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In Gram-negative bacteria, the multi-domain protein S1 is essential for translation initiation, as it recruits the mRNA and facilitates its localization in the decoding centre. In sharp contrast to its functional importance, S1 is still lacking from the high-resolution structures available for Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus ribosomes and thus the molecular mechanism governing the S1–ribosome interaction has still remained elusive. Here, we present the structure of the N-terminal S1 domain D1 when bound to the ribosome at atomic resolution by using a combination of NMR, X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy. Together with biochemical assays, the structure reveals that S1 is anchored to the ribosome primarily via a stabilizing π-stacking interaction within the short but conserved N-terminal segment that is flexibly connected to domain D1. This interaction is further stabilized by salt bridges involving the zinc binding pocket of protein S2. Overall, this work provides one hitherto enigmatic piece in the ′ribosome puzzle′, namely the detailed molecular insight into the topology of the S1–ribosome interface. Moreover, our data suggest novel mechanisms that have the potential to modulate protein synthesis in response to environmental cues by changing the affinity of S1 for the ribosome.  相似文献   
Transplantation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) into immune-deficient mice leads to the formation of differentiated tumors comprising all three germ layers, resembling spontaneous human teratomas. Teratoma assays are considered the gold standard for demonstrating differentiation potential of pluripotent hESC and hold promise as a standard for assessing safety among hESC-derived cell populations intended for therapeutic applications. We tested the potency of teratoma formation in seven anatomical transplantation locations (kidney capsule, muscle, subcutaneous space, peritoneal cavity, testis, liver, epididymal fat pad) in SCID mice with and without addition of Matrigel, and found that intramuscular teratoma formation was the most experimentally convenient, reproducible, and quantifiable. In the same experimental setting, we compared undifferentiated hESC and differentiated populations enriched for either beating cardiomyocytes or definitive endoderm derivatives (insulin-secreting beta cells), and showed that all cell preparations rapidly formed teratomas with varying percentages of mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm. In limiting dilution experiments, we found that as little as two hESC colonies spiked into feeder fibroblasts produced a teratoma, while a more rigorous single-cell titration achieved a detection limit of 1/4000. In summary, we established core parameters essential for facilitating safety profiling of hESC-derived products for future therapeutic applications.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - The ecological study of root systems lags behind the understanding of the aboveground components of plant communities, mainly due to methodological challenges. As ecological root...  相似文献   
The study of metabolically labeled or probe-modified proteins is an important area in chemical proteomics. Isolation and purification of the protein targets is a necessary step before MS identification. The biotin-streptavidin system is widely used in this process, but the harsh denaturing conditions also release natively biotinylated proteins and non-selectively bound proteins. A cleavable linker strategy is a promising approach for solving this problem. Though several cleavable linkers have been developed and tested, an efficient, easily synthesized, and inexpensive cleavable linker is a desirable addition to the proteomics toolbox. Here, we describe the chemical proteomics application of a vicinal diol cleavable linker. Through easy-to-handle chemistry we incorporate this linker into an activity-based probe and a biotin alkyne tag amenable for bioorthogonal ligation. With these reagents, background protein identifications are significantly reduced relative to standard on-bead digestion.The covalent modification of proteins by small molecules within a complex proteome is a major theme in chemical biology and proteomics. An effective method for the detection of posttranslational modifications of proteins is the metabolic incorporation of modified biomolecules such as tagged carbohydrates or lipids (1). Reversible interactions of enzyme inhibitors, natural products, or drugs can be detected when one appends photocrosslinking agents, thereby facilitating target discovery (2, 3). A particularly interesting example of protein labeling is activity-based protein profiling (ABPP)1 (4, 5), which utilizes the intrinsic catalytic activity of a target enzyme for the covalent attachment of an affinity or visualization tag. ABPP makes use of small molecules (activity-based probes (ABPs)) that react with the active form of a specific enzyme or enzyme class by means of a “warhead,” which is often derived from a mechanism-based enzyme inhibitor (Fig. 1A). DCG-04, for example, is based on the naturally occurring inhibitor E-64 and targets the papain family of cysteine proteases via covalent attachment of the epoxysuccinate group to the active site cysteine (Fig. 1B) (6).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.The cleavable linker strategy in ABPP. A, the elements of an ABP. B, the example ABP DCG-04, an epoxysuccinate-containing probe for clan CA cysteine proteases. DCG-04 is based on the naturally occurring protease inhibitor E-64. C, schematic strategy of cleavable linker-mediated target identification. D, the cleavage mechanism of a vicinal diol.Bulky fluorophore or biotin tags on chemical probes might interfere with efficient protein binding. Moreover, they can negatively influence the cell permeability of probes, which therefore limits their applicability in in vitro experiments. Bioorthogonal chemistries, such as the Bertozzi-Staudinger ligation (7) and the 1,3-bipolar cycloaddition of an azide and an alkyne (click chemistry) (8), allow tandem labeling strategies in which a biotin or a fluorophore is attached to an enzyme probe complex in a separate step. Consequently, the probes themselves only carry azide or alkyne groups as “mini-tags.” Tandem labeling using bioorthogonal chemistry has now become a widely used strategy to label biomolecules in lysates and in live cells (911).An essential step in ABPP, as well as in other chemical proteomics approaches, is the elucidation of the tagged proteins. This usually involves a biotin-mediated enrichment step followed by mass-spectrometry-based identification. Although the streptavidin-biotin interaction allows efficient enrichment as a result of the strong binding affinity (Kd ∼ 10−15 m), it also has limitations. The quantitative elution of biotinylated proteins requires harsh conditions (12), which lead to contamination of the sample by endogenous biotinylated and non-specifically bound proteins. These other proteins will be identified together with the real protein targets. Given that subsequent target validation with secondary assays can be a costly and time-consuming process, a reduction in false positive identifications is highly desirable. For cleaner protein identification, cleavable linker strategies (13) that allow the selective release of target proteins have been developed (Fig. 1C). The commercially available disulfide linker can be cleaved under mild conditions, but it suffers from premature cleavage in reducing media such as the intracellular environment and reducing buffers used for click chemistry and in vitro reactions of cysteine proteases. Therefore, a variety of alternative linkers for proteomics applications have been reported, including a sterically hindered disulfide (14), diazobenzenes (1519), hydrazones (20, 21), silanes (22), light sensitive linkers (2325), tobacco etch virus protease sensitive linkers (26, 27), and a levulinoyl-based linker (28). The synthesis of some of these linkers is lengthy or difficult to scale up, which limits their general application in chemical proteomics.Ideally, a cleavable linker is stable under a wide variety of conditions, is efficiently and selectively cleaved, and can be synthesized in a low number of easy chemical transformations. We aimed to meet these requirements by using a vicinal diol as a cleavable linker system. When vicinal diols are treated with sodium periodate (NaIO4), the carbon–carbon bond is cleaved (Fig. 1D). Periodate treatment of proteins can result in side-reactions, such as the cleavage of linked carbohydrates or the oxidation of N-terminal serine and threonine residues. However, these N-termini rarely occur in proteins and are therefore of minor concern. In general, the mild, neutral conditions of periodate cleavage are compatible with proteins. This has been illustrated in the past, for example, by its application in the detection of protein–protein interactions (29) and the creation of unliganded MHC class I molecules (30). In this article, we report the chemical proteomics application of diol cleavable linker probes. We show that the synthesis of the linker and its probe derivatives is straightforward, that the linker is compatible with tandem click labeling, that enrichment and release of probe targets is efficient, and that the identification of targets takes place with significantly lower background than in on-bead digestion protocols.  相似文献   
Electrospun nanofibres are an excellent cell culture substrate, enabling the fast and non‐disruptive harvest and transfer of adherent cells for microscopical and biochemical analyses. Metabolic activity and cellular structures are maintained during the only half a minute‐long harvest and transfer process. We show here that such samples can be optimally processed by means of cryofixation combined either with freeze‐substitution, sample rehydration and cryosection‐immunolabelling or with freeze‐fracture replica‐immunolabelling. Moreover, electrospun fibre substrates are equally suitable for complementary approaches, such as biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and cytochemistry.  相似文献   
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