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Summary Diverse and abundant trace fossils of the deep-waterNereites ichnofacies have been found in well-dated Early Permian deep-water turbidites (Lercara Formation) of western Sicily (Italy). Conodonts indicate a latest Artinskian to Cathedralian (late Early Permian) age. Microfossils (pelagic conodonts, albaillellid Radiolaria, paleopsychrospheric ostracods, foraminiferal associations dominated byBathysiphon), trace fossils (deep-bathyal to abyssalNereites ichnofacies) and sedimentologic data collectively indicate a deep-water environment for the Early Permian turbidites of the Lercara Formation. The dominance ofAgrichnium and of thePaleodictyon subichnogeneraSquamodictyon andMegadictyon suggests that this icnofauna is closely related in ichnotaxonomic composition to other late Paleozoic deep-water ichnofaunas. The occurrence ofAcanthorhaphe. Dendrotichnium andHelicoraphe, to date only reported from Cretaceous or Tertiary flysch deposits, suggests that the entire ichnofauna corresponds well to previously documented Silurian-Tertiary flysch ichnofaunas. Eight new ichnospecies and a new ichnosubgenus,Megadictyon, are described.  相似文献   
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis normally maintains the concentration of Cortisol within a narrow range with a diurnal variation characterized by higher Cortisol concentrations in the morning and reduced levels in the evening. Excessive or deficient secretion of Cortisol is associated with pathologic changes. Obesity has been linked with age, sex and racial alterations in the functioning of the HP A axis which are reviewed. The possible relationship of altered HPA axis activity with the long-term complications of obesity are considered.  相似文献   
A HPLC method has been developed to measure phosphatidylcholine (PC) containing reactive carbonyl functions in the sn-acyl residue in order to study processes in which such reactive carbonyls can be formed due to e.g. oxidative fragmentation. The method has been applied to determine PC-bound carbonyls as 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazones (DNPH) in plasma of burn patients. Plasma from healthy volunteers served as controls. Additionally, in vitro oxidation experiments (A: plasma, buffer diluted; B: plasma + iron-EDTA complex and C: plasma + iron-EDTA complex + H2O2) have been performed to obtain and to identify 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivatizable carbonyl functions in plasma PC. Both, the PC-aldehydes and PC-aldehyde DNPH derivatives were cleavable with phospholipase C. Quantification was based on thin-layer chromatography purified soybean phosphatidylcholine, which was identically oxidized and derivatized as the plasma lipids in vitro.  相似文献   
Octamers of mitochondrial creatine kinase (Mi-CK) wore modified with the thiol-specific reagents N-ethylmaleimide or the gold-coupled derivative, maleidoyl undecagold. The kinetics of inhibition of the Mi-CK catalysis was shown to be comparable for both reagents, suggesting that the large gold cluster complex is accessible to the reactive cysteines. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that two of eight cysteines per Mi-CK monomer were labeled with maleidoyl undecagold with a similar affinity for the functional maleimide group. Gel exclusion chromatography of labeled molecules showed that the octameric structure of Mi-CK was preserved after thiol modification. Freeze-dried gold-labeled octamers visualized by electron microscopy under cryoconditions were enhanced in contrast and showed a well-preserved fourfold symmetry of the end-on view, Image analysis of gold-labeled Mi-CK exhibited an averaged end-on view with four strong contrast signals located at the periphery of the notamer, whereas the center of the molecule remained electron translucent. We conclude that the two cysteine residues per monomer labeled with maleidoyl undecagold are located at the octamer's perimeter and we discuss the possible role of these reactive cysteines in enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   
Three recently isolated wild-type strains of the ascomycete Podospora anserina were analyzed for the presence of linear mitochondrial plasmids. In one of these strains, designated Wa6, at least 12 distinct plasmid-like elements were identified. From molecular analyses a minimum number of 78 individual linear molecules with proteins bound to their 5′ ends was estimated. In addition, the different members of this family of typical linear plasmids were shown to possess a common central region and terminal sequences which differ from one plasmid to another due to the presence of different numbers of a 2.4 kb sequence module. Finally, the pWa6 plasmids share a high degree of sequence similarity with pAL2-1, a linear plasmid previously identified in mitochondria of a long-lived mutant of P.anserina. A mechanism is proposed which explains the generation of these distinct, closely related extrachromosomal genetic traits.  相似文献   
Summary In contrast to that in paraffin-embedded tissue, the reactivity of monoclonal PCNA antibody PC10 on cryostat sections requires a special fixation procedure as the target epitope is seemingly not accessible to its antibody. A panel of 18 fixation protocols was investigated. Chilled methanol or acetone, or PLP (paraformaldehyde-lysine-periodate) was found to be unsuitable for skin preparations. A two-step fixation protocol was developed for normal skin and basal cell carcinomas. They were fixed first in 3.4% buffered formaldehyde, followed by fixation in 2:1 v/v ethanol-acetic acid. Following this fixation regime, cryostat sections displayed the same PCNA/PC10 labelling pattern as paraffin sections of formalin-fixed tissue.  相似文献   
There has been little use of standard (i.e. non-inverted) microscopesfor observing and counting phytoplankton in filtered water samplesusing brightfield white light illumination due to light interferencefrom the filters. If filters are placed on newly designed frostedslides (Cyto-clear, Poretics Corp.), however, phytoplanktoncan be viewed directly on the surfaces of polycarbonate filtersunder brightfield illumination. Lake and seawater samples wereused to show that samples stained with alcian blue (to identifythe presence of paniculate polysaccharides) and analyzed withwhite light can also be simultaneously stained with fluorochromes(i.e. DAPI and acridine orange) for additional examination ofthe sample using fluorescent techniques. Black filters, whichare necessary for epifluorescent techniques, did not interferewith brightfield viewing. Using double staining techniques,we found that transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) recentlydiscovered in marine systems are also present in lakes. Notall aggregates in the fresh and seawater systems absorbed thealcian blue stain, however, indicating that not all amorphousparticles in these systems are rich in negatively charged polysaccharides.  相似文献   
Purification and PCR-based cDNA cloning of a plastidial n-6 desaturase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A plastidial membrane-bound n-6 desaturase from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) was purified from chloroplast envelope membranes by anion exchange, cation exchange and ferredoxin-affinity chromatography. The molecular mass of the protein was estimated by SDS-PAGE to be 40 kDa. The highest specific activity of the desaturase in the final preparation was 196 nmol/min per mg protein with free oleic acid as the substrate. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the blotted protein was determined and used for the construction of a degenerated and inosine-containing oligonucleotide primer for PCR experiments with cDNA transcribed from leaf mRNA. A 3-RACE experiment with this primer amplified a single band of 1500 bp that after sequencing showed an open reading frame of 382 amino acids corresponding to a protein of 43 kDa. The 5 end of the cDNA was amplified by a 5-RACE experiment and isolated as a 500 bp fragment. Sequencing of this DNA revealed an additional 65 amino acids at the N-terminus of the native protein that are attributed to a plastidial leader peptide. With appropriate primers derived from these sequences a full-length clone was amplified by PCR and sequenced. Comparison of the plastidial oleate desaturase with the homologous enzyme from cyanobacteria showed about 50% amino acid homology. Comparison with other desaturases revealed three histidine boxes with the general sequence HXXXH that are highly conserved in all membrane-bound desaturases. These boxes might be involved in metal ion complexation required for reduction of oxygen.  相似文献   
Cytochrome-c reductase (EC from Solanum tuberosum L. comprises ten subunits with apparent molecular sizes of 55, 53, 51, 35, 33, 25, 14, 12, 11 and 10 kDa on 14% SDS-PAGE. The identity of the subunits was analysed by direct amino-acid sequencing via cyclic Edman degradation. A large-scale purification procedure for the enzyme complex based on affinity chromatography and gelfiltraton is described. All subunits were enzymatically fragmented and the generated peptides were separated by reverse-phase HPLC. Complete or partial sequence determination of 33 peptides comprising a total of nearly 500 amino acids showed, that cytochrome-c reductase from potato contains three respiratory proteins (cytochrome b, cytochrome c 1 and the Rieske iron-sulfur protein), four small proteins with molecular sizes below 15 kDa (so-called Q-binding, hinge, cytochrome-c 1-linked and core-linked proteins) and three proteins in the 50-kDa range which show similarity to members of the core/PEP/MPP protein family (core/processing enhancing protein/mitochondrial processing peptidase). In fact these subunits show highest sequence identity either to MPP or PEP, which is in line with earlier findings, that isolated cytochrome-c reductase from potato exhibits processing activity towards mitochondrial precursor proteins.Abbreviations MPP mitochondrial processing peptidase - PEP processing enhancing protein This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
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