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The rotavirus nonstructural protein NSP5, a product of the smallest genomic RNA segment, is a phosphoprotein containing O-linked N-acetylglucosamine. We investigated the phosphorylation of NSP5 in monkey MA104 cells infected with simian rotavirus SA11. Immunoprecipitated NSP5 was analyzed with respect to phosphorylation and protein kinase activity. After metabolic labeling of NSP5 with 32Pi, only serine residues were phosphorylated. Separation of tryptic peptides revealed four to six strongly labeled products and several weakly labeled products. Phosphorylation at multiple sites was also shown by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), where several isoforms of NSP5 with different pIs were identified. Analysis by PAGE of protein reacting with an NSP5-specific antiserum showed major forms at 26 to 28 and 35 kDa. Moreover, there were polypeptides migrating between 28 and 35 kDa. Treatment of the immunoprecipitated material with protein phosphatase 2A shifted the mobilities of the 28- to 35-kDa polypeptides to the 26-kDa position, suggesting that the slower electrophoretic mobility was caused by phosphorylation. Radioactive labeling showed that the 26-kDa form contained additional phosphate groups that were not removed by protein phosphatase 2A. The immunoprecipitated NSP5 possessed protein kinase activity. Incubation with [gamma-32P]ATP resulted in 32P labeling of 28- to 35-kDa NSP5. The distribution of 32P radioactivity between the components of the complex was similar to the phosphorylation in vivo. Assays of the protein kinase activity of a glutathione S-transferase-NSP5 fusion polypeptide expressed in Escherichia coli demonstrated autophosphorylation, suggesting that NSP5 was the active component in the material isolated from infected cells.  相似文献   
We have used one and two dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy to characterize the binding of a homodimeric thiazole orange dye, 1,1'-(4,4,8,8-tetramethyl-4,8-diaza-undecamethylene)-bis-4- (3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-(benzo-1,3-thiazole)-2-methylidene)-quinolin ium tetraiodide (TOTO), to various double stranded DNA oligonucleotides. TOTO binds strongly to all the oligonucleotides used, but usually more than one complex is observed and exchange between different binding sites broadens the lines in the NMR spectra. Complete precipitation occurs when TOTO is bound to small oligonucleotides. Binding to larger oligonucleotides occurs by bis-intercalation. The 1:1 complex of TOTO with the oligonucleotide d(CCGACTGATGC):d (GCATCAGTCGG) gave only one complex that was shown to be a bis-intercalation in the CTGA:TCAG binding site. The binding to this site was also characterized by studying the TOTO complex with the d(CCGCTGAGC):d(GCTCAGCGG) oligonucleotide. NOE connectivities and molecular modelling were used to characterize the complex. The 1:1 complex of TOTO with the oligonucleotide d(CCGCTAGCG):d(CGCTAGCGG) containing a CTAG:CTAG binding site was similarly characterized by NMR. It was concluded that the binding of TOTO to larger oligonucleotides is site selective with CTAG:CTAG as the preferred binding site.  相似文献   
A Danish mire influenced by culture until ca. 100 years ago and since then with incipient growth of Betula pubescens , was analyzed in 1957 and 1981 with regard to height of the Betula trees and cover percentage of plant species in the field layer. In 1957, every m2 along a 110 m transect was examined; in 1981 only 56 m2 representatively selected from the transect were examined. Betula showed considerable changes with a net intake of 10 trees (23%) and a net loss of 23 trees (52%), i.e. a net loss of 13 trees (30%). The mean height of the trees has, however, increased by 80 cm and the sum of the height of the trees per m2 by 29 cm. An increased total cover was found for Em–petrum nigrum, Molinia coerulea , and Erica tetralix , and a decreased total cover for Calluna, Sphagnum magellanicum, S. nemoreum, S. rubellum, Hypnum cupressi–forme, Pleurozium schreberi , and Aulacomnium palustre. An almost unchanged total cover was found for Eriophorum vaginatum, E. angustifolium, Sphagnum recurvum, Andromeda polifolia, Drosera rotundifolia , and Oxycoccus palustris. On the basis of quantitative changes in the individual plots, a specific index of change is calculated, decreasing in the order Empetrum > Sphagnum magellanicum > S. recurvum = Molinia > Calluna > Hypnum cupressiforme > Pleurozium schreberi> Oxycoccus palustre> Sphagnum nemoreum = S. rubellum = Eriophorum vaginatum = E. angustifolium > Aulacomnium palustre > Erica> Drosera > Andromeda. Analyses from 1981 demonstrate that usually the light conditions and/or the water content and rarely the bulk density of the soil is correlated with the change in cover of the individual species. For some species it is also shown that the change is correlated with the strongly increased cover of Empetrum in particular. The changes are finally illustrated by showing the position of the species along ecological gradients in 1981.  相似文献   
A highly sensitive fluorimetric assay using 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphate as substrate was used in the determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity in preparations of rat skeletal muscle. The gastrocnemius muscle was chosen because of mixed fibre composition. Crude, detergent treated homogenate was used so as to avoid loss of activity during purification. K+-dependent phosphatase activities in the range 0.19–0.37 μmol · (g wet weight)−1 · min−1 were obtained, the value decreasing with age and K+-deficiency. Complete inhibition of the K+-dependent phosphatase was obtained with 10−3 M ouabain. Using a KSCN-extracted muscle enzyme the intimate relation between K+-dependent phosphatase activity and (Na+ + K+)-activated ATP hydrolysis could be demonstrated. A molecular activity of 620 min−1 was estimated from simultaneous determination of K+-dependent phosphatase activity and [3H]ouabain binding capacity using the partially purified enzyme preparation. The corresponding enzyme concentration in the crude homogenates was calculated and corresponded well with the number of [3H]ouabain binding sites measured in intact muscles or biopsies hereof.  相似文献   
Asparagine-linked glycosylation is a form of covalent modification that distinguishes proteins that are either membrane bound or are in cellular compartments topologically outside of the cell from those proteins that remain soluble in the cytoplasm. This type of glycosylation occurs stepwise, with core oligosaccharide added in the endoplasmic reticulum and subsequent modifications occurring in the golgi. We used tunicamycin, an inhibitor of one of the earliest steps in the synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharide, to select for mutants that are resistant to this antibiotic. Genetic, biochemical, and physiological experiments led to the following conclusions. The synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharide is an essential function in cells. In contrast to mammalian cells, yeast cells do not transport tunicamycin by a glucosamine transport function. We identified a gene, ALG7, that is probably the structural gene for UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-1-P transferase, the enzyme inhibited by tunicamycin. Dominant mutations in this gene result in increased activity of the transferase and loss of the ability of the cell to sporulate. In addition, we identified another gene, TUN1, in which recessive mutations result in resistance to tunicamycin. The ALG7 and TUN1 genes both map on chromosome VII.  相似文献   
A sensitive, specific enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for trans-zeatin riboside (ZR) and trans-zeatin (Z) in the 0.3 to 30 picomole range has been described. The reliability of the method for measuring ZR + Z in partially purified extracts of Zea mays L. tissues was verified by highperformance liquid chromatography. EIA measurements showed that there was a concentration gradient of ZR + Z along the length of the Zea stem. The topmost internodes, internodes 7 and 8 counting from the coleoptilar node, had the highest concentration (130 picomoles per gram fresh weight). Moving basipetally, the concentration dropped 10-fold to a minimum at internode 4, and then increased slightly in internodes 2 and 3. There were also gradients within each internode. The five lowest internodes contained the highest concentrations toward their apical end, the region which included the node; this asymmetry was less pronounced near the top of the plant.  相似文献   
During a 28-day prospective audit the cost-effectiveness of treatment in three types of medical wards in a large tropical teaching hospital was assessed. Patients with chronic diseases such as rheumatic heart disease were more expensive to treat than those with acute, curable illnesses such as malaria. It was concluded that the cost of providing treatment could not be reduced without affecting standards of medical care. The expense of running such a hospital might also be justified by its importnat function as a teaching hospital.  相似文献   
Effects of parental regurgitation feeding activity on crop sac development were studied in mate-separated male and female ring doves given 2 hr of daily exposure to food-deprived or recently fed squabs, for 4 consecutive days during the early posthatching period of the breeding cycle. In both sexes, food-deprived squabs stimulated more squab-directed activity, more parental regurgitation feeding activity, and greater crop sac development than recently fed young. Crop sac weights of males in both groups tended to be positively correlated with one or more parental activities. Correlations obtained in males exposed to food-deprived young further suggested that tactile stimuli associated with regurgitation behavior may promote crop sac development. In contrast to males, crop sac weights of females in both groups were not highly correlated with any type of contact-related parental activity or group of activities. These results, together with previous findings, suggest that nontactile stimuli from young played some role in mediating female crop sac weight differences in the two exposure conditions.  相似文献   
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