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The susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition and the rate of its recovery were studied in the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans grown at a low (10 micromoles per square meter per second) and a high (120 micromoles per square meter per second) photosynthetically active radiation. The rate of light limited photosynthetic O2 evolution was measured to determine levels of photoinhibition and rates of recovery. Studies of photoinhibition and recovery with and without the translation inhibitor streptomycin demonstrated the importance of a recovery process for the susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition. We concluded that the approximately 3 times lower susceptibility to photoinhibition of high light than of low light grown cells, significantly depended on high light grown cells having an approximately 3 times higher recovery capacity than low light grown cells. It is suggested that these differences in susceptibility to photoinhibition and recovery depends on high light grown cells having a higher turnover rate of photosystem II protein(s) that is(are) the primary site(s) of photodamage, than have low light grown cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that photoinhibition of A. nidulans may occur under physiological light conditions without visible harm to the growth of the cell culture. The results give support for the hypotheses that the net photoinhibitory damage of photosystem II results from the balance between the photoinhibitory process and the operation of a recovery process; the capacity of the latter determining significant differences in the susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition of high and low light grown A. nidulans.  相似文献   
Measurement of the light response of photosynthetic CO2 uptake is often used as an implement in ecophysiological studies. A method is described to calculate photosynthetic parameters, such as the maximum rate of whole electron transport and dissimilative respiration in the light, from the light response of CO2 uptake. Examples of the light-response curves of flag leaves and ears of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ARKAS) are shown.Abbreviations and symbols A net photosynthesis rate - D 1 rate of dissimilative respiration occurring in the light - f loss factor - I incident PPFD - I effective absorbed PPFD - J rate of whole electron transport - J m maximum rate of whole electron transport - p c intercellular CO2 partial pressure - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - q effectivity factor for the use of light (electrons/quanta) - absorption coefficient - I * CO2 compensation point in the absence of dissimilative respiration (bar) - II conversion factor for calculation of CO2 uptake from the rate of whole electron transport - convexity factor Gas-exchange rates relate to the projective area and are given in mol·m-2·s-1. Electron-transport rates are given in mol electrons·m-2·s-1; PPFD is given in mol quanta·m-2·s-1.  相似文献   
This study reports on the findings from a WHO sponsored cross-national investigation of life events and schizophrenia. Data are presented from a series of 386 acutely ill schizophrenic patients selected from nine field research centers located in developing and developed countries (Aarhus, Denmark; Agra, India; Cali, Colombia; Chandigarh, India; Honolulu, USA; Ibadan, Nigeria; Nagasaki, Japan; Prague, Czechoslovakia; Rochester, USA). On a methodological level, the study demonstrates that life event methodologies originating in the developed countries can be adapted for international studies and may be used to collect reasonably reliable and comparable cross-cultural data on psychosocial factors affecting the course of schizophrenic disorders. Substantive findings replicate the results of prior studies which conclude that socioenvironmental stressors may precipitate schizophrenic attacks and such events tend to cluster in the two to three week period immediately preceding illness onset.The paper was prepared by these authors on behalf of the collaborating investigators listed on page 196.  相似文献   
P. Schröder 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(2):163-171
In laboratory experiments, blackfly larvae collected from a lake outlet, a woodland and a meadow stream were tested for size selection of latex beads of < Ito > 100 μm diameters. 3 suspensions of varying proportions for each size category were supplied to these blackfly larvae in common experiments. Comparisons between the size frequency distributions of particles supplied and the particle compositions in the larval guts showed intra- and interspecific differences and were quantified by calculating Jacobs' electivity index. In all species selection of larger particles increased with the larger larval instars. Although there was a positive selectivity of small particles in some cases, the ingested proportion of large particles increases volumes and biomasses of gut content and may be more important for larval growth than small particles.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beim ThermometerhuhnLeipoa ocellata tragen die Partner eine Paares ein Rufduett vor. Der Anteil des besteht aus einer Rufreihe, die sich aus einer Folge von 2–7 identischen, zweisilbigen Rufen zusammensetzt. Das trägt einen einzelnen, obertonreichen und langgezogenen Ruf vor. Sowohl der Ruf des als auch die Rufreihe des wird in Serien vorgetragen. Innerhalb einer solcher Ruf- bzw. Rufreihenserie können mehrere Duette auftreten. Die Rufe sind jedoch nicht ausschließlich an das Duett gebunden. Die Variabilität im Aufbau des Duetts äußert sich im Zeitpunkt des Einsatzes des antwortenden Vogels, in der Anzahl der -Rufe während des Duetts und in der Anzahl der Einheiten, aus denen sich der Duettanteil des zusammensetzt. Das beginnt signifikant häufiger als das eine Serie, in der ein oder mehrere Duette vorkommen. Ebenso ist es häufiger der Initiator des ersten in dieser Serie liegenden Duetts. Das Duett dient wohl hauptsächlich zur Festigung des Zusammenhalts zwischen den Paarpartnern. Es erfüllt jedoch von seinen physikalischen Eigenschaften her auch die Bedingungen, die für ein territorial wirksames Signal gelten.
Structure, variability and possible functions of duetting in the Mallee FowlLeipoa ocellata
Summary In the Australian Mallee Fowl,Leipoa ocellata, both and of a pair are involved in a call duet. The part of the consists of a sequence of 2–7 identical two-syllable calls. The contributes a single long-drawn-out call rich in harmonics. The call of the as well as the call sequence of the are presented in series. Within a series of calls () or call sequences () several duets can occur. The respective vocalizations, however, do not exclusively occur during the duet.The variability in the details of the duet expresses itself in the lag period after which the mate responds, in the number of -calls during the duet, and in the number of calls within the call sequence of the . The begins a series during which one or several duets occur significantly more frequently than the . The circumstances under which duetting occurs indicate that duet calling mainly serves to maintain the pair bond. Moreover, due to its physical characteristics the duet also seems to be suited to serve as a territorial signal.
Summary Voltage-dependent K channels could be identified in on-cell and excised patch-clamp records on membranes of isolated plant cell vacuoles. The current through a membrane patch is dominated by a channel population with a conductance of about 121 pS in symmetrical 250mm KCl solution. The single channel adopts at least two conducting levels the 121-pS state being most frequently observed. The channel shows outward rectification, representing a cation flux into the vacuoles. The rectification appears to be caused by a vanishing open probability and a short channel lifetime at hyperpolarizing voltages. A selectivity ratio of potassium over sodium of about 6 was derived as an estimate. Occasionally, an additional population of K channels with a single-channel conductance of approximately 18 pS is observed. This channel type exhibits outward rectification as well.  相似文献   
Summary An analysis was made of the effects of different sampling and extraction techniques on the amounts and pattern of monoterpenoids isolated from needles of Norway spruce. The following isolation and analysis procedure was finally adopted: liquid nitrogen-cooled needles were pulverized by a microdismembrator, extracted with pentane overnight at 2°–3°C and concentrated to a volume not less than 3 ml/g fresh weight on a Vigreux column. The crude extract was injected splitless (with solvent split) onto a cold programmed temperature vaporized (PTV) precolumn of a gas chromatograph and the vaporizable compounds heated to a capillary column. This method was tested for production of artefacts and quantitative extraction and applied to needles of eleven 80-year-old spruce trees.  相似文献   
The amounts of free sterols, steryl esters and lipid phosphorus were determined in the sapwood and heartwood of mature, and in the outer and inner sapwood of young Pinus sylvestris trees. In the mature trees (up to 70 years old) the heartwood contains significantly higher amounts of free sterols than the sapwood. No radial gradient can be demonstrated in the amounts of steryl esters. Lipids extracted from the sapwood contain higher amounts of phosphorus than those from the heartwood. Stems of young Pinus sylvestris trees (up to 13 years old) show in the inner sapwood higher amounts of both free sterols and steryl esters than the peripheral younger wood zone. The inner sapwood of the young stems shows slightly higher amounts of lipid phosphorus than the outer sapwood. The results indicate that Pinus sylvestris accumulates both free sterols and steryl esters in the stems at a very early stage of the life cycle. Sterol accumulation in the innermost parts of the stems seems not to depend on heartwood formation.  相似文献   
Summary Traditional protocols for the immunohistochemical localization of peptides and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in nerve fibers in cryostat sections require the tissue to be thoroughly fixed and rinsed and to be processed for the cryostat sectioning and the immunohistochemical staining more or less directly after freezing. In the present study it was tested whether also unfixed, rapidly frozen tissue, conforming to guinea pig and bovine heart specimens, can be used for the visualization of neuropeptides [neuropeptide Y (NPY) and substance P (S P)] and TH in cryostat sections. The following observations were made: 1) NPY-immunoreactive (IR) and S P-IR nerve fibers could be clearly identified in both fixed and unfixed sections of this type of tissue. 2) TH-IR nerve fibers could be detected in unfixed tissue if the sections were post-fixed with aldehydes by the use of a two-step fixation process related to a sudden change of pH. However, the outlines of the nerve fibers were sometimes diffuse. 3) Storage of unfixed tissue for periods of up to 2.5 yeart at –80° C did not lead to a decrease in immunoreactivity. 4) Somewhat higher concentrations of primary antibodies had to be used for sections of unfixed tissue than for sections of fixed tissue when the FITC method was used. This waste of antibodies was partly overcome by use of the biotin-streptavidin method. The glyoxylic acid induced catecholamine(CA)-fluorescence method for demonstration of sympathetic nerve fibers was also applied and was found to give optimal results after storage of tissue for up to 2.5 years. The study shows that the use of unfixed rapidly frozen tissue represents a fast and realistic method for the demonstration of neuropeptide immunoreactivity, that it to some extent can be used for the visualization of TH-containing nerve fibers and that it is a suitable method to maintain longterm neuropeptide and TH immunoreactivity as well as long-term CA-fluorescence reaction.  相似文献   
Genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 18 great tits (Parus major) from three neighboring localities in Sweden was investigated with eight tetranucleotide restriction endonucleases. The 18 individuals could be separated into 13 different maternal lineages. The high number of female lineages present in this regional population contrasts with a low level of sequence divergence between the different mtDNA clones, with a mean of 0.19% sequence divergence between all individuals. There was no obvious spatial structuring of mtDNA clones among the three localities. The presence of a high number of different clones with a low degree of sequence divergence could be explained by the effects of a large long-term effective population size, with the mtDNA clones having diverged about 25,000–200,000 years ago.This study was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation, and the Nilsson-Ehle Foundation.  相似文献   
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