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Congenital disorders of fibrinogen   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The production of ACTH-like material by tumours arising in non-endocrine tissue may initiate severe adrenocortical hyperfunction. The pathogenesis and clinical and laboratory features of Cushing''s syndrome associated with such tumours are characteristic. The autonomous production by the tumour of ACTH-like material cannot be suppressed by exogenous corticoids. The onset of clinical symptoms is rapid; muscle wasting, general weakness, thirst and peripheral edema predominate, and the classical signs of Cushing''s syndrome may be absent. High levels of plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and 17-ketosteroids, usually with normal levels of urinary aldosterone, commonly occur. Hypokalemic alkalosis unresponsive to replacement therapy may cause death. In the case reported herein, the intriguing possibility exists that two hormone-like substances were produced by the primary growth and its metastases: one, ACTH-like, to account for the adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing''s syndrome; and another, gastrin-like, giving rise to the ulcerogenic diathesis.  相似文献   
Summary We investigated the effects of conditioned media derived from mouse mammary fat pads on the proliferation of CL-S1 cells, an epithelial cell line originally isolated from a preneoplastic mammary outgrowth line. Cell proliferation in vitro in serum-free defined medium was compared to that in this medium conditioned using intact mammary fat pad pieces or isolated fat pad adipocytes. Culture medium was conditioned by incubating the conditioning material in defined culture medium for 24 h at 37°C. Conditioned medium induced CL-S1 proliferation as much as 10- to 20-fold above the minimal levels of growth in control cultures after 13 d of culture. The growth-stimulatory factor(s) had an apparent molecular weight of greater than 10 kDa. This growth-stimulatory activity was both heat and trypsin stable. Because the role of adipose tissue is to store and release lipids, we next tested whether lipids are released during medium conditioning. The lipid composition of the fat pad conditioned medium was characterized using both thin layer and gas liquid chromatography. These lipid analyses indicated that the fat pad pieces released significant amounts of fatty acids and phospholipids into the medium during the conditioning period. The free fatty acid composition included both saturated and unsaturated molecules, and about 80% of the total fatty acids consisted of palmitate, stearate, oleate, and linoleate. These same fatty acids were a structural component of the majority of phospholipid found in the medium. The addition of palmitate or stearate to defined medium had no effect or was inhibitory for CL-S1 proliferation, depending on the concentration used. Defined medium supplemented with oleate, arachidonate, or linoleate induced CL-S1 proliferation, and the inhibitory effects of palmitate and stearate were overcome by addition of oleate and linoleate. These data indicate that both unsaturated and saturated fatty acids are released from intact adipose cells of the mouse mammary fat pad and that fatty acids can influence the growth of prenoplastic mouse mammary epithelium. Thus, unsaturated fatty acids, perhaps in conjunction with other substances released simultaneously, are candidate molecules for the substances that mediate the effect of adipose tissue on growth of epithelium. This work was supported in part by a grant from the American Institute for Cancer Research; grant CA 46885 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; and by State of Washington initiative 171.  相似文献   
Echovirus 22 is an atypical enterovirus   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Although echovirus 22 (EV22) is classified as an enterovirus in the family Picornaviridae, it is atypical of the enterovirus paradigm, typified by the polioviruses and the coxsackie B viruses. cDNA reverse transcribed from coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA does not hybridize to genomic RNA of EV22, and conversely, cDNA made to EV22 does not hybridize to CVB3 genomic RNA or to molecular clones of CVB3 or poliovirus type 1. EV22 cDNA does not hybridize to viral RNA of encephalomyocarditis virus or to a molecular clone of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, members of the cardiovirus genus. The genomic RNA of EV22 cannot be detected by the polymerase chain reaction using generic enteroviral primers. EV22 does not shut off host cell protein synthesis, and the RNA of EV22 is efficiently translated in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysates. Murine enterovirus-immune T cells recognize and proliferate against EV22 as an antigen in vitro, demonstrating that EV22 shares an epitope(s) common to enteroviruses but not found among other picornaviruses.  相似文献   
The genetically engineered human manganese superoxide dismutase crystallizes in space group P2(1)2(1)2 with a = 75.51 A, b = 79.00 A, c = 67.95 A. At room temperature the crystals are not stable against radiation, so we cooled them to 90 K and collected a data set to 3 A resolution at this temperature.  相似文献   
The transposon Tn10-encoded tetracycline resistance protein TetA is an integral membrane protein responsible for the export of tetracycline from the cytoplasmic to the periplasmic side of the inner membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. From a plot of the average hydrophobicity along the sequence of this protein, a two-dimensional membrane topology with 12 transmembrane domains may be predicted. Using plasmid-bearing Escherichia coli maxicells we specifically radiolabeled the TetA protein. The amino terminus of this membrane protein was shown not to be processed, and its location on the inner side of the cytoplasmic membrane was demonstrated by a newly developed use of a chemical method. Spheroplasts and inside-out vesicles of the TetA protein synthesizing maxicells were subjected to limited digestion by proteases of different specificities. The TetA protein was not accessible to proteases from the periplasmic side. On the inner side of the cytoplasmic membrane, the carboxyl terminus and four sites accessible to endoproteases could be identified. The cleavage sites are proposed to be localized between amino acid residues 60-70, 110-130, 180-200, and at amino acid 327. These results allow the definition of a model for the two-dimensional topology of the TetA protein.  相似文献   
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