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Lactobacillus delbrueckii was grown on sugarcane molasses, sugarcane juice and sugar beet juice in batch fermentation at pH 6 and at 40°C. After 72 h, the lactic acid from 13% (w/v) sugarcane molasses (119 g total sugar l−1) and sugarcane juice (133 g total sugar l−1) was 107 g l−1 and 120 g l−1, respectively. With 10% (w/v) sugar beet juice (105 g total sugar l−1), 84 g lactic acid l−1 was produced. The optical purities of d-lactic acid from the feedstocks ranged from 97.2 to 98.3%.  相似文献   
Cigarette smoking is associated with a plethora of different diseases. Nicotine is the addictive component of cigarette but also acts onto cells of the non-neuronal system, including immune effector cells. Although nicotine itself is usually not referred to as a carcinogen, there is ongoing debate whether nicotine functions as a ‘tumor enhancer.' By binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, nicotine deregulates essential biological processes like angiogenesis, apoptosis, and cell-mediated immunity. Apoptosis plays critical roles in a wide variety of physiologic processes during fetal development and in adult tissue and is also a fundamental aspect of the biology of malignant diseases. This review provides an overlook how nicotine influences apoptotic processes and is thus directly involved in the etiology of pathological conditions like cancer and obstructive diseases.  相似文献   
Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum are magnetotactic bacteria that form a single chain of magnetite magnetosomes within its cytoplasm. Here, we studied the ultrastructure of M. magnetotacticum by freeze-fracture and deep-etching to understand the spatial correlation between the magnetosome chain and the cell envelope and its possible implications for magnetotaxis. Magnetosomes were found mainly near the cell envelope, forming chains that were closely associated with the granular cytoplasmic material. The membrane surrounding the magnetosomes could be visualized in deep-etching preparations. Thin connections between magnetosome chains and the cell envelope were observed in deep-etching images. These results strengthen the hypothesis for the existence of structures that transfer the torque from the magnetosome chains to the whole cell during the orientation of magnetotactic bacteria to a magnetic field lines.  相似文献   
José J  Solferini VN 《Genetica》2007,130(1):73-82
Marine invertebrate populations usually show high levels of genetic variability that has frequently been associated with spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity. One of the most heterogeneous marine environments is the intertidal zone, the habitat of Collisella subrugosa, the most widespread and abundant Brazilian limpet. C. subrugosa has planktonic larvae that can disperse over long distances, what can promote gene flow among shores, working against interpopulational differentiation. In this study we investigated the genetic variability and populational substructure of C. subrugosa through analysis of 24 allozyme loci in 14 samples (590 individuals) collected along 2,700 km of the Brazilian coast. The genetic variability was high ( and ), as expected for intertidal species. Genetic differentiation among samples was low (F ST = 0.03) what may reflect intensive gene flow associated with larval dispersal. However, we detected an isolation-by-distance pattern of population substructure in one sampled region. High levels of heterozygote deficiency were also observed for many loci in each sample. Alternative hypothesis are discussed, and the “breeding groups” is suggested to explain these pattern, indicating the main cause as environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   
In these studies, butanol (acetone butanol ethanol or ABE) was produced from wheat straw hydrolysate (WSH) in batch cultures using Clostridium beijerinckii P260. In control fermentation 48.9 g L−1 glucose (initial sugar 62.0 g L−1) was used to produce 20.1 g L−1 ABE with a productivity and yield of 0.28 g L−1 h−1 and 0.41, respectively. In a similar experiment where WSH (60.2 g L−1 total sugars obtained from hydrolysis of 86 g L−1 wheat straw) was used, the culture produced 25.0 g L−1 ABE with a productivity and yield of 0.60 g L−1 h−1 and 0.42, respectively. These results are superior to the control experiment and productivity was improved by 214%. When WSH was supplemented with 35 g L−1 glucose, a reactor productivity was improved to 0.63 g L−1 h−1 with a yield of 0.42. In this case, ABE concentration in the broth was 28.2 g L−1. When WSH was supplemented with 60 g L−1 glucose, the resultant medium containing 128.3 g L−1 sugars was successfully fermented (due to product removal) to produce 47.6 g L−1 ABE, and the culture utilized all the sugars (glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose, and mannose). These results demonstrate that C. beijerinckii P260 has excellent capacity to convert biomass derived sugars to solvents and can produce over 28 g L−1 (in one case 41.7 g L−1 from glucose) ABE from WSH. Medium containing 250 g L−1 glucose resulted in no growth and no ABE production. Mixtures containing WSH + 140 g L−1 glucose (total sugar approximately 200 g L−1) showed poor growth and poor ABE production. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for the purpose of providing scientific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the United States Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   
Virgin females of the subtropical pierid butterfly Eurema daira were observed to actively solicit male courtship. The resulting interactions involved both aggressive contact with male individuals and elaborate female posturing. Cage-based trials showed that there was a direct relationship between the frequency of courtship solicitation attempts and female age. Virgin females under 3 days old showed little or no interest in initiating courtship. By contrast, 23.2 percent of the virgin females over three days old actively solicited available males with peak solicitation behavior exhibited from five day old individuals.  相似文献   
Most investigations of the forces shaping protein evolution have focussed on protein function. However, cells are typically 50%–75% protein by dry weight, with protein expression levels distributed over five orders of magnitude. Cells may, therefore, be under considerable selection pressure to incorporate amino acids that are cheap to synthesize into proteins that are highly expressed. Such selection pressure has been demonstrated to alter amino acid usage in a few organisms, but whether “cost selection” is a general phenomenon remains unknown. One reason for this is that reliable protein expression level data is not available for most organisms. Accordingly, I have developed a new method for detecting cost selection. This method depends solely on interprotein gradients in amino acid usage. Applying it to an analysis of 43 whole genomes from all three domains of life, I show that selection on the synthesis cost of amino acids is a pervasive force in shaping the composition of proteins. Moreover, some amino acids have different price tags for different organisms—the cost of amino acids is changed for organisms living in hydrothermal vents compared with those living at the sea surface or for organisms that have difficulty acquiring elements such as nitrogen compared with those that do not—so I also investigated whether differences between organisms in amino acid usage might reflect differences in synthesis or acquisition costs. The results suggest that organisms evolve to alter amino acid usage in response to environmental conditions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. [Reviewing Editor: Hector Musto]  相似文献   
The genotypic diversity of indigenous bacterial endophytes within stem of tropical maize (Zea mays L.) was determined in field and greenhouse experiments. Strains were isolated from stem tissues of a tropical maize cultivar (PEHM-1) by trituration and surface disinfestation and their population dynamics was determined. Endophytes were found in most of the growing season at populations ranging from 1.36–6.12 × 105 colony-forming units per gram fresh weight (c.f.u./gm fw) of stem. Analysis of these bacterial endophytes using Gas Chromatography—Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (GC-FAME) led to the identification of Bacillus pumilus, B. subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and P. fluorescens as the relatively more predominant group of bacterial species residing in maize stem. When the maize seedlings grown in a greenhouse were inoculated with these four isolates individually, their population densities decreased (1.6–3.1 × 105 c.f.u./gm fw of stem) as compared to the field-grown maize (1.8–3.8 × 105 c.f.u./gm fw of stem). The highest persistence, however, was recovered in the case of B. subtilis with a population density of 3.1 × 105 c.f.u./gm fw of stem tissue on 28 days after emergence (DAE). This is the first report on population dynamics of bacterial endophytes from tropical maize and the results establish that symptomless populations of bacteria exist in the maize stem.  相似文献   
Fusarium proliferatum, F. subglutinans, and F. verticillioides are known causes of ear and kernel rot in maize worldwide. In Mexico, only F. verticillioides and F. subglutinans, have been reported previously as causal agents of this disease. However, Fusarium isolates with different morphological characteristics to the species that are known to cause this disease were obtained in the Highland-Valley region of this country from symptomatic and symptomless ears of native and commercial maize genotypes. Moreover, while the morphological studies were not sufficient to identify the correct taxonomic position at the species level, analyses based in the Internal Transcribed Spacer region and the Nuclear Large Subunit Ribosomal partial sequences allowed for the identification of F. subglutinans, F. solani, and F. verticillioides, as well as four species (F. chlamydosporum, F. napiforme, F. poae, and F. pseudonygamai) that had not previously been reported to be associated with ear rot. In addition, F. napiforme and F. solani were absent from symptomless kernels. Phylogenetic analysis showed genetic changes in F. napiforme, and F. pseudonygamai isolates because they were not true clones, and probably constitute separate sibling species. The results of this study suggest that the biodiversity of Fusarium species involved in ear rot in Mexico is greater than that reported previously in other places in the world. This new knowledge will permit a better understanding of the relationship between all the species involved in ear rot disease and their relationship with maize.  相似文献   
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