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In a mutation experiment with a rough, ampicillin-resistant strain, we isolated two smooth mutants which were both sensitive to ampicillin and carried defects in the cell envelope. One of the strains (with the envA gene) is hindered in its completion of septa and forms chains of cells. The envA gene has been mapped to a position between leu and proB, at 2 to 4 min. The envA gene decreased the resistance mediated by both episomal and chromosomal genes for resistance to several antibiotics. During growth the envA mutant was characterized by abnormal ratios between viable count or cell count and optical density. The ratio between viable count and optical density was affected during shift-up and shift-down experiments. When compared to the parent strain, the envA mutant was found to be more resistant to ultraviolet irradiation on plates. Prestarvation for tryptophan had a protective effect against irradiation both on the parent strain and the envA mutant.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Glutamatdehydrogenase wurde aus Rhodospirillum rubrum durch Fällung mit Ammoniumsulfat und Chromatographie an DEAE-Cellulose 35 fach angereichert. Das Enzym ist spezifisch auf NAD als Wasserstoffdonator/acceptor und -Ketoglutarat bzw. Glutamat. Hg-Ionen blockieren die Reaktion in beiden Richtungen; Nitrit- und Nitrationen hemmen in höheren Konzentrationen. Die Abbaurate wird durch die Anwesenheit von ATP verringert. Die Stickstoffquelle des Nährmediums wirkt sich nur wenig auf die Ausbildung des Enzyms in den Zellen aus, dagegen wird durch Produkthemmung im natürlichen Milieu bei Wachstum auf Malat und NH4 + der Glutamatabbau praktisch unterdrückt.
Glutamate dehydrogenase from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum
Summary Glutamate dehydrogenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified 35 fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The enzyme is specific for NAD as hydrogen donor/acceptor and -ketoglutarate and glutamate for the synthesis, respectively the degradation of the amino acid. Hg2+ ions completely inhibit both synthesis and degradation; a weaker inhibition can be shown by addition of various inorganic nitrogen compounds. The rate of the glutamate degradation is reduced by ATP. The nitrogen source of the culture medium is without effect on the formation of the glutamate dehydrogenase, however, under growth conditions in a malate-NH4 +-solution the glutamate degradation is almost completely suppressed by product inhibition.
Inge Rissland  Hans Mohr 《Planta》1967,77(3):239-249
Zusammenfassung Bei Erstbelichtung des Senfkeimlings mit Dauer-Dunkelrot tritt der P730-abhängige Anstieg der Phenylalanindesaminase-Aktivität erst mit einer lag-Phase von 1,5 Std ein (Abb. 3, 4 unten). Bei einer Zweitbelichtung (Programm: Erstbelichtung — längere Dunkelperiode — Zweitbelichtung) fehlt die lag-Phase (Abb. 4, oben). Die Enzymaktivität steigt sofort linear an. Da der Anstieg der Enzymaktivität wahrscheinlich auf eine de novo Synthese von RNS und Enzymprotein zurückzuführen ist (Tabelle), so erscheint der Schluß berechtigt, daß P730 sehr rasch eine differentielle Genaktivierung mit anschließender Enzymsynthese bewirken kann, falls die Gene der Aktivierung durch P730 zugänglich sind. Die relativ lange lag-Phase nach Einsetzen der Erstbelichtung benötigt das P730 offenbar dazu, die potentiell aktiven Gene (P730) für das P730 zugänglich zu machen. Das Problem der primären lag-Phase ist in einer vorangegangenen Arbeit zur P730-abhängigen Anthocyansynthese ausführlich diskutiert worden (vgl. Lange, Bienger und Mohr, 1967).
Phytochrome-mediated enzyme formation (Phenylalanine deaminase) as a rapid process
Summary In previous papers we have reported (Mohr and Durst, 1966a, b) that synthesis of phenylalanine deaminase (EC, an important enzyme of phenolic metabolism, can be stimulated by the physiologically active phytochrome (=P730) in the mustard seedling. The data of the present paper suggest that induction of this enzyme is a rapid process if the gene in question is easily accessible for the activating action of P730.The seedlings were irradiated with continuous standard far-red light. Longtime irradiation with far-red will maintain a low but virtually constant level of P730 in the seedling over an extended period of time. At the moment when the far-red light is turned off the action of P730 will virtually cease. — Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, lower part, show the kinetics of enzyme induction by P730 in an etiolated seedling. The initial (or primary) lag-phase after the onset of far-red is 1.5 hours. If, however, a seedling which has been pre-irradiated with 12 hours of far-red is kept in darkness for 6 hours and is then re-irradiated with far-red no lag-phase for the action of the second irradiation can be found. Enzyme activity increases immediately after the onset of far-red. Since the action of the second irradiation as measured by increase of enzyme activity can be inhibited by relatively low doses of Puromycin and Cycloheximide (table) we conclude that the re-appearance of P730 leads to de novo synthesis of enzyme protein. — Application of Actinomycin D (10 g/ml) only partially inhibits the action of the second irradiation as measured by increase of enzyme activity. This finding was to be expected. In preceding papers (e.g. Mohr and Bienger, 1967) it has been concluded that genes which have once been activated by P730 remain less sensitive towards Actinomycin D even when P730 has disappeared. Taking into account all available data the conclusion seems to be justified that the induction of enzyme synthesis by P730 (i.e. differential gene activation followed by enzyme synthesis) is a rapid process if the genes are accessible for the action of P730. The relatively long initial lag-phase (1.5 hours) is needed to make the potentially active genes (P730) accessible for the action of P730. The problem of how the initial lag-phase can be understood has been dealt with more in detail in a previous paper on phytochrome-mediated anthocyanin synthesis (Lange, Bienger and Mohr, 1967).
Neither an over-all deficiency of chlorophyll, nor an increased enzymatic capacity for maximal rates, nor an unusual lamellar structure was found to change the number of quanta required for the evolution of one molecule of oxygen in healthy aurea mutants of tobacco. The average minimal quantum number remains 10 (efficiency 0.1) as in many algae and typical higher plants. Most of the time the optimal efficiency depends on the availability of some far-red radiation, particularly in the blue region of the spectrum where blue light alone is rather inefficient. These results fit an explanation offered earlier in connection with the hydrogen or acetate photometabolism of algae in far-red light.  相似文献   
The deoxyribonuclease (DNase) activity of the dipteran (Chironomus thummi) salivary gland, measured both enzymatically and immunochemically, increases about 7-fold with the onset of metamorphosis. The increase in DNase activity occurs at a time when the activities of other enzymes and the total protein content are decreasing. The increased DNase activity is followed by glandular destruction. It is suggested that the alterations of this activity may be regulated by the activities of specific chromosomal sites, and that the enzyme may, at least in part, account for the glandular destruction observed at the time of increased enzyme activity.  相似文献   
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