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Mallomonas paluestrica sp. nov., a new member of sect. Torquatae ser. Pumilae , was found in a small Danish pond and is described and illustrated with TEM and SEM micrographs.  相似文献   
High-affinity folate binding in human prostate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of3H-folate in Triton X-100 solubilized human prostate homogenate was of a high-affinity type and displayed apparent positive cooperativity typical of specific folate binding. Radioligand dissociation was slow at pH 7.4, but rapid at pH 3.5. Gel chromatography reveled two major folate binding proteins (Mr100 and 25kDa), but only one single band (Mr65–70 kDa) was detectable on SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with rabbit-anti human milk folate binding protein. Concentration of folate binding protein in prostate homogenate expressed as maximum3H-folate binding was 1.10 nmol/g protein, and the cross-reactivity with rabbit-anti human milk folate binding protein serum was 15% as determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (median values; n=6).  相似文献   
High-affinity3H-folate binding in Triton X-100 solubilized human mammary gland tissue displayed characteristics, e.g. apparent positive cooperativity and increasing affinity with decreasing concentration of folate binding protein, shown to be typical of specific folate binding. Radioligand dissociation was slow at pH 7.4. A major fraction of the bound radioligand dissociated rapidly at pH 3.5, while a residual binding of 20% persisted even after prolonged dialysis at pH 3.5. Gel chromatography revealed two major folate binding proteins (Mr100 kDa and 25 kDa). However, only one single band was detectable on SDS-PAGE immunoblotting. The highest folate binding activity per g protein was associated with the upper triglyceride-containing layer of the 1000 g supernatant of the homogenate. The folate binding protein extracted from this layer had a low cross-reactivity (<5%) with rabbit antibodies against 25 kDa human milk folate binding protein. The folate binding protein in the 1000 g pellet and the aqueous phase of the 1000 g supernatant was present at a low concentration and had a cross-reactivity of 100%.  相似文献   
Cells have evolved an autoregulatory mechanism to dampen variations in the concentration of tubulin monomer that is available to polymerize into microtubules (MTs), a process that is known as tubulin autoregulation. However, thermodynamic analysis of MT polymerization predicts that the concentration of free tubulin monomer must vary if MTs are to remain stable under different mechanical loads that result from changes in cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM). To determine how these seemingly contradictory regulatory mechanisms coexist in cells, we measured changes in the masses of tubulin monomer and polymer that resulted from altering cell-ECM contacts. Primary rat hepatocytes were cultured in chemically defined medium on bacteriological petri dishes that were precoated with different densities of laminin (LM). Increasing the LM density from low to high (1-1000 ng/cm2), promoted cell spreading (average projected cell area increased from 1200 to 6000 microns2) and resulted in formation of a greatly extended MT network. Nevertheless, the steady-state mass of tubulin polymer was similar at 48 h, regardless of cell shape or ECM density. In contrast, round hepatocytes on low LM contained a threefold higher mass of tubulin monomer when compared with spread cells on high LM. Furthermore, similar results were obtained whether LM, fibronectin, or type I collagen were used for cell attachment. Tubulin autoregulation appeared to function normally in these cells because tubulin mRNA levels and protein synthetic rates were greatly depressed in round cells that contained the highest level of free tubulin monomer. However, the rate of tubulin protein degradation slowed, causing the tubulin half-life to increase from approximately 24 to 55 h as the LM density was lowered from high to low and cell rounding was promoted. These results indicate that the set-point for the tubulin monomer mass in hepatocytes can be regulated by altering the density of ECM contacts and changing cell shape. This finding is consistent with a mechanism of MT regulation in which the ECM stabilizes MTs by both accepting transfer of mechanical loads and altering tubulin degradation in cells that continue to autoregulate tubulin synthesis.  相似文献   
Individually lagged, 1+ and 2+ hatchery-reared smolts of Atlantic salmon were released in spring and early summer at the mouth of the R. Imsa, south-western Norway. The post-smolts moved mainly northwards in the sea with the coastal current. The estimated mean migratory speed (± s.d. ) of those captured in the sea along the Norwegian coast was 7.45 (± 6.26) km day −1; in the fjords it was 1.63 (± 2.33) km day−2. Many of the post-smohs ascended rivers the same year as released; 37.3% of the total number recaptured were caught in R. Imsa, upstream from the site of release, and 5.8% were caught in other rivers throughout middle and southern parts of Norway. The fish recaptured in rivers was probably sexually mature and entered rivers to spawn. Mean specific growth rate for post-smolts caught in the sea was higher than for those caught in R. Imsa (P <0.001) but not for those caught in other rivers (P> 0.05). Post-smolts ascending R. Imsa were smaller at release than those ascending other rivers. However, there was no size difference at release between post-smolts captured in the sea and those recaptured in rivers other than the R. Imsa.  相似文献   
A new chemolithotrophic bacterial metabolism was discovered in anaerobic marine enrichment cultures. Cultures in defined medium with elemental sulfur (S0) and amorphous ferric hydroxide (FeOOH) as sole substrates showed intense formation of sulfate. Furthermore, precipitation of ferrous sulfide and pyrite was observed. The transformations were accompanied by growth of slightly curved, rod-shaped bacteria. The quantification of the products revealed that S0 was microbially disproportionated to sulfate and sulfide, as follows: 4S0 + 4H2O → SO42- + 3H2S + 2H+. Subsequent chemical reactions between the formed sulfide and the added FeOOH led to the observed precipitation of iron sulfides. Sulfate and iron sulfides were also produced when FeOOH was replaced by FeCO3. Further enrichment with manganese oxide, MnO2, instead of FeOOH yielded stable cultures which formed sulfate during concomitant reduction of MnO2 to Mn2+. Growth of small rod-shaped bacteria was observed. When incubated without MnO2, the culture did not grow but produced small amounts of SO42- and H2S at a ratio of 1:3, indicating again a disproportionation of S0. The observed microbial disproportionation of S0 only proceeds significantly in the presence of sulfide-scavenging agents such as iron and manganese compounds. The population density of bacteria capable of S0 disproportionation in the presence of FeOOH or MnO2 was high, > 104 cm-3 in coastal sediments. The metabolism offers an explanation for recent observations of anaerobic sulfide oxidation to sulfate in anoxic sediments.  相似文献   
Two transposition vectors, pTV32 and pLTV1, containing transposon Tn917 derivatives TV32 and LTV1, respectively, were introduced into Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MG1614. It was found that pTV32 and pLTV1 replicate and that TV32 and LTV1 transpose in this strain. A protocol for production of a collection of Tn917 insertions in L. lactis subsp. lactis was developed. The physical locations of TV32 on the chromosomal SmaI fragments of 62 independent transpositions were established by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. These transpositions could be divided into at least 38 different groups that exhibited no Tn917-dominating hot spots on the L. lactis subsp. lactis chromosome. A total of 10 of the 62 transpositions resulted in strains that express β-galactosidase. This indicates that there was fusion of the promoterless lacZ of the Tn917 derivatives to a chromosomal promoter. Thus, the Tn917-derived transposons should be powerful genetic tools for studying L. lactis subsp. lactis.  相似文献   
An extracellular protein complex was isolated from the supernatant of a pectin-limited continuous culture of Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum Haren. The complex possessed both pectin methylesterase (EC and exo-poly-alpha-galacturonate hydrolase (EC activity and produced digalacturonate from the nonreducing end of the pectin chain. The protein consisted of 230- and 25-kDa subunits. The large subunit contained 10% (wt/wt) sugars (N-acetylgalactosamine and galactose). Under physiological conditions both activities acted in a coordinated manner: the ratio between methanol and digalacturonate released during degradation was constant and equal to the degree of esterification of the pectin used. Prolonged incubation of the enzyme with pectin led to a nondialyzable fraction that was enriched in neutral sugars, such as arabinose, rhamnose, and galactose; the high rhamnose/galacturonic acid ratio was indicative of hairy region-like structures. The smallest substrate utilized by the hydrolase was a tetragalacturonate. Vmax with oligogalacturonates increased with increasing chain length. The Km and Vmax for the polygalacturonate hydrolase with citrus pectate as a substrate were 0.8 g liter-1 and 180 mumol min-1 mg of protein-1, respectively. The Km and Vmax for the esterase with citrus pectin as a substrate were 1.2 g liter-1 and 440 mumol min-1 mg of protein-1, respectively. The temperature optima for the hydrolase and esterase were 70 and 60 degrees C, respectively. Both enzyme activities were stable for more than 1 h at 70 degrees C. The exo-polygalacturonate hydrolase of Clostridium thermosulfurogenes was partially purified while the methylesterase was also copurified.  相似文献   
The genetic relationship between vegetative growth at low temperatures and productivity was investigated for strawberries grown in controlled and field environments. Genotypes from 20 biparental crosses were grown in controlled environments with 11°, 14°, and 17 °C days, 11 °C nights, and 11-h daylength to simulate a range of winter growing conditions expected in mediterranean environments. Individual plants were scored for two initial runner traits and eight vegetative growth traits. Significant main effects of temperature and cross were detected for all growth chamber traits, and conservative estimates of the broad sense heritability (h2) for these traits were 0.10–0.28. None of the temperature x cross interaction effects were significant, suggesting that genetic potential for vegetative growth and vigor is expressed similarly at low and optimal growing temperatures. Highly significant genetic correlations were detected between many growth chamber trait pairs, indicating pleiotropic effects for the genes that condition these traits. Complementary field trials were established, and individual plants were scored for traits that describe yield, production pattern, and plant size. Significant negative genetic correlations were detected between traits that describe growth in the chambers and early production in the field trials, but genetic correlations between chamber growth traits and mid-season or total production were significantly positive and occasionally large. Several of the yield and field growth variables were genetically correlated to initial runner plant traits, suggesting that indirect selection using traits scored in the nursery can be used to improve yield and modify production pattern in the field.  相似文献   
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