. Future areas of research that deserve increased attention are also briefly outlined.  相似文献   
The primary olfactory centres of most vertebrates and most neopteran insects are characterized by the presence of spherical neuropils, glomeruli, where synaptic interactions between olfactory receptor neurons and second-order neurons take place. In the neopteran insect taxa investigated so far, receptor neurons of a specific physiological identity target one glomerulus and thus bestow a functional identity on the glomerulus. In moths, input from pheromone-specific receptor neurons is received in a male-specific structure of the antennal lobe, called the macroglomerular complex (MGC), which consists of a number of specialized glomeruli. Each glomerulus of the complex receives a set of peripheral sensory afferents that encode one of several compounds involved in sexual communication. The complex is also innervated by dendritic branches of antennal lobe output neurons called projection neurons, which transfer information from the antennal lobe to higher centres of the brain. A hypothesis stemming from earlier work on moths claims that the receptor neuron innervation pattern of the MGC should be reflected in the pattern of dendrites of projection neurons invading the different MGC glomeruli. In this study we show that in the noctuid moth Trichoplusia ni, as in several other noctuid moth species, this hypothesis does not hold. The degree of matching between axon terminals of receptor neurons and the dendritic branches of identified projection neurons that express similar physiological specificity is very low.  相似文献   
Anaerobic starvation conditions are frequent in industrial fermentation and can affect the performance of the cells. In this study, the anaerobic carbon or nitrogen starvation response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated for cells grown in anaerobic carbon or nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures at a dilution rate of 0.1 h(-1) at pH 3.25 or 5. Lactic or benzoic acid was present in the growth medium at different concentrations, resulting in 16 different growth conditions. At steady state, cells were harvested and then starved for either carbon or nitrogen for 24 h under anaerobic conditions. We measured fermentative capacity, glucose uptake capacity, intracellular ATP content, and reserve carbohydrates and found that the carbon, but not the nitrogen, starvation response was dependent upon the previous growth conditions. All cells subjected to nitrogen starvation retained a large portion of their initial fermentative capacity, independently of previous growth conditions. However, nitrogen-limited cells that were starved for carbon lost almost all their fermentative capacity, while carbon-limited cells managed to preserve a larger portion of their fermentative capacity during carbon starvation. There was a positive correlation between the amount of glycogen before carbon starvation and the fermentative capacity and ATP content of the cells after carbon starvation. Fermentative capacity and glucose uptake capacity were not correlated under any of the conditions tested. Thus, the successful adaptation to sudden carbon starvation requires energy and, under anaerobic conditions, fermentable endogenous resources. In an industrial setting, carbon starvation in anaerobic fermentations should be avoided to maintain a productive yeast population.  相似文献   
Summary The rates of glucose utilization by fermentative bacteria and propionate and butyrate utilization by acetogenic bacteria were studied and their dependence of pCO2 in the interval 0–1 bar was determined. A batch fermentation method was used permitting good control of fermentation parameters and rapid experiments.The rate of glucose fermentation to acids, CO2 and H2 was in the order of 12,000 mg glucose/l · day which was about two orders of magnitude faster than the utilization of propionic and butyric acid by acetogenic bacteria. The rate of glucose utilization was about 30% greater at low values of pCO2 compared with 1 bar CO2.Propionate degradation was strongly affected by pCO2; rates were 60 mg/l · day at pCO2=1 bar and 200 mg/l · day at pCO2=0.2 bar. Some CO2 was required since the rate of propionate utilization dropped rapidly below pCO2=0.2 bar. The rate of butyric acid utilization was constant at 170 mg/l · day; slightly lower at pCO2=1 bar.Yields of methane from glucose or acids were close to the theoretical value 50% of degraded substrate-carbon. Yields were 20–30% higher at low values of pCO2 compared with 1 bar CO2.The redox potential was usually between –200 and –250 mV, slowly increasing to between –150 and –200 mV during fermentation. No clear connection between rates of substrate utilization, pCO2 and Eh was detected.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of hilar denervation of rat liver upon the activity of hepatic lipase determined in tissue extracts. Denervated animals had an enzyme activity of 7.89 +/- 0.37 mU/mg protein, compared to 6.45 +/- 0.43 in sham-operated controls (mean +/- S.E.; P less than 0.05). We conclude that hepatic innervation may contribute to the regulation of hepatic lipase activity.  相似文献   
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