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(Bellevalia ciliata was recorded in north-east Bulgaria south of the Dobrudsha, within field and steppe vegetation. Vegetation records and a distribution map are presented. Based on taxonomic studies it is proposed to combineB. ciliata, B. sarmatica (Pall.) Wor. andB. speciosa Wor. under the oldest nameB. ciliata (Cyr.) Nees.  相似文献   
Summary The evaluation of the intracellular signal train and its regulatory function in controlling transepithelial transport with electrophysiological methods often requires intracellular measurements with microelectrodes. However, multiple impalements in epithelial cells are hampered by the small size of the cells. In an attempt to avoid these problems we fused cells of an established cell line, Madin Darby canine kidney cells, originally derived from dog kidney, to giant cells by applying a modified polyethylene glycol method. During trypsin-induced detachment from the ground of the petri dish, individual cells grown in a monolayer incorporate volume and mainly lose basolateral plasma membrane by extrusion. By isovolumetric cell-to-cell fusion, spherical giant cells are formed within 2 hr. During this process a major part of the individual cell plasma membranes is internalized. Over three weeks following cell plasma membrane fusion degradation of single cell nuclei and cell nuclear fusion occurs. We conclude that this experimental approach opens the possibility to investigate ion transport of epithelia in culture by somatic cell genetic techniques.  相似文献   
The wind-orientation of carrion beetles (Necrophorus humator F.) was studied by use of a locomotion-compensator.
1.  Beetles walking on a horizontal surface for periods of several minutes in a dark environment without an air current and other orientational stimuli seldom keep straight paths. They walk along individually different circular paths (Fig. 1). The mean walking speed is 5.6±1.0 cm/s. The mean of the angular velocity reaches maximally 25 °/s for individual beetles (mean angular velocity of the analysed population of 152 beetles: 1.9±9.3 °/s). The distribution of the mean walking directions of the population shows that the beetles display no preference for one direction (Fig. 3 A). The instantaneous value of the individual angular velocity is independent of the instantaneous walking direction.
2.  During exposure to an air current the individual beetles keep straight and stable courses with any orientation relative to the direction of air flow (Fig. 4). The mean walking directions of 76 individuals point in all directions but there is a weak preference of windward tracks (Fig. 3B).
3.  Wind orientated walking starts at a threshold wind velocity of about 5 cm/s (Fig. 6). The walking tracks straighten with increasing air current velocity. This leads to a narrowing of the distribution of the instantaneous walking directions around the preferred walking direction (Fig. 7C). This narrowing is due to an increase in the slope of the characteristic curve (angular velocity as a function of walking direction) of the wind-orientation system.
4.  Twenty percent of the beetles show a spontaneous change of their anemotactic course during walks of 5 min duration. Neither the time of the change, its position on the track or the direction of the new course are predictable. There is, however, a slight preference for 90±20° changes in the walking direction (Fig. 8).
5.  The antennae (Fig. 9) act as the only sense organs responsible for the wind orientation. The capability for wind orientated walks is lost after ablation of both flagella (Fig. 10).
Cysteine: Depolarization-Induced Release from Rat Brain In Vitro   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Compounds released on depolarization in a Ca2+-dependent manner from rat brain slices were screened to identify candidates for neuroactive substances. Lyophilized superfusates were analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC after derivatization with 9-fluorenyl N-succinimidyl carbonate. One of the compounds that showed an increase of concentration in superfusates in the presence of iodoacetamide was identified as the cysteine (Cys) derivative, S-carboxamidomethylcysteine, by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and other methods. This stable Cys derivative originates from endogenous, extracellular Cys. The finding led to a method for quantification of Cys in superfusates by immediate cooling of the superfusates to 0 degrees C and reaction of Cys with N-ethylmaleimide. Depolarization-induced Ca2+-dependent release of Cys was most prominent in the neocortex, followed by the mesodiencephalon, striatum, and cerebellum. This suggests that Cys is released from a neuronal compartment and might be involved in neurotransmission.  相似文献   
Summary Transposon Tn 951-encoded -galactosidase was expressed in Pseudomonas saccharophila and enabled this bacterium to grow on lactose as sole carbon source. In contrast, -galactosidase was not expressed in Alcaligenes eutrophus even if the lacZ gene of Tn 951 was separated from the lacI gene. However, -galactosidase was expressed in A. eutrophus, if a DNA fragment, which was suspected to harbour the promoter of the A. eutrophus poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid)-synthetic genes, was ligated to the promoter probe vector pMC1403, which employs lac Z, Y as reporter genes. Plasmid pPL76, which harboured one of the promoter-lac fusions, enabled A. eutrophus not only to express -galactosidase but also to grow slowly on lactose (doubling time = 25–30 h). Subsequently, the promoter-lac fusion was ligated to Tn5 in pSUP5011 and was inserted into the genome of A. eutrophus H16 and of the glucose-utilizing mutant H16-G+1 by applying the suicide plasmid technique. Two recombinant strains, H16-cPL and H16-G+1-cPL, which grow with a doubling time of 16–23 h on lactose, were investigated in detail. The cells only utilized the glucose residue of lactose as a carbon source for grouth and excreted galactose into the medium. Only after the Escherichia coli gal operon had been cloned in vector pVK101 and had been mobilized to H16-cPL or H16-G+1-cPL, was lactose completely utilized; no galactose was detected in the medium and the growth yields increased twofold. Depending on the orientation of the gal operon in pVK101, the expression of galactokinase seems to be dependent either on the promoter of aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene (kan) or on the promoter of the tetR gene. Offprint requests to: A. Steinbüchel  相似文献   
The hemoglobin of the sea snakeMicrocephalophis gracilis was purified and the primary structure of the α and β chains determined. This is the first sea snake hemoglobin structure characterized, and apparently also the first complete structure of any snake hemoglobin (an α chain of a viper was known), allowing judgments of reptilian variants. Variations between the sea snake form and other reptilian forms are large (52–65 differences for the α chains), of similar order as those between the sea snake and avian (56–65 differences) or human (58 differences) forms. Functionally, 19 residues at α/β contact areas and 7 at heme contacts are exchanged in relation to the human α and β chains. Four positions of the sea snake hemoglobin contain residues thus far unique to this form. However, all replacements appear compatible with conserved overall functional properties.  相似文献   
Age-specific life tables of two important pests of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., the pod sucking bugs Clavigralla tomentosicollis Stål and C. shadabi Dolling (Heteroptera: Coreidae), were obtained from observations carried out at different temperatures. A biophysical model was found satisfactory to describe the temperature-response of developmental and mortality rates of egg and nymphal stages, with a peak developmental rate around 34°C in both species. The variability in development times was small and the experimental data did not permit any conclusion with regard to the Erlang probability density function. Survival of eggs and nymphs remained high between 20° and 30°C for both species. At temperatures above 34°C, C. tomentosicollis survivorship and fecundity was higher than that of C. shadabi, which in turn laid more eggs at temperatures between 20° and 30°C. Maximum fecundity is estimated to be at 29°C for C. tomentosicollis (99 eggs/female) and 26°C for C. shadabi (261 eggs/female). At 30°C, the intrinsic rate of increase reached a maximum in both species, 0.152 per day for C. tomentosicollis and 0.145 per day for C. shadabi, and remained high for C. tomentosicollis until 36°C. C. tomentosicollis performed significantly better on pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan Millsp., than on cowpea at higher temperatures.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenstellung liegen Befunde zu den brutbiologischen Parametern Gelegestärke, Schlüpftermin und Anzahl flügger Junge zugrunde, die von 1970–1995 an rund 1500 Erstbruten des Kleibers in Versuchsgebieten mit künstlichen Nisthöhlen bei Braunschweig und Essen gewonnen wurden. Die Vollgelege-Eizahl beträgt im Durchschnitt 6,8 Eier (nur Daten aus dem Braunschweiger Raum), der durchschnittliche Schlüpftermin fällt auf den 9. Mai (Braunschweig) und 6. Mai (Essen) und die Anzahl flügger Nestlinge liegt in erfolgreichen Bruten im Mittel bei 5,6 (Braunschweig) bzw. 5,2 (Essen). Im Untersuchungszeitraum kam es in beiden Gebietsregionen zu einer signifikanten Verfrühung des Bruttermins. Doch werden wohl erst die Befunde der kommenden Jahre zeigen können, ob die rezente Häufung früher Brutjahre beim Kleiber (diese Arbeit) und bei Kohl- und Blaumeisen (Winkel &Hudde unveröff.) bereits eine Folge des anthropogen bedingten global warming ist oder noch das normale Auf und Ab der Witterung widerspiegelt.
Long-term changes of breeding parameters of NuthatchesSitta europaea in two study areas of northern Germany
Between 1970 and 1995, nestbox data about clutch size, hatching date and fledging success were collected for a total of around 1500 first broods of Nuthatches in two north German study areas (near Brunswick 52.16 N 10.32 E and near Essen 51.24 N 6.59 E). The average clutch size was 6.8 eggs (Brunswick), the average hatching date 9 May (Brunswick) and 6 May (Essen), and the mean number of fledglings per successful brood 5.6 (Brunswick) and 5.2 (Essen). Over time hatching dates significantly advanced in both areas. Data of further years are needed to clarify if the recent unusual sequence of early breeding years in the Nuthatch is already a consequence of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect or just due to normal variation of weather conditions.
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