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The Dutch have a long tradition of hospitality towards ethnic immigrants. In the nineties, however, quite dramatic changes have taken place among the Dutch. The central question addressed in this contribution is: to what extent do specific categories within the electorate favour ethnocentric policies? This question is answered by deducing hypotheses that are tested using recent data polled within the framework of the Dutch National Election Studies. Our crucial conclusion is that a rather widespread support for ethnocentric policies is present in contemporary Dutch society, especially among manual labourers, self‐employed and lowly educated people, but also among young cohorts and among modal income categories.  相似文献   
One of the central controversies in contemporary taxonomy and systematics revolves around whether to accept or to reject paraphyletic taxa. The present review is the result of a survey of the ongoing discussion in botany over the past ca. 15 years, and attempts to systematically and critically assess all individual arguments presented for the formal recognition of paraphyletic groups in the classification of life. Where arguments are found to be without merit, rebuttals are presented in the hope of excluding them from further discussion, which can then concentrate on those that have merit. Where arguments are found to be sound, their implications and possible solutions are discussed. The controversy around paraphyletic taxa can be broken down into three questions: whether their rejection or acceptance would lead to a classification better reflecting patterns of biological diversity and evolutionary history; whether their rejection or acceptance would lead to a more practical, useful and predictive classification; and whether their rejection is compatible with ranked and binary Linnaean taxonomy. All available arguments for paraphyletic taxa relating to the first question are demonstrated to be based on various logical fallacies or false premises, especially misunderstandings of the principles of phylogenetic systematics. The issue of usefulness is harder to resolve, as different classifications serve different needs. It is presumably unavoidable but also preferable that phylogenetic and non‐phylogenetic ways of classifying species continue to coexist, serving different needs. Finally, an insistence on monophyletic taxa is found to be incompatible with binary taxonomy under a set of very specific circumstances and assumptions whose presence and accuracy are not universally accepted. © The Willi Hennig Society 2011.  相似文献   
An unprecedented 85 harbour porpoises stranded freshly dead along approximately 100 km of Danish coastline from 7–15 April, 2005. This total is considerably above the mean weekly stranding rate for the whole of Denmark, both for any time of year, 1.23 animals/week (ranging from 0 to 20 during 2003–2008, excluding April 2005), and specifically in April, 0.65 animals/week (0 to 4, same period). Bycatch was established as the cause of death for most of the individuals through typical indications of fisheries interactions, including net markings in the skin and around the flippers, and loss of tail flukes. Local fishermen confirmed unusually large porpoise bycatch in nets set for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and the strandings were attributed to an early lumpfish season. However, lumpfish catches for 2005 were not unusual in terms of season onset, peak or total catch, when compared to 2003–2008. Consequently, human activity was combined with environmental factors and the variation in Danish fisheries landings (determined through a principal component analysis) in a two-part statistical model to assess the correlation of these factors with both the presence of fresh strandings and the numbers of strandings on the Danish west coast. The final statistical model (which was forward selected using Akaike information criterion; AIC) indicated that naval presence is correlated with higher rates of porpoise strandings, particularly in combination with certain fisheries, although it is not correlated with the actual presence of strandings. Military vessels from various countries were confirmed in the area from the 7th April, en route to the largest naval exercise in Danish waters to date (Loyal Mariner 2005, 11–28 April). Although sonar usage cannot be confirmed, it is likely that ships were testing various equipment prior to the main exercise. Thus naval activity cannot be ruled out as a possible contributing factor.  相似文献   
The midgut epithelial cells of many invertebrates may possess microorganisms which act as symbionts or pathogens (bacteria, microsporidia, viruses). During our previous studies on Isohypsibius granulifer granulifer Thulin, 1928 (Tardigrada, Eutardigrada), which examined alterations of the midgut epithelium during oogenesis, we found that some of the specimens were infected with microsporidia. All stages of pathogens occurred in the cytoplasm of the digestive cells in the midgut epithelium of I. g. granulifer that were infected with microsporidia: meronts, sporonts, sporoblasts, and spores. The cytoplasm of the digestive cells was rich in mitochondria, cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and Golgi complexes. Autophagy in the digestive cells of the dorsal midgut was much more intensive in comparison with noninfected specimens. Membranes of phagophores surrounded the pathogens forming autophagosomes. These latter structures fused with lysosomes forming autolysosomes and residual bodies appeared. Neither glycogen granules nor droplets of varying electron density, which accumulated in digestive cells during vitellogenesis and choriogenesis, appeared in individuals with microsporidia. While the midgut epithelium in noninfected specimens takes part in vitellogenesis and choriogenesis, in infected specimens, midgut cells are involved in the process of autophagy as a survival strategy.  相似文献   
Peripheral and integral membrane proteins can be located in several different subcellular compartments, and it is often necessary to determine the location of such proteins or to track their movement in living cells. Image‐based colocalization of labeled membrane proteins and compartment markers is frequently used for this purpose, but this method is limited in terms of throughput and resolution. Here we show that bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) between membrane proteins of interest and compartment‐targeted BRET partners can report subcellular location and movement of membrane proteins in live cells. The sensitivity of the method is sufficient to localize a few hundred protein copies per cell. The spatial resolution can be sufficient to determine membrane topology, and the temporal resolution is sufficient to track changes that occur in less than 1 second. BRET requires little user intervention, and is thus amenable to large‐scale experimental designs with standard instruments.  相似文献   
The adsorption of chiral Gly‐Pro dipeptide on Cu(110) has been characterized by combining in situ polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM‐RAIRS) and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The chemical state of the dipeptide, and its anchoring points and adsorption geometry, were determined at various coverage values. Gly‐Pro molecules are present on Cu(110) in their anionic form (NH2/COO) and adsorb under a 3‐point binding via both oxygen atoms of the carboxylate group and via the nitrogen atom of the amine group. Low‐energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) have shown the presence of an extended 2D chiral array, sustained via intermolecular H‐bonds interactions. Furthermore, due to the particular shape of the molecule, only one homochiral domain is formed, creating thus a truly chiral surface. Chirality 27:411–416, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Against a backdrop of increasing climate change, the effects of site conditions, drought events and ozone stress on the size-growth relationship in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica [L.]) stands are analyzed. The size-growth relationship is represented by a straight line defined by intercept and slope of a simple linear equation with stem diameter at height 1.30 m as independent variable and annual stem diameter increment at height 1.30 as dependent variable. On the basis of 64 long-term experimental plots dating back to 1871 and representing an ecological gradient from fertile to poor sites, it is shown that poorer sites exhibit shallower slopes of the linear size-growth relationships than fertile sites. Annual measurements of the size-growth relationship, including the extremely dry years of 1976 and 2003, also showed that lower stand growth rates result in shallower size-growth relationship slopes. By comparing stands with and without experimental twice-ambient ozone exposure between 2000 and 2007, it was found that ozone stress can significantly reduce the slope of the size-growth relationship. This indicates that limiting site condition, whether acute or chronic in nature, distinctly reduces the superiority of tall trees, and that a lower degree of resource limitation increases the steepness of the size-growth relationship. The causes for this behavior and the consequences for stand dynamics, silvicultural treatment and prognostication by models are discussed.  相似文献   
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