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The effect of bile salts on human vascular endothelial cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The uptake and release of radiochromium from adult human vascular endothelial cells in culture was employed to determine the relative toxicity of different bile salts. Endothelial cells after pre-incubation with 51Cr for 18 h were incubated with bile salts for 24 h and percentage chromium release was taken as a measure of toxicity to cells. Lithocholic acid (LC) (potassium salt) was cytotoxic at concentrations greater than 50 microM. However, LC glucuronide, sulfate and the beta-epimer were progressively less toxic with toxicity seen at concentrations of 60, 110 and 180 microM, respectively. The greatest cytotoxic effect was observed with glycolithocholic acid (GLC) (potassium salt) which was toxic at every concentration tested (20-200 microM). Sulfation abolished the toxic effect of GLC. At the concentrations employed for the assay (between 20 and 240 microM) GLC sulfate (disodium salt), taurolithocholic acid sulfate (disodium salt), cholic acid (sodium salt), glycocholic acid (sodium salt), deoxycholic acid (sodium salt) and ursodeoxycholic acid (sodium salt) were not cytotoxic. The 51Cr release cytotoxicity assay was validated with lactate dehydrogenase leakage from endothelial cells with a good correlation (r = 0.87). These data confirm in a human cellular system that LC and its conjugates were the most toxic of the bile salts tested and explains its pathophysiological importance in hepatobiliary disease. It also suggests that biotransformation by either sulfation or beta-epimerisation of bile salts especially of LC, as occurs in patients with intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary obstruction or severe cholestasis, is hepatoprotective.  相似文献   
In 1943, 10?years after leaving Germany as a refugee, Albert Neuberger published two papers in the Biochemical Journal which became citation classics of their time. They concerned very different aspects of amino acid biochemistry. One, co-authored with John Crammer, described the discovery that the reactivity of the tyrosine side chains in ovalbumin differed considerably from that observed with the free amino acid, but changed substantially when ovalbumin was denatured. This provided some of the earliest evidence that the folded structure of proteins involves interactions between amino acid side chains. The other, with Fred Sanger, focused on the utility of different lysine derivatives as components of the diet. This extended Sanger and Neuberger's previous investigations into the nutritional value of the potato as a source of nitrogen, a line of work that they had initiated in response to the need to carry out research of greater relevance to the war effort. In the present article, I describe these two citation classics and place them in the context of my father's establishment of his career in the U.K.  相似文献   
Human bone micromorphology gives clues to a variety of life history parameters, such as individual age, health status, and physical activity. In the course of an ongoing study, thin cross sections of femoral compact bone from three skeletal series are investigated for different purposes. The first series consists of 103 adult skeletons excavated from a 19th century hospital graveyard in Basel, Switzerland. Several disease- and stress-markers, like layers of arrested growth or other conspicuous microstructural composition were observed. Another 36 individuals come from the dissection room of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. These individuals have an average age at death of about 80 years and offer the possibility to investigate the micromorphological characteristics of individuals of very advanced age. Finally, 72 medieval subadult skeletons shall serve for the establishment of a relationship between individual age and bone microstructural parameters according to the different ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   
APOBEC3 proteins are potent restriction factors against retroviral infection in primates. This restriction is accompanied by hypermutations in the retroviral genome that are attributable to the cytidine deaminase activity of the APOBEC3 proteins. Studies of nucleotide sequence diversity among endogenous gammaretroviruses suggest that the evolution of endogenous retroelements could have been shaped by the mutagenic cytidine deaminase activity of APOBEC3. In mice, however, APOBEC3 appears to restrict exogenous murine retroviruses in the absence of detectable levels of deamination. AKV is an endogenous retrovirus that is involved in causing a high incidence of thymic lymphoma in AKR mice. A comparative analysis of several mouse strains revealed a relatively low level of APOBEC3 expression in AKR mice. Here we show that endogenous mouse APOBEC3 restricts AKV infection and that this restriction likely reflects polymorphisms affecting APOBEC3 abundance rather than differences in the APOBEC3 isoforms expressed. We also observe that restriction of AKV by APOBEC3 is accompanied by G→A hypermutations in the viral genome. Our findings demonstrate that APOBEC3 acts as a restriction factor in rodents affecting the strain tropism of AKV, and they provide good support for the proposal that APOBEC3-mediated hypermutation contributed to the evolution of endogenous rodent retroviral genomes.Viruses that are restrained to infect only a specific animal species, subspecies, or strain have acquired particular features that enable them to circumvent the immune defenses of that particular host. Conversely, the natural hosts for these pathogens are alive today because they have evolved strategies to restrain the infectivities of their own pathogens. A virus with a broad host tropism will typically have evolved under selective pressure from several host factors that it will have encountered and successfully evaded. Ecotropic murine retroviruses generally have a restricted host range, due not only to the limited availability of their cellular receptor, mCAT-1 (58), but also to the various intrinsic restriction factors present in a specific host (7). Fv1 and Fv4 are the expression products of defective endogenous retroviruses that are present as germ line integrations and can interfere with and even block the infectivities of ecotropic retroviruses (6, 25).Mouse APOBEC3 is another type of host-encoded intrinsic restriction factor that can display deoxycytidine deaminase activity on single-stranded DNA (16, 54). APOBEC3 proteins have a potent inhibitory effect on retroelements ranging from primate lentiviruses to murine retrotransposons (reviewed in reference 17). In humans and primates there are seven APOBEC3 genes, most of which have been proposed to act as restriction elements for viruses and retroelements. The most extensively characterized of the primate APOBEC3 proteins are APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G, which constitute powerful restriction factors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (reviewed in reference 17). The evidence that these lentiviruses are targets for APOBEC3 action does not come just from in vitro experiments: tissue samples from HIV type 1 (HIV-1)-infected humans contain retroviral sequences exhibiting a pattern of G→A hypermutation that is characteristic of APOBEC3F/G-dependent deoxycytidine deamination (4, 12, 26, 56, 57).In contrast to primates, mice have only a single APOBEC3 gene. This murine APOBEC3 has been shown to be able to inhibit retrotransposition of mouse MusD and intracisternal A particle elements in cotransfection assays (22, 23). However, the lack of any obvious signs of disease, developmental defect, or infertility in APOBEC3-deficient mice indicates that APOBEC3 may not play an essential role in suppressing the transposition of endogenous retroelements in laboratory mice (38, 40). With regard to exogenous retroviruses, mouse APOBEC3 has been shown to hinder the in vivo infectivity of the betaretrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) as well as that of the gammaretrovirus Friend murine leukemia virus (MLV) (40, 55); its activity against Moloney MLV (MoMLV), another gammaretrovirus, is apparently considerably weaker—likely reflecting the fact that MoMLV may have found ways to avoid APOBEC3-mediated restriction (14, 34, 46, 61). In none of these cases, however, does it appear that mouse APOBEC3 hypermutates the retroviral replication intermediates, suggesting that deamination is not central to its mechanism of restricting these retroviruses. Notwithstanding this failure to observe hypermutation of mouse retroviruses by mouse APOBEC3, recent studies of nucleotide sequence diversity among endogenous gammaretroviruses have suggested that the evolution of endogenous retroelements has been shaped by the mutagenic cytidine deaminase activity of APOBEC3 (28, 42). Thus, the picture which emerges is that APOBEC3 acts as one of several restriction factors of mouse retroelements, with some viruses having found ways to avoid APOBEC3-mediated restriction.Different mouse strains exhibit different patterns of APOBEC3 expression (41, 47, 55). Thus, two major mouse APOBEC3 alleles have been identified: one encodes a protein whose sequence is similar to that of the allele expressed in C57BL/6 mice, and the other resembles that of BALB/c mice (47, 55). Two major splicing isoforms of APOBEC3, which either do or do not include exon 5, have also been detected: the relative abundance of these two isoforms differs between strains (36, 41, 47, 55). The restriction of Friend MLV and that of MMTV both appear to be dependent on the identity of the mouse strain, and it has been proposed that this reflects the polymorphism in the sequence and splicing isoforms of APOBEC3 (41, 47, 55).In the course of our work on mouse APOBEC3, we discovered that APOBEC3 was expressed only at a low level in AKR mice. The AKR mouse strain harbors several germ line insertions of an endogenous ecotropic MLV designated AKV, which belongs to the gammaretrovirus family (5, 15, 27, 44, 45). A complex set of recombination events between AKV and nonecotropic endogenous retroviruses results in the production of leukemogenic mink cell focus-inducing viruses that are responsible for inducing a lethal form of thymic lymphoma of T-cell origin in these mice (19, 53). We were interested in determining whether the susceptibility of AKR mice to AKV infection could in part be explained by a failure of the APOBEC3 allele expressed in AKR mice to restrict this virus.Here we show that endogenous murine APOBEC3 in C57BL/6 mice not only acts to restrict AKV infection but also hypermutates AKV replication intermediates, likely providing a powerful block to natural transmission of the virus between mouse strains. We find that the different isoforms of APOBEC3 (whether or not they include exon 5) are effective in AKV restriction and that the differential resistance of lymphocytes from different mouse strains/mutants to AKV infection correlates with the abundance of endogenous APOBEC3 mRNA. Our results indicate that APOBEC3 confers effective protection against germ line integration of retroviral pathogens in rodents, and they provide tangible support to the proposal that DNA editing by APOBEC3 may have participated in the evolution of endogenous retroviral genomes.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein B-editing complex catalytic subunit 1 (APOBEC1) is the catalytic component of an RNA-editing complex that deaminates C6666 --> U in apolipoprotein B RNA in gastrointestinal tissue, thereby generating a premature stop codon. Whereas RNA is the physiological substrate of APOBEC1, recent experiments have strongly indicated that, when expressed in bacteria, APOBEC1 and some of its homologues can deaminate cytosine in DNA. Indeed, genetic evidence demonstrates that the physiological function of activation-induced deaminase, a B lymphocyte-specific APOBEC1 homologue, is to perform targeted deamination of cytosine within the immunoglobulin locus, thereby triggering antibody gene diversification. However, biochemical evidence of in vitro DNA deamination by members of the APOBEC family is still needed. Here, we show that deamination of cytosine to uracil in DNA can be achieved in vitro using partially purified APOBEC1 from extracts of transformed Escherichia coli. Thus, APOBEC1 can deaminate cytosine in both RNA and DNA. Strikingly, its activity on DNA is specific for single-stranded DNA and exhibits dependence on local sequence context.  相似文献   
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