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The mechanisms of cellular insulin degradation remain uncertain. Considerable evidence now exists that the primary cellular insulin-degrading activity is a metallothiol proteinase. Two similar degrading activities have been purified and characterized. Insulin protease has been purified from rat skeletal muscle and insulin-degrading enzyme from human red blood cells. Whereas the two degrading activities share a number of similar properties, significant differences have also been reported; and it is not at all established that they are the same enzyme. To examine this, we have compared antigenic and catalytic properties of the two enzymatic activities. Monoclonal antibodies against the red blood cell enzyme adsorb the skeletal muscle enzyme; and on Western blots, the antibodies react with an identical 110-kDa protein. Immunoaffinity-purified enzymes from both red blood cells and skeletal muscle degrade [125I]iodo(B26)insulin to the same products as seen with purified insulin protease and with intact liver and kidney. Chelator-treated muscle and red blood cell enzymes can be reactivated with either Mn2+ or Ca2+. Thus, insulin-degrading enzyme and insulin protease have similar properties. These results support the hypothesis that these activities reside in the same enzyme.  相似文献   
Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) when administered intravenously or by aerosol to guinea pigs produced changes in pulmonary mechanics including a decrease in dynamic compliance and an increase in pulmonary resistance. The effects of intravenous LTD4 (0.5 μg kg−1) were short lived and abolished by pretreatment of the animal with either cyclooxygenase inhibitors, a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor (OKY 1555) or an SRS-A antagonist (FPL 55712). These findings suggest that bronchoconstriction produced by the intravenous infusion of LTD4 at 0.5 μg kg−1 is due to the release of thromboxane A2. However, in animals treated with indomethacin, LTD4 at higher doses (>0.8 μg kg−1) still elicited a bronchoconstriction which could be blocked by FPL 557112. Nebulization of 0.1 – 1.0 μg of LTD4 into the lung produced prolonged changes in pulmonary mechanics which were inhibited by FPL 55712 and were potentiated indomethacin. LTD4, therefore, when administered by aerosol produced effects on the lung which were not mediated by cyclooxygenase products. Responses to nebulized rather than intravenous LTD4 in the guinea pig may more closely resemble those seen in human tissues.  相似文献   
A specific exocytic process, the discharge of spindle trichocysts of paramecium caudatum was examined by means of the electron microscope. This exocytosis is induced by an electric shock simultaneously in nearly all of the trichocysts (ca. 6,000-8,0000 of a single cell. Single paramecia were subjected to the shock and then fixed at defined times after the shock so that the temporal sequence of the pattern of changes of the trichocyst membranes after exocytosis could be studied. The trichocyst vacuoles fuse with the plasma membrane only for that length of time required for expulsion to take place. After exocytosis, the membrane of the vacuole does not become incorporated into the plasma membrane; rather, the collapsed vacuole is pinched off and breaks up within the cytoplasm. The membrane vesiculates into small units which can no longer be distinguished from vesicles of the same dimensions that exist normally within the cell's cytoplasm. the entire process is completed within 5-10 min. These results differ from the incorporation of mucocyst membranes into the plasma membrane as proposed for tetrahymena.  相似文献   
Inherited retinal degeneration due to loss of photoreceptor cells is a leading cause of human blindness. These cells possess a photosensitive outer segment linked to the cell body through the connecting cilium (CC). While structural defects of the CC have been associated with retinal degeneration, its nanoscale molecular composition, assembly, and function are barely known. Here, using expansion microscopy and electron microscopy, we reveal the molecular architecture of the CC and demonstrate that microtubules are linked together by a CC inner scaffold containing POC5, CENTRIN, and FAM161A. Dissecting CC inner scaffold assembly during photoreceptor development in mouse revealed that it acts as a structural zipper, progressively bridging microtubule doublets and straightening the CC. Furthermore, we show that Fam161a disruption in mouse leads to specific CC inner scaffold loss and triggers microtubule doublet spreading, prior to outer segment collapse and photoreceptor degeneration, suggesting a molecular mechanism for a subtype of retinitis pigmentosa.

Inherited retinal degeneration due to loss of photoreceptor cells is a leading cause of human blindness. Ultrastructure expansion microscopy on mouse retina reveals the presence of a novel structure inside the photoreceptor connecting cilium, the inner scaffold, that protects the outer segment against degeneration.  相似文献   
L-648,051, sodium 4-[3-(4-acetyl-3-hydroxy-2-propylphenoxy) propylsulfonyl]-gamma-oxo-benzenebutanoate is a selective and competitive inhibitor of [3H]leukotriene D4 (KB value of 4.0 microM) and to a lesser extent [3H]leukotriene C4 (Ki value of 36.7 microM) binding in guinea pig lung homogenates. Functionally, it selectively antagonized contractions of guinea pig trachea induced by leukotrienes C4, D4, E4, and F4 in concentrations that did not antagonize contractions induced by acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, prostaglandin F2 alpha, or U-44069 (endoperoxide analogue). Schild plot analysis indicated that L-648,051 competitively antagonized contractions of guinea pig ileum induced by leukotriene D4 (pA2 7.7) and contractions of trachea induced by leukotrienes D4, E4, and F4 (pA2 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5, respectively). Contractions of guinea pig trachea induced by leukotriene C4 were inhibited in a noncompetitive fashion (Schild plot slope, 0.45). Developed contractions of trachea induced by the leukotrienes were rapidly reversed by L-648,051 greater than FPL-55712 greater than L-649,923. Intravenous L-648,051 selectively blocked bronchoconstriction induced in anaesthetized guinea pigs by intravenous leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4 but not that induced by arachidonic acid, serotonin, U-44069, or acetylcholine. The compound displayed poor activity following intraduodenal administration. The profile of activity for L-648,051 indicates that it may be a useful topical agent for studying the role of leukotrienes in diseases such as bronchial asthma.  相似文献   
With the murine retinoblastoma (RB) cDNA, a series of RB mutants were expressed in COS-1 cells and the pRB products were assessed for their ability (i) to bind to large T antigen (large T), (ii) to become modified by phosphorylation, and (iii) to localize in the nucleus. All point mutations and deletions introduced into regions previously defined as contributing to binding to large T abolished pRB-large T complex formation and prevented hyperphosphorylation of the RB protein. In contrast, a series of deletions 5' to these sites did not interfere with binding to large T. While some of the 5' deletion mutants were clearly phosphorylated in a cell cycle-dependent manner, one, delta Pvu, failed to be phosphorylated depsite binding to large T. pRB with mutations created at three putative p34cdc2 phosphorylation sites in the N-terminal region behaved similarly to wild-type pRB, whereas the construct delta P5-6-7-8, mutated at four serine residues C terminal to the large T-binding site, failed to become hyperphosphorylated despite retaining the ability to bind large T. All of the mutants described were also found to localize in the nucleus. These results demonstrate that the domains in pRB responsible for binding to large T are distinct from those recognized by the relevant pRB-specific kinase(s) and/or those which contain cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation sites. Furthermore, these data are consistent with a model in which cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of pRB requires complex formation with other cellular proteins.  相似文献   


Information on trauma-related deaths in low and middle income countries is limited but needed to target public health interventions. Data from a health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) were examined to characterise such deaths in rural western Kenya.

Methods And Findings

Verbal autopsy data were analysed. Of 11,147 adult deaths between 2003 and 2008, 447 (4%) were attributed to trauma; 71% of these were in males. Trauma contributed 17% of all deaths in males 15 to 24 years; on a population basis mortality rates were greatest in persons over 65 years. Intentional causes accounted for a higher proportion of male than female deaths (RR 2.04, 1.37-3.04) and a higher proportion of deaths of those aged 15 to 65 than older people. Main causes in males were assaults (n=79, 25%) and road traffic injuries (n=47, 15%); and falls for females (n=17, 13%). A significantly greater proportion of deaths from poisoning (RR 5.0, 2.7-9.4) and assault (RR 1.8, 1.2-2.6) occurred among regular consumers of alcohol than among non-regular drinkers. In multivariate analysis, males had a 4-fold higher risk of death from trauma than females (Adjusted Relative Risk; ARR 4.0; 95% CI 1.7-9.4); risk of a trauma death rose with age, with the elderly at 7-fold higher risk (ARR 7.3, 1.1-49.2). Absence of care was the strongest predictor of trauma death (ARR 12.2, 9.4-15.8). Trauma-related deaths were higher among regular alcohol drinkers (ARR 1.5, 1.1-1.9) compared with non-regular drinkers.


While trauma accounts for a small proportion of deaths in this rural area with a high prevalence of HIV, TB and malaria, preventive interventions such as improved road safety, home safety strategies for the elderly, and curbing harmful use of alcohol, are available and could help diminish this burden. Improvements in systems to record underlying causes of death from trauma are required.  相似文献   
Environments undergo short-term and long-term changes due to natural or human-induced events. Animals differ in their ability to cope with such changes which can be related to their ecology. Changes in the environment often elicit avoidance reactions (neophobia) which protect animals from dangerous situations but can also inhibit exploration and familiarization with novel situations and thus, learning about new resources. Studies investigating the relationship between a species’ ecology and its neophobia have so far been restricted to comparing only a few species and mainly in captivity. The current study investigated neophobia reactions to experimentally-induced changes in the natural environment of six closely-related blackbird species (Icteridae), including two species represented by two distinct populations. For analyses, neophobic reactions (difference in number of birds feeding and time spent feeding with and without novel objects) were related to several measures of ecological plasticity and the migratory strategy (resident or migratory) of the population. Phylogenetic relationships were incorporated into the analysis. The degree of neophobia was related to migratory strategy with migrants expressing much higher neophobia (fewer birds feeding and for a shorter time with objects present) than residents. Furthermore, neophobia showed a relationship to diet breadth with fewer individuals of diet generalists than specialists returning when objects were present supporting the dangerous niche hypothesis. Residents may have evolved lower neophobia as costs of missing out on opportunities may be higher for residents than migrants as the former are restricted to a smaller area. Lower neophobia allows them approaching changes in the environment (e.g. novel objects) quickly, thereby securing access to resources. Additionally, residents have a greater familiarity with similar situations in the area than migrants and the latter may, therefore, initially stay behind resident species.  相似文献   


Pregnancy-related (PR) deaths are often a result of direct obstetric complications occurring at childbirth.

Methods and Findings

To estimate the burden of and characterize risk factors for PR mortality, we evaluated deaths that occurred between 2003 and 2008 among women of childbearing age (15 to 49 years) using Health and Demographic Surveillance System data in rural western Kenya. WHO ICD definition of PR mortality was used: “the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of death”. In addition, symptoms and events at the time of death were examined using the WHO verbal autopsy methodology. Deaths were categorized as either (i) directly PR: main cause of death was ascribed as obstetric, or (ii) indirectly PR: main cause of death was non-obstetric. Of 3,223 deaths in women 15 to 49 years, 249 (7.7%) were PR. One-third (34%) of these were due to direct obstetric causes, predominantly postpartum hemorrhage, abortion complications and puerperal sepsis. Two-thirds were indirect; three-quarters were attributable to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS), malaria and tuberculosis. Significantly more women who died in lower socio-economic groups sought care from traditional birth attendants (p = 0.034), while less impoverished women were more likely to seek hospital care (p = 0.001). The PR mortality ratio over the six years was 740 (95% CI 651–838) per 100,000 live births, with no evidence of reduction over time (χ2 linear trend = 1.07; p = 0.3).


These data supplement current scanty information on the relationship between infectious diseases and poor maternal outcomes in Africa. They indicate low uptake of maternal health interventions in women dying during pregnancy and postpartum, suggesting improved access to and increased uptake of skilled obstetric care, as well as preventive measures against HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis among all women of childbearing age may help to reduce pregnancy-related mortality.  相似文献   
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