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Extracts of aerobically, CO-autotrophically grown cells of Pseudomonas carboxydovorans were shown to catalyze the oxidation of CO to CO(2) in the presence of methylene blue, pyocyanine, thionine, phenazine methosulfate, or toluylene blue under strictly anaerobic conditions. Viologen dyes and NAD(P)(+) were ineffective as electron acceptors. The same extracts catalyzed the oxidation of formate and of hydrogen gas; the spectrum of electron acceptors was identical for the three substrates, CO, formate, and H(2). The CO- and the formate-oxidizing activities were found to be soluble enzymes, whereas hydrogenase was membrane bound exclusively. The rates of oxidation of CO, formate, and H(2) were measured spectrophotometrically following the reduction of methylene blue. The rate of carbon monoxide oxidation followed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics; the apparent K(m) for CO was 45 muM. The reaction rate was maximal at pH 7.0, and the temperature dependence followed the Arrhenius equation with an activation energy (DeltaH(0)) of 35.9 kJ/mol (8.6 kcal/mol). Neither free formate nor hydrogen gas is an intermediate of the CO oxidation reaction. This conclusion is based on the differential sensitivity of the activities of formate dehydrogenase, hydrogenase, and CO dehydrogenase to heat, hypophosphite, chlorate, cyanide, azide, and fluoride as well as on the failure to trap free formate or hydrogen gas in coupled optical assays. These results support the following equation for CO oxidation in P. carboxydovorans: CO + H(2)O --> CO(2) + 2 H(+) + 2e(-) The CO-oxidizing activity of P. carboxydovorans differed from that of Clostridium pasteurianum by not reducing viologen dyes and by a pH optimum curve that did not show an inflection point.  相似文献   
Based on a dataset comprising coding DNA sequences of 23 anthropoid primates, we herein investigate if rates of sequence evolution of SPerm Adhesion Molecule1 (SPAM1, also PH-20), which participates in sperm-egg interaction, is lower in more sexually dimorphic species. For comparison, we analyze sequence evolution of apolipoproteinA-IV (APOA4) and apolipoprotein A-V (APOA5), which should evolve under less or even no sexual selection given their expression in blood, digestive tract, liver, and lungs. Regression analyses provides significant support for a negative dependence of SPAM1 derived branch-specific ratios of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution rates (dN/dS) on sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in a subsample comprising New World and Old World monkeys. We moreover observed a tendency for a positive correlation of substitution rates of SPAM1 with relative testes weight (RTW) and significantly lowered dN/dS estimates in uni-male and uni-male/multi-male breeding monkeys. Importantly, the pattern was not reproduced when analyzing partial APOA4 and APOA5 sequences. These findings illustrate that different levels of sperm competition, probably fueled by female cryptic choice, account for species-specific sequence evolution of SPAM1 in monkeys. Remarkably, present data do not support a correlation of species-specific sequence evolution of SPAM1 with sexual selection levels in hominoids (apes including humans). This can partly be ascribed to a relaxation of functional constraint of SPAM1 in some hominoid species. Additional factors confounding regression analyses specifically in hominoids might be higher levels of sperm competition than reflected by SSD and RTW in some species, a rather strong effect of female mate choice on paternity rates in others, and - in particular in humans - socio-cultural factors not measurable by SSD and RTW.  相似文献   
A low-resolution three-dimensional model of membrane-bound H,K-ATPase from pig gastric mucosa has been reconstructed by electron microscopy and image processing of two-dimensional crystals in negative stain. The crystal formation is induced by magnesium and vanadate, which stabilize the E2conformation of the enzyme. The unit cell, with a size ofa=b= 123 Å, γ = 90°, has tetragonal p4 symmetry. There are four separate αβ protomers within each unit cell. The high-contrast region is limited to the cytoplasmic part of the protein. The total volume of the observed asymmetric protein domain corresponds to a molecular mass of 80–90 kDa. It consists mainly of a large pear-shaped domain measuring 60 × 45 Å2, with a height of 50 Å as measured perpendicular to the membrane plane. A small stalk segment, 20 Å in length, forms a connection to the transmembrane region.  相似文献   
The ability of vertical flow (VF) constructed wetland systems to treat high-strength (ca. 300 mg L?1 of COD and ca. 300 mg L?1 total-nitrogen) wastewater under tropical climatic conditions was studied during a 5-month period. Nine 0.8-m diameter experimental VF units (depth 0.6 m) were used: three units were planted with Typha angustifolia L., another three units were planted with Cyperus involucratus Rottb and three units were unplanted. Each set of units were operated at hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) of 20, 50 and 80 mm d?1. Cyperus produced more shoots and biomass than the Typha, which was probably stressed because of lack of water. The high evapotranspirative water loss from the Cyperus systems resulted in higher effluent concentrations of COD and total-P, but the mass removal of COD did not differ significantly between planted and unplanted systems. Average mass removal rates of COD, TKN and total-P at a HLR of 80 mm d?1 were 17.8, 15.4 and 0.69 g m?2 d?1. The first-order removal rate constants at a HLR of 80 mm d?1 for COD, TKN and total-P were 49.8, 30.1 and 13.5 m year?1, respectively, which is in the higher range of k-values reported in the literature. The oxygen transfer rates were ca. 80 g m?2 d?1 in the planted systems as opposed to ca. 60 g m?2 d?1 in the unplanted systems. The number of Nitrosomonas was two to three orders of magnitude higher in the planted systems compared to the unplanted systems. Planted systems thus had significantly higher removal rates of nitrogen and phosphorus, higher oxygen transfer rates, and higher quantities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. None of the systems did, however, fully nitrify the wastewater, even at low loading rates. The vertical filters did not provide sufficient contact time between the wastewater and the biofilm on the gravel medium of the filters probably because of the shallow bed depth (0.6 m) and the coarse texture of the gravel. It is concluded that vertical flow constructed wetland systems have a high capacity to treat high-strength wastewater in tropical climates. The gravel and sand matrix of the vertical filter must, however, be designed in a way so that the pulse-loaded wastewater can pass through the filter medium at a speed that will allow the water to drain before the next dose arrives whilst at the same time holding the water back long enough to allow sufficient contact with the biofilm on the filter medium.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Litter decomposition is regulated by e.g. substrate quality and environmental factors, particularly water availability. The partitioning of nutrients released from litter between vegetation and soil microorganisms may, therefore, be affected by changing climate. This study aimed to elucidate the impact of litter type and drought on the fate of litter-derived N in beech seedlings and soil microbes.


We quantified 15N recovery rates in plant and soil N pools by adding 15N-labelled leaf and/or root litter under controlled conditions.


Root litter was favoured over leaf litter for N acquisition by beech seedlings and soil microorganisms. Drought reduced 15N recovery from litter in seedlings thereby affecting root N nutrition. 15N accumulated in seedlings in different sinks depending on litter type.


Root turnover appears to influence (a) N availability in the soil for plants and soil microbes and (b) N acquisition and retention despite a presumably extremely dynamic turnover of microbial biomass. Compared to soil microorganisms, beech seedlings represent a very minor short-term N sink, despite a potentially high N residence time. Furthermore, soil microbes constitute a significant N pool that can be released in the long term and, thus, may become available for N nutrition of plants.  相似文献   
Group cohesion in social animals foraging in patchy environmentsdepends on 2 opposite forces, intraspecific competition, andattraction. The decision to leave or stay in a group may varyaccording to the individual personality. We investigated therole of personality when feeding competition increases as aresult of increasing group size. Individuals referred as "bold"and "shy" were identified from an indoor exploration test accordingto their propensity to leave the group to explore a novel environment,using 12 novel objects placed at increasing distances from thegroup. Groups of 2, 4, 6, or 8 shy or bold sheep were testedin 45 x 5–m grass arenas, with one 5 x 5–m patchof preferred vegetation at each end. Sheep grazed on or closeto these patches, but the number grazing the patches seldomreached more than 4–5 individuals, suggesting that crowdingmight affect foraging at the highest densities. The smallestgroups grazed together on the same patch, but there was an increasinglikelihood of splitting into subgroups as group size increased,with equal-sized subgroups most commonly grazing the 2 patchessimultaneously. This effect was greatest in bold sheep, whichtended to split into subgroups at smaller group sizes than shysheep. This study provides new insight into the mechanisms bywhich group-living herbivores distribute themselves across patchyresources in a way that minimizes interference competition anddemonstrates the importance of individual variability for spatialorganization at the level of the group.  相似文献   
In vivo brain microdialysis was used to examine the role of potassium channel activation in dopamine (DA) autoreceptor function in the striatum of freely moving rats. Local application of the D2 receptor agonists quinpirole or N-0437 through the dialysis probe significantly reduced extracellular concentrations of DA. Local application of the D2 antagonist (-)-sulpiride produced significant increases in DA. Local perfusion with quinine, a K+ channel blocker, completely blocked the (-)-sulpiride-induced increases in DA but did not affect the DA agonist-induced decreases. (-)-Sulpiride completely blocked the effect of quinpirole on DA both in control and in quinine-treated animals. At the highest dose used, quinine caused a large transient increase in extracellular DA. Local application of tetrodotoxin or infusion of Mg2+ in the absence of Ca2+ did not prevent this quinine-induced transient increase in extracellular DA. These results demonstrate that DA autoreceptors in the striatum regulate DA release in awake, behaving animals. Local application of (-)-sulpiride increases DA levels by blocking the tonic activation of autoreceptors by endogenous DA. Quinine blocks the neuroleptic-induced increase in DA, perhaps by preventing the K+ channel opening that would normally accompany endogenous autoreceptor activation. The fact that exogenously applied DA receptor agonists can decrease extracellular DA levels in the presence of quinine suggests that they may be acting at extrasynaptic autoreceptors that are not tonically active in vivo. The effect of DA agonists on this site is via a DA receptor because it is blocked by (-)-sulpiride. However, this receptor does not appear to be coupled to a quinine-sensitive potassium channel.  相似文献   
We have prepared a series of potent, dual inhibitors of the prenyl transferases farnesyl protein transferase (FPTase) and geranyl-geranyl protein transferase I (GGPTase). The compounds were shown to possess potent activity against both enzymes in cell culture. Mechanistic analysis has shown that the compounds are CAAX competitive for FPTase inhibition but geranyl-geranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) competitive for GGPTase inhibiton.  相似文献   
Ecdysteroids play an important role in the larval moulting process of insects. Ecdysone-induced stimulation causes specific puffs in polytene chromosomes of salivary gland cells resulting in nuclear swelling. During this process, changes of intracellular ion composition are thought to act as an early regulatory mechanism of gene activation. By use of video-imaging analysis and electrophysiological techniques, we examined ecdysone-induced nuclear swelling in Drosophila salivary glands in situ and its dependence on pH and calcium. Isolated glands of the third larval stage were superfused with a solution mimicking the haemolymph. Addition of 5×10–6 mol/l 20-OH-ecdysone led, after a lag period of 50 min, to a sustained Ca2+-dependent increase of nuclear volume by 23.0±2.3%. Amiloride, a blocker of plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange, prevented 20-OH-ecdysone-induced nuclear swelling. Decreasing pH in the superfusate from 7.15 to 6.8 led to nuclear shrinkage by 16.9±3.9%. Measurments of pH in salivary gland cells with ion-sensitive microelectrodes disclosed an alkalinization of 0.23±0.05 pH units after stimulation with 20-OH-ecdysone. We postulate that 20-OH-ecdysone activates the amilorde-sensitive plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger. This leads to intracellular alkalinization and concomitant decondensation of the nuclear chromatin visible as nuclear swelling. Thus, cell alkalinization could be a potentially important stimulatory mechanism in mediating ecdysteroid-induced activation of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   
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