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Pyruvate and malate transport and oxidation in corn mitochondria   总被引:14,自引:13,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Day DA  Hanson JB 《Plant physiology》1977,59(4):630-635
Pyruvate oxidation and swelling in pyruvate solutions by corn (Zea mays) mitochondria were inhibited by α-cyano-4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid, an inhibitor of pyruvate transport in animal mitochondria; however, there was no inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity, and malate and NADH oxidation were not affected. These results suggest the presence of a pyruvate-OH exchange transporter which supplies the mitochondrion with oxidizable substrate. Lactate appears to be transported also, but not dicarboxylate anions or inorganic phosphate. The rate of pyruvate transport was much slower than that of malate, however, and valinomycin was required to elicit appreciable swelling in potassium pyruvate.  相似文献   
The coupling pattern of trichothecin biosynthesized from acetate-[1,2-13C2] is in accord with previous enrichment studies. Multiple labelling was observed. Exogenous acetate has been shown to inhibit the utilization of glucose and the incorporation of radioactivity from pyruvate-[2-14C] and citrate-[1,5-14C] into the metabolites. Two pairs of 13C NMR assignments are interchanged.  相似文献   
Peritoneal-and pulmonary macrophages can be activated in vitro with lymphokines (LK) or IFN-gamma, without exogenous lipopolysaccharide, for fungicidal activity against several pathogenic fungi. However, neither the biochemical nor metabolic events of the activation process or of the effector phase have been defined. In the present work we sought to elucidate these events with time-course studies using inhibitors of protein synthesis as well as immunosuppressive agents. We found that protein synthesis inhibitors abrogated the activation process, because cycloheximide (CHX) (1-2 micrograms/ml) prevented activation of macrophages for fungicidal activity against Candida albicans, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Blocking of the activation process by CHX was not due to macrophage cytotoxicity, and CHX did not impair the ability of nonactivated macrophages to kill Candida parapsilosis. In kinetic studies we showed that activation of macrophages was induced in 4 hr of LK treatment and that CHX had no effect if added after this time. In contrast to CHX, therapeutic concentrations of hydrocortisone (HC), such as less than or equal to 5 micrograms/ml, or cyclosporin A (CsA), 5 micrograms/ml, did not significantly inhibit LK activation of macrophages for killing of fungi. In the effector phase, the fungicidal capacity of activated macrophages in short-term (less than or equal to 4 hr) killing assays could not be abrogated by CHX (5 micrograms/ml), HC (100 micrograms/ml), or CsA (10 micrograms/ml). These results demonstrate that the activation but not the effector mechanism of macrophages for fungicidal activity is blocked by inhibition of protein synthesis. In contrast, therapeutic concentrations of HC or CsA may not interfere with activation of macrophages or their killing mechanisms, thus providing a rationale for antifungal immunotherapy in certain clinical situations (e.g., infection in the immunosuppressed patient).  相似文献   
Tissues fixed with organic solvent fixatives such as Carnoy's solution are known to give poor and erratic results with in situ hybridization, whereas those fixed with paraformaldehyde produce more consistent results. To understand this difference and to improve the utility of Carnoy's-fixed tissue for in situ hybridization, we explored several parameters of RNA integrity and preservation. Carnoy's-fixed, paraffin-embedded livers and paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded livers of mice were compared for RNA extractability, degradation, and hybridizability. In addition, retention of RNA in tissue sections after sequential in situ hybridization treatments was compared. RNA was found to be easily extractable from Carnoy's-fixed liver and was well preserved, with only slight degradation of high molecular weight RNA. Conversely, only a small percentage of the RNA was extractable from paraformaldehyde-fixed liver unless the tissue was digested with protease. The extracted RNA was well preserved, without detectable degradation. Sections of tissue fixed in Carnoy's solution subjected to in situ hybridization retained only about 10% of their original RNA content and gave correspondingly weak in situ hybridization signals. Formaldehyde-fixed tissues retained much more of the RNA (about 45%) and produced strong in situ hybridization signals. Treatment of Carnoy's-fixed tissue sections with vaporous formaldehyde increased retention of RNA and provided in situ hybridization signals comparable with those of paraformaldehyde-fixed tissues.  相似文献   
Neutron diffraction data from crystals of sperm whale carbonmonoxymyoglobin have been refined by the real space refinement technique. Estimates of the neutron occupancies at the end of the refinement show that the mean for each atom type (including hydrogen and deuterium) is close to the expected value and has a standard deviation from the mean of about 5%. Mean neutron occupancies of main-chain atoms involved in deuterium bonds versus those not involved in deuterium bonds demonstrate that the hydrogen/deuterium exchange of the latter group is higher. The oxygen and deuterium co-ordinates for 40 water molecules have been determined: 27 of these water molecules were involved in bridges between protein atoms, and nine were involved in deuterium bonds with main-chain atoms. The deuterium-bond angles in helical regions show significant deviations from linearity. The mean ND … O angle was 154(3) °2 and the mean CO … D angle was 145(3) °.  相似文献   
The block in the electrogenic H+ efflux produced by protein synthesis inhibitors in corn root tissue can be released or by-passed by addition of fusicoccin or nigericin. The inhibition also lowers cell potential, and the release repolarizes. Associated with the inhibition of H+ efflux is inhibition of K+ influx and the growth of the root tip; fusicoccin partially relieves these inhibitions, but nigericin does not. The inhibition of H+ efflux which arises from blocking the proton channel of the ATPase by oligomycin or N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide can also be partially relieved by fusicoccin, but not by nigericin; the inhibition produced by diethylstilbestrol is not relieved by fusicoccin.  相似文献   
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Carbamyl phosphate synthetase A of Neurospora crassa was partially purified from mitochondrial extracts. It is an extremely unstable enzyme (t 1/2 = 45 min at 25 detrees C) made up of two unequal subunits. The native enzyme has a molecular weight of approximately 175,000, and the large subunit has a molecular weight of about 125,000. Both the native enzyme and its large subunit are quite asymmetric, as revealed by slow sedimentation in sucrose gradents (7.3S and 6.6S, respectively). The small subunit has not been identified physically as a separate entity. The denaturation of the native, glutamine-dependent activity is correlated with dissociation of subunits, the larger of which retains a more stable, ammonia-dependent activity. Neither substrates nor any other agents except glycerol or polyethylene glycol appreciably stabilized the glutamine-dependent activity. Kinetic studies showed the native enzyme to have a Km for glutamine of about 0.16 mM, and a Km for NH4Cl of about 16 mM, at the optimal pH, 8.0. The enzyme, using either N donor, has a K+ requirement for activity, for which NH4+ can substitute. The glutamine leads to glutamate reaction, which requires the small subunit, also requires the large subunit and all reaction substrates for optimal activity. Other evidences of subunit interaction are the greater activity of the native enzyme, as opposed to the large subunit, with low concentrations of adenosine 5'-triphosphate-Mg2+, and in the stimulation of the ammonia-dependent activity of the native enzyme by glycine. Curiously, although the enzyme's role in biosynthesis is confined to the arginine pathway, it is completely indifferent to arginine or its precursors as feedback effectors or activators. The enzyme is compared with carbamyl phosphate synthetases of other organisms.  相似文献   
The biochemical consequences of inositol limitation in an inositol auxotroph of Neurospora crassa have been examined as a means of disclosing the cellular role of inositol. The cellular levels of inositol in the inl mutant were proportional to the concentration of inositol in the growth medium whereas inositol phosphate levels remained relatively constant at about 0.1 mumol/g (dry weight). After 72 h of growth, about 57-fold more protein per milligram (dry weight) was released by the mutant grown on limiting inositol than by the inositol-supplemented control. When the inositol-limited growth medium was osmotically buffered with 1% NaCl, 3% NaCl, or 6% sorbitol, there was about 33, 74, or 54%, respectively, less protein released by the mutant. These results are consistent with cell lysis occurring in the mutant grown on limiting inositol because of a structurally weakened cell wall and membrane deterioration. When sufficient inositol for normal mycelial growth was supplied to an inositol-deficient mycelium, there was within 2 h a rapid incorporation of inositol to 85% of control levels. This incorporation occurred without significant growth by any area of the mycelium. About 10 to 15% of the total cell inositol was translocated forward from the older mycelial areas to the growing tips; only 2 to 5% of the total cell inositol was translocated backward toward the older mycelial areas. Possible mechanisms of translocation are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Aluminum toxicity limits root growth in acid subsoils that are difficult to lime. An alternative to subsoil liming is the development of plants having greater tolerance to Al. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is considered an Al-susceptible species. Preliminary studies indicated that alfalfa cultivars differ in Al tolerance, but the extreme plant-to-plant variation within cultivars prevented the establishment of clearcut cultivar differences.Tolerant and susceptible plants were selected from each of six cultivars (DuPuits, Atlantic, Team, Buffalo, Grimm, and Sirsa 9) grown on an Al-toxic Bladen soil at pH 4.1 to 4.3. The tolerant selections were repotted and interpollinated to form one population of polycross seed. Susceptible selections were treated similarly to form a second population. These two populations, tolerant and susceptible, were subjected to an additional cycle of recurrent phenotypic selection for tolerance and susceptibility, respectively, to Al-toxic Bladen soil at pH 4.6.Plants from the population selected for tolerance to the acid Bladen soil were significantly higher in both root and top vigor on Al-toxic Tatum soil than plants from the population selected for susceptibility. The results indicated that Al tolerance is a heritable trait in these alfalfa populations and that recurrent selection can be used effectively to develop strains having differential tolerance to Al-toxic soils. The observation that only 2% of the plants from the tolerant population were in the most tolerant class suggests a good opportunity for more progress in selecting toward Al tolerance.  相似文献   
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