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Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate complement resistance in Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis isolated from healthy schoolchildren or sputum-producing adult patients. Two techniques were used: a serum bactericidal assay as the gold standard and an easier ‘culture and spot’ test. Children (age 4–13; n = 303) and patients ( n = 1047) showed high colonization/infection rates with B. catarrhalis (31% and 19%, respectively). Complement resistance or intermediate sensitivity occurred frequently in patient isolates (62% and 27%, respectively) and less often in children (33% and 8.5%, respectively; P ⪡ 0.0001). In young children (age 4–5 years), the proportion of complement-resistant strains was around 50%. Complement resistance in B. catarrhalis is associated with illness and may hence be considered a virulence factor.  相似文献   
In nerve tissue the histochemical nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) reaction is considered a suitable marker for nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity. We have previously shown that the NOS-specific inhibitorl-nitroarginine (l-NNA) can block NADPH-d staining in intermediolateral (IML) neurons of the rat spinal cord; such a reaction might serve as a control for the presence of a NOS-related catalytic activity, i.e.,l-NNA-dependent NO synthesis in these neurons. However,l-NNA inhibition of neuronal NADPH-d is inconsistent and is therefore disputed by others. This prompted us to reinvestigate the reaction conditions to provide a standardized protocol for inhibition experiments. In IML neurons of formaldehyde-fixed spinal cord tissue, inhibition of NADPH-d reaction was tested by preincubation of frozen sections with the flavin-binder diphenylene iodonium chloride (DPI, 10 M-1 mM) which blocked the NADPH-d reaction in a concentration-dependent way, suggesting an inverse relationship of inhibitor concentration and final reaction product generated. Preincubation with the NOS-specific inhibitorl-NNA in glycine-NaOH buffer (pH 8.5–9.5) but notl-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME) revealed a concentration-dependent blocking effect on neuronal NADPH-d comparable to the effects seen with DPI, suggesting the existence of al-NNA sensitive NADPH-d activity. Blocking withl-NNA (100 M-10 mM) was prevented by excessl-arginine (10–100 mM), suggesting competitive binding sites. NADPH-d staining was not inhibited by 7-nitro indazole, another NOS inhibitor. Thus, in formaldehyde-fixed nervous tissue both DPI andl-NNA inhibit the NOS-associated catalytic NADPH-d activity, thereby preventing NADPH-dependent conversion of nitroblue tetrazolium to formazan.Presented in the Workshop Detection of NO-synthases at the XXXVI Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry on Oxy Radicals, 20–23 September 1994, Heidelberg, Germany  相似文献   
The Alzheimer's disease βA4 amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been shown to be involved in a diverse set of biological protein precursor-like proteins (APLP1 and APLP2) belong to a superfamily of proteins that are probably functionally related. In order to characterize the cell adhesion properties of APP the brain specific isoform APP695 was purified and used to assess the binding to herparin, a structural and functional analogue of the glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate. We show that APP binds in a time dependent and saturable manner to heparin. The salt concentration of 620 mM at which APP elutes from heparin Sepharose is greater than physiological. Tha apparent equilibrium constant for dissociation was determined to be 300 pM for APP binding to heparin Sepharose. A high affinity heparin binding site was identified within a region conversed in rodent and human APP, APLP1 and APLP2. This binding site was located between residues 316-337 of APP695 which is within the carbohydrate domain of APP. We also demonstrate an interaction between this heparin binding site and the zinc(II) binding site which is conserved in all members of the APP superfamily. We show by using an automated surface plasmon resonance biosensor (BIAcore, Pharmacia) that the affinity for heparin is increased two- to four-fold in the presence of micromolar zinc(II). The identification of zinc-enhanced binding of APP to heparin sulfate side chains of proteoglycans offers a molecular link between zinc(II), as a putative environmental toxin for Alzheimer's disease, and aggregation of amyloid βA4 protein.  相似文献   
The synthesis, antiproliferative effect and enzymatic hydrolysis of daunomycin-3′-N- and -4′-O-phosphate and -sulfate derivatives and of daunomycin-3′-N-CO-β-glucuronide and -β-glucoside, designed to be prodrugs in ADEPT are described. The phosphate derivatives were almost as toxic as the parent drug whereas the sulfates were not hydrolyzed by aryl sulfatases. Glucuronyl and glucosyl prodrugs were found to be useful for application in ADEPT.  相似文献   
For the development of anAgrobacterium-mediated transformation procedure of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), an intron-containing -glucuronidase (gus) gene was used to monitor the frequency of transformation events soon after infection of leaf explants. The efficiency of gene transfer was dependent on the carnation genotype, explant age and cocultivation time. Leaf explants from the youngest leaves showed the highest number of GUS-positive spots. After selection on a kanamycin-containing medium, transgenic shoots were generated among a relatively high number of untransformed shoots. The selection procedure was modified in such a way that the contact between explant and medium was more intense. This improved the selection and decreased the number of escapes. Kanamycin-resistant and GUS-positive plants were obtained from five cultivars after infection of leaf explants with the supervirulentAgrobacterium strain AGLO. A higher transformation frequency was observed with the binary vector pCGN7001 than with the p35SGUSint vector. Integration of the genes into the carnation genome was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridization. The number of incorporated T-DNA insertions varied between independent transformants from one to eight. Transformants were morphologically identical to untransformed plants. Segregation of the genes occurred in a Mendelian way.  相似文献   
A small protein (Mr about 14 000) rich in cysteine/half-cystine has been isolated from camel milk by exclusion chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The N-terminal amino acid sequence shows a region with several positional identities with and -caseins, which however lack cysteine residues; postions 16–20 are identical and involve the serine residues that have been found to be phosphorylated in -caseins.  相似文献   
The effect of exogenous hypercortisolism and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 on small-intestinal calcium and glucose transport in the rat was studied at the level of brush-border membrane vesicles generated from isolated villous cells by a freeze-thaw procedure. At 5 · 10?5 M extravesicular calcium, initial uptake rates in vesicles prepared from triamcinolone-treated adult rats were decreased by 30% after 5 days. Since calcium ionophore A23187 virtually abolished the difference in calcium uptake, triamcinolone appeared to affect calcium channel density or activity rather than intravesicular binding capacity. Kinetic analysis showed that a decrease in Vmax of a saturable calcium transport system could entirely account for the diminished rate of vesicular calcium uptake. Calcium transport rates could be partially restored by in vivo administration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 at a dosage which did not affect vesicular calcium uptake in control animals. Conversely, sodium-driven glucose accumulation in brush-border vesicles from triamcinolone-treated rats was stimulated by 50–70% after 36 h and appeared insensitive to vitamin D. A specific triamcinolone action on the glucose carrier itself rather than on the driving force of the sodium gradient was indicated by (i) a similar stimulation of glucose transport under equilibrium exchange conditions and (ii) an opposite effect of triamcinolone on sodium-driven alanine transport. The triamcinolone-induced changes in calcium and glucose uptake were not accompanied by a gross alteration of membrane integrity in vitro or by major alterations in vesicular protein composition, intravesicular glucose space and sucrase or alkaline phosphatase activity. The modification of vesicular transport properties is discussed in relation to the vitamin D-antagonized inhibition of intestinal calcium uptake and the stimulation of glucose absorption in response to supraphysiologic amounts of glucocorticoids observed in intact epithelium.  相似文献   
The oxidation of NADPH and NADH was studied in the light and in the dark using sonically derived membrane vesicles and osmotically shocked spheroplasts. These two types of cell-free membrane preparations mostly differ in that the cell and thylakoid membranes are scrambled in the former type and that they are more or less separated in the latter type of preparations. In the light, using both kinds of preparations, each of NADPH and NADH donates electrons via the plastoquinone-cytochrome bc redox complex (Qbc redox complex) to the thylakoid membrane-bound cytochrome c-553 preoxidized by a light flash and to methylviologen via Photosystem I. NADPH donates electrons to the thylakoid membrane via a weakly rotenone-sensitive dehydrogenase to a site that is situated beyond the 3(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea sensitive site and before plastoquinone. Ferredoxin and easily soluble cytoplasmic proteins are presumably not involved in light-mediated NADPH oxidation. Inhibitors of electron transfer at the Qbc redox complex as the dinitrophenylether of 2-iodo-4-nitrothymol, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinone-N-oxide are effective, but antimycin A and KCN are not. The oxidation of NADH showed comparable sensitivity to these inhibitors. However, the oxidation of NADH is antimycin-A-sensitive regardless of the kind of membrane preparation used, indicating that in this case electrons are donated to a different site on the thylakoid membrane. In the dark, NADPH and NADH donate electrons at sites that behave similar to those of light-mediated oxidation, indicating that the initial steps of electron transfer are situated at the thylakoid membranes. However, NADPH oxidation is in some cases not sensitive to inhibitors active at the Qbc redox complex. It is concluded that O2 reduction takes place at two different sites, one partly developed in vitro, situated near the rotenone-sensitive NADPH dehydrogenase, and another, highly KCN-sensitive one, situated beyond the Qbc redox complex and used in vivo. The terminal oxygen-reducing step of NADPH and NADH oxidation in the dark showed a preparation-dependent sensitivity for KCN, more than 80% inhibition in sonically derived membrane vesicles and less than 30% inhibition in osmotically shocked spheroplasts. From this result we tentatively conclude that the highly KCN-sensitive oxidase is not necessarily located at the thylakoid membrane and could be located at the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
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