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The function of a large percentage of proteins is modulated by post-translational modifications (PTMs). Currently, mass spectrometry (MS) is the only proteome-wide technology that can identify PTMs. Unfortunately, the inability to detect a PTM by MS is not proof that the modification is not present. The detectability of peptides varies significantly making MS potentially blind to a large fraction of peptides. Learning from published algorithms that generally focus on predicting the most detectable peptides we developed a tool that incorporates protein abundance into the peptide prediction algorithm with the aim to determine the detectability of every peptide within a protein. We tested our tool, “Peptide Prediction with Abundance” (PPA), on in-house acquired as well as published data sets from other groups acquired on different instrument platforms. Incorporation of protein abundance into the prediction allows us to assess not only the detectability of all peptides but also whether a peptide of interest is likely to become detectable upon enrichment. We validated the ability of our tool to predict changes in protein detectability with a dilution series of 31 purified proteins at several different concentrations. PPA predicted the concentration dependent peptide detectability in 78% of the cases correctly, demonstrating its utility for predicting the protein enrichment needed to observe a peptide of interest in targeted experiments. This is especially important in the analysis of PTMs. PPA is available as a web-based or executable package that can work with generally applicable defaults or retrained from a pilot MS data set.Post-translational modification (PTM)1 of proteins is a key regulatory mechanism in the vast majority of biological processes. Historically, to follow PTMs, site-specific antibodies had to be generated in a time-consuming and laborious process associated with high failure rates. Mass spectrometry (MS) holds enormous promise in PTM analysis as it is currently the only technique that has the ability to both discover, localize, and quantify proteome-wide modifications (1). Recent advances in instrumentation and method optimization makes it possible to detect the complete yeast proteome within one hour (2), an ever increasing proportion of the human proteome (36), and more than 10,000 phosphorylation sites in a single MS experiment (7, 8). As a result one of the major publicly available databases (www.phosphosite.org (9)) has curated >200,000 phosphorylation sites.Although the number of proteins and PTMs that can be identified is impressive, many modifications have still not been identified in any MS-based experiment. The identification and quantification of biologically relevant modifications is challenging for three reasons: (1) many proteins of interest are of very low abundance rendering them difficult to detect and quantify; (2) many modifications sites are present at substoichiometric quantities, further reducing their detectability; and (3) as large scale proteomics is based on the detection of peptides after a proteolytic digest, and the detectability of a peptide is determined by its physiochemical properties (10), many peptides from highly abundant proteins are never detected. This is particularly important, as there is a shift in the use of MS-based proteomics from large scale, unbiased, discovery-focused experiments toward directed experiments for accurate and precise quantification of biologically relevant PTMs. Protein and peptide enrichment strategies and/or targeted MS experiments like single reaction monitoring (SRM) (11) have increased the number of detectable peptides; however, both of these methods are laborious, and often not successful, that is, the peptide carrying the modification of interest is still not observed as it is fundamentally very difficult to detect.Protein enrichment is the method choice for most experimentalists, but there is no current way to determine whether this is likely to succeed prior to engaging in lengthy biochemical and/or analytical experiments. In an effort to gauge the chances of success for detecting a particular peptide we sought to develop an algorithm that can predict both the chances of detecting a particular peptide and, more importantly, what enrichment it would take to detect a particular peptide that is not easily detected. Here we present such a tool that predicts the detectability and estimates an enrichment factor, i.e. an increase in signal over the background that is necessary to actually detect a particular peptide. Our algorithm development was motivated by two premises: (1) In silico methods have been developed that focus on the prediction of easily detectable “proteotypic” peptides (peptides that are likely to provide the best detection sensitivity) with good accuracy (1215). (2) Comprehensive proteome studies have shown that the number of detected peptides per protein, and thus the sequence coverage, varies with protein abundance (which is the basis for spectral counting-based protein quantification (16, 17)). We find that incorporation of protein abundance in a peptide classification tool improves the accuracy of the prediction of peptide detectability allowing us to predict the detectability of all peptides within a protein as well as the amount of enrichment needed to detect a peptide of interest.We used a set of 120 purified in vitro expressed proteins as a training set to develop a prediction tool. We deliver this in the form of a web-based interface that provides information about: (1) the probability of detecting the different tryptic peptides of a protein, and (2) the fold enrichment that would be required to bring a peptide of interest into the detectable range. This tool will help guide researchers in their efforts to monitor particular peptides and their modified cognates by MS, specifically, in prioritizing their efforts toward enriching proteins where they would be likely to be able to detect a peptide or modification of interest.  相似文献   
Hypocretin deficiency causes narcolepsy. It is unknown whether melatonin secretion is affected in this sleep disorder. Therefore, in both narcolepsy patients and matched controls, the authors measured plasma melatonin levels hourly for 24 h before and after 5 days of sodium oxybate (SXB) administration. Although mean melatonin concentrations were similar between patients and controls, in narcoleptics the percentage of 24-h melatonin secreted during the daytime was significantly higher, and melatonin secretion exhibited a weaker coupling to sleep. SXB did not affect melatonin secretion. These findings suggest that hypocretin deficiency might disturb both the circadian control of melatonin release and its temporal association with sleep.  相似文献   
A study was made of several bacteriophages (including phages U2 and LB related to T-even phages of Escherichia coli) that grow both on E. coli K12 and on some Salmonella strains. Such phages were termed ambivalent. T-even ambivalent phages (U2 and LB) are rare and have a limited number of hosts among Salmonella strains. U2 and LB are similar to canonical E. coli-specific T-even phages in morphological type and size of the phage particle and in reaction with specific anti-T4 serum. Phages U2 and LB have identical sets of structural proteins, some of which are similar in size to structural proteins of phages T2 and T4. DNA restriction patterns of phages U2 and LB differ from each other and from those of T2 and T4. Still, DNAs of all four phages have considerable homology. Unexpectedly, phages U2 and LB grown on Salmonella bungori were unstable during centrifugation in a CsCl gradient. Ambivalent bacteriophages were found in species other than T-even phages and were similar in morphotype to lambdoid and other E. coli phages. One of the ambivalent phages was highly similar to well-known Felix01, which is specific for Salmonella. Ambivalent phages can be used to develop a new set for phage typing in Salmonella. An obvious advantage is that ambivalent phages can be reproduced in the E. coli K12 laboratory strain, which does not produce active temperate phages. Consequently, the resulting typing phage preparation is devoid of an admixture of temperate phages, which are common in Salmonella. The presence of temperate phages in phage-typing preparations may cause false-positive results in identifying specific Salmonella strains isolated from the environment or salmonellosis patients. Ambivalent phages are potentially useful for phage therapy and prevention of salmonellosis in humans and animals.  相似文献   
In captive carnivores, species-specific behaviour is often restricted by inadequate feeding regimens. Feeding live prey is not feasible in most places and food delivery is often highly predictable in space and time which is considerably different from the situation in the wild. As a result, captive carnivores are often inactive, show little behavioural diversity and are prone to behavioural problems such as stereotypic pacing. Using artificial feeding devices to substitute for natural food resources is a way to address these problems. In a group of four red fox (Vulpes vulpes), we compared a conventional feeding method to four different methods through the use of feeding enrichment that were based on natural foraging strategies of opportunistic carnivores. Feeding enrichments consisted of electronic feeders delivering food unpredictable in time which were successively combined with one of the three additional treatments: a self-service food box (allowing control over access to food), manually scattering food (unpredictable in space), and an electronic dispenser delivering food unpredictably both in space and time. The aim of administering feeding enrichment in this study was to stimulate appetitive (food searching) behaviour and to increase time spent in feeding. Compared to conventional feeding, diversity of behaviour and overall activity were significantly enhanced in the presence of electronic feeders in all four foxes (EF > CON1 = CON2, EF + SF > CON1 = CON2, EF + MS > CON1 = CON2, EF + ED > CON1 = CON2). Behavioural diversity was highest when the foxes had control over access to food (EF + SF), while the manual scattering of food (EF + MS) and the electronic dispenser (EF + ED) enhanced food searching behaviour. These results indicate that in opportunistic carnivores natural foraging and feeding behaviour can be stimulated by simple feeding enrichment strategies, and that foraging behaviour is stimulated most when food delivery is unpredictable both in space and time.  相似文献   
The organization of magnetosome genes was analysed in all available complete or partial genomic sequences of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), including the magnetosome island (MAI) of the magnetotactic marine vibrio strain MV‐1 determined in this study. The MAI was found to differ in gene content and organization between Magnetospirillum species and strains MV‐1 or MC‐1. Although a similar organization of magnetosome genes was found in all MTB, distinct variations in gene order and sequence similarity were uncovered that may account for the observed diversity of biomineralization, cell biology and magnetotaxis found in various MTB. While several magnetosome genes were present in all MTB, others were confined to Magnetospirillum species, indicating that the minimal set of genes required for magnetosome biomineralization might be smaller than previously suggested. A number of novel candidate genes were implicated in magnetosome formation by gene cluster comparison. Based on phylogenetic and compositional evidence we present a model for the evolution of magnetotaxis within the Alphaproteobacteria, which suggests the independent horizontal transfer of magnetosome genes from an unknown ancestor of magnetospirilla into strains MC‐1 and MV‐1.  相似文献   
Pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node has been studied extensively in various animal species, but is virtually unexplored in man. As such, it is unknown whether the fast sodium current (INa) plays a role in the pacemaker activity of the human sinoatrial node. Recently, we had the unique opportunity to perform patch-clamp experiments on single pacemaker cells isolated from a human sinoatrial node. In 2 out of the 3 cells measured, we observed large inward currents with characteristics of INa. Although we were unable to analyze the current in detail, our findings provide strong evidence that INa is present in human sinoatrial node pacemaker cells, and that this INa is functionally available at potentials negative to -60 mV.  相似文献   
Marinobacter adhaerens HP15 is the type strain of a newly identified marine species, which is phylogenetically related to M. flavimaris, M. algicola, and M. aquaeolei. It is of special interest for research on marine aggregate formation because it showed specific attachment to diatom cells. In vitro it led to exopolymer formation and aggregation of these algal cells to form marine snow particles. M. adhaerens HP15 is a free-living, motile, rod-shaped, Gram-negative gammaproteobacterium, which was originally isolated from marine particles sampled in the German Wadden Sea. M. adhaerens HP15 grows heterotrophically on various media, is easy to access genetically, and serves as a model organism to investigate the cellular and molecular interactions with the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. Here we describe the complete and annotated genome sequence of M. adhaerens HP15 as well as some details on flagella-associated genes. M. adhaerens HP15 possesses three replicons; the chromosome comprises 4,422,725 bp and codes for 4,180 protein-coding genes, 51 tRNAs and three rRNA operons, while the two circular plasmids are ~187 kb and ~42 kb in size and contain 178 and 52 protein-coding genes, respectively.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to identify and validate novel serological protein biomarkers of human colorectal cancer (CRC). Proteins from matched CRC and adjacent normal tissue samples were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. From each gel all spots were excised, and enveloped proteins were identified by MS. By comparison of the resulting protein profiles, dysregulated proteins can be identified. A list of all identified proteins and validation of five exemplarily selected proteins, elevated in CRC was reported previously (Roessler, M., Rollinger, W., Palme, S., Hagmann, M. L., Berndt, P., Engel, A. M., Schneidinger, B., Pfeffer, M., Andres, H., Karl, J., Bodenmuller, H., Ruschoff, J., Henkel, T., Rohr, G., Rossol, S., Rosch, W., Langen, H., Zolg, W., and Tacke, M. (2005) Identification of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase as a novel serum tumor marker for colorectal cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 11, 6550-6557). Here we describe identification and initial validation of another potential marker protein for CRC. Comparison of tissue protein profiles revealed strong elevation of proteasome activator complex subunit 3 (PSME3) expression in CRC tissue. This dysregulation was not detectable based on the spot pattern. The PSME3-containing spot on tumor gels showed no visible difference to the corresponding spot on matched control gels. MS analysis revealed the presence of two proteins, PSME3 and annexin 4 (ANXA4) in one and the same spot on tumor gels, whereas the matched spot contained only one protein, ANXA4, on control gels. Therefore, dysregulation of PSME3 was masked by ANXA4 and could only be recognized by MS-based analysis but not by image analysis. To validate this finding, antibody to PSME3 was developed, and up-regulation in CRC was confirmed by Western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry. Finally by developing a highly sensitive immunoassay, PSME3 could be detected in human sera and was significantly elevated in CRC patients compared with healthy donors and patients with benign bowel disease. We propose that PSME3 be considered a novel serum tumor marker for CRC that may have significance in the detection and in the management of patients with this disease. Further studies are needed to fully assess the potential clinical value of this marker candidate.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic pre-mRNAs are capped at their 5' ends, polyadenylated at their 3' ends, and spliced before being exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Although the three processing reactions can be studied separately in vitro, they are coupled in vivo. We identified subunits of the U2 snRNP in highly purified CPSF and showed that the two complexes physically interact. We therefore tested whether this interaction contributes to the coupling of 3' end processing and splicing. We found that CPSF is necessary for efficient splicing activity in coupled assays and that mutations in the pre-mRNA binding site of the U2 snRNP resulted in impaired splicing and in much reduced cleavage efficiency. Moreover, we showed that efficient cleavage required the presence of the U2 snRNA in coupled assays. We therefore propose that the interaction between CPSF and the U2 snRNP contributes to the coupling of splicing and 3' end formation.  相似文献   
Optogenetics has been harnessed to shed new mechanistic light on current and future therapeutic strategies. This has been to date achieved by the regulation of ion flow and electrical signals in neuronal cells and neural circuits that are known to be affected by disease. In contrast, the optogenetic delivery of trophic biochemical signals, which support cell survival and are implicated in degenerative disorders, has never been demonstrated in an animal model of disease. Here, we reengineered the human and Drosophila melanogaster REarranged during Transfection (hRET and dRET) receptors to be activated by light, creating one-component optogenetic tools termed Opto-hRET and Opto-dRET. Upon blue light stimulation, these receptors robustly induced the MAPK/ERK proliferative signaling pathway in cultured cells. In PINK1B9 flies that exhibit loss of PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1), a kinase associated with familial Parkinson’s disease (PD), light activation of Opto-dRET suppressed mitochondrial defects, tissue degeneration and behavioral deficits. In human cells with PINK1 loss-of-function, mitochondrial fragmentation was rescued using Opto-dRET via the PI3K/NF-кB pathway. Our results demonstrate that a light-activated receptor can ameliorate disease hallmarks in a genetic model of PD. The optogenetic delivery of trophic signals is cell type-specific and reversible and thus has the potential to inspire novel strategies towards a spatio-temporal regulation of tissue repair.  相似文献   
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