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The gastrointestinal nematode Ostertagia gruehneri is a parasite of reindeer that can have a significant impact on host population dynamics. To gain a better understanding of the population dynamics of O. gruehneri, we parameterise a model for its fecundity that describes the observed seasonal and intensity dependent pattern of faecal egg counts well. The faecal egg count model is combined with a model for the seasonal faecal production rate of Svalbard reindeer to obtain quantitative estimates of the fecundity of O. gruehneri. The model is used to evaluate the relative contribution to pasture contamination of variation in the abundance of O. gruehneri and variation in reindeer densities. It is concluded that due to the intensity dependence in nematode fecundity, variation in reindeer population densities is likely to be the most important of these factors for pasture contamination.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate if trunk muscle activation patterns during rapid bilateral shoulder flexions are affected by movement amplitude. Eleven healthy males performed shoulder flexion movements starting from a position with arms along sides (0°) to either 45°, 90° or 180°. EMG was measured bilaterally from transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus (OI) with intra-muscular electrodes, and from rectus abdominis (RA), erector spinae (ES) and deltoideus with surface electrodes. 3D kinematics was recorded and inverse dynamics was used to calculate the reactive linear forces and torque about the shoulders and the linear and angular impulses. The sequencing of trunk muscle onsets at the initiation of arm movements was the same across movement amplitudes with ES as the first muscle activated, followed by TrA, RA and OI. All arm movements induced a flexion angular impulse about the shoulders during acceleration that was reversed during deceleration. Increased movement amplitude led to shortened onset latencies of the abdominal muscles and increased level of activation in TrA and ES. The activation magnitude of TrA was similar in acceleration and deceleration where the other muscles were specific to acceleration or deceleration. The findings show that arm movements need to be standardized when used as a method to evaluate trunk muscle activation patterns and that inclusion of the deceleration of the arms in the analysis allow the study of the relationship between trunk muscle activation and direction of perturbing torque during one and the same arm movement.  相似文献   
Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) is a common cause of death in industrialized countries often induced by exposure to tobacco smoke. A substantial number of patients with COPD also suffer from pulmonary hypertension that may be caused by hypoxia or other hypoxia-independent stimuli - inducing pulmonary vascular remodeling. The Ca2+ binding protein, S100A4 is known to play a role in non-COPD-driven vascular remodeling of intrapulmonary arteries. Therefore, we have investigated the potential involvement of S100A4 in COPD induced vascular remodeling. Lung tissue was obtained from explanted lungs of five COPD patients and five non-transplanted donor lungs. Additionally, mice lungs of a tobacco-smoke-induced lung emphysema model (exposure for 3 and 8 month) and controls were investigated. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of S100A4 and RAGE mRNA was performed from laser-microdissected intrapulmonary arteries. S100A4 immunohistochemistry was semi-quantitatively evaluated. Mobility shift assay and siRNA knock-down were used to prove hypoxia responsive elements (HRE) and HIF binding within the S100A4 promoter. Laser-microdissection in combination with real-time PCR analysis revealed higher expression of S100A4 mRNA in intrapulmonary arteries of COPD patients compared to donors. These findings were mirrored by semi-quantitative analysis of S100A4 immunostaining. Analogous to human lungs, in mice with tobacco-smoke-induced emphysema an up-regulation of S100A4 mRNA and protein was observed in intrapulmonary arteries. Putative HREs could be identified in the promoter region of the human S100A4 gene and their functionality was confirmed by mobility shift assay. Knock-down of HIF1/2 by siRNA attenuated hypoxia-dependent increase in S100A4 mRNA levels in human primary pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells. Interestingly, RAGE mRNA expression was enhanced in pulmonary arteries of tobacco-smoke exposed mice but not in pulmonary arteries of COPD patients. As enhanced S100A4 expression was observed in remodeled intrapulmonary arteries of COPD patients, targeting S100A4 could serve as potential therapeutic option for prevention of vascular remodeling in COPD patients.  相似文献   
Fish consumption is considered health beneficial as it decreases cardiovascular disease (CVD)-risk through effects on plasma lipids and inflammation. We investigated a salmon protein hydrolysate (SPH) that is hypothesized to influence lipid metabolism and to have anti-atherosclerotic and anti-inflammatory properties. 24 female apolipoprotein (apo) E−/− mice were divided into two groups and fed a high-fat diet with or without 5% (w/w) SPH for 12 weeks. The atherosclerotic plaque area in aortic sinus and arch, plasma lipid profile, fatty acid composition, hepatic enzyme activities and gene expression were determined. A significantly reduced atherosclerotic plaque area in the aortic arch and aortic sinus was found in the 12 apoE−/− mice fed 5% SPH for 12 weeks compared to the 12 casein-fed control mice. Immunohistochemical characterization of atherosclerotic lesions in aortic sinus displayed no differences in plaque composition between mice fed SPH compared to controls. However, reduced mRNA level of Icam1 in the aortic arch was found. The plasma content of arachidonic acid (C20∶4n-6) and oleic acid (C18∶1n-9) were increased and decreased, respectively. SPH-feeding decreased the plasma concentration of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and GM-CSF, whereas plasma cholesterol and triacylglycerols (TAG) were unchanged, accompanied by unchanged mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT)-activity. These data show that a 5% (w/w) SPH diet reduces atherosclerosis in apoE−/− mice and attenuate risk factors related to atherosclerotic disorders by acting both at vascular and systemic levels, and not directly related to changes in plasma lipids or fatty acids.  相似文献   
ObjectiveMatrix degradation within an atherosclerotic plaque is an important pathogenic factor in atherosclerosis, and is largely modulated by the balance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their endogenous inhibitors (i.e., tissue inhibitor of MMPs [TIMPs]). Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a rare inherited disorder associated with premature coronary heart disease. The aim of the present study was to examine MMP-9 and TIMP-1 on plasma and cellular mRNA levels in homozygous FH patients (n = 7) compared with age- and sex-matched heterozygous FH patients (n = 6), and with healthy subjects (n = 7), and to test whether once-weekly LDL-apheresis (three consecutive sessions) of homozygous FH patients show short-term effects on these variables.ResultsThe main findings were that (i) Compared to healthy control subjects, homozygous FH patients have significantly higher serum levels of MMP-9 and lower levels of TIMP-1, and consequently significantly higher MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio, potentially reflecting higher MMP-9 activity. (ii) Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from FH homozygotes have significantly higher mRNA levels of MMP-9 compared to cells from heterozygotes. (iii) TNFα-stimulated PBMC from FH homozygotes released borderline-significantly more MMP-9 than cells from heterozygotes and healthy controls. (iv) LDL-apheresis (one day before treatment versus fifteen days later, on the day after the weekly treatment) had no significant short-term effect on any of the MMP-9 and TIMP-1 variables measured in serum and cells.ConclusionsThe data may suggest that homozygous FH patients have an enhanced matrix degrading potential as compared with heterozygous FH patients and healthy controls, potentially contributing to the increased cardiovascular risk observed in these patients.  相似文献   
An improved understanding of population-level consequences of grazing on plants can be facilitated by an assessment of grazing effects on all stages in the life-cycle. In this study, 6 years of demographic data for three populations of the perennial herb Geranium sylvaticum were analysed. We examined the effects of sheep grazing (high sheep density, low sheep density and no sheep) and interannual climatic variability on vital rates and population growth rates (λ). Grazing did not affect survival or flowering rates, but reduced rates of growth and increased rates of clonal reproduction. At the population level, high contributions from retrogression and clonal reproduction buffered reduced rates of growth and stasis, and no consistent differences in λ between populations exposed to different sheep densities were found. Instead, large between-year variability in λ, independent of sheep density, was detected, related to variation in the local summer climate. The results indicated, however, that grazing effects on λ were more severe in unfavourable than in normal years. Our study highlights that increased clonal reproduction rates functioned as a tolerance mechanism towards grazing in this herb, which forms a mechanism to explain how moderate population responses to grazing in some herbs can arise.  相似文献   
Tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) is a hypolipidemic antioxidant with immunomodulating properties involving activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and proliferation of mitochondria. This study aimed to penetrate the effect of TTA on the development of atherosclerotic lesions in apolipoprotein (apo)-E-/- mice fed a high-fat diet containing 0.3% TTA for 12 weeks. These mice displayed a significantly less atherosclerotic development vs control. Plasma cholesterol was increased by TTA administration and triacylglycerol (TAG) levels in plasma and liver were decreased by TTA supplementation, the latter, probably due to increased mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and reduced lipogenesis. TTA administration also changed the fatty acid composition in the heart, and the amount of arachidonic acid (ARA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was reduced and increased, respectively. The heart mRNA expression of inducible nitric oxidase (NOS)-2 was decreased in TTA-treated mice, whereas the mRNA level of catalase was increased. Finally, reduced plasma levels of inflammatory mediators as IL-1α, IL-6, IL-17, TNF-α and IFN-γ were detected in TTA-treated mice. These data show that TTA reduces atherosclerosis in apoE-/- mice and modulates risk factors related to atherosclerotic disorders. TTA probably acts at both systemic and vascular levels in a manner independent of changes in plasma cholesterol, and triggers TAG catabolism through improved mitochondrial function.  相似文献   
The widely used “Maxent” software for modeling species distributions from presence‐only data (Phillips et al., Ecological Modelling, 190, 2006, 231) tends to produce models with high‐predictive performance but low‐ecological interpretability, and implications of Maxent's statistical approach to variable transformation, model fitting, and model selection remain underappreciated. In particular, Maxent's approach to model selection through lasso regularization has been shown to give less parsimonious distribution models—that is, models which are more complex but not necessarily predictively better—than subset selection. In this paper, we introduce the MIAmaxent R package, which provides a statistical approach to modeling species distributions similar to Maxent's, but with subset selection instead of lasso regularization. The simpler models typically produced by subset selection are ecologically more interpretable, and making distribution models more grounded in ecological theory is a fundamental motivation for using MIAmaxent. To that end, the package executes variable transformation based on expected occurrence–environment relationships and contains tools for exploring data and interrogating models in light of knowledge of the modeled system. Additionally, MIAmaxent implements two different kinds of model fitting: maximum entropy fitting for presence‐only data and logistic regression (GLM) for presence–absence data. Unlike Maxent, MIAmaxent decouples variable transformation, model fitting, and model selection, which facilitates methodological comparisons and gives the modeler greater flexibility when choosing a statistical approach to a given distribution modeling problem.  相似文献   
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