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Between the mean daily density of 28 kHz atmospherics and the onset of epileptic fits there is a highly significant correlation coefficient (r) of 0.30; there is a negative coefficient of –0.20 between the fits and the mean daily density of 10 kHz atmospherics. The onset of heart infarction is correlated with 28 kHz atmospherics (r=0.15). Furthermore, we have discovered that sudden deafness is also correlated with certain configurations of atmospherics. In this paper we report the following correlation coefficients between the inflammatory reaction of rats to a carrageenan injection (rci) into a hind paw and the mean daily pulse rate of atmospherics of the same day:r=0.49 for the 8 kHz atmospherics (P<0.02) andr=0.44 for the 10 kHz atmospherics (P<0.04). The correlations between rci reaction and other atmospherics (12 and 28 kHz) are smaller and not significant. By the method of multiple linear regression we found a multipleR=0.54 between rci reaction and the 8 and 10 kHz atmospherics (the regression function for the rci reaction is 0.15+0.004×8 kHz+0.002×10 kHz,P<0.05).  相似文献   
The sequence organization of four different families of Y chromosomal repetitive DNA is characterized at three levels of spatial extension along the Y chromosome of Drosophila hydei. At the lowest level of resolution, DNA blot analysis of Y chromosomal fragments of different lengths and in situ hybridization experiments on metaphase chromosomes demonstrate the clustering of each particular sequence family within one defined region of the chromosome. At a higher level of resolution, family specific repeats can be detected within these clusters by crosshybridization within 10–20 kb long continuous stretches of cloned DNA in EMBL3 phages. At the highest level of resolution, detailed sequence analysis of representative subclones about 1 kb in length reveals a satellite-like head to tail arrangement of family specific degenerated subrepeats as the building scheme common to all four families. Our results provide the first comparative sequence analysis of three novel families of repetitive DNA on the long arm of the F chromosome of D. hydei. Additional data are presented which support the existence of two related subfamilies of repetitive DNA on the short arm of the Y chromosome.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz-Programm (MRI-Programm) der Vogelwarte Radolfzell wurden von 1974–1983 auf drei Fangstationen in Süddeutschland, Norddeutschland und Ostösterreich (Abb. 1) 184 939 Vögel von 37 Kleinvogelarten gefangen. Die Fänge erfolgten jährlich während der gesamten Wegzugperiode von Ende Juni bis Anfang November an Durchzüglern in Japannetzen unter strikter und umfassender Standardisierung aller Fang- und Arbeitsmethoden. Die Fangzahlen (Tab. 1, Abb. 2–6) werden in fünf Regressionsanalysen (Tab. 2–9) auf systematische Änderungen untersucht.Von insgesamt 496 errechenbaren Koeffizienten waren 317 oder 63,9% negativ und nur 179 oder 38,1 % positiv. Bei 34 der 37 untersuchten Arten ließen sich signifikante Trends errechnen. Sie sind für 20 oder 54 % dieser Arten ausschließlich oder überwiegend negativ. 14 Arten zeigten mindestens auf zwei Stationen negative Trends. Nur für insgesamt 10 Arten ließen sich überwiegend positive Trends errechnen. Faßt man negative Trends und Tendenzen (Vorzeichen) zusammen, so ergibt sich für 26 oder 70 % der untersuchten Arten ein negatives Bild. Dieses stark negative Gewicht ist im statistischen Sinne keine zufällige Erscheinung. Da die Bestandszunahmen die Abnahmen nicht aufwiegen konnten, zeigten auch die jährlichen Gesamtfangzahlen aller drei Stationen negative Trends. Die mittlere jährliche Abnahme betrug auf den Stationen Mettnau, Reit und Illmitz etwa 1,6 %. Die Tendenzen und Trends der einzelnen Arten stimmen auf den drei Stationen weitgehend überein. Sie lassen für ihr Zustandekommen auf weitgehend gleichförmige Ursachen bei den durch Mitteleuropa wandernden Populationen schließen.Die Fangzahlen und Literaturdaten zeigen, daß beträchtliche Teile unserer Kleinvogelwelt von Rückgangserscheinungen betroffen sind, wie wir sie von vielen Großvogelarten seit langem kennen. Bei einer Reihe von Arten sind die Abnahmen gravierend und die jährlichen Fangzahlen inzwischen so niedrig, daß sich bei ihnen mit den in den 70er Jahren konzipierten Fanganlagen eine Reihe von Fragestellungen nicht mehr untersuchen lassen. Wir können der weiteren Entwicklung der Bestände unserer derzeit noch artenreichen Kleinvogelwelt — wie der vieler Großvögel — nur mit größter Sorge entgegensehen. Die Ursachen der Rückgänge sind weitgehend unbekannt, und demzufolge mangelt es fast vollständig an geeigneten Gegenmaßnahmen. Bisherige Schutzmaßnahmen haben die Rückgänge nicht aufhalten können. Künftiger Vogelschutz wird sich folglich weitergehender Maßnahmen bedienen müssen.
The development of songbird populations in central Europe: Analysis of trapping data
Summary In the Mettnau-Reit-Illmitz-Program (MRI-Program) of the Vogelwarte Radolfzell 184 939 birds of 37 songbird species were caught in the period 1974–1983 on three trapping stations in S. and N. Germany and E. Austria (Fig. 1). Trapping of passage migrants in mist nets occurred annually from the end of June to the beginning of November, the entire autumn migratory period. All trapping and working methods were strictly and comprehensively standardized. The trapping figures (Tab. 1, Fig. 2–6) were analyzed with respect to systematic alterations to gain information about changes in the population levels of species migrating through central Europe. The investigation is based above all on five regression analyses (Tab. 2–9).The most important individual results are: out of a total of 496 coefficients which could be calculated 317 or 63.9 % were negative and only 179 or 38.1 % positive. For 34 of the 37 investigated species significant trends could be calculated. In 20 or 54 % of these species they were (exclusively or predominately) negative. 14 species showed negative trends at least at two stations. Mainly positive trends could be found in only 10 species. Taking negative trends and tendencies (negative signs) together, 26 or 70 % of the species were included. This strongly negative bias is not accidental in a statistical sense. Since the increases could not balance the declines, the annual trapping totals of all three stations also showed negative trends. The mean annual decline in the stations Mettnau, Reit and Illmitz was about 1.6 %. Trends and tendencies of the species show a high degree of agreement for the three stations. This suggests that in the species migrating through central Europe rather uniform factors control the population levels. From the most recent literature results, it appears that most of the species with declining trapping figures in the MRI-Program demonstrate decreases elsewhere.The trapping figures of the MRI-Program and data from the literature together clearly indicate that considerable parts of our small birds are affected by declines as have been known in many large bird species for long time. In a number of species the decreases have been quite dramatic and their annual trapping totals are now so low that a number of problems can no longer be studied. We should be alarmed when considering this negative development among our small birds as we must be with respect to many large bird species. The reasons for the declines are almost unkown and thus there is lack of appropriate counter-measures. Hitherto existing efforts for conservation which are briefly discussed have not been able to prevent the decline. Consequently, bird conservation in the future has to be based on more effective methods. Proposals, briefly raised, will be discussed in a forthcoming paper.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen. 15. Mitteilung aus dem MRI-Programm  相似文献   
Although supralittoral salt marshes are habitats of high environmental instability, the meiofauna is rich in species and abundance is high. The community structure of free-living Plathelminthes (Turbellaria) in these salt marshes is described. On an average, 104 individuals are found below an area of 10 cm2. The average species density in ungrazed salt marshes is 11.3 below 10 cm2 and 45.2 below 100 cm2, indicating strong small-scale heterogenity. The faunal similarity between sediment and the corresponding above-ground vegetation is higher than between adjacent sample sites. Species prefer distinct ranges of salinity. In the lower part of the supralittoral salt marshes, the annual fluctuations of salinity are strongest and highly unpredictable. This region is richest in plathelminth species and abundance; diversity is highest, and the faunal composition of parallel samples is quite similar. In the upper part of the supralittoral salt marshes, the annual variability of salinity is lower, plathelminths are poor in species diversity and abundance. Parallel samples often have no species in common. Thus, those salt marsh regions with the most unstable environment are inhabited by the most diverse species assemblage. Compared to other littoral zones of the North Sea, however, plathelminth diversity in salt marshes is low. The observed plathelminth diversity pattern can apparently be explained by the dynamic equilibrium model (Huston, 1979).  相似文献   
The phospholipase B activity of plasma membrane vesicles from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is inhibited by the 100 000 X g supernatant of mechanically disrupted yeast cells. A 1850-fold purification of the inhibitor activity was achieved by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography with DEAE-cellulose and hydrophobic interaction chromatography with Octyl-Sepharose. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified inhibitor revealed two main bands with an apparent Mr of 60 000 and 26 500. The phospholipase B activity was strongly reduced but not completely blocked by this preparation, while the lysophospholipase and transacylase reactions, which are catalyzed by the same membrane-bound enzymes (Witt, W. et al. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 795, 108-116), were not affected.  相似文献   
Summary mRNA from estrogen-stimulated rat myometrium, a tissue known to upregulate cell-cell channels in response to this hormone, was microinjected intoXenopus laevis oocytes. The oocytes had been freed from covering layers of follicle cells and vitelline to allow direct cell membrane interactions when paired. About 4 hours after the mRNA injection, paired oocytes become electrically coupled. This coupling was due to the presence of typical cell-cell channels characterized by size-limited intercellular tracer flux, the presence of gap junctions at the oocyte-oocyte interface, and the reversible uncoupling that occurred in the presence of carbon dioxide. The induction of new cell-cell channels in the oocyte membrane was observed against a zero background or a low level of endogenous coupling, depending on the maturation stage of the oocytes. The time course of development of cell-cell coupling after the microinjection of mRNA was determined. The mRNA capable of inducing cell-cell coupling was confined to an intermediate size class when fractionated on a sucrose gradient.  相似文献   
The technique of positive- and negative-ion fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry has been shown to be capable of producing molecular mass and useful fragmentation information for the structural elucidation of chlorogenic acids. The mass spectra of chlorogenic acid and the related compounds 3′-O-methylchlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, 4,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid and 1,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid are compared with those obtained by electron impact mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
Summary The new enzyme d-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase (NAD+-dependent) was detected in strains of the genus Lactobacillus and related genera. Straight and branched chain aliphatic as well as aromatic 2-ketocarboxylic acids are stereospecifically reduced to the corresponding d-2-hydroxycarboxylic acids according to the following equation:R-CO-COOH + NADH + H+ R-CHOH-COOH + NAD+ The enzyme is called d-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase by us because 2-ketoisocaproate is the substrate with the lowest KM-value. NAD(H) as a cofactor cannot be replaced by NADP(H). Because of its broad substrate specificity we chose the strain Lactobacillus casei ssp. pseudoplantarum (DSM 20 008) for enzyme production and characterization. d-2-hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase could be purified 180-fold starting with 500 g of wet cells.The purification procedure involved liquid-liquid extraction with aqueous two-phase systems and ion-exchange chromatography. At this stage the enzyme has a specific activity of 25 U/mg and can be used for technical applications. Further purification up to a homogeneous protein with a specific activity of 110 U/mg can be achieved by chromatography on Amberlite CG 50 at pH 3.5. Properties important for technical application of the d-HicDH were investigated, especially the substrate specificity and the optimum pH- and temperature ranges for activity and stability of the catalist.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of parvalbumin (PV) within neurons of the vocal motor nucleus hyperstriatum ventralepars caudalis (HVc) was investigated in the forebrain of adult male zebra finches by means of light and electron microscopy using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. Parvalbumin-reaction product was located in the amorphous material of perikarya, dendrites and nuclei, and associated to microtubuli, postsynaptic densities and intracellular membranes; it was found in some axons and Gray type-2 boutons, but rarely in type-1 boutons and never in the Golgi apparatus. These observations suggest that parvalbumin may regulate calcium-dependent processes at the postsynaptic membrane and in the cytosol. Furthermore, the partial association of parvalbumin to microtubuli points to an involvement in calcium-dependent tubular functions. Calcium currents and microtubular assembly or transport may be relevant for the known functions of HVc in song learning.  相似文献   
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