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Most autosomal genetic causes of childhood-onset hypogammaglobulinemia are currently not well understood. Most affected individuals are simplex cases, but both autosomal-dominant and autosomal-recessive inheritance have been described. We performed genetic linkage analysis in consanguineous families affected by hypogammaglobulinemia. Four consanguineous families with childhood-onset humoral immune deficiency and features of autoimmunity shared genotype evidence for a linkage interval on chromosome 4q. Sequencing of positional candidate genes revealed that in each family, affected individuals had a distinct homozygous mutation in LRBA (lipopolysaccharide responsive beige-like anchor protein). All LRBA mutations segregated with the disease because homozygous individuals showed hypogammaglobulinemia and autoimmunity, whereas heterozygous individuals were healthy. These mutations were absent in healthy controls. Individuals with homozygous LRBA mutations had no LRBA, had disturbed B cell development, defective in vitro B cell activation, plasmablast formation, and immunoglobulin secretion, and had low proliferative responses. We conclude that mutations in LRBA cause an immune deficiency characterized by defects in B cell activation and autophagy and by susceptibility to apoptosis, all of which are associated with a clinical phenotype of hypogammaglobulinemia and autoimmunity.  相似文献   
Suspension-cultured hazel cells were ultrasonicated at power densities of 4 and 455 mW for 4–40 min. Both treatments stimulated the production of major taxanes: Taxol, 10-deacetylbaccatin, and baccatin III. The highest amounts of these taxanes (0.46, 0.26, and 0.07 mg/l, respectively) were obtained at 8 and 20 min of the treatment at 455 mW. Ultrasound had no adverse effects on cell viability, growth, or membrane integrity. Increased release of taxanes by ultrasound resulted not from increased membrane permeability but more likely from stimulation of taxanes biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging was used to measure stomatalclosure in response to desiccation of Tradescantia virginianaleaves grown under high (90%) and moderate (55%) relative humidities(RHs), or transferred between these humidities. Stomata in leavesgrown at high RH were less responsive to desiccation than thoseof leaves grown at moderate RH. Stomata of plants transferredfrom moderate RH conditions to high RH showed the same diminishedclosure in response to desiccation as did stomata that developedat high RH. This response was found both when the leaves werefully expanded and when still actively expanding during themoderate RH pre-treatment. Four days of exposure to high RHwas the minimal exposure time to induce the diminished closureresponse. When leaves were grown in high RH prior to a 10 dmoderate RH treatment, the reduced stomatal closure responseto desiccation was only reversed in leaves (regions) which wereactively expanding during moderate RH treatment. This indicatesthat with respect to stomatal responses to desiccation, highRH leaf regions have a limited capacity to adapt to moderateRH conditions. The decrease in responsiveness to desiccationof the stomata, induced by long-term exposure to high RH, wasnot due to osmotic adjustment in the leaves. Within 1 d aftertransferring moderate RH-grown plants to a high RH, the abscisicacid (ABA) concentration of their leaves decreased to the lowlevel of ABA found in high RH-grown leaves. The closure responsein leaves exposed to high RH for 5 d, however, could not befully restored by the application of ABA. Transferring plantsfrom high to moderate RH resulted in increased ABA levels within2 d without a recovery of the stomatal closing response. Itis discussed that the diminished stomatal closure in plantsexposed to high RH could be due to changes in the signallingpathway for ABA-related closure of stomata or to an increasedsequestration of ABA by mesophyll tissue or the symplast inthe epidermis, induced by a longer period (several days) ofa low ABA level. Key words: Abscisic acid, desiccation, PSII efficiency, relative water content, stomatal closure, vapour pressure deficit, water potential Received 8 October 2007; Revised 5 November 2007 Accepted 9 November 2007  相似文献   
In this study, membrane proteins were classified using the information hidden in their sequences. It was achieved by applying the wavelet analysis to the sequences and consequently extracting several features, each of them revealing a proportion of the information content present in the sequence. The resultant features were made normalized and subsequently fed into a cascaded model developed in order to reduce the effect of the existing bias in the dataset, rising from the difference in size of the membrane protein classes. The results indicate an improvement in prediction accuracy of the model in comparison with similar works. The application of the presented model can be extended to other fields of structural biology due to its efficiency, simplicity and flexibility.  相似文献   
The interaction of myelin basic protein (MBP) from the bovine central nervous system with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, named as M2+, was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry at 27 degrees C in aqueous solution. The extended solvation model was used to reproduce the enthalpies of MBP+M2+ interactions. The solvation parameters recovered from the extended solvation model were attributed to the structural change of MBP due to the metal ion interaction. It was found that there is a set of two identical and noninteracting binding sites for Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.  相似文献   
Phenotypic diversity of five Jordanian populations of cyst nematodes, Heterodera spp. collected from five regions from Jordan (Ar-Ramtha, Madaba, Dana, Al-Karak, and Jerash) was investigated. Soil samples were collected from one representative field in each region. Morphological and morphometrical characteristics revealed that Heterodera latipons is dominated in cereal fields at Ar-Ramtha, Madaba, Dana and Al-Karak regions and Heterodera schachtii in Jerash. Cysts populations from all cereal fields had bifenestrate vulval cone and a strong underbridge. Wherever, cysts of the cabbage population had ambifenestrate vulval cone with long vulval slit. The bullae were absent in Ar-Ramtha, Madaba and Dana populations, but present in Al-Karak and Jerash. Based on 12 morphometrical characters, the first three functions in canonical discriminant analysis accounted 99.3% of the total variation. Distance from dorsal gland duct opening to stylet base, underbridge length, a = L/W (body length/midbody width) and length of hyaline tail tip had strong and significant contributions in the first function. While the second function was strongly influenced by length of hyaline tail, fenestral length, fenestral width and tail length. However, the third canonical discriminate function was found to be influenced by stylet length, fenestral length, a = L/W (body length/midbody width) and underbridge width. The graphical representation of the distribution of the samples showed that the first canonical discriminant function clearly separated H. schachtii from Jerash from other populations. Whereas, H. latipons collected from Madaba and Dana were clearly separated in the second function. The results indicated that differences at morphological and morphometrical levels revealed diverse populations of Heterodera spp. in Jordan.  相似文献   

Enzymes require a certain level of water in their structures in order to maintain their natural conformation, allowing them to deliver their full functionality. Furthermore, as a modifier of the solvent, up to a certain level, water can modify the solvent properties such as polarity/polarizability as well as the solubility of the reactants and the products. In addition, depending on the type of the reaction, water can be a substrate (e.g., in hydrolysis) or a product (e.g., in esterolysis) of the enzymatic reaction, influencing the enzyme turnover in different ways. It is found that regardless of the type of reaction, the functionality of enzyme itself is maximum at an optimum level of water, beyond which the enzyme performance is declined due to the loss in enzyme stability. Furthermore, mass transfer limitations caused by pathway blockage and/or by reduced solubilities of the reactants and/or products can also affect the enzyme performance at higher water levels. Controlling water content of ingoing CO2 and substrates as well as precise management of enzyme support and salt hydrates are important strategies to adjust water level in reaction media, especially in supercritical environments.  相似文献   
LiF:Mg,Cu,Ag is a new dosimetry material that is similar to LiF:Mg,Cu,P in terms of dosimetric properties. The effect of the annealing temperature in the range of 200 to 350°C on the thermoluminescence (TL) sensitivity and the glow curve structure of this material at different concentrations of silver (Ag) was investigated. It has been demonstrated that the optimum values of the annealing temperature and the Ag concentration are 240°C and 0.1 mol% for better sensitivity, respectively. The TL intensity decreases at annealing temperatures lower than 240°C or higher than 240°C, reaching a minimum at 300°C and then again increases for various Ag concentrations. It was observed that the glow curve structure altered and the area under the low temperature peak as well as the area under the main dosimetric peak decreased with increasing annealing temperature. The position of the main dosimetric peak moved in the direction of higher temperatures, but at 320 and 350°C annealing temperatures, it shifted to lower temperatures. It was also observed that the TL sensitivity could partially be recovered by a combined annealing procedure.  相似文献   
The populations of goitered gazelle suffered significant decline due to natural and anthropogenic factors over the last century. Investigating the effects of barriers on gene flow among the remaining populations is vital for conservation planning. Here we adopted a landscape genetics approach to evaluate the genetic structure of the goitered gazelle in Central Iran and the effects of landscape features on gene flow using 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Spatial autocorrelation, isolation by distance (IBD) and isolation by resistance (IBR) models were used to elucidate the effects of landscape features on the genetic structure. Ecological modeling was used to construct landscape permeability and resistance map using 12 ecogeographical variables. Bayesian algorithms revealed three genetically homogeneous groups and restricted dispersal pattern in the six populations. The IBD and spatial autocorrelation revealed a pattern of decreasing relatedness with increasing distance. The distribution of potential habitats was strongly correlated with bioclimatic factors, vegetation type, and elevation. Resistance distances and graph theory were significantly related with variation in genetic structure, suggesting that gazelles are affected by landscape composition. The IBD showed greater impact on genetic structure than IBR. The Mantel and partial Mantel tests indicated low but non-significant effects of anthropogenic barriers on observed genetic structure. We concluded that a combination of geographic distance, landscape resistance, and anthropogenic factors are affecting the genetic structure and gene flow of populations. Future road construction might impede connectivity and gene exchange of populations. Conservation measures on this vulnerable species should consider some isolated population as separate management units.  相似文献   
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