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Fires in humid tropical forests are increasingly frequent due to severe dry seasons, forest degradation and agricultural expansion. One agent implicated in current discourse surrounding tropical forest fires is the small-scale farming peasantry who rely on fire in swidden (shifting cultivation, slash-and-burn) agriculture. The environmental degradation associated with fire has led to government responses at multiple scales (international, national, state, regional) via policies aimed mainly at managing ignition sources. However, continued increase in forest fires suggests that these policies may be having limited impact and a fresh evaluation of current policy approaches to fire management is needed. We review fire policy measures with insights of caboclo farming practices and perspectives from Eastern Amazonia and examine the congruence between policy and practice. We demonstrate a significant disparity between policy requirements such as firebreaks and actual fire management practices, in which measures rarely meet requirements outlined in legislation. We explore the origins and the impacts of these disparities, focussing on smallholder farm-level management measures and local capacity. Incomplete knowledge coupled with marginal awareness of legal requirements served to propagate widespread erroneous beliefs in what these are. This analysis at multiple scales (international, national, state, regional) will contribute to developing greater congruence between fire policies and smallholder farming practices.  相似文献   
Herbivore adaptation to plant genetic variation can lead to reproductive isolation and the formation of host-associated lineages (host-associated differentiation, or HAD). Plant genetic variation exists along a scale, ranging from variation among individual plant genotypes to variation among plant species. Along this scale, herbivores may adapt and diverge at any level, yet few studies have examined whether herbivore differentiation exhibits scaling with respect to host variation (e.g., from genotypes to species). Determining at which level(s) herbivore differentiation occurs can provide insight into the importance of plant genetic variation on herbivore evolution. Previous studies have found strong genetic differentiation in the eriophyid mite, Aceria parapopuli, between hybrid Populus hosts and parental Populus species, but minimal neutral-locus differentiation among individual trees of the same species. We tested whether genetic differentiation in A. parapopuli scales with genetic variation in its Populus hosts. Using mite ITS1 sequence data collected among host species and among host populations, two key patterns emerged. (1) We found strong differentiation of A. parapopuli among Populus species, supporting the hypothesis that plant species differences drive reproductive isolation and HAD. (2) We did not find evidence of host-driven genetic differentiation in mites at the level of plant populations, suggesting that this level of plant variation is insufficiently strong to drive differentiation at a neutral locus. In combination with previous studies, we found that HAD occurs at the higher levels of plant genetic variation, but not at lower levels, and conclude that HAD depends on the scale of plant genetic variation examined.  相似文献   
The coat protein of cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV), a member of the genus Macluravirus, assembles into virus‐like particles when expressed in an Escherichia coli expression system. The N and C‐termini of the coat protein were engineered with the Kennedy peptide and the 2F5 and 4E10 epitopes of gp41 of HIV. The chimeric proteins reacted with sera from HIV positive persons and also stimulated secretion of cytokines by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from these persons. Thus, a system based on the coat protein of CdMV can be used to display HIV‐1 antigens.  相似文献   
For organisms living in the intertidal zone, temperature is an important selective agent that can shape species distributions and drive phenotypic variation among populations. Littorinid snails, which occupy the upper limits of rocky shores and estuaries worldwide, often experience extreme high temperatures and prolonged aerial emersion during low tides, yet their robust physiology--coupled with morphological and behavioral traits--permits these gastropods to persist and exert strong grazing control over algal communities. We use a mechanistic heat-budget model to compare the effects of behavioral and morphological traits on the body temperatures of five species of littorinid snails under natural weather conditions. Model predictions and field experiments indicate that, for all five species, the relative contribution of shell color or sculpturing to temperature regulation is small, on the order of 0.2-2 °C, while behavioral choices such as removing the foot from the substratum or reorienting the shell can lower body temperatures by 2-4 °C on average. Temperatures in central California rarely exceeded the thermal tolerance limits of the local littorinid species during the study period, but at sites where snails are regularly exposed to extreme high temperatures, the functional significance of the tested traits may be important. The mechanistic approach used here provides the ability to gauge the importance of behavioral and morphological traits for controlling body temperature as species approach their physiological thresholds.  相似文献   
The current drug development pathway in oncology research has led to a large attrition rate for new drugs, in part due to a general lack of appropriate preclinical studies that are capable of accurately predicting efficacy and/or toxicity in the target population. Because of an obvious need for novel therapeutics in many types of cancer, new compounds are being investigated in human Phase I and Phase II clinical trials before a complete understanding of their toxicity and efficacy profiles is obtained. In fact, for newer targeted molecular agents that are often cytostatic in nature, the conventional preclinical evaluation used for traditional cytotoxic chemotherapies utilizing primary tumor shrinkage as an endpoint may not be appropriate. By utilizing an integrated pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic approach, along with proper selection of a model system, the drug development process in oncology research may be improved leading to a better understanding of the determinants of efficacy and toxicity, and ultimately fewer drugs that fail once they reach human clinical trials.  相似文献   
With rapid global change, organisms in natural systems are exposed to a multitude of stressors that likely co‐occur, with uncertain impacts. We explored individual and cumulative effects of co‐occurring environmental stressors on the striking, yet poorly understood, phenomenon of facultative migration. We reared offspring of a brown trout population that naturally demonstrates facultative anadromy (sea migration), under different environmental stressor treatments and measured life history responses in terms of migratory tactics and freshwater maturation rates. Juvenile fish were exposed to reduced food availability, temperatures elevated to 1.8°C above natural conditions or both treatments in combination over 18 months of experimental tank rearing. When considered in isolation, reduced food had negative effects on the size, mass and condition of fish across the experiment. We detected variable effects of warm temperatures (negative effects on size and mass, but positive effect on lipids). When combined with food restriction, temperature effects on these traits were less pronounced, implying antagonistic stressor effects on morphological traits. Stressors combined additively, but had opposing effects on life history tactics: migration increased and maturation rates decreased under low food conditions, whereas the opposite occurred in the warm temperature treatment. Not all fish had expressed maturation or migration tactics by the end of the study, and the frequency of these ‘unassigned’ fish was higher in food deprivation treatments, but lower in warm treatments. Fish showing migration tactics were smaller and in poorer condition than fish showing maturation tactics, but were similar in size to unassigned fish. We further detected effects of food restriction on hypo‐osmoregulatory function of migrants that may influence the fitness benefits of the migratory tactic at sea. We also highlight that responses to multiple stressors may vary depending on the response considered. Collectively, our results indicate contrasting effects of environmental stressors on life history trajectories in a facultatively migratory species.  相似文献   
The green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria has been engineered extensively in the past to generate variants suitable for protein tagging. Early efforts produced the enhanced variant EGFP and its monomeric derivative mEGFP, which have useful photophysical properties, as well as superfolder GFP, which folds efficiently under adverse conditions. We previously generated msGFP, a monomeric superfolder derivative of EGFP. Unfortunately, compared to EGFP, msGFP and other superfolder GFP variants show faster photobleaching. We now describe msGFP2, which retains monomeric superfolder properties while being as photostable as EGFP. msGFP2 contains modified N‐ and C‐terminal peptides that are expected to reduce nonspecific interactions. Compared to EGFP and mEGFP, msGFP2 is less prone to disturbing the functions of certain partner proteins. For general‐purpose protein tagging, msGFP2 may be the best available derivative of A. victoria GFP.  相似文献   
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