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In this report, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a serum-borne bioactive lipid, is shown to activate tight-junction-associated protein Zonula Occludens-1 (ZO-1), which in turn plays a critical role in regulating endothelial chemotaxis and barrier integrity. After S1P stimulation, ZO-1 was redistributed to the lamellipodia and cell-cell junctions via the S1P1/G(i)/Akt/Rac pathway. Similarly, both endothelial barrier integrity and cell motility were significantly enhanced in S1P-treated cells through the G(i)/Akt/Rac pathway. Importantly, S1P-enhanced barrier integrity and cell migration were abrogated in ZO-1 knockdown cells, indicating ZO-1 is functionally indispensable for these processes. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we demonstrated that cortactin plays a critical role in S1P-induced ZO-1 redistribution to the lamellipodia. In addition, S1P significantly induced the formation of endothelial tight junctions. ZO-1 and alpha-catenin polypeptides were colocalized in S1P-induced junctional structures; whereas, cortactin was not observed in these regions. Together, these results suggest that S1P induces the formation of two distinct ZO-1 complexes to regulate two different endothelial functions: ZO-1/cortactin complexes to regulate chemotactic response and ZO-1/alpha-catenin complexes to regulate endothelial barrier integrity. The concerted operation of these two ZO-1 complexes may coordinate two important S1P-mediated functions, i.e. migration and barrier integrity, in vascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   
Individual groups of peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) seedlings stressed to −17, −26 and −36 bars recovered to control levels within 1, 3, and 4 days, respectively. Stomatal resistance was significantly correlated with both leaf water potential and net photosynthesis. In seedlings stressed to −52 bars, leaf water potential and stomatal resistance recovered sooner than net photosynthesis, despite recovery of 02 evolution at a rate similar to leaf water potential. Therefore, some nonstomatal factor other than reduction in photochemical activity must be responsible for the lag in recovery of CO2 assimilation following irrigation.  相似文献   
Isolation of a thymus hormone, LSH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The method of secretory granuleformation in the acinar cells of the rat exorbital lacrimal gland was studied by electron microscope morphological and cytochemical techniques. Immature secretory granules at the inner face of the Golgi apparatus were frequently attached to a narrow cisternal structure similar to GERL as described in neurons by Novikoff et al. (Novikoff, P. M., A. B. Novikoff, N. Quintana, and J.-J. Hauw. 1971. J. Cell Bio. 50:859-886). In the lacrimal gland. GERL was located adjacent to the inner Golgi saccule, or separated from it by a variable distance. Portions of GERL were often closely paralleled by modified cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), which lacked ribosomes on the surface adjacent to GERL. Diaminobenzidine reaction product of the secretory enzyme peroxidase was localized in the cisternae of the nuclear envelope, RER, peripheral Golgi vesicles, Golgi saccules, and immature and mature secretory granules. GERL was usually free of peroxidase reaction product or contained only a small amount. Thiamine pyrophosphatase reaction product was present in two to four inner Golgi saccules; occasionally, the innermost saccule was dilated and fenestrated, and contained less reaction product than the next adjacent saccule. Acid phosphatase (AcPase) reaction product was present in GERL, immature granules, and, rarely, in the innermost saccule, but not in the rest of the Golgi saccules. Thick sections of AcPase preparations viewed at 100 kV revealed that GERL consisted of cisternal, and fenestrated or tublular portions. The immature granules were attached to GERL by multiple connections to the tublular portions. These results suggest that, in the rat exorbital lacrimal gland, the Golgi saccules participate in the transport of secretory proteins, and that GERL is involved in the formation of secretory granules.  相似文献   
Nascent proteins translated and processed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) sometimes contain intrinsic signals for ER retention or ER retrieval. These signals are usually a few amino acids in length, and if alanine modifications are made within these sequences, normal transit patterns of the nascent protein frequently change. The purpose of this study was to determine whether two alanines juxtaposed to the first globular domain of aggrecan's core protein affect its transit in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Results show that two alanines juxtaposed to the first globular domain (G1AA) minimized secretion of the protein. However, transgenic proteins with juxtaposed glutamate-phenylalanine (G1EF) or no additional amino acids (G1) were still secreted. GFP-tagged G1AA localized in the lumen of the ER but not in the Golgi. In contrast, a portion of GFP-tagged G1EF and G1 did appear in the Golgi compartment. More importantly, unique and striking accumulations of G1EF and G1 transgenic proteins were seen in large dilated regions of the ER cisternae, reminiscent of accumulations seen in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency disease. G1AA transgenic proteins did not form these vesicles but were diffusely distributed throughout the ER lumen. These results indicate that just two juxtaposed alanines can profoundly affect a large globular protein's intracellular localization.  相似文献   
Hand RA  Jia N  Bard M  Craven RJ 《Eukaryotic cell》2003,2(2):306-317
The response to damage is crucial for cellular survival, and eukaryotic cells require a broad array of proteins for an intact damage response. We have found that the YPL170W (DAP1 [for damage response protein related to membrane-associated progesterone receptors]) gene is required for growth in the presence of the methylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The DAP1 open reading frame shares homology with a broadly conserved family of membrane-associated progesterone receptors (MAPRs). Deletion of DAP1 leads to sensitivity to MMS, elongated telomeres, loss of mitochondrial function, and partial arrest in sterol synthesis. Sensitivity of dap1 strains to MMS is not due to loss of damage checkpoints. Instead, dap1 cells are arrested as unbudded cells after MMS treatment, suggesting that Dap1p is required for cell cycle progression following damage. Dap1p also directs resistance to itraconazole and fluconazole, inhibitors of sterol synthesis. We have found that dap1 cells have slightly decreased levels of ergosterol but increased levels of the ergosterol intermediates squalene and lanosterol, indicating that dap1 cells have a partial defect in sterol synthesis. This is the first evidence linking a MAPR family member to sterol regulation or the response to damage, and these functions are probably conserved in a variety of eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Gap junctions (GJ) are defined as contact regions between two adjacent cells containing tens to thousands of closely packed membrane channels. Cells dynamically modulate communication through GJ by regulating the synthesis, transport and turnover of these channels. Previously, we engineered a recombinant connexin43 (Cx43) by genetically appending a small tetracysteine peptide motif containing the sequence -Cys-Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys-Cys- to the carboxy terminus of Cx43 (Cx43-TC) (3). Cx43-TC was stably expressed in HeLa cells and was specifically labeled by exposing the cells to membrane-permeant non-fluorescent ligands, such as FlAsH (a fluorescein derivative) and ReAsH (a resorufin derivative). Direct correlation of live cell images with high resolution EM detection was possible because bound ReAsH not only becomes fluorescent, but can also be used to initiate the photoconversion of diaminobenzidine (DAB) that causes the localized polymerization of an insoluble osmiophilic precipitate then visible by EM. Cx43-TC GJ's could be labeled with ReAsH and photooxidized to give selectively stained channels. Here, how the development of these tetracysteine tags complexed with appropriate ligands are useful for experiments spanning resolution ranges from light microscopy to electron tomography to molecular purification and detection is described.  相似文献   
Individual physiological response to complex environments is a major factor in the ecological breadth of species. This study compared individual patterns of both long-term and short-term response to controlled, multifactorial environments in four annual Polygonum species that differ in field distribution (P. cespitosum, P. hydropiper, P. lapathifolium, and P. persicaria). To test long-term response, instantaneous net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were measured in situ on one full-sib replicate from five inbred lineages from each of five field populations per species, raised in all possible combinations of low or high light; dry, moist, or flooded soil; and poor or rich nutrient status. Short-term plastic adjustment to changes in light level was examined by switching individual plants of the four species from one of six multifactorial growth environments to the contrasting light environment, and measuring assimilation rates 1 h after transfer. The Polygonum species differed significantly in their patterns of long-term photosynthetic response to particular resources and resource combinations. The species known to have relatively broad ecological distributions (P. persicaria and P. lapathifolium) maintained high photosynthetic performance in a variety of moisture and nutrient environments when grown in high light, while the more narrowly distributed P. hydropiper maintained such functional levels only if given both high light and ample macronutrients. P. cespitosum, a species limited to shaded habitats, maintained low photosynthetic rates across the environmental range. Complex differences among the species in instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE) reflected their highly specific and to some extent independent patterns of photosynthetic and stomatal response to the multifactorial environments. The species also differed significantly in short-term physiological adjustment to changes in light level. Plants of P. persicaria and P. cespitosum reached 78% and 98%, respectively, of their maximum photosynthetic rates 1 h after transfer from low to high light, but P. hydropiper and P. lapathifolium plants reached only c. 60% of their maximum rates. When switched from high to low light, P. persicaria and P. cespitosum plants maintained 64–76% of their maximum rates, while P. hydropiper and P. lapathifolium plants decreased photosynthetic rates sharply to less than 50% of their maximum rates. These results indicate that the latter two species will be less able to maintain effective functional levels in variable light environments, a result consistent with their distributions in the field. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   
To determine the potential of an inhibitoryinteraction between the carotid sinus baroreflex (CSB) and the exercisepressor reflex (EPR), both pathways were activated to producesympathoexcitation. It was hypothesized that, under conditions when thebaroreflex increased sympathetic outflow, the interaction between CSBand EPR would be inhibitory. Bilateral carotid occlusion (BCO),electrically induced muscle contraction (EMC), and passive musclestretch (PMS) were used to evoke sympathoexcitation. BCO decreasedsinus pressure 50 ± 5 mmHg, and the levels of muscletension generated by EMC and PMS were 7 ± 2 and 8 ± 1 kg,respectively. This resulted in significant increases in mean arterialpressure (MAP) of 55 ± 9, 50 ± 7, and 50 ± 6 mmHg(P = not significant, BCO vs. EMC vs. PMS) and in heart rate (HR) of 7 ± 2, 19 ± 4, and 17 ± 2 beats/min (P < 0.05, BCO vs.EMC and PMS). When BCO was combined with EMC or PMS, thereflex increase in MAP was augmented (80 ± 8 and 79 ± 10 mmHg;BCO+EMC and BCO+PMS, respectively; P < 0.05). However, summation of the individual MAPresponses was greater than the response evoked during coactivation (106 ± 11 and 103 ± 12 mmHg, respectively,P < 0.05). Because summing theindividual blood pressure responses exceeded the response duringcoactivation, the net effect was that the CSB and EPR interacted in anocclusive manner. In contrast, summation of the individual chronotropic responses was the same as the response evoked during coactivation. Moreover, there was no difference in summation of the individual MAP orHR responses when muscle afferents were activated by either EMC or PMS.In conclusion, the interaction between the CSB and the EPR in controlof MAP was occlusive when both reflexes were stimulated to evokesympathoexcitation. However, summation of the reflexchanges in HR was simply additive.

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