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Neutron diffraction data from crystals of sperm whale carbonmonoxymyoglobin have been refined by the real space refinement technique. Estimates of the neutron occupancies at the end of the refinement show that the mean for each atom type (including hydrogen and deuterium) is close to the expected value and has a standard deviation from the mean of about 5%. Mean neutron occupancies of main-chain atoms involved in deuterium bonds versus those not involved in deuterium bonds demonstrate that the hydrogen/deuterium exchange of the latter group is higher. The oxygen and deuterium co-ordinates for 40 water molecules have been determined: 27 of these water molecules were involved in bridges between protein atoms, and nine were involved in deuterium bonds with main-chain atoms. The deuterium-bond angles in helical regions show significant deviations from linearity. The mean ND … O angle was 154(3) °2 and the mean CO … D angle was 145(3) °.  相似文献   
The block in the electrogenic H+ efflux produced by protein synthesis inhibitors in corn root tissue can be released or by-passed by addition of fusicoccin or nigericin. The inhibition also lowers cell potential, and the release repolarizes. Associated with the inhibition of H+ efflux is inhibition of K+ influx and the growth of the root tip; fusicoccin partially relieves these inhibitions, but nigericin does not. The inhibition of H+ efflux which arises from blocking the proton channel of the ATPase by oligomycin or N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide can also be partially relieved by fusicoccin, but not by nigericin; the inhibition produced by diethylstilbestrol is not relieved by fusicoccin.  相似文献   
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa was partially purified from mitochondrial extracts. It is an extremely unstable enzyme (t 1/2 = 45 min at 25 detrees C) made up of two unequal subunits. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of approximately 175,000, and the large subunit has a molecular weight of about 125,000. Both the native enzyme and its large subunit are quite asymmetric, as revealed by slow sedimentation in sucrose gradents (7.3S and 6.6S, respectively). The small subunit has not been identified physically as a separate entity. The denaturation of the native, glutamine-dependent activity is correlated with dissociation of subunits, the larger of which retains a more stable, ammonia-dependent activity. Neither substrates nor any other agents except glycerol or polyethylene glycol appreciably stabilized the glutamine-dependent activity. Kinetic studies showed the native enzyme to have a Km for glutamine of about 0.16 mM, and a Km for NH4Cl of about 16 mM, at the optimal pH, 8.0. The enzyme, using either N donor, has a K+ requirement for activity, for which NH4+ can substitute. The glutamine leads to glutamate reaction, which requires the small subunit, also requires the large subunit and all reaction substrates for optimal activity. Other evidences of subunit interaction are the greater activity of the native enzyme, as opposed to the large subunit, with low concentrations of adenosine 5'-triphosphate-Mg2+, and in the stimulation of the ammonia-dependent activity of the native enzyme by glycine. Curiously, although the enzyme's role in biosynthesis is confined to the arginine pathway, it is completely indifferent to arginine or its precursors as feedback effectors or activators. The enzyme is compared with carbamyl phosphate synthetases of other organisms.  相似文献   
Summary Aluminum toxicity limits root growth in acid subsoils that are difficult to lime. An alternative to subsoil liming is the development of plants having greater tolerance to Al. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is considered an Al-susceptible species. Preliminary studies indicated that alfalfa cultivars differ in Al tolerance, but the extreme plant-to-plant variation within cultivars prevented the establishment of clearcut cultivar differences.Tolerant and susceptible plants were selected from each of six cultivars (DuPuits, Atlantic, Team, Buffalo, Grimm, and Sirsa 9) grown on an Al-toxic Bladen soil at pH 4.1 to 4.3. The tolerant selections were repotted and interpollinated to form one population of polycross seed. Susceptible selections were treated similarly to form a second population. These two populations, tolerant and susceptible, were subjected to an additional cycle of recurrent phenotypic selection for tolerance and susceptibility, respectively, to Al-toxic Bladen soil at pH 4.6.Plants from the population selected for tolerance to the acid Bladen soil were significantly higher in both root and top vigor on Al-toxic Tatum soil than plants from the population selected for susceptibility. The results indicated that Al tolerance is a heritable trait in these alfalfa populations and that recurrent selection can be used effectively to develop strains having differential tolerance to Al-toxic soils. The observation that only 2% of the plants from the tolerant population were in the most tolerant class suggests a good opportunity for more progress in selecting toward Al tolerance.  相似文献   
Production of wound ethylene was investigated in rib segments excised from flower buds of morning-glory (Ipomoea tricolor). Segments of the ribs were cut from buds 2 days before flower opening, floated overnight on 5 mm KCl solution, and transferred to agar the following morning. These immature segments evolved only a small quantity of ethylene during incubation on agar, with most of the production occurring in the morning. When such segments were wounded mechanically early in the afternoon, the rate of ethylene production rose more than 10-fold within 1 hour and returned to a low rate after about 3 hours.Production of ethylene by both untreated and wounded rib segments was inhibited more than 95% by overnight pretreatment with the ethoxy analog of rhizobitoxine (3 x 10(-5) and 10(-4)m). After overnight exposure of segments to 9 muml-methionine-U-(14)C, the specific radioactivity of the ethylene evolved by untreated and wounded tissue was determined and compared to the specific radioactivities of carbon atoms 3 plus 4 of methionine and S-methylmethionine (SMM) extracted from the segments. The specific radioactivity of methionine was about one-half that of SMM; neither value was significantly affected by wounding. The specific radioactivity of ethylene evolved by untreated tissue was close to that of SMM. In wounded tissue the specific radioactivity of the ethylene evolved was lower, but still above that of methionine. These results are consistent with the interpretations that wound ethylene is synthesized from carbon atoms 3 plus 4 of either SMM or methionine. On the basis of earlier experiments with senescing rib segments, it is suggested that methionine serves as the precursor of the wound ethylene.  相似文献   
The activity of the tarsal sugar receptor is greatly reduced following prolonged water exposure. The animal's behavior, which characteristícally reflects receptor input, also shows decreased acceptance of sucrose solutions following prolonged tarsal immersion in deionized water. Long exposure of the tarsi to Bodenstein's saline instead of water does not produce as large a decrement in the acceptance response as does water exposure.Recovery of the behavioral response occurs spontaneously after a few hours. The original response level can also be restored immediately if a moderate concentration (0.05 to 0.2 M) of KCl or NaCl is added to the sucrose stimulus. The effect of LiCl is ambiguous: it inhibits the normal sucrose response, thereby tending to mask any restorative effects. The electrophysiological data show that the cellular response level is also restored when Na+ or K+ ions are present in the stimulus.The above data are interpreted to mean that the effect of tarsal water exposure is to slowly leach out ions in the effective extracellular fluid surrounding the receptor membrane, thus lowering the membrane potential and deceasing the receptor potential upon stimulation. The fact that Na+ and K+ when supplied in the stimulating solution temporarily restore the original response level suggests that these extrinsically added ions can be used as current carrying ions to depolarize the cell. The data suggest that the sensillum contains three functional compartments interconnected by partial diffusion barriers: (1) a ‘receptor compartment’ (2) an axial cylinder which contains the dendrites and functions as the immediate extracellular ion source, and (3) a larger axial cylinder which serves as an ion reservoir.A method for statistically analyzing behavioral acceptance data is presented.  相似文献   
The batch growth curves of Laclobacillus delbreuckii exhibit several exponential phases. From the results of a series of shaker flask experiments, the position of the slope changes in the growth curve and the overall bacterial yield is affected by the initial amount of yeast extract in the medium. It is postulated that this behavior is due to several growth enhancing substances that are initially in the yeast extract and are consumed by the bacteria during the course of the fermentation. Using a Monod-type expression to represent the effect of growth enhancing components in a proposed growth rate expression, a mathematical model of the system is set up and solved on the analog computer.  相似文献   
Hepatic gluconeogenesis in the rat does not begin until birth. The enzyme P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase appears initially at birth and is the final enzyme in the gluconeogenic sequence to develop. The appearance of this enzyme in the cytosol of rat liver is caused by the stimulation of enzyme synthesis, probably due directly to an increase in the hepatic concentration of cAMP. Enzyme degradation does not begin until 36 hours after birth. Studies with fetal rats in utero have shown that dibutyryl cAMP or glucagon will stimulate P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase synthesis and that this effect can be blocked by insulin. Insulin is known to depress the synthesis of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase in adult rat liver and in Reuber H-35 liver cells in culture. The glucocorticoids are without effect on the synthesis of the enzyme in fetal rat liver. Work by Girard et al. (J. Clin. Invest. 52: 3190, 1973) has established that the molar ratio of insulin to glucagon drops from 10 immediately after birth, to 1 after one hour. This is due to both a rise in glucagon and a fall in insulin concentrations at birth. These studies, together with our work on the synthesis of P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase, indicate that the sharp drop in the concentration of insulin may relieve the normal inhibition of enzyme synthesis. This would allow the initial stimulation of enzyme synthesis by the glucagon-mediated rise in the concentration of CAMP.  相似文献   
Two serine transhydroxymethylase activities have been purified from a facultative methylotrophic bacterium. One enzyme predominates when the organism is grown on methane or methanol as the sole carbon and energy source, whereas the second enzyme is the major isoenzyme found when succinate is used as the sole carbon and energy source. The enzyme from methanol-grown cells is activated by glyoxylate, is not stimulated by Mg2+, Mn2+, or Zn2+, and has four subunits of 50,000 molecular weight each. The enzyme from succinate-grown cells is not activated by glyoxylate and is stimulated by Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis indicates that this enzyme has subunit molecular weight of 100,000, the same as the molecular weight obtained for the active enzyme. Cells grown in the presence of both methanol and succinate incorporate less methanol carbon per unit time than cells grown on methanol and have a lower specific activity of the glyoxylate-activated enzyme than methanol-grown cells. Adenine, glyoxylate, or trimethoprim in the growth medium causes an increased level of serine transhydroxymethylase in both methanol- and succinate-grown cells by stimulating the synthesis of the glyoxylate-activated enzyme.  相似文献   
Pattern formation in the Drosophila retina proceeds by the recruitment of cells, along a morphogenetic front, into a lattice. At the advancing front, marked by a dorso-ventral furrow in the eye imaginal disc, cells are organized into ommatidial precursors, each containing cells destined to become photoreceptors 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8. Behind the front, a mitotic wave produces photoreceptors 1, 6, and 7, plus the remaining cells needed to complete the ommatidia. During the third larval instar, the front sweeps anteriorly across the eye disc, leaving a highly ordered pattern in its wake. Preceding the dorso-ventral furrow is a groove that bisects the eye disc into dorsal and ventral halves and presumably plays a role in establishing the equatorial symmetry line. Cell lineage plays little role in pattern formation in the eye. Genetic mosaics show that the cells of each ommatidium are not derived from a single mother cell; the cells appear to be recruited at random at the morphogenetic front. Similarly, the mirror symmetry above and below the equator is not established by a clonal mechanism; a single clone can contribute cells to ommatidia on both sides of the equator.  相似文献   
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