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Narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus is a native European freshwater crayfish species, also distributed in Croatian freshwater systems belonging to the Black Sea drainage. Its taxonomical status is still in the process of change and discussion, and the data on morphological, molecular, ecological and zoogeographical characteristics of this species are scarce. Therefore, comparative analyses of morphological characteristics were applied with the aim to contribute to the knowledge on the morphometrical and meristical characteristics of A. leptodactylus. Recent research proved that measurements of a large number of morphometrical characteristics, in combination with multivariate statistical analysis, could provide a good instrument for identification and differentiation between populations. In this research altogether 143 animals were analysed (121 from two Croatian populations and 22 from Armenia). 22 morphometrical characteristics and 4 meristical characteristics, per crayfish, were measured. It was found that males and females differ between populations in measured meristical and morphometrical characteristics. None of recorded meristical characteristics proved itself to be reliable characteristic for distinguishing populations. From measured morphometrical characteristics the most discriminant characteristics for separating males from different populations were those describing carapace shape and for females those that describe shape of the claws.  相似文献   
Cut-leaved teasel is an invasive weed in Missouri that reduces the diversification of native species along roadsides and impairs traffic visibility. Teasel is a biennial and grows as a rosette in the first year and flowers the second year. Reproduction is only by seed. Field studies were conducted in 2004 and 2005 at two locations to assess the seed production of cut-leaved teasel. From a natural stand, fifteen plants were tagged at the onset of flowering. Selected plants included those considered growing in a group and those growing alone; a plant was considered alone when no other plant was adjacent for at least 60 cm. Whenever a seedhead completed flowering, it was covered with a cellophane bag and harvested one month later. Linear regression was used to correlate the weight of seeds from a single seedhead and number of seeds to estimate the total seed production per seedhead. The number of seedheads per plant varied from 3 to 56. On average, plants growing alone had 64% more seedheads per plant than plants occurring in a group. Seed numbers in the primary seedhead ranged from 511 to 1,487. Total seed production per plant ranged from 1,309 to 33,527. Seed production was 61% greater for plants growing alone versus those growing in a group and was more prolific in 2005 than in 2004. In addition, seed production per plant varied between locations for plants growing alone, but seed yield per plant was similar for plants growing in groups. Colonization of teasel in new areas is facilitated by higher seedhead numbers per plant and total seed production compared to reproduction of plants in areas of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   
The climbing habit has evolved independently in many plant taxa, offering vines the ability to compete with non-climbing vegetation for resources such as light, nutrients, and water. This review examines the structural and functional characteristics that allow climbing plants to (1) achieve widespread dispersal, (2) transport large amounts of water throughout vessels, (3) maintain high photosynthesis levels through a large leaf area to biomass ratio, (4) achieve rapid vertical and horizontal expansion by fast growth rates and various climbing mechanisms and (5) survive and recover from disturbances. Due to the competitive effects of vines on trees, management of vine growth is used to preserve tropical timber plantations, combat invasive weeds, and promote rainforest recovery. In order to sustainably manage the vines into the future, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms by which they can alter tropical forest succession and the impacts of various management techniques.  相似文献   
Tropical forests harbor thousands of useful plants that are harvested and used in subsistence economies or traded in local, regional or international markets. The effect on the ecosystem is little known, and the forests resilience is badly understood. Palms are the most useful group of plants in tropical American forests. This paper introduces a cross-disciplinary study of the effects of harvesting palm products from the tropical forests in north-western South America. The size of the resource is estimated through palm community studies in the different forest formations that determines the number of species and individuals of all palm species. The genetic structure of useful palm species is studied to determine how much harvesting of the species contributes to genetic erosion of its populations, and whether extraction can be made without harm. Almost all palm species are used in rural communities for subsistence purposes Quantitative ethno-botanical research in different forest types have identified thousands of different ways of using palms for food, construction, tool-making, etc. Although most palms are used by the person harvesting them, many are sold on local markets as fruits, fiber, tools, construction materials etc., and a few have reached larger markets, including international markets. Palm populations are managed in various ways of which some are sustainable and others are destructive. National level mechanisms that governs extraction, trade and commercialization of palm products, are used to identify positive and negative policies in relation to resilience of ecosystems.  相似文献   
Aulonemia cochabambensis (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Arthrostylidiinae), a new species from the Department of Cochabamba, Bolivia, is described and illustrated. It has foliage leaves with delicate fimbriae, no sheath auricles, narrow blades, an abaxial dark marginal stripe, and intercostal sclerenchyma; few-flowered paniculate synflorescences; and robust, awned spikelets. The new species is compared with its putative relatives Aulonemia laxa and Arthrostylidium schomburgkii. A key to the species of Aulonemia in Bolivia is also included.  相似文献   
Useful Species Richness, Proportion of Exotic Species, and Market Orientation on Amazonian Dark Earths and Oxisols Anthropogenic soils of Amazonia, known as Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE), are environments with elevated soil fertility that can produce crops that otherwise yield poorly on the leached and highly acidic Oxisols that dominate much of the basin. While ADE sites near urban centers often attract commercial horticultural production of nutrient–demanding exotics, these soils are also considered possibly unique reservoirs of endemic agrobiodiversity because of their relationship to pre–Columbian indigenous occupation. Through botanical surveys and interviews with smallholder farmers, this study compared useful species richness, proportion of exotic species, and market orientation of farms situated on ADE and non–anthropogenic Oxisols in the municipality of Borba in Central Brazilian Amazonia. Species richness was similar on Amazonian Dark Earth and Oxisol farms (19.6 spp vs. 18.3 spp); however, ADE farms showed significantly higher proportions of exotic species (39% vs. 26%; p = 0.025). Furthermore, ADE farms in Borba demonstrated significantly higher market orientation (61.0% vs. 47.3%; p = 0.028), likely a result of the advantage of Amazonian Dark Earths for production of crops that are nutrient–demanding or pH–sensitive crops that have higher values in the nearby regional market of Manaus.  相似文献   
Parasitism is emerging as one of the forces determining the outcome of biological invasions. Using field survey and laboratory experiments, we investigate parasitism as one of the factors mediating the interactions among invasive and native amphipods. An extensive survey (100 sites) of a small British island, revealed the native Gammarus duebeni celticus to be parasitised by the muscle wasting microsporidian Pleistophora mulleri and the acanthocephalan duck parasite Polymorphus minutus, the introduced European Gammarus pulex only by P. minutus and the North American Crangonyx pseudogracilis by neither. While Gammarus spp. were widespread in rivers (one or both species present in 64% of sites), C. pseudogracilis had a restricted distribution (7% of sites) and always co-occurred with Gammarus spp. In contrast, Gammarus spp. were absent from all pond/reservoir sites, with C. pseudogracilis present in over 90%. While the negative association of C. pseudogracilis with Gammarus spp. undoubtedly results from factors such as physico-chemical tolerance and predation as C. pseudogracilis can be heavily predated by Gammarus spp., it was notable that C. pseudogracilis co-occurred with Gammarus spp. more frequently when the latter were parasitised. Laboratory experiments clearly showed that predation on C. pseudogracilis was greatly diminished when G. d. celticus was parasitised by P. mulleri and G. pulex by P. minutus. Our study provides evidence that parasitism, by mediating a key interspecific interaction, is one of an array of interacting factors that may have a role in driving patterns of exclusion and co-existence in natives and invaders.  相似文献   
Development of salivary glands is a highly complex and dynamic process termed branching morphogenesis, where branched structures differentiate into mature glands. Tight junctions (TJ) are thought to play critical roles in physiological functions of tubular organs, contributing to cell polarity and preventing lateral movement of membrane proteins. Evidence demonstrated that claudins are directly involved in TJ formation and function. Using immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence we have mapped the distribution of claudins-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 11 and compared it with the expression of differentiation markers in human salivary glands obtained from foetuses ranging from weeks 4 to 24 of gestation. Expression of all claudins, except claudin-2 was detected in the various phases of human salivary gland development, up to fully mature salivary gland. The expression of all claudins increased according to the progression of salivary gland maturation evidenced by the classical markers-cytokeratin 14, cytokeratin low molecular weight, smooth muscle actin and human secretory component. Tight junction proteins-claudins appear to be important in the final shape and physiological functions of human salivary glands and are parallel related with markers of salivary gland differentiation.  相似文献   
Experiments in visual cortex have shown that the firing rate of a neuron in response to the simultaneous presentation of a preferred and non-preferred stimulus within the receptive field is intermediate between that for the two stimuli alone (stimulus competition). Attention directed to one of the stimuli drives the response towards the response induced by the attended stimulus alone (selective attention). This study shows that a simple feedforward model with fixed synaptic conductance values can reproduce these two phenomena using synchronization in the gamma-frequency range to increase the effective synaptic gain for the responses to the attended stimulus. The performance of the model is robust to changes in the parameter values. The model predicts that the phase locking between presynaptic input and output spikes increases with attention.  相似文献   


A common problem in metabolomics data analysis is the existence of a substantial number of missing values, which can complicate, bias, or even prevent certain downstream analyses. One of the most widely-used solutions to this problem is imputation of missing values using a k-nearest neighbors (kNN) algorithm to estimate missing metabolite abundances. kNN implicitly assumes that missing values are uniformly distributed at random in the dataset, but this is typically not true in metabolomics, where many values are missing because they are below the limit of detection of the analytical instrumentation.


Here, we explore the impact of nonuniformly distributed missing values (missing not at random, or MNAR) on imputation performance. We present a new model for generating synthetic missing data and a new algorithm, No-Skip kNN (NS-kNN), that accounts for MNAR values to provide more accurate imputations.


We compare the imputation errors of the original kNN algorithm using two distance metrics, NS-kNN, and a recently developed algorithm KNN-TN, when applied to multiple experimental datasets with different types and levels of missing data.


Our results show that NS-kNN typically outperforms kNN when at least 20–30% of missing values in a dataset are MNAR. NS-kNN also has lower imputation errors than KNN-TN on realistic datasets when at least 50% of missing values are MNAR.


Accounting for the nonuniform distribution of missing values in metabolomics data can significantly improve the results of imputation algorithms. The NS-kNN method imputes missing metabolomics data more accurately than existing kNN-based approaches when used on realistic datasets.
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