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Cyclomaltoheptaose (cycloheptaamylose) has been crystallized with 1-adamantanemethanol as the guest molecule. The complex crystallized in space group C222(1), with unit-cell dimensions a = 19.162 (13), b = 23.965 (17), and c = 32.597 (27) A. The structure was solved by rotation-translation search-methods. The cyclomaltoheptaose exists as a dimer in the crystal by means of extensive hydrogen-bonding across the secondary hydroxyl ends of two cyclomaltoheptaose molecules. The two halves of the dimer are related by a crystallographic two-fold axis. The primary hydroxyl ends of two adjacent cyclomaltoheptaose molecules are also related by a crystallographic two-fold axis, but do not directly hydrogen bond to one another. Instead, they are held in place by a strong hydrogen bond from the hydroxyl group of the 1-adamantanemethanol to a primary hydroxyl group on an adjacent cyclomaltoheptaose molecule. Other stabilizing hydrogen bonds are formed via three water molecules which are situated at the primary hydroxyl interface, and others that form parallel columns stabilizing the crystal structure. A unique feature of this complex is the presence of trapped water in the cavity at the secondary hydroxyl interface. This water is distributed over 3 disordered sites. Its presence blocks one possible site for the 1-adamantanemethanol, which, instead, binds near the primary hydroxyl end, with its hydroxyl group and part of the adamantane moiety protruding from the cyclomaltoheptaose.  相似文献   
D H Croll  D M Small  J A Hamilton 《Biochemistry》1985,24(27):7971-7980
The phase behavior of cholesteryl esters with triglyceride has been characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), light microscopy, and polarizing light microscopy (PLM). Temperature-dependent molecular motions determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy were correlated with thermotropic phase behavior. Two systems, cholesteryl oleate (CO) and a 3/1 w/w mixture of cholesteryl linoleate (CL) and CO, were examined in the presence of small amounts of triolein (TO). Both systems exhibited metastable cholesteric and smectic (or only smectic) phases. Increasing amounts of TO progressively lowered the liquid-crystalline phase transition temperatures and eventually abolished the cholesteric phase, but at differing amounts of TO for the two systems (between 4% and 5% with CL/CO and between 7% and 10% with CO). DSC and PLM showed a progressive broadening of the phase transitions as well as an overlapping of the temperature ranges of the cholesteric and smectic phases. At greater than or equal to 4% TO, a separate isotropic liquid phase coexisted with liquid-crystalline phases. 13C NMR spectroscopy was used to monitor the molecular motions of the cholesteryl ester steroid ring and acyl chain in liquid and liquid-crystalline phases. In the liquid phase, no significant changes in fatty acyl motions, as reflected in spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) values, were found on addition of TO. The line width (v 1/2) of the steroid ring resonances increased markedly near (1-5 degrees C above) the isotropic liquid----liquid-crystal phase transition temperature (TLC). However, the C3/C6 v 1/2 ratio at 1 degree C above TLC was greater for mixtures exhibiting an isotropic----cholesteric transition than for mixtures exhibiting an isotropic----smectic transition. Rotational correlation times calculated for motions about the long molecular axis and the nonunique axis showed (i) that the ring motions became more anisotropic as TLC was approached and (ii) that the motions were more anisotropic at TLC + 1 degree C for systems exhibiting a cholesteric phase than for systems exhibiting only a smectic phase. 13C line widths in spectra of the cholesteryl ester liquid-crystalline phases suggested that TO perturbed the cholesteryl ester intermolecular interactions and increased the rates of cholesteryl ester molecular motions relative to neat esters.  相似文献   
The content of Ca2+-, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase activity (protein kinase C) in murine peritoneal macrophages treated with recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) has been investigated. Protein kinase C activity was solubilized by nonionic detergent extraction of sonicated cells and separated by high performance liquid chromatography on a TSK 4000 SW gel filtration column. The enzyme eluted from the column in a molecular weight range of 60-80 X 10(3) and was identified by virtue of Ca2+ and phospholipid requirements. Macrophages treated with recombinant IFN-gamma exhibited a substantial increase in total protein kinase activity which could be accounted for entirely by increased protein kinase C activity. This activity was enhanced as much as 5-fold over that seen in untreated macrophages and was specific for IFN-gamma in that other agents known to signal changes in macrophage function had no effect. The time required for the elevation of kinase activity was identical to that required for induction of other functions by IFN-gamma in macrophages. These observations suggest that protein kinase C may be a focus of regulatory action in IFN-gamma-mediated macrophage activation.  相似文献   
Macrophage activation in vivo has been associated with qualitative and quantitative alterations in the release and metabolism of arachidonic acid. In the present study, we examined the effect of in vitro macrophage activation with recombinant gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) on arachidonic acid secretion induced by exposure to a variety of stimulating agents. Secretion stimulated by challenge with unopsonized zymosan, insoluble immune complexes, the calcium ionophore A23187, or combinations thereof was unaltered in IFN-gamma-treated macrophages. However, when phorbol diesters active as tumor promoters were employed as challenge agents, arachidonate secretion was enhanced as much as 10-fold over that seen in nonactivated controls. The enhanced secretory response to PMA was detectable as early as 1 hr after exposure to IFN-gamma, reached a maximum within 3 to 6 hr, and subsequently declined to control levels even in the continued presence of the agent. Treatment with IFN-gamma did not alter the pattern of individual metabolites produced by macrophages challenged with either zymosan or PMA. Finally, the sensitivity to phorbol diesters was also increased by treatment with IFN-gamma (ED50 reduced from 35 ng/ml to 4 ng/ml). Thus, IFN-gamma could prime macrophages for a substantially amplified response to phorbol esters. Because the cellular mediator of PMA action has been identified as a Ca++, phospholipid-dependent protein kinase, a role for this enzyme in macrophage functional development is indicated.  相似文献   
The differentiation of peripheral blood B lymphocytes into immunoglobulin-producing cells (Ig-PC) by pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and the function of concanavalin A (Con A)-induced suppressor T lymphocytes were examined to elucidate the late effects of atomic bomb radiation. A total of 140 individuals, 70 with an exposure dose of 100 rad or more and an equal number with an exposure dose of 0 rad matched by sex and age, were selected from the Nagasaki Adult Health Study (AHS) sample. Both the differentiation of peripheral blood B lymphocytes into Ig-PC by PWM and the function of Con A-induced suppressor T lymphocytes tended to be more depressed in the exposed group than in the control group, but a statistically significant difference could not be observed between the two groups. The function of Con A-induced suppressor T lymphocytes tended to decrease with age, but a statistical significance was detected only for percentage suppression against IgM-PC.  相似文献   
A polypeptide which inhibits the growth of human carcinoma cells has been characterized from Novikoff rat ascites fluid. This tumor inhibitory factor co-purified with transforming growth factor activity through acid/ethanol extraction and Bio-Gel chromatography. The two activities were completely separated by reverse phase HPLC. The tumor inhibitory factor is heat stable and requires disulfide bonds for bioactivity. This factor inhibited the anchorage independent growth of the more differentiated human colon carcinoma cell lines but did not affect the less differentiated carcinoma cells. The presence of stimulatory and inhibitory activities in the same extracts suggests that the relative concentrations of these factors may be important in the control of cell growth.  相似文献   
The bacteriophage P1-encoded recombinase Cre forms a simple DNA-protein complex at the specific recognition site loxP. Furthermore, Cre is able to mediate a synaptic union of two loxP sites. When two loxP sites are on the same linear DNA molecule, Cre binds the two sites together to form a circular protein-DNA complex. These complexes can be resolved into a linear DNA molecule and a closed circular DNA molecule, the end products of site-specific recombination.  相似文献   
Δ2-Thiazoline-2-carboxylate, the product of the suspected physiological reaction catalyzed by -amino acid oxidase, is stable to hydrolysis at 37°C and pH 7 or above, but it hydrolyzes readily at pH 5 or below to give a mixture of N- and S-oxalylcysteamines; the N-oxalyl derivative predominates at pH's above 1 while the S-oxyalyl compound is the major product at high acidities. The pH-rate profile looks like the superposition of two bell-shaped curves. The initial increase in the rate as the pH is lowered is controlled by a pKa of 3.95 and from pH 1 to 3 the rate is relatively constant (k = 6.7 × 10−4s−1 at 37°C and ionic strength 0.5 ). Below pH 1 the rate increases again to a maximum in 1 HCl and then decreases in more highly acidic solutions. The rate of conversion of S-oxalylcysteamine to N-oxalylcysteamine is inversely proportional to the hydrogen ion concentration from pH 3 to 5 but becomes largely independent of pH from pH 1 to 2. In the pH-independent region the rate is comparable with that observed by others for S-acetylcysteamine but in the pH-dependent region the rate is 20 to 25 times faster for the oxalyl derivative than for the acetyl compound. At pH 1, N-oxalylcysteamine is partially converted to the S-oxalyl derivative but the rate of hydrolysis (k = 1.0 × 10−5s−1 at 37°C) to cysteamine and oxalate of this partially equilibrated system occurs at a comparable rate. The results of this investigation are rationalized in terms of what is known about other thiazoline hydrolyses and intramolecular S to N acyl migrations. The main differences in the present case are presumably due to the fact that thiazoline-2-carboxylate can undergo hydrolysis by two reaction manifolds, one with the carboxyl unprotonated and the other with it protonated. The relevance of these results to possible reactions of thiazoline-2-carboxylate in vivo is briefly considered.  相似文献   
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH, cytochrome P1-450) is induced in chick liver very early during embryonic development if embryos are treated with 3-methylcholanthrene-type compounds such as 3,4,3'4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl. In mammals, AHH induction is known to be mediated by the Ah receptor. Liver from embryonic and newly hatched chicks was found to contain a cytosolic receptor for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) which has properties that are very similar to properties of the Ah receptor previously characterized in mammalian tissues. In chick embryo liver, cytosolic binding sites for TCDD were of high affinity (Kd for [3-H]-TCDD = 0.2 nM) and were specific for 3-methylcholanthrene-type inducers. The specific binding component sedimented at about 9S on sucrose density gradients prepared at low ionic strength. A high level of Ah receptor was detected in chick embryo liver by the fifth day of incubation (5 DI); this is at least 24 hours prior to the onset of AHH inducibility. The Ah receptor concentration increased from 5 DI to 8 DI, the period when chick liver is undergoing early morphological differentiation. After 8 DI, Ah receptor levels dropped substantially and remained low into the posthatching period. In contrast, AHH inducibility was high by 7 DI and remained high throughout embryonic development and into the posthatching period. The discrepancy between Ah receptor levels and the degree of AHH inducibility suggests that only a small fraction of the Ah receptor population is required for maximal AHH induction.  相似文献   
Summary Plama lipoproteins (and other ligands) are endocytosed by hepatocytes and appear in multivesicular bodies (MVBs) in the Golgi-lysosome region of the cell prior to their degradation. We have isolated MVB fractions from livers of estradiol-treated rats, permitting studies of their properties (Hornick et al. 1985). Here we report our cytochemical studies of lysosomal enzyme activity in partially and highly purified MVB fractions and in MVBs in hepatocytes in situ.Only about 15% of partially or highly purified MVBs were positive for acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase, consistent with the prelysosomal nature of this compartment. Partially purified MVB fractions contained small round vesicles, 70–120 nm in diameter, which, stained intensely for these enzymes; occasionally these vesicles appeared to fuse with MVBs, suggesting that these structures are primary lysosomes. Such stained vesicles were rarely seen in highly purified MVB preparations. Acid phosphatase reaction product with cerium as capture reagent appeared as uniform precipitates surrounding endocytosed plasma lipoproteins in positively stained MVBs. Arylsulfatase reaction product, however, appeared as distinctive are or plaque-like deposits just inside the MVB-limiting membrane, often in continuity with intense reaction product contained in a fusing primary lysosome. Similar putative primary lysosomes were occasionally observed in isolated, intact Golgi fractions from the same livers. Similar histochemical reactivities of MVBs and putative primary lysosomes were observed in thin sections of hepatoyctes in situ.These observations support the conclusion that, in hepatocytes, MVBs represent the immediate prelysosomal compartment in the endocytic pathway of macromolecular catabolism, and suggest that MVBs are converted to secondary lysosomes by direct fusion with primary lysosomes arising from closely adjacent Golgi compartment.A portion of this work was published in abstract form in the Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Vol. 34, page 120, 1986.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant HL 14237 (Arteriosclerosis SCOR)  相似文献   
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