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The establishment and succession of bacterial communities in infants may have a profound impact in their health, but information about the composition of meconium microbiota and its evolution in hospitalized preterm infants is scarce. In this context, the objective of this work was to characterize the microbiota of meconium and fecal samples obtained during the first 3 weeks of life from 14 donors using culture and molecular techniques, including DGGE and the Human Intestinal Tract Chip (HITChip) analysis of 16S rRNA amplicons. Culture techniques offer a quantification of cultivable bacteria and allow further study of the isolate, while molecular techniques provide deeper information on bacterial diversity. Culture and HITChip results were very similar but the former showed lower sensitivity. Inter-individual differences were detected in the microbiota profiles although the meconium microbiota was peculiar and distinct from that of fecal samples. Bacilli and other Firmicutes were the main bacteria groups detected in meconium while Proteobacteria dominated in the fecal samples. Culture technique showed that Staphylococcus predominated in meconium and that Enterococcus, together with Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Escherichia fergusonii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens, was more abundant in fecal samples. In addition, HITChip results showed the prevalence of bacteria related to Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus mitis in meconium samples whereas those related to Enterococcus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Yersinia predominated in the 3rd week feces. This study highlights that spontaneously-released meconium of preterm neonates contains a specific microbiota that differs from that of feces obtained after the first week of life. Our findings indicate that the presence of Serratia was strongly associated with a higher degree of immaturity and other hospital-related parameters, including antibiotherapy and mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   
Peptides derived from over-expressed p53 protein are presented by class I MHC molecules and may act as tumour-associated epitopes. Due to the diversity of p53 mutations, immunogenic peptides representing wild-type sequences are preferable as a basis for a broad-spectrum p53-targeting cancer vaccine. Our preclinical studies have shown that wild-type p53-derived HLA-A2–binding peptides are able to activate human T cells and that the generated effector T cells are cytotoxic to human HLA-A2+, p53+ tumour cells. In this phase I pilot study, the toxicity and efficacy of autologous dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with a cocktail of three wild-type and three modified p53 peptides are being analysed in six HLA-A2+ patients with progressive advanced breast cancer. Vaccinations were well tolerated and no toxicity was observed. Disease stabilisation was seen in two of six patients, one patient had a transient regression of a single lymph node and one had a mixed response. ELISpot analyses showed that the p53-peptide–loaded DCs were able to induce specific T-cell responses against modified and unmodified p53 peptides in three patients, including two of the patients with a possible clinical benefit from the treatment. In conclusion, the strategy for p53-DC vaccination seems safe and without toxicity. Furthermore, indications of both immunologic and clinical effect were found in heavily pretreated patients with advanced breast cancer. An independent clinical effect of repeated administration of DCs and IL-2 can not of course be excluded; further studies are necessary to answer these questions.  相似文献   
Mutations in the gene encoding UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) may reduce the glucuronidation of estradiol, bilirubin, etc. In the present study, we used a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method to assay the activities of recombinant mutated UGT1A1 toward 17beta-estradiol (E2), by determining its glucuronide (E2G) content. Direct evidence for glucuronide formation was provided by E2G-specific ion peaks. The UGT1A1 activities of G71R (exon 1), F83L (exon 1), I322V (exon 2) and G493R (exon 5) mutants were 24, 30, 18 and 0.6% of the normal UGT1A1 activity, respectively. In conclusion, our study showed that LC/MS/MS enabled accurate evaluation of the effects of mutations on recombinant UGT1A1 activity towards E2.  相似文献   
Bacteria are able to survive in low-iron environments by sequestering this metal ion from iron-containing proteins and other biomolecules such as transferrin, lactoferrin, heme, hemoglobin, or other heme-containing proteins. In addition, many bacteria secrete specific low molecular weight iron chelators termed siderophores. These iron sources are transported into the Gram-negative bacterial cell through an outer membrane receptor, a periplasmic binding protein (PBP), and an inner membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter. In different strains the outer membrane receptors can bind and transport ferric siderophores, heme, or Fe3+ as well as vitamin B12, nickel complexes, and carbohydrates. The energy that is required for the active transport of these substrates through the outer membrane receptor is provided by the TonB/ExbB/ExbD complex, which is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. In this minireview, we will briefly examine the three-dimensional structure of TonB and the current models for the mechanism of TonB-dependent energy transduction. Additionally, the role of TonB in colicin transport will be discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die aerodynamischen Verhältnisse des Schwingenfluges bei verschiedenen Kleinvögeln werden beschrieben. Es wird der unbeschleunigte Horizontalflug bei Mauersegler, Rauchschwalbe und rundflügeligen kleinen Sperlingsvögeln verglichen. Als Kenngrößen des Kraftfluges werden der Fortschrittsgrad, das Verhältnis Hub/Schub an der Flügelspitze (A/V) und das Gesamtauftriebs-Vortriebs-Verhältnis (Ages/V) abgeleitet. An Hand dieser Kenngrößen wird gezeigt, daß es möglich ist, einen Hubflug von einem Schubflug zu unterscheiden. Diese Unterscheidung ist weder an eine bestimmte Art der Flügelbewegung gebunden, noch charakterisiert sie als alleinige Flugweise eine bestimmte Vogelart. Die Besonderheiten des Schnellfluges und des Fluges auf der Stelle bei den untersuchten Arten werden dargestellt, wobei der Unterschied zwischen Platzrüttelflug und Platztrillerflug betont wird.Es wird gezeigt, daß die Flugeigenschaften der besprochenen Arten von ihrer Lebensweise her, besonders von der Art des Nahrungserwerbs verstanden werden können.Der Zusammenhang zwischen Flugweise und Bau des Flügels wird an einigen Beispielen erörtert. Dabei können Beziehungen zwischen den aerodynamischen Eigenschaften des Flügels und dem Bau der Federn bis hin zu deren Feinstrukturen gezeigt werden. Skelett und Muskulatur lassen zwar auch gewisse funktionell bedingte Eigenarten erkennen, doch sind eindeutige Beziehungen manchmal nicht herzustellen.Es zeigt sich, daß es möglich ist, bestimmte Struktureigenschaften aus ihrer Funktion zu begreifen, daß aber die Herleitung bestimmter Flugmodi aus Strukturmerkmalen des Flügels oft große Schwierigkeiten bereitet, und daß es hier als unmöglich angesehen werden muß, von einigen morphologischen Eigenschaften ausgehend zu richtigen Schlüssen zu kommen.  相似文献   
A computer program (RFAC) has been developed, which allows the automated estimation of residual indices (R-factors) for protein NMR structures and gives a reliable measure for the quality of the structures. The R-factor calculation is based on the comparison of experimental and simulated 1H NOESY NMR spectra. The approach comprises an automatic peak picking and a Bayesian analysis of the data, followed by an automated structure based assignment of the NOESY spectra and the calculation of the R-factor. The major difference to previously published R-factor definitions is that we take the non-assigned experimental peaks into account as well. The number and the intensities of the non-assigned signals are an important measure for the quality of an NMR structure. It turns out that for different problems optimally adapted R-factors should be used which are defined in the paper. The program allows to compute a global R-factor, different R-factors for the intra residual NOEs, the inter residual NOEs, sequential NOEs, medium range NOEs and long range NOEs. Furthermore, R-factors can be calculated for various user defined parts of the molecule or it is possible to obtain a residue-by-residue R-factor. Another possibility is to sort the R-factors according to their corresponding distances. The summary of all these different R-factors should allow the user to judge the structure in detail. The new program has been successfully tested on two medium sized proteins, the cold shock protein (TmCsp) from Termotoga maritima and the histidine containing protein (HPr) from Staphylococcus carnosus. A comparison with a previously published R-factor definition shows that our approach is more sensitive to errors in the calculated structure.  相似文献   
Deficiency of a modified nucleoside in tRNA often mediates suppression of +1 frameshift mutations. In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain TR970 (hisC3737), which requires histidine for growth, a potential +1 frameshifting site, CCC-CAA-UAA, exists within the frameshifting window created by insertion of a C in the hisC gene. This site may be suppressed by peptidyl-tRNAProcmo5UGG (cmo(5)U is uridine-5-oxyacetic acid), making a frameshift when decoding the near-cognate codon CCC, provided that a pause occurs by, e.g., a slow entry of the tRNAGlnmnm5s2UUG (mnm(5)s(2)U is 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine) to the CAA codon located in the A site. We selected mutants of strain TR970 that were able to grow without histidine, and one such mutant (iscS51) was shown to have an amino acid substitution in the L-cysteine desulfurase IscS. Moreover, the levels of all five thiolated nucleosides 2-thiocytidine, mnm(5)s(2)U, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine, 4-thiouridine, and N-6-(4-hydroxyisopentenyl)-2-methylthioadenosine present in the tRNA of S. enterica were reduced in the iscS51 mutant. In logarithmically growing cells of Escherichia coli, a deletion of the iscS gene resulted in nondetectable levels of all thiolated nucleosides in tRNA except N-6-(4-hydroxyisopentenyl)-2-methylthioadenosine, which was present at only 1.6% of the wild-type level. After prolonged incubation of cells in stationary phase, a 20% level of 2-thiocytidine and a 2% level of N-6-(4-hydroxyisopentenyl)-2-methylthioadenosine was observed, whereas no 4-thiouridine, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine, or mnm(5)s(2)U was found. We attribute the frameshifting ability mediated by the iscS51 mutation to a slow decoding of CAA by the tRNAGlnmnm5s2UUG due to mnm(5)s(2)U deficiency. Since the growth rate of the iscS deletion mutant in rich medium was similar to that of a mutant (mnmA) lacking only mnm(5)s(2)U, we suggest that the major cause for the reduced growth rate of the iscS deletion mutant is the lack of mnm(5)s(2)U and 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine and not the lack of any of the other three thiolated nucleosides that are also absent in the iscS deletion mutant.  相似文献   
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