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Summary Injection of wheat-germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (WGA-HRP) into the superior cervical ganglion (SCG) of the rat results in accumulation of WGA-HRP in sympathetic postganglionic neurons in the contralateral SCG. The sympathetic pathways involved and the mechanism underlying the labeling were investigated. The labeling in neurons in the contralateral SCG was apparent 6 h after injection and increased in intensity with longer survival times. The number of labeled neurons reached 1300 at 72 h after the injection. Transection of the external (ECN) or internal carotid nerves (ICN) resulted in considerable reduction in the number of labeled neurons. Combined transection of both ECN and ICN virtually eliminated labeling in the contralateral SCG. This provides strong evidence that these two nerves are the major pathways for WGA-HRP transport out of the SCG. No labeling was observed in the contralateral SCG following injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Therefore, it seems unlikely that a direct nerve connection exists between the bilateral ganglia. Instead, the labeling of contralateral SCG neurons appears to depend on the transneuronal transport capacity of WGA-HRP, which conveys the marker in an anterograde direction along the postganglionic fibers to terminals in sympathetic target organs, and then delivers it transneuronally to contralateral SCG neurons. We suggest that the sympathetic nerve fibers originating in the bilateral SCGs run intermingled and are in close contact in their peripheral target organs.  相似文献   
Whole extract of rhizomes of Podophyllum hexandrum has been reported earlier by our group to render whole-body radioprotection. High-altitude P. hexandrum (HAPH) was therefore fractionated using solvents of varying polarity (non-polar to polar) and the different fractions were designated as, n-hexane (HE), chloroform (CE), alcohol (AE), hydro-alcohol (HA) and water (WE). The total polyphenolic content (mg% of quercetin) was determined spectrophotometrically, while. The major constituents present in each fraction were identified and characterized using LC-APCI/MS/MS. In vitro screening of the individual fractions, rich in polyphenols and lignans, revealed several bioactivities of direct relevance to radioprotection e.g. metal-chelation activity, antioxidant activity, DNA protection, inhibition of radiation (250 Gy) and iron/ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation (LPO). CE exhibited maximum protection to plasmid (pBR322) DNA in the plasmid relaxation assay (68.09% of SC form retention). It also showed maximal metal chelation activity (41.59%), evaluated using 2,2-bipyridyl assay, followed by AE (31.25%), which exhibited maximum antioxidant potential (lowest absorption unit value: 0.0389± 0.00717) in the reducing power assay. AE also maximally inhibited iron/ascorbate-induced and radiation-induced LPO (99.76 and 92.249%, respectively, at 2000 g/ml) in mouse liver homogenate. Under conditions of combined stress (radiation (250 Gy) + iron/ascorbate), at a concentration of 2000 g/ml, HA exhibited higher percentage of inhibition (93.05%) of LPO activity. HA was found to be effective in significantly (p < 0.05) lowering LPO activity over a wide range of concentrations as compared to AE. The present comparative study indicated that alcoholic (AE) and hydro-alcoholic (HA) fractions are the most promising fractions, which can effectively tackle radiation-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Wild bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) have been shown to recognize models of leopards (Panthera pardus), based on their configuration and spotted yellow coat. This study examined whether bonnet macaques could recognize the spotted and dark melanic morph when partially concealed by vegetation. Seven troops were studied at two sites in southern India, the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary and the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve. The forequarters and hindquarters of the two leopard morphs were presented from behind thick vegetation to individuals at feeding stations 25 m away. Flight reaction times and frequency of flight were obtained from video for only those individuals who oriented towards the models prior to hearing alarm calls. Bonnet macaques exhibited faster reaction times and greater frequency of flight after looking at the spotted morph's forequarter than after looking at either its spotted hindquarter or the dark morph's forequarter. The hindquarter of the dark morph was ignored completely. Artificial neural network modeling examined the perceptual aspects of leopard face recognition and the role of spots as camouflage. When spots were integrated into the pattern recognition process via network training, these spots contributed to leopard face recognition. When networks were not trained with spots, spots did not act as camouflage by disrupting facial features.  相似文献   
Aromatase catalyzes the conversion of androstenedione (1a, AD) to estrone through three sequential oxygenations of the 19-methyl group. To gain insight into the spatial nature of the AD binding (active) site of aromatase in relation to the catalytic function of the enzyme, we tested for the ability of 2alpha-substituted (halogeno, alkyl, hydroxy, and alkoxy) ADs (1b-1i) to inhibit aromatase in human placental microsomes as well as their ability to serve as a substrate for the enzyme. All of the steroids inhibited the enzyme in a competitive manner with the apparent K(i)'s ranging from 45 to 1150 nM. 2alpha-Halogeno (F, Cl, and Br) and 2alpha-alkyl (CH3 and CH2CH3) steroids 1b-1f were powerful to good inhibitors (Ki=45-171 nM) whereas steroids 1g-1i, having an oxygen function (hydroxy or alkoxy) at C-2alpha, were poor inhibitors (Ki=670-1150 nM). Aromatization of some of the steroids with placental microsomes was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, indicating that the aromatization rate of the bromide 1d was about two-fold that of the natural substrate AD and that of 2alpha-methoxide 1h was similar to that of AD. Kinetic analysis of the aromatization of androgens revealed that a good substrate was not essentially a good inhibitor for aromatase.  相似文献   
The conformation of a cyclic analog of neuropeptide Y [Tyr1--Lys--Gly--Arg--cyclo5/8-(Glu5--Tyr--Ile--Lys8)--Leu--Ile10--Thr--Arg--Pro--Arg--Tyr15--NH2; cEK-NPY] with high Y1 receptor affinity was studied using 1H, 13C and 15N 2D-NMR and CD in three diverse media-viz. DMSO-d6, water (pH 4.0) and 50% hexafluoroacetone (HFA). The conformation of cEK-NPY was interpreted based on chemical shift (1H, 13C and 15N), temperature coefficients of the NH chemical shifts, 3JNHα coupling constants and the pattern of intra and inter-residue NOE’s and the CD spectrum. In both DMSO and water, there is a preponderance of a β-strand structure, while HFA promotes an α-helical structure, which is discontinuous in the mid-region of the peptide, due to the constraints of the lactam ring. The solution structures were generated using Restrained Molecular Dynamics simulations and further refined by Mardigras to R factors between 0.55 and 0.65. The role of its conformations in its biological activity is discussed.  相似文献   
In this study, we have examined the role of two cAMP downstream effectors protein kinase A (PKA) and Epac, in forskolin-induced macrophage proliferation. Treatment of macrophages with forskolin enhanced [(3)H]thymidine uptake and increased cell number, and both were profoundly reduced by prior treatment of cells with H-89, a specific PKA inhibitor. Incubation of macrophages with forskolin triggered the activation of Akt, predominantly by phosphorylation of Ser-473, as measured by Western blotting and assay of its kinase activity. Akt activation was significantly inhibited by LY294002 and wortmannin, specific inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, but not by H-89. Incubation of macrophages with forskolin also increased Epac1 and Rap1.GTP. Immunoprecipitation of Epac1 in forskolin-stimulated cells co-immunoprecipitated Rap1, p-Akt(Thr-308), and p-Akt(Ser-473). Silencing of CREB gene expression by RNA interference prior to forskolin treatment not only decreased CREB protein and its phosphorylation at Ser-133, but also phosphorylation of Akt at Ser-473, and Thr-308. Concomitantly, this treatment inhibited [(3)H]thymidine uptake and reduced forskolin-induced proliferation of macrophages. Forskolin treatment also inhibited activation of the apoptotic mechanism while promoting up-regulation of the anti-apoptotic pathway. We conclude that forskolin mediates cellular proliferation via cAMP-dependent activation of both PKA and Epac.  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel approach for acetabular alignment during the implant of a prosthetic hip joint in a natural pelvis. The alignment instrument uses selective anatomic bony landmarks on the pelvis, which are accessible in surgery, to guide the placement of the acetabular component in the appropriate orientation. A closed form solution, involving both a forward and reverse analysis, is presented to relate the parameters of the device with the abduction and anteversion angles. Using mathematical models, this device should allow the surgeon to place the acetabular component with an orientation between 10.9 degrees and 19.1 degrees anteversion and 35.7 degrees and 44.3 degrees abduction with 95% confidence in a male/left specimen for the commonly accepted target of 15 degrees anteversion and 40 degrees abduction. This device is currently being used successfully by one of the authors in THR surgery.  相似文献   
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