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Pathology of the human pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Lungs of twelve patients with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis (Pb) were studied in an attempt to understand the pathogenesis of the pulmonary disease. Ribbons of the lung parenchyma including the hilar region and directed towards apical, basal and lateral regions were subdivided into sections from the hilar, intermediate and peripheral segments. The following histopathological reactions directly or indirectly related to P. brasiliensis were described and analysed in relation to the number of slides studied and the pulmonary region involved: (1) pneumonic reaction; (2) early granulomatous formation; (3) mature and healed granulomata; (4) mixed pattern (early and mature granuloma in the same pulmonary area visualized in the slide); (5) pulmonary fibrosis.It was concluded that chronic pulmonary Pb is a recurrent disease affecting equally both lungs. Fibrosis was connected mainly with the progressive evolution of the granulomata towards cicatrization and to a lesser degree probably to a direct induction by the fungi. Based chiefly on the tendency of the fibrosis to run around bronchi and to make up septa interconnecting bronchi and vessels it was hipothesized that these findings were the result of a previous chronic specific lymphangitis by the fungi. Hilar fibrosis would be the result of this lymphangitis and/or of the progression of the specific granulomatous reaction seen in the hilar lymph nodes.Non specific forms of arteritis and areas of destructive emphysema related to granulomatous inflammation and fibrosis were described. Three cases developed pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   
There are major changes in circulating luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), estrogens (E), and progesterone (P) in relation to the onset of reproduction, egg laying, incubation, and care of young. LH levels increase in the prelaying period, followed some days later by increased circulating levels of E, P, and PRL. Levels of these hormones tend to stabilize during egg laying with periodic ovulatory cycle changes. Around the onset of incubation PRL levels increase, while LH, E, and P levels fall. During incubation PRL reaches very high levels, falling sharply when incubation is terminated. Stimulatory effects of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, peptides, and ovarian steroids on PRL secretion have been shown. The prelaying increase is dependent on E and P and the high levels of incubation require a functional serotonergic system. The causal relationships and roles of PRL in incubation of gallinaceous birds are, however, still unclear.  相似文献   
Interactions between crown-gall tumors on the primary pinto bean leaf and the pinto bean seedling (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ‘Pinto‘) were estimated by quantitative measurements of tumor initiation and growth as affected by certain modifications of the host. Effects of the tumors on the host were estimated by measurements of host growth and correlation responses. The presence of crown-gall tumors was found to reduce the growth of the leaf in area but to nearly double the weight of the leaf 9 days after inoculation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Town.) Conn, strain B6. The presence of tumors on only one of the two primary leaves resulted in a decrease in the weight of the leaf without tumors, showing the tumors to be effective mobilization centers. Tumors also delayed the abscission of petiole explants and delayed the growth of the epicotyl bud, both reminiscent of auxin effects. The excision of the cotyledons, the epicotyl bud, or one of the pair of primary leaves at the time of inoculation increased the number of tumors initiated per leaf. Removing the epicotyl bud or one of the primary leaves, or placing a cytokinin on one of the leaves, altered leaf growth but failed to alter tumor growth, indicating that tumor growth is not affected by the changes responsible for the compensatory growth effects induced by these treatments. Tumor growth was shown to be generally correlated with leaf growth from day 2 through 8 after inoculation, suggesting that the factors normally limiting leaf growth in a determinate type leaf are also active in limiting tumor growth. The changes in the plant cell responsible for the enhanced rate of growth seen in crown-gall tumor cells, therefore, appear to occur in regulatory systems other than those normally limiting leaf growth. The regulatory systems that are affected may be identical with those activated in compensatory host growth effects.  相似文献   
Summary The production of granulose (an intracellular reserve polygranule), capsule and exopolysaccharide was investigated in a synthetic medium in which the oxido-reduction level was modified by the addition of acetic or butyric acid. After addition of the acids, granulose synthesis increased from 150 to 300 mg glucose equivalents ·1–1 and capsular synthesis decreased by 25%. Exopolysaccharide production was unchanged under these conditions. A hypothesis that attributes a role to the polymer in the oxido-reduction sequences is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: In this study, we have investigated the effect of mivazerol, [3-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)methyl-1]-2-hydroxy-benzamide hydrochloride, a new α2-agonist lacking hypotensive properties and a potential anti-ischemic drug, on the evoked release of norepinephrine, aspartate, and glutamate in tissue preparations from hippocampus, spinal cord T1–T5 section, rostrolateral ventricular medulla, and nucleus tractus solitarii of the brainstem of rat. A simple and efficient in vitro procedure to study pharmacologically the release of norepinephrine and glutamate is described. Tissues were chopped into (0.3 × 0.2 × 0.2 mm3) sections and the resulting minces were used for this study. Exposure to KCl (10–75 mM) for 5 min served as a stimulus for the release response. One, S (for aspartate and for glutamate release), or two such stimuli, S1 and S2 (for norepinephrine release) were conducted. The release of norepinephrine (+150% above baseline) was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by mivazerol in hippocampus (IC50 = 1.5 × 10?8M), spinal cord (IC50 = 5 × 10?8M), rostrolateral ventricular medulla (IC50 = 10?7M), and nucleus tractus solitarii (IC50 = 7.5 × 10?8M), and by clonidine in hippocampus (IC50 = 5 × 10?8M), spinal cord (IC50 = 4.5 × 10?8M), rostrolateral ventricular medulla (IC50 = 2.5 × 10?7M), and nucleus tractus solitarii (IC50 = 10?7M). This effect was counteracted by the selective α2-antagonists yohimbine and rauwolscine. A significant glutamate and aspartate release response was also induced by KCl (35 mmol/L) in hippocampus (+250 and +135%, respectively) and spinal cord (+120 and +55%, respectively), in vitro. However, neither mivazerol nor clonidine, at doses up to 10 µM, had any significant effect on KCl-induced glutamate release in spinal cord, whereas mivazerol blocked completely the release of both amino acids in hippocampus and only the release of aspartate in spinal cord. On the other hand, clonidine (1 µM) was only effective in reducing by 40% the release of aspartate in hippocampus. These data indicate that (1) inhibition of KCl-induced norepinephrine release by mivazerol is mediated by its action on α2-adrenergic receptors; (2) at concentrations selective for α2-adrenergic receptors, only mivazerol was effective in blocking the KCl-induced glutamate release in hippocampal tissue; and (3) at the same concentrations, both mivazerol and clonidine were unable to inhibit glutamate release in the spinal cord. These data suggest that prevention of hyperadrenergic activity by mivazerol in perioperative patients may be mediated through its effect on the release of norepinephrine and/or the release of glutamate and aspartate in regions of the CNS that are involved in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis.  相似文献   
Organogenic callus cultures of Solanum paludosum were obtained from root, hypocotyle and cotyledon explants of plantlets cultured in sterile conditions. These callus cultures developed multiple shoots which proliferated in Murashige and Skoog basal liquid medium. These multiple shoots produced solamargine, the main steroidal glycoalkaloid present in the unripe fruits.The optimization of the macronutrient composition of the liquid medium was performed by a method derived from the plant composition. This approach results in the establishment of an appropriate medium (SPOM medium) suitable for the improvement of both growth and solamargine production by multiple shoot cultures of S. paludosum.  相似文献   
Resumé Quinze nouvelles espèces de Monogènes Dactylogyridae sont décrites chez quinze espèces deBarbus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) appartenant aux sous-genresB. (Barbus) etB. (Labeobarbus) en Afrique du Nord. Les barbeaux examinés proviennent des différents bassins hydrographiques du Maroc et d'une localité nommée Hamman Bourgiba en Tunisie. Dans cette dernière région, le genreBarbus n'est représenté que par une seule espèce:Barbus (B.) callensis. Au Maroc, on en dénombre actuellement quatorze dont quatre appartiennent au sous-genreLabeobarbus: il s'agit deBarbus (L.) fritschii; B. (L.) harteti; B. (L.) paytonii etB. (L.) reinii. Les dix espèces appartenant au sous-genreBarbus sont:Barbus (B.) figuiensis; B. (B.) ksibi; B. (B.) lepineyi; B. (B.) magniatlantis; B. (B.) massaensis; B. (B.) moulouyensis; B. (B.) nasus; B. (B.) pallaryi; B. (B.) setivemensis etB. (B.) issenensis.Chaque sous-genre possède son propre pool parasitaire, à l'exception deDactylogyrus marocanus n. sp., recontré sur des espèces appartenant aux deux sous-genres (B. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) reinii, B. (L.) nasus, B. (B.) setivimensis, B. (B.) ksibi). Sur les cinqDactylogyrus parasitant lesLabeobarbus, trois présentent une spécificité stricte vis à vis de leur hôte. Il s'agit deDactylogyrus reinii n. sp. surB. (L.) reinii; D. volutus n. sp. etD. zatensis n. sp. surB. (L.) fritschii. Les espècesD. oumiensis n. sp. etD. kulindrii n. sp. présentent une spécifité stenoxène et parasitent respectivementB. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) reinii etB. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) reinii.Nous avons recontré neufDactylogyrus chez les poisson-hôtes appartenent au sous-genreBarbus. Six d'entre eux ont une spécificité oïoxène; ce sont:D. guirensis n. sp.,D. atlasensis n. sp. etD. draaensis n. sp. surB. (B.) pallaryi; D. borjensis n. sp. surB. (B.) nasus etD. heteromorphus n. sp. etD. tunisiensis n. sp. surB. (B.) callensis. Les trois autres parasites ont un spectre d'hôtes plus large. Il s'agit deD. ksibii n. sp. recontré chezB. (B.) ksibi, B. (B.) setivimensis etB. (B.) magniatlantis; D. ksibioïdes n. sp. recontré chezB. (B.) setivimensis etB. (B.) moulouyensis. L'espèceD. fimbriphallus n. sp. stenoxène, se recontre chez les poisson-hôtes du versant Sud de l'Atlas et de la façade méditerranéenne à savoir:B. (B.) figuiensis, B. (B.) lepineyi, B. (B.) massaensis, B. (B.) moulouyensis, B. (B.) pallaryi etB. (B.) issenensis.Le rôle des Dactylogyridae en tant que marqueurs biogéographiques, phylogénétiques et taxonomiques est discuté à partir de la composition spécifique des communautés de Monogènes rencontrés et de leurs différents types morphologiques.
Fifteen new species of the Dactylogyridae (Monogenea) parasitic on fifteen species of barbels (Barbus) from North Africa (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) are described. The fishes studied belong to two subgenera,B. (Labeobarbus) andB. (Barbus), collected from various hydrographical basins of Morocco and from the Hamman Bourgiba locality in Tunisia. In the latter area, the genusBarbus is represented by onlyBarbus (Barbus) callensis. In Morocco, fourteen species are listed, four of which belong to the subgenusLabeobarbus; these areBarbus (L.) fritschii; B. (L.) harteti; B. (L.) paytonii andB. (L.) reinii. The other ten species belong to the subgenusBarbus: these areBarbus (B.) figuiensis; B. (B.) ksibi; B. (B.) lepineyi; B. (B.) magniatlantis; B. (B.) massaensis; B. (B.) moulouyensis; B. (B.) nasus; B. (B.) pallaryi; B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) issenensis. Each of the two subgenera has its unique parasitic fauna, except forDactylogyrus marocanus n. sp. collected on species belonging to both subgenera (B. (L.) fritschii, B. (L.) paytonii, B. (L.) harteti, B. (L.) reinii, B. (B.) nasus, B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) ksibi). Of the five monogeneans found onLabeobarbus, three appear to be specific to one host: they areDactylogyrus reinii n. sp. onB. (L.) reinii, andD. volutus n. sp. andD. zatensis n. sp. onB. (L.) fritschii. D. kulindrii n. sp. parasitisedB. (L.) reinii andB. (L.) fritschii; andD. oumiensis n. sp. occurred onB. (L.) reinii, B. (L.) paytonii andB. (L.) harteti. NineDactylogyrus species were found in fishes belonging to the subgenusBarbus. Six of them have an oïoxenous specificity: these areD. guirensis n. sp.,D. atlasensis n. sp. andD. draaensis n. sp. onB. (B.) pallaryi; D. borjensis n. sp. onB. (B.) nasus andD. heteromorphus n. sp. andD. tunisiensis n. sp. on(B.) callensis. These other three have a wider range of hosts: they areD. ksibii n. sp. collected fromB. (B.) ksibi, B. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) magniatlantis, andD. ksibioïdes n. sp. found onB. (B.) setivimensis andB. (B.) moulouyensis. D. fimbriphallus n. sp. is a characteristic parasite of fishes from the southern side of the Atlas mountains and the Mediterranean coast (B. (B.) figuiensis, B. (B.) lepineyi, B. (B.) massaensis, B. (B.) moulouyensis, B. (B.) pallaryi andB. (B.) issenensis).The role of dactylogyrids as biogeographical phylogenetic and taxonomic indicators is discussed in relation to the specific structure of the monogenean communities and the different morphological types found.
Summary The lipophilicity (or hydrophobicity) of amino acids is an important property relevant for protein folding and therefore of great interest in protein engineering. For peptides or peptidomimetics of potential therapeutic interest, lipophilicity is related to absorption and distribution, and thus indirectly relates to their bioactivity. A rationalization of peptide lipophilicity requires basic knowledge of the lipophilicity of the constituting amino acids. In the present contribution we will review methods to measure or calculate the lipophilicities of amino acids, including unusual amino acids, and we will make a comparison between various lipophilicity scales.  相似文献   
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