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The cobalt absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of cobalt carboxypeptidase undergo unique variations on formation of catalytic peptide and ester intermediates as previously recorded in cryoenzymologic experiments employing rapid-scanning spectroscopy and cryotrapping [Geoghegan, K. F., Galdes, A., Martinelli, R. A., Holmquist, B., Auld, D.S., & Vallee, B. L. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 2255-2262]. We here describe a means of stabilizing these intermediates, which we have termed "equilibrium trapping". It allows peptide intermediates to be observed for longer periods (much greater than 1 min) at ambient as well as subzero temperatures. The reaction intermediate with the rapidly turned over peptide substrate Dns-Ala-Ala-Phe is trapped when the cobalt enzyme (greater than 10 microM) has catalyzed the attainment of chemical equilibrium between high concentrations of the hydrolysis products Dns-Ala-Ala, 10 mM, and L-phenylalanine, 50 mM, and the product of their coupling Dns-Ala-Ala-Phe. Under these conditions, Dns-Ala-Ala-Phe is present in the equilibrated substrate-product reaction mixture at a level that exceeds the one predicted on the basis of K'eq for hydrolysis of this substrate and is close to the enzyme concentration. Other pairs of peptide hydrolysis products yield similar results. Visible absorption and EPR spectra of the cobalt enzyme show that the synthesized peptide binds to the active site in the mode previously recognized as the ES2 catalytic intermediate in peptide hydrolysis. Equilibrium trapping of the ES2 intermediate allows analysis of its physicochemical properties by methods that could not be employed readily under cryoenzymological conditions, e.g., circular dichroic and magnetic circular dichroic spectra.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The rotational dynamics of rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) anti-dansyl antibodies bound to the C1q subcomponent of human complement were studied by nanosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. Deconvoluted anisotropy decays of IgG-C1q mixtures were fitted to a two-exponential expression and were corrected for the effects of unbound IgG, which was determined with an analytical ultracentrifuge. Compared with the anisotropy parameters for free IgG, the pre-exponential weighting factors and the short correlation time of the C1q-bound antibody were nearly unchanged, and the long correlation time increased by only about 45 nanoseconds. These results, together with rotational diffusion calculations, indicate that the Fab arms of the C1q-bound antibody exhibited considerable flexibility. This finding may have biological relevance because it suggests that C1q can bind to the Fc segments of IgG molecules anchored in an immune complex, even though the angles between the two Fab arms of the different antibodies may vary. The results of this study also support our earlier interpretation that both the short and long correlation times of IgG principally represent flexible motions of the Fab segments.  相似文献   
The substrate-dependency of gastric acid secretion was investigated in isolated rat parietal cells by using the accumulation of the weak base aminopyrine as an index of acid secretion. Exogenous substrates enhanced accumulation of aminopyrine in rat parietal cells stimulated by secretagogues, and this effect was probably directly related to the provision of energy for acid secretion. At physiological concentrations, certain of the substrates (glucose, oleate, lactate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate, L-isoleucine, L-valine and acetoacetate) could support acid secretion, with glucose being the most effective. L-Leucine and acetate were only effective stimulators of parietal-cell aminopyrine accumulation at high concentrations (5mM). L-Glutamine was unable to stimulate aminopyrine accumulation even at high concentrations, and glutaminase activity in parietal cells was estimated to be low by comparison with small-intestinal epithelial cells. Variation in the concentrations of D-3-hydroxybutyrate and L-isoleucine, but not of glucose, within the physiological range affected their ability to support aminopyrine accumulation. The presence of 5 mM-L-isoleucine, 5 mM-lactate and combinations of certain substrates at physiological concentrations produced aminopyrine accumulation in stimulated parietal cells that was greater than that obtained in cells incubated with 5 mM-glucose alone. In conclusion, fulfillment of the metabolic requirements of the acid-secreting parietal cell under physiological circumstances requires a combination of substrates, and integration of the results with previous data [Anderson & Hanson (1983) Biochem. J. 210, 451-455; 212, 875-879] suggests that after overnight starvation in vivo metabolism of glucose, D-3-hydroxybutyrate and L-isoleucine may be of particular importance.  相似文献   
Experimentally induced lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis and the effect of concurrent bacterial infection on the development of these lesions were studied in the golden hamster. Male outbred golden hamsters received intradermal injections at the base of the tail with approximately 10(7) promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis, or promastigotes combined with Staphylococcus aureus or Pasteurella multocida or both, bacteria only, or sterile Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEME). The size of the resulting lesions was measured at least twice each week. Hamsters were killed at postinoculation Days 6, 13, 20, 27, 41, or 48, and each lesion was measured, aseptically excised, and bisected; half was used for bacteriologic culture and the other half was prepared for light microscopic examination. Lesions resulting from L. b. panamensis alone progressed from initial erythema to a granulomatous nodule and finally to a necrotic granuloma, often capped by a crateriform ulcer. Lesions resulting from a suspension of L. b. panamensis with added S. aureus or S. aureus and P. multocida, were initially larger, more erythemic and contained a greater proportion of neutrophils up to postinoculation Days 14-21 than did lesions resulting from L. b. panamensis alone. Concurrent infections with bacteria such as S. aureus and P. multocida had little effect on the development of ulcerating characteristics of lesions, but when S. aureus was present it appeared to enhance the severity of the early lesions. Between postinoculation Days 14-28, lesions produced by L. b. panamensis, with or without added bacteria had similar developmental progression of sufficient size for optimal testing of antileishmanial compounds.  相似文献   
The method of moments, as presented by Isenberg and Dyson (1969; Biophys. J. 9:1337) has been shown to be a reliable way of obtaining the amplitudes and time constants of several simultaneously emitting species, even in the presence of an overlapping excitation. Recent improvements in the method include (a) a component incrementation test for determining the number of relaxations, (b) a procedure, which we call exponential depression, for dramatically improving convergence, and (c) a new algorithm for implementing the method of moments on a digital computer with a high degree of flexibility and efficiency. These improvements, as well as new general theory, are described and tested using both synthetic and real experimental data. Component incrementation consists of examining models with increasing numbers of exponential terms. Given adequate precision, we find that an analysis for N + 1 components, of data that are actually represented by N components, provides the correct amplitudes and time constants plus an N + 1 term with an insignificant amplitude. Exponential depression is a transformation in which the original excitation and fluorescence, E(t) and F(t), are multiplied by exp (-λt), where λ is an arbitrary parameter. While the convolution is invariant to this transformation, the proper choice of λ greatly reduces the number of iterations necessary to obtain the amplitudes and time constants and may even improve their accuracy. In addition, an appendix by John P. Mullooly presents a statistical analysis of the effect of counting error on the method of moments estimates of fluorescence decay parameters, applicable when data are obtained by the monophoton technique. Formulas are derived that give the approximate precision of the decay parameters for the general case of N exponential components, with calculational details for one and two component systems.  相似文献   
The relative significance of the pathways for the conversion of d-fructose to d-fructose 1,6-diphosphate via d-fructose 1-phosphate or d-fructose 6-phosphate in Aerobacter aerogenes PRL-R3 was assessed by observing growth patterns of mutants lacking either d-fructose 6-phosphate kinase or d-fructose 1,6-diphosphatase. The mutant lacking d-fructose 6-phosphate kinase grew well on d-fructose or glycerol but not on d-glucose, whereas the mutant lacking d-fructose 1,6-diphosphatase grew on d-glucose but not on d-fructose or glycerol. The data indicate that the pathway of d-fructose metabolism is primarily through d-fructose 1-phosphate rather than d-fructose 6-phosphate.  相似文献   
Fatty acid synthesis via the citrate cleavage pathway requires the continual replenishment of oxaloacetate within the mitochondria, probably by carboxylation of pyruvate. Malic enzyme, although present in adipose tissue, is completely localized in the cytoplasm and has insufficient activity to support lipogenesis. Pyruvate carboxylase was found to be active in both the mitochondria and cytoplasm of epididymal adipose tissue cells; it was dependent on both ATP and biotin. Alteractions in dietary conditions induced no significant changes in mitochondrial pyruvate carboxylase activity, but the soluble activity was depressed in fat-fed animals. The possible importance of the soluble activity in lipogenesis lies in its participation in a soluble malate transhydrogenation cycle with NAD malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme, whereby a continual supply of NADPH is produced. Consequently, the pyruvate carboxylase in adipose tissue both generates mitochondrial oxaloacetate for the citrate cleavage pathway and supplies soluble NADPH for the conversion of acetyl-CoA to fatty acid.  相似文献   
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